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Empress of Wolves (Evalyce Worldshaper Book 3)

Page 13

by J. Aislynn d' Merricksson

  Vander turned and sent something spinning after the two runners. The objects sparked with lightning as they spun through the air, growing larger as they went. The spinning disks struck the men, decapitating one and severing the arm of the other.

  A dagger buried itself in the fallen man's chest, silencing his agonized cries as the disks came back to the War Mage. He caught them easily and spun them on his fingertips as more men poured from one of the larger remaining tents.

  Vander launched them again, cutting down two more men, taking out a third with a bolt of brilliant purple lightning. Dismayed cries rang through the camp as the slavers realized that they were trapped with the enraged War Mage and the magisters.

  Vander stood amidst the wreakage of the camp, panting heavily. He shrank the artifice disks and tucked them away before turning his attention back to the young woman. Honey-blond hair spilled down around her tear-streaked face as she stared up at him. The Rang'moori woman whimpered as she tried to pull the blankets tighter around herself.

  “Please don't hurt me,” she whispered.

  Vander knelt before her. Beneath the young woman's fear laced scent of sun-ripened blackberries, the War Mage caught the scent of honeysuckle.

  “Don't worry. We're here to help you,” he said softly. She flinched and cringed back from him.

  “Emmeline! Leave her alone!”

  Vander spun just in time to see a Sveltlander woman swinging a heavy sword at him. He caught her easily in coils of air and gently took the sword away as Kasai came running up.

  “I have no intention of hurting her,” the War Mage said. He released the Sveltlander warily and she darted to Emmeline's side, giving Vander and Kasai an angry look. Aleister shepherded the remaining slaves over to them. They were a motley group of children and women, each wearing a braided slave collar. The collection scent of resignation caught in Vander's throat, and he struggled not to gag. Ranni chased the War Mage and magisters away, and helped Emmeline to dress.

  Before they left, Vander razed the camp with his own brand of fire, eradicating all evidence that it had ever existed. Both Kasai and Aleister carried one of the young children. Behind them, Emmeline struggled to keep pace. Despite Ranni's urging, the Rang'moori woman's strength was failing, depleted by fear and sheer exhaustion. Vander finally turned back, offering to carry her. She cringed away from him at first, but Ranni managed to coax her into accepting the offer. He gently scooped her up. The young woman stayed tense in his arms for a moment, then finally relaxed. She was fast asleep before they reached camp.

  * * *

  Kalla was waiting for them, blankets and warm food ready. The magi gave what healing they could offer. By the time they were finished, the Healer were thoroughly sick at heart. Not for the first time, Kalla cursed the fact that a Healer picked up a patient's memories. Their bodies may have been healed, but their minds were a different story. Nothing would make the things they had been subjected to any better.

  “Thank you for rescuing us and feeding us. It's been a long time since we had any decent food,” said one women said. There was a long moment of silence.

  “What is going to happen to us now?” another asked.

  “You're welcome. I regret we didn't find you sooner. We will do our utmost to return you to your families tomorrow.”

  “I don't have anywhere to return to,” Emmeline said in a small voice. The young Rang'moori was huddled by Ranni and the Sveltlander leaned over to comfort her. Kalla caught Vander's eye and he shook his head once. A few seconds later came the soft whistling of Kasai, who was at present somewhere beyond the Heracles with the wyvern. The great wyrms had graciously vacated the area immediately around the ships in deference to the fearful ex-slaves. A moment after that and Aleister spoke to her.

  “Both lost their homes when taken. Emmeline lived alone, as an herbalist to a small village. Vander says she knows her stuff. Unfortunately, her home was burnt to the ground. She is scared to return. Ranni, on the other hand, lost a family. Her liya and her child were killed in the raid that took her.”

  Kalla nodded a slight acknowledgment. She had healed the two children. Their fragmented, childish memories had given her enough to know where to take them and if she understood correctly they had families still living who would be desperately searching for them. She had also healed two of the women, Alyssin and Willow. It had been Willow who had spoken earlier.

  “If you have no place to return to, you may go to the Kanlon. They will provide a place for you, if you do not mind working for the magi. You would have a warm place to stay, never have to worry about food, and you would be paid decent wages. The offer is open to any of you who wish it,” Kalla said.

  “They wouldn't want us… we are tainted now…,” Emmeline sobbed.

  “Emmeline, look at me please,” Kalla said. Emmeline glanced up briefly, then lowered her gaze back to the ground.

  “No one at the Kanlon is going to think you tainted because of what you've been through. No one is going to shun you for it. It would be only the Chief Healer and the Sin' who need know exactly what had brought you there to begin with and I can promise you they will not tell anyone.”

  “Listen to the Lady Mage, Emmy. I'll go with you. Nothing left for me in the Sveltlands after all,” Ranni said.

  “Really?” Emmeline sniffled, struggling to hold back more sobs.

  “Really,” Vander said softly. “Lady Kalla speaks the truth. The magi will not turn you away. But you should sleep now. Tomorrow is time enough for those decisions.”

  “How could anyone do such a thing to another?” Vander murmured. The six sat off from the group of sleeping women and children.

  “I thought what I'd been through was bad. If the work back at the clearing was Grosso's, I would have to thank him for that at least.”

  “I won't pretend to understand the workings of such depraved minds,” Kalla said.

  * * *

  The scent of wintergrass and Kalla woke to find herself in a rolling golden field that spread as far as the eye could see.

  “Now this looks familiar,” Aleister said from beside her. “Please tell me the Patrons of Rang'moori don't have a penchant for windstorms…”

  There was musical laughter from behind them. No windstorms today, Prince.

  Turning, they found themselves facing three women more beautiful than Kalla had ever seen. Though each looked young, all looked wise beyond their years.

  All is One. This from a lady dressed in a flowing gown of pearly white. Long brown hair threaded with hints of red framed a pair of doe-like brown eyes.

  “One is All,” Kalla replied.

  As above. A lady with the fiery red hair of the Crannogmarchogi spoke next. She wore a dress of dark emerald and green eyes glimmered with mirth as she greeted them.

  “So below.”

  “Thus are all Connected.”

  Welcome, Lady Amaraaq. Welcome, Prince Kaze. The third lady wore a dress of palest blue that matched her eyes. Her red-gold hair was plaited in many thin, long braids.

  “Thank you, Great Lady,” Kalla said. “You are Lady Dana?”

  Indeed I am, Lady Dana replied. I am glad you have chosen to aid us, Lady Amaraaq. These are my sisters, the Lady Dôn, of Kymru and the Lady Birgit, of the Crannongmarch.

  This is for you. The flame-haired woman stepped forward, reaching over her shoulder. She slipped a basacaila from her back and handed it to Kalla. As the Healer took the stringed instrument Dôn stepped forward and tapped her on the forehead. Beautiful music filled Kalla's mind- the Song that would free their lands.

  I would ask something further of you, Lady Amaraaq, Dana said. Give Hagalaz the same chance you gave your wolf. You will not regret it. And remember, young one, destruction can lead to hope. You can't have beginnings without endings, but sometimes those endings aren't as pretty as one might like.

  “I will remember the name and if I should come across them, I will do so,” Kalla replied.

  Oh, you will come acros
s him, sooner or later. Remember your word, Lady Amaraaq, Dana said, her voice fading as Kalla's hold on the dream world began to slip.

  The Summons

  Rinsook, Rang'moori, Evalyce, Year of the Mythril Serpent, 2014 CE

  Rinsook at night was a beauty to behold, Kalla mused. The skyport was aglow with Artifice lamps, shining like fireflies about the individual paddocks. As they approached, a voice came over the radio. Aleister requested permission to land and they were directed to a paddock whose lights switched from an orange glow to a flashing blue.

  The Heracles had yet to arrive. While the Stymphalian had taken the children back to their families, Lukas and Manny had taken the rescued women. Kalla and Aleister made their way back to the Jester's Balance, the inn in which they had stayed before. Though she hadn't seen the wyvern, Vander and Kasai had gone to Rinsook ahead of the others.

  Ranni and Emmeline had chosen to remain with Kalla's group. The herbalist was still very quiet and withdrawn. She flinched, and drew closer to Ranni when the group entered the cheerful confines of the inn. The press of people increased her nervousness and Kalla wasted no time in acquiring a pair of rooms for the four of them.

  Kalla gave quiet instructions to the innkeeper to have only female servants attend the two women and asked for food to be brought up to the rooms for all four of them. The Healer left the two women at their room with the admonition to call her if they needed anything.

  “We will, Lady Mage,” Ranni said. “Thank you again for helping us.”

  “Yes, thank you. I hope I can repay your generosity, Lady Mage,” Emmeline said softly.

  They disappeared into their room, and Kalla walked down to her own, where Aleister was already talking with Vander and Kasai. The War Mage and his magister had been in the dining hall when they had entered and had followed them upstairs. Vander gave her a questioning look when she entered.

  “How are they?” he asked.

  “They are doing as well as can be expected,” Kalla replied. “Ranni is holding up better than Emmeline. The Sveltlander has the spirit and determination of her people, that's for sure. Emmeline on the other hand… well, I think it will take her longer to heal.”

  Vander sighed. “I know…”

  The War Mage let the subject go, as a soft knocking came at the door. Aleister answered it and let in the servants bearing their dinner. After they departed the discussion turned to the Healer's trip. It had taken some work, but they had finally figured out where the children belonged. Sure enough, there were frantic families looking for them. It broke Kalla's heart to have to tell the mothers what had befallen their children, but the parents were grateful that the mage had brought them home alive.

  Manny and Lukas arrived the next day, successful in returning their own charges to their families.

  “We also found word of the other freed slaves. There were a few in the second village we visited and one in the last. They said that a Rang'moori mage freed them, but his House wasn't evident from his robes. They were trimmed in grey, not red. He only gave his name as 'el'Marwol'. They did say he had burn scars on his face and his right hand,” Manny said.

  “Well, that would be Grosso. No doubt he's figured it safer to change his name and clothes,” Vander said. “That still doesn't explain why he helped them to begin with.”

  “Marwol…,” Kalla muttered. “That is a Kymry word. It means 'death'. I'm not sure what 'el' means. And why grey? That's a Technomancer colour…”

  “The name certainly seems to fit…” Vander muttered.

  * * *

  “Kalla kyl'Solidor…”

  “Kalla kyl'Solidor…”

  “Kalla kyl'Solidor!”

  Kalla made an annoyed noise at the insistent voice in her head. It was too early in the morning for this. The sun hadn't even properly risen yet.

  “What?!” she growled. Beside her Aleister muttered something unintelligible in Arkaddian.

  “Wake up, Lady of Wolves!”

  The Healer jolted awake at the familiar voice in her head. “Justina?”

  “None other.”

  “But then, that means you are the new 'Tem. Congratulations, Lady Justina,” Kalla said. She was definitely more awake now and so was the Fox. He wrapped an arm around her and listened to her side of the conversation.

  “Many thanks, Lady Kalla. It's been a learning experience, that's for sure. But enough with the formalities. I've been asked to call you home.

  “Never fear, both of you are welcome here. I managed to pass Hauss' test with what I learned from Vander. The Chief Healer was most pleased and the 'Sin are eager to see if you can bond more of us,” the new Master of Solidor said.

  “I'm glad to hear it,” Kalla said. She filled Justina in on what they had been through since their meeting on Argoth, expressing frustration at the standstill in which they found themselves, and her anger and puzzlement regarding the slave encampments.

  “I will have the Master Seer and the Chief Archivist look for any hint of the Isle of Whispers. Hopefully, we can find some answers for you.

  “Ranni and Emmeline will certainly be welcome here. I will have quarters prepared and will tell Hauss and the 'Sin what you have told me. In the meantime, have a safe journey home.”

  “Thank you, Lady Justina. We will see you soon,” Kalla replied.

  “I gather we're returning to Cryshal,” Aleister said.

  “Didn't think it would be so soon. They want me to teach how to share gifts.” Kalla's frowned. She rubbed a hand over her heart, trying to ease away the tightness building in her chest. Kalla realised she didn't want to return. There was still so much to do.

  Sensing her conflict, Aleister pulled her close.

  “It'll be fine, milady. It will be good for us to be there while Emmeline and Ranni get settled. We're familiar faces.”

  They met the others downstairs for breakfast.

  “I suppose you've heard already?” Vander asked in a miserable voice as the Healer joined him. Restless energy had him fidgeting in his seat.

  “Solidor has a new 'Tem. Yes, Justina contacted me as well. We have been recalled home.” Kalla said.

  “I don't think I am ready for this,” Vander said in a pained voice. “I… I keep seeing that stone chamber, the needle… the moment when I faced you. Fought you. All I can think is that they'll still see me as a traitor. I don't want to be shunned.”

  Kalla reached out and placed her hand on his.

  “Don't worry. Everything will work out. You've won Lady Justina's approval. You will win Hauss' as soon as he tests you. None can say you are not a different person than you were before,” she said.

  “Thank you for believing in me, Dashkele. Thank you for your trust,” Vander said.

  Kalla gave his hand a gentle squeeze before turning to Aleister. The Fox had been conferring with Sir Lukas, planning the course that would take them home to Cryshal Kanlon.

  Cryshal Kanlon, 10000ft above the Aryth Ocean, Year of the Mythril Serpent, 2014 CE

  Kalla chuckled softly at the muted gasps behind her as Ranni and Emmeline descended from their carriage and glimpsed the Kanlon up close, in all its dazzling brightness. Not that they could have missed the shining beacon on the approach to Cryshal to begin with.

  A flock of strider ships had greeted them at Cryshal's boundaries and escorted them in. The swarm saw them to the paddocks and departed as quickly as it had gathered upon their arrival.

  At Bensen'gar they shielded the ships and left them in the long-term hangers. Amaterasu had taken Thiassi to the forest where she had spent their last visit.

  Kalla's was pleased to see that Justina had sent a carriage carrying two female Healers, their male magisters disguised as the liveried servants in charge of the carriage. The two magi had gently chivvied Ranni and Emmeline into the carriage as the rest of them climbed into the remaining one.

  Now these same Healers started to hurry their charges away. Kalla frowned at the abruptness. Emmeline broke from the group, darting
over and wrapping Vander in a hug. She whispered an almost silent 'thank you', and darted away again before the Dashmari could respond. Kalla chuckled as his cheeks flushed slightly in embarrassment.

  Vander turned to Kalla with a slightly bemused expression, then stiffened as a group of magi exited the Kanlon; Justina, Hauss and several of the 'Sin among them. None of the magi looked happy to see them and Kalla growled softly as a grim-faced Hauss and Justina stepped up to them, flanked by two other Solidoran magi and a cluster of armed magisters.

  Hauss reached out and gripped Kalla's hand in an abrupt gesture. Fear flooded her as her link to her power suddenly blinked out. She tried to pull away from the Arkaddian's strong grip, but Hauss held firm. Beside her, Kalla's heard Vander's panicked growl beside. She struggled more fiercely, fighting to get to him.

  She felt Aleister's alarm, a fever-bright fear, before the connection between the two closed down. Time seemed to become suffocatingly slow, and Kalla's struggles waned. Darkness engulfed her, and the last thing she felt was Hauss' strong hands catching her as she fell.

  * * *

  Kalla woke slowly. Grogginess gave way to brief panic as the Healer realized her powers were still blocked, even those of Amaraaq. She was lying on a comfortable bed, so she at least wasn't in the dungeons of Cryshal. A muted glowlamp cast the small room in dim light.

  The Healer's lips thinned as she sat up, surveying her surroundings. Other than the bed, and table with the glowlamp, there were no other furnishings. She paced tight circles, occasionally muttering a string of snarled profanities. Had they been lured home just so they could be fettered? Kalla wondered. And why had Hauss, of all people, been a part of such a betrayal?

  Pain shot through her jaws and Kalla stopped pacing. She hadn't realised she was grinding her teeth. She had a vague sense Aleister was nearby. The link was still alive, though, like her magick, still blocked from being used.


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