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The Red Sky Series Box Set

Page 45

by Kellee L. Greene

  I pounded my closed fist against the glass, I didn’t care if it broke, but it didn’t. It rattled and shook but it held tightly. My eyes locked with Nick’s and I shook my head.

  “Gwen!” Nick shouted. I could barely hear him over the sounds of the house being consumed by the fire.

  “It won’t open!” I cried, but I could tell by the looks on their faces, that they couldn’t hear me.

  Blair dropped to her knees and buried her face into her hands. I pounded on the window again before turning and scanning the room for something I could use to break the window.

  I tried shoes, but that was a waste of time. I tried the chair, but the legs broke off on impact. I tried anything that had even the slightest bit of weight to it, but after my fourth attempt, I was having trouble breathing.

  My lungs felt like they were shrinking. I couldn’t draw in a full breath.

  I tried to make my way back to the window, but it felt like there were hands wrapping around my neck. They were squeezing tighter and tighter with each step. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t walk.

  My fingers stretched upward trying to touch the glass. They needed to know my situation was dire. I wished I could tell them all how much they meant to me.

  I tried to get to them.

  But my body stopped working. A weakness I couldn’t fight off overtook me, and I laid down on the floor.

  I… I couldn’t… I couldn’t make it to the window.

  Chapter 28

  The noise was so loud. It sounded like the earth had shattered around me. I was falling… falling… falling. Eventually, I’d fall so deep that I’d hit the Earth’s core and burn to a blackened crisp.

  I could feel the heat trying to encapsulate me. It was trying to take me. I didn’t have much longer, or maybe I was already gone.

  There was coughing next to me, but it hadn’t felt as though it had come out of my lungs. Arms wrapped around me like a soft blanket. It was like I’d went back in time, and my grandma was cradling me when I’d had a stomachache as a child. She was rocking me back and forth lightly as she rubbed my back.

  My grandma knew how to make the aches and pains go away. Was she trying to help me one last time?

  My head flopped back as coldness stung my face. I was being pulled back away from the heat. A shiver erupted from inside and ran down my spine.

  “Hold it steady!” someone called out.

  “I am, but you have to hurry,” another voice said. “You’re running out of time. It’s going to collapse.”

  That was the last thing I heard before blackness swallowed my every thought.

  My eyes popped open, and I gasped for air. I reached my hands in front of me even though all I could see was darkness. I was trying to find something to hold on to… anything so that I could pull myself out of the hole it felt like I was trapped inside.

  “Gwen,” a deep, soothing voice said. I knew the voice. It sounded so real.

  I turned sharply searching the darkness. I locked onto his eyes and drew in another breath.

  “Bronx!” I said, my voice scratching at my throat like fingernails digging into my neck. Tears leaked out of the corners of my eyes.

  “Hey, you’re okay,” Bronx said pulling me into his arms. “You’re safe now. It’s going to be okay.”

  I closed my eyes and drew in several rapid breaths as I grabbed onto him tightly. I didn’t want to let go. It was like he was holding me up and if I lost my grip, I’d be gone forever.

  “Hey Gwen,” Nick said crouching down next to me. He touched the top of my head and smiled at me. “You scared me for a minute there.”

  “Scared myself,” I said looking around.

  Blair was still on her knees, but she was smiling at me. The orange glow on her face lit up her tear-streaked cheeks.

  “Dammit,” another voice said stepping up next to Nick.

  When I looked over, I saw Tom. I shook my head.

  “He did this?” I asked.

  “No,” Nick answered quickly. “He found the ladder.”

  Everyone was silent. I could feel their eyes on me.

  “I didn’t move it in time,” Tom said jerking his thumb to the side. The top of the ladder was black and cracked.

  “Well, hopefully, we won’t be needing it again,” Nick said.

  I was trying to process all the information, but it felt like the smoke had infiltrated my thoughts. Everything inside and outside of my body was in a haze.

  “What are we going to do,” I said twisting to see my grandma’s house. The whole thing was engulfed. Everything… gone.

  “I don’t know,” Nick said shaking his head. “Can you stand?”

  “Yeah,” I said, but when I leaned forward, I felt a little dizzy.

  Bronx caught my arm and held me steady. He looked me up and down concern practically leaking out of his eyes.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” I said touching my throat with my fingertips. It felt like some of the flames had found their way inside of me.

  “Like what?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “Like that.”

  Bronx leaned closer. “I can’t help it. You have to stop doing that to me.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Disappearing.” Bronx swallowed hard. “I’m not sure I can ever let go of you again.”

  I wanted to smile at him, but I caught another look at Tom. He didn’t look as satisfied as I had expected. He had his arm around his wife and his hand on Milo’s shoulder.

  “Is everyone okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, we got out, but the fire blocked us from getting to you.

  “The window was stuck,” I said as everything started to replay in my mind.

  I looked down at my fingers where I’d touched the doorknob. The redness reminded me of how real it had been.

  “Thank God, Tom found the ladder,” Nick said, and Nina looked up at Tom and smiled proudly.

  My mind still was not ready to process anything related to Tom.

  “Why would he do that?” I asked.

  Everyone turned to Tom waiting for his answer.

  “I told you, I am not the enemy,” Tom said.

  “You kidnapped me,” I said shaking my head. “You’re my enemy.”

  I could feel Milo’s eyes on me.

  “He thought he was helping you,” Nina said. “He was trying to help everyone. That’s what he did. That’s what he’s always done.”

  “Sorry,” I said wanting to raise my voice but the tightness in my lungs wouldn’t allow it, “but that’s not how you help someone! You don’t take them away from the people they care about.”

  Tom lowered his gaze.

  “I didn’t know I was taking you away from anyone,” Tom said shaking his head.

  “He was trying to build a better world. Help people that he believed were too afraid to help themselves,” Nina said looking at him.

  I shook my head and sighed. Nina might have believed his story, but I hadn’t. And I never would. I had been there. I had experienced it as a captive.

  “I was locked in a… I don’t even know what it was, storage locker?” I said. My hand shot up to my throat, and I started to rub my neck.

  “It was to protect us,” Nina said. “His family. Milo. Those in the camp. We couldn’t trust the newcomers. Some were like wild animals.”

  “Funny. That’s exactly how it felt like we were treated,” I said, but my voice cracked so much half of the words disappeared before making it out of my mouth.

  Tom’s fingertips moved across his chin. “I’m sorry you felt that way.”

  “No, you’re not!” I said, but my voice had been nearly nonexistent. I tried to say more but my lips only moved and nothing came out.

  “That’s enough,” Bronx said looking at Tom for a long moment before shifting his eyes to Nick. “We should get out of here. The air… this smoke… it’s not good for any of us.”

  Before Nick could respond Nina grabbed my arm and looked into my eyes. “Please g
ive my husband a second chance. You’ll see. You won’t regret it.”

  I could see the fire reflecting in her eyes. It made her look dangerous.

  I couldn’t answer her. Not because I didn’t want to but because it hurt too much to speak. And because I didn’t want to say anything too negative about Tom in front of his son. But there was no way I was going to give Tom another chance.


  “You guys should go,” Nick said turning to Tom and his family.

  “What will you do?” Nina asked turning to Nick.

  “We’ll figure it out,” Nick said crossing his arms in front of his chest. Confidence oozed out of him even though I’m sure there hadn’t been much there.

  Nina turned to Tom and threw her arms into the air. She shook her head as she pulled Milo into her arms.

  “I know a place,” Tom said. “In fact, it was where I was headed before I found all of you. We could go there.”

  “I think it’s best you just go your way and we’ll go ours,” Nick said.

  Tom shook his head. “Don’t be foolish. I managed to get out some supplies,” Tom said holding up the two plastic bags I saw him packing in the kitchen. “I’m not armed, and well, neither are you now. Not that it matters because I don’t intend to cause any of you any harm.”

  “Please,” Nina said with a slight frown. “Let us help you like you all helped me and Milo.”

  Nick was shaking his head, but he looked to me. I knew he wanted me to make the final call. But could I? Would I be able to send us out into the darkness with nothing but the shirts on our backs with Tom leading the way?

  “Those supplies are ours,” I said gesturing at the bags.

  “I won’t stop you from taking them,” Tom said glancing at Milo. “But there is enough for all of us.”

  “Please, come with us!” Milo said. He was clutching the toy cars in his hands.

  Tom held out his palm toward his son. “How can you say no to that face?”

  “It’s not his face I have a problem with,” I whispered.

  “You can leave whenever you like,” Tom said.

  “I’ve heard that before,” I whispered in a hoarse voice.

  Tom sighed and shook his head. “Well, we should go.”

  “Thank you for everything,” Nina said bobbing her head at Nick, and then Blair and Bronx.

  Tom wrapped his arm around his wife, and they turned their backs. Tom picked up the bags before they started to walk away.

  Chapter 29

  I watched their shadows disappear into the darkness. All I could think about was the supplies they were carrying.

  Tom was a jerk. He wasn’t a good man no matter what his wife and kid thought, but could I really just let him walk away with what could potentially kill Nick, Bronx, Blair and I alive?


  I couldn’t.

  “We should stop them,” I said pressing my fingertips to my throat.

  “What?” Blair said.

  “Are you sure?” Nick said as he scrunched up his nose. He looked as though he had tasted the words that had left my mouth and they hadn’t tasted very good.

  I shook my head. “No, I’m not sure. But we need that stuff he took from our kitchen just as much as they do. I’ll be okay for now.”

  “I don’t know,” Bronx said. “I’m sure we can find more supplies, and now that we don’t have the gun I’m not sure it’s worth it.”

  “It’s just the three of them, and one of them is a child,” I said coughing so hard I thought my stomach was going to come out. Bronx held my arm until I was steady on my feet again. “We’ll be okay, and we’ll leave the first chance we get.”

  I laughed at my words, but it quickly turned into another coughing fit. My chest pinched, and my fingers felt numb with each breath. I held up my hand until I was breathing normally again.

  “Trust me, I know how crazy this all sounds but we need to do what is right for us. We can’t take the supplies from them because that would be hurting Milo, but we can’t just wander around aimlessly hoping to find something. Going along with Tom, for now, will give us a chance to think… to plan what we need to do next.”

  “And what if he doesn’t let us leave?” Blair asked chewing her lip.

  “I don’t think the two of them can stop us, do you?” I asked with a shrug. “Before we were locked up and there was a huge team of Tom supporters keeping us there. This isn’t like that.”

  Nick nodded. “Well, if it’s okay with Gwen, it’s okay with me. We all in?”

  Blair and Bronx exchanged a quick glance before they both nodded.

  “It’s settled then,” I said wiping the dirt off of my hands and onto my pants. I pointed in the direction their shadows had gone. “Let’s see if we can catch up to them.”

  It stung my heart to walk away from my grandma’s house, or maybe the pain was from the amount of smoke that had filled my lungs. I wished there was something we could have done to save the house, and of course, the supplies that were inside of it.

  I turned and looked at the house over my shoulder to take a final look, but it no longer even resembled a building. It was a giant orange bonfire lighting the night. It was like a beacon but not one of hope. If anyone were out there seeing it, hopefully, they’d take it as a warning.

  No one is safe.

  Not even buildings.

  We weren’t going toward the light, we were going into the darkness. And while it felt wrong, I could only hope it was the right way to go.

  Bronx stepped up next to me. I could feel his warmth radiating from his arm into mine, or maybe I’d been burned in the fire and hadn’t realized until that very moment. His eyes were on me, I could feel it.

  “What?” I asked not sure if I should smile at him or be worried about why he was watching me.

  “Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Bronx asked. “You can change your mind. We don’t have to do this. No one will blame you.” He touched my shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. “We can figure out another way.”

  “Really, it’s okay,” I said turning to look at him in the darkness. The light from my grandma’s house lit his face enough that I could see the concern that filled his eyes. “We’ll still figure it out. We’re just taking a small break to collect ourselves. Everything will be okay.”

  “Yeah,” Bronx said with a smile as he took my hand into his. “It will be okay.”

  We didn’t walk for long before we met up with Tom and his family in the darkness. They were moving slowly presumably due to Milo. When he first saw us, he held up his fists, ready to fight, but when he recognized us, he actually looked relieved.

  “Good to see you again,” Tom said as he stretched out his hand to Nick.

  Nick took his hand, and Nina smiled as they shook. It made my stomach churn, but I forced myself to ignore the feeling.

  “So, where are we going?” Nick asked.

  “Somewhere safe. Somewhere they won’t find us, at least not until we’re ready to be found,” Tom said grinning so wide his teeth shone in the dim lighting from the moon.

  “And what if we’re never ready to be found?” I asked cocking my head to the side. The only people I ever wanted to be found by was someone that would bring us back to civilization… if that even existed any longer.

  Tom raised his brow. “Then we won’t be found.”

  “How far away is it?” Nick asked.

  “Miles and miles,” Tom said. “But we’ll get there. We’ll make stops along the way, but it’s doable. If Milo can make it, you can make it.”

  “My leg is fine,” Nick said narrowing his eyes.

  I smiled and shook my head. Nick’s leg could fall off, and he’d still insist it was fine.

  “Well?” Tom asked.

  Nick gave me one final look. I bit my cheek but forced a smile.

  “Well, then,” Nick said smacking his hands together once, “let’s go.”

  And with that, we were walking with my enemy toward God knows wh
at. I didn’t feel safe, but the second someone came up with a plan we’d leave. Being with Tom was only temporary.

  My chest hurt as we walked, but Bronx helped me along. Tom led us at a pace that didn’t seem too challenging for Nick. I wondered if Nina had asked him to slow down for Nick’s leg, or maybe they were doing it for Milo. Either way, my lungs appreciated it.

  “We’ll find somewhere to stop for the night,” Tom said. “Not many buildings out here.”

  “It’s the country,” Nick said. “Grandma didn’t have a lot of neighbors. Think she liked it that way for the most part.”

  “We’ll find something,” Tom said.

  I chewed my cheek for a moment. “There was a church about five miles out. She took us there sometimes.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Nick said bobbing his head as if the memory was emerging.

  “Sounds good,” Tom said.

  Tom, Nina, and Milo led the way. They walked close together side-by-side.

  I tightened my grip on Bronx’s hand. After what I’d just been through, I didn’t want to let go. I’d been lucky, and next time things might play out differently.

  Life was short. And if I wanted to make it longer, I was going to have to live differently.

  I was going to let go of my past with Nick and start fresh. He’d made mistakes, but the person he was now was someone I was proud of. Before the attacks, I wouldn’t have missed him, but now if I lost him, I’m not sure I could take it.

  Blair was there for him, and I appreciated everything she’d done for him. Even though we hadn’t gotten off on the right foot, she tried harder than anyone I’d ever met.

  And Bronx. Well, I wasn’t sure what the future would hold for us, but I cared about him deeply. I’d hold on to him and hope that he’d hold back.

  The fear of losing them was terrifying… nearly paralyzing, but I’d do everything I could to keep them with me. We’d become a team. And maybe together we could actually survive this.

  Things had been hard. There were times I’d considered giving up, but that was the old me.


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