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Under the Midnight Sun

Page 26

by Tracie Peterson

  Cassidy put a cup of hot tea in front of her. “Tayler, please . . . talk to me.”

  She shook her head. Ten years she’d been made the fool by someone she’d known all her life. How could a man she’d known less than two months be any different?

  Her friend laid her hand on Tayler’s knee. “Tayler, look at me. Thomas didn’t do this. You know that, don’t you?”

  Tayler closed her eyes. “I . . .” She took a deep breath. All the time she’d spent with Thomas, working alongside him and simply watching him, made her realize one very important fact. He wasn’t Emerson. Especially now that Emerson had come here to Curry—comparing the two men side by side showed with clarity the complete difference between them. Opening her eyes, she looked at her friend. Thomas was too honorable—she knew his character. “I know that. Deep in my heart . . . I do.”

  Cassidy let out a long exhale. “Good. You had me worried there for a moment.” She pointed to the cup. “Drink the tea. I don’t think the chill today is helping any. The reason I brought you here is to first tell you, and then to let you know that Allan and John are trying to figure out a plan of action with Mr. Bradley. Things might get a little difficult the next few days.”

  “Oh no,” Tayler gasped. “The Fourth of July celebration is coming up.”

  “Yes, and Mr. Bradley fears that if we don’t get this cleared up soon, we could have a disaster on our hands. Rumors are fast to fly in a small place like this.”

  The tea had a citrusy scent as Tayler lifted it to her nose. As she took a sip, the warm liquid soothed her nerves. “What are they going to do?”

  “I don’t know. But be prepared for the days to be difficult. We don’t know what repercussions will come out of this.”

  Even though the tea was warming her insides, Tayler still felt the chill in her hands and in her heart. An accusation like this could destroy a man like Thomas. Especially since his accuser was wealthy and he . . . wasn’t. As her fear and doubt disappeared, a new emotion emerged—anger. Esmerelda was doing something horrible to a good and decent man. Why? As her brain churned for answers, she realized she needed to go to Mr. Bradley immediately and tell him what she’d overheard. It could possibly prove Thomas’s innocence. She rose from her chair. “Cassidy, I just realized I’ve got information that could help Thomas. I think—”

  The door opened behind her and Allan entered the room, water dripping from his hat. “Tayler, Mr. Bradley asked me to fetch you. There’s an urgent telegram for you.”

  Margaret whipped butter for her famous buttercream to prep for the monstrous flag cake she made for the Fourth of July celebration they had every year at the Curry Hotel. Church this morning had been lovely—even including the two men sitting on either side of her . . . again—but it was back to work for her. As usual.

  Collette was working on the cake layers at the table across from her. Amazing the change in that beautiful girl over the years. She’d become an incredible cook, and a precious woman who loved God. Now if Margaret could just get Dr. Reilly to see all that as well. Pity he’d hardly spoken to Collette since their little picnic. She hoped the French girl hadn’t run him off, but Margaret was determined to see this through. She’d never been a matchmaker in the past, but she realized that she enjoyed seeing the people she loved being happy. Why shouldn’t she play a part in that?

  The thought made her giggle to herself.

  “Why, Mrs. Johnson. I do believe I heard ya laugh just now.” Daniel’s brogue washed over her. “It’s a lovely sound.”

  “Go on with you. Don’t you have dinner to be preparing?” She tried to scowl at him as she gently poured powdered sugar into the bowl, but she just couldn’t do it. Yes, she was a hard woman. Yes, her staff didn’t get to hear her laugh very often. But she’d run this kitchen for years with her brusque style, and it had gone just fine.

  “Don’t look now, but you just might be smiling.” Daniel stuck his finger in the bowl and then lifted it to his mouth. “Yum.”

  She swatted him with a kitchen towel. “That better have been a clean hand, Chef Ferguson, or you will be facing my wrath!”

  “Just washed, Chef. I promise.” He sneaked back around the corner to the stoves.

  She continued to stir the buttercream and added another splash of vanilla, then realized she’d left the cream on the other side. “Collette, would you hand me the cream?”

  “Oui. Of course.” She passed the pitcher of cream to her.

  “This is normally the time that Thomas comes down and steals a bowl of my icing.” Amazing how the clumsy boy had grown into such a wonderful man. She adored him and had an idea. “Collette, can you manage for a few minutes? I think I’m going to bring him a little surprise.”

  “Oui.” Collette winked in return.

  Margaret lifted a spoonful of the tasty buttercream and placed it in a small soufflé dish. She added another spoonful on top. “Keep Chef Daniel out of the rest of this.” She gave her assistant the eye and headed out to the office.

  When she made it to Mr. Bradley’s office, the manager was on his way out. “Can I help you, Mrs. Johnson?” He stopped in his tracks.

  “I’m just looking for Thomas.”

  “Well . . . he’s in his quarters.”

  She gave him a quizzical look. But the man didn’t explain.

  “I really need to be going. I’m sorry.” The manager walked away.

  Margaret shrugged and figured it wouldn’t hurt her to run to the men’s dormitory. She’d brought plenty of soup and bread to the workers when they’d been laid up. The least she could do was bring Thomas some icing. Wouldn’t he be pleased.

  She made her way to the dorm building and then headed up the stairs. “There’s a woman on the floor, so behave yourselves,” she bellowed down the hall.

  Several chuckles were the only response she received, so she just walked down to Thomas’s room and knocked.

  It took a few seconds before she heard the door unlatch, and it only opened an inch. Thomas peered down at her, his face almost haunted.

  Margaret didn’t need any more. “What’s wrong, son?”

  He shook his head. “I can’t talk about it.”

  “That’s hogwash.” She pushed her way into his room and put her free hand on her hip. “Now close the door so you can tell me everything. I’m not leaving here until you tell me what’s got you so upset.”

  Tayler took the telegram from the front desk and went to the fireplace to read it. There wasn’t time to go to her room. She wanted to be able to speak to Mr. Bradley about what she’d overheard.

  Unfolding the paper, she read:

  Will was forged (stop)Dunham involved (stop)Investigators have evidence (stop)Do not marry Emerson under any circumstances (stop)Going to Denver to clear this up (stop)Watch for letter (stop)


  She read through it three times to make sure she understood what was happening. While her heart was so grateful to hear from her brother, it also hurt to realize there was something terribly wrong. Probably what had kept him out of her life this past year. Was this what Emerson was trying to tell her? Or did he have a hand in all this?

  The weight of it hit as thoughts tumbled in while she sat in one of the leather chairs. Was her mother involved in forging the will? What would this mean for her family?

  The line about Emerson sealed in her mind that he was motivated by something other than love to marry her.

  Was he trying to steal her family’s fortune? Could this all be about money?

  Her mind began to spin in so many different directions she couldn’t think straight. Then she remembered Thomas’s plight.

  She couldn’t do anything about whatever Joshua was facing except pray. But she could do something to help the man she’d come to love.



  Thomas waited inside Mr. Bradley’s office. The manager had called him here for a special meeting. He hadn’t seen anyone—except for Mrs. Johnson—since they’d
all decided it was best for him to be confined to his quarters. That way, no more accusations could be made. The past two days had been the hardest in his entire life.

  Did Tayler know? That thought plagued him. What if she didn’t believe he was innocent? What if no one did?

  Heavenly Father, I know I’ve spent more time pleading with You the past couple days than I ever have, but I desperately need You to intercede. Help the truth to come out and for it not to tarnish anyone’s reputation. And, Lord, help me to forgive Esmerelda. I don’t know what has made her do this, but I know she is just as deserving of forgiveness as I am. I know I can’t forgive her in my own strength, but You can help me.

  The door opened and Thomas bolted to his feet.

  Mr. Bradley entered the office, followed by Allan, John, Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster, and Esmerelda. “Please, everyone, take a seat.” He closed the door behind the group.

  Esmerelda kept her eyes down.

  Thomas couldn’t do anything to will her to tell the truth, so he would have to wait to see what God did.

  A knock sounded on the door. Bradley looked at the clock on the wall. “Right on time.” He went to the door and opened it.

  Thomas’s heart soared when he saw Tayler. Then it plummeted. What must she think? Obviously, she knew something. Otherwise, the hotel manager wouldn’t have her here.

  “Thank you for coming, Miss Hale.”

  Esmerelda squirmed a bit in her seat. “I don’t think it’s wise to have her here. This makes me very uncomfortable.”

  Mrs. Lancaster put an arm around her daughter’s shoulder. “What is this all about, Mr. Bradley?”

  “I’ve asked you all to be here so that perhaps we can get to the bottom of this.”

  “There’s nothing to get to the bottom of, Mr. Bradley,” Mr. Lancaster growled. “My daughter wouldn’t make up such a humiliating claim. Her reputation is at stake here as well.”

  The manager tilted his head. “While I understand exactly what you are saying, sir, there is some information I believe you all need to hear.” He turned to Tayler. “Miss Hale, do you mind?”

  There weren’t any chairs left, so Tayler stood beside Mr. Bradley and cleared her throat. “While we were on the camping trip up Curry Ridge, I overheard a conversation between Esmerelda and her friends. They made a bet about who could win Thomas’s affections first. Your daughter made it very clear that she would do whatever it took to win.”

  Mrs. Lancaster gasped and turned to her daughter. “Is this true?”

  Thomas couldn’t believe his own ears. That’s what Tayler had tried to tell him. No wonder she had been trying to warn him.

  Esmerelda immediately burst into tears. “I can’t believe you would even ask me that . . . this is so hurtful. . . .”

  Thomas wanted to vomit over the dramatics taking place across the room.

  “Esmerelda. Answer your mother,” Mr. Bradley prodded.

  The redhead lifted her matching red-rimmed eyes and sniffed. She stood up and pointed at Tayler. “Of course she’s going to defend him and make up some outlandish tale about me. She wants Thomas for herself! Because she’s in love with him.” She poured on the waterworks again. “But I’m the one who has to deal with the consequences of my undying love for him . . . for the rest of my life and the life of . . .” She put a hand to her belly and eyed the adults in the room.

  Thomas stood up, his hands fisted at his sides. How dare she lie like that?

  Tayler stepped forward, a head shorter than Esmerelda, and spoke. “I am speaking the truth.” Her voice was calm as she looked at the Lancasters. “I think if you examine your hearts, you’ll know that your daughter has done this out of selfish motives, and it isn’t fair to accuse an innocent man of anything as heinous as this.”

  “I would never!” Esmerelda’s voice screeched.

  “I believe there’s a diamond headband at stake . . . and a foal sired by your champion steed, Mr. Lancaster?”

  Esmerelda’s face reddened and she sat in the chair.

  “You wouldn’t.” Lancaster turned to his daughter.

  She sobbed. “It’s all a lie, Father. She’s horrible. I would never do something like that.”

  Voices rose in the room as all the Lancasters started talking at once and Mr. Bradley tried to get them all to be quiet.

  Finally, he found a moment to speak. “I think we have a clear choice in front of us.”

  Mr. Lancaster raised his brows. “What would that be?”

  “We have a wonderful doctor here in Curry. If your daughter has truly been compromised, there will be physical evidence. Dr. Reilly will be able to easily ascertain this and confirm her condition.”

  Stomping her way to the power plant, Esmerelda wished they’d never come to this awful place. What a waste of a truly beautiful summer. Her only hope now was for Emerson to have some way for her to get back to the city and be free of her parents.

  No one knew how to have fun here, and she was tired of playing the good little girl for Mommy and Daddy. She just needed to make a clean break—as soon as she had some way to support herself in the style to which she was accustomed. Daddy would eventually forgive her and give her the trust fund she’d been promised when she turned twenty-one, but that was so long from now.

  She wanted to dance and party with her friends and entertain men however she pleased. That was the modern way of doing things, and she was a modern girl. It was ridiculous to go on living by standards put in place by a bunch of Bible-pounding religious ninnies.

  When she reached the building, she slipped behind it and found Emerson waiting for her.

  “What is so urgent?” He looked a bit peeved.

  “I’ll tell you what’s so urgent. Your little fiancée has got me in a pickle. She overheard that we had a bet and told my parents and the manager. So now they’re demanding that I have a doctor examine me to make sure I’m not lying.”

  “What?” He crossed his arms and said a few nasty words under his breath. “I thought you said you could carry this through and convince them all?”

  “I didn’t know she was going to get involved,” she spat at him. “You made a promise, so you need—”

  “Nope, that’s not how it works.” He shook his head. “You haven’t followed through on your part of the bargain. You don’t get anything unless you get that useless guy out of the picture. That’s the only way Tayler is going to leave with me.”

  “I can’t have a physical examination. I’m not pregnant!” She waggled her finger at Emerson. “This was your idea. Now you tell me how to resolve the matter.”

  He leered. “Well, if I had more time . . .”

  She gave an exasperated sigh. “Well, I guess we’re at an impasse.”

  “Maybe you are, sweetheart, but I’ve got bigger fish to fry.” He gave her a derisive look. “Such a shame too. You would’ve looked good on my arm.”

  “At least give me enough money to get out of here. I don’t want to become the laughingstock of this godforsaken place.”

  Emerson brushed at his lapels. “My dear, I have a feeling you’re too late to prevent that.” He shrugged. “You wanted to play with fire. Now you have to deal with the consequences. I doubt you’ll be down for long.” He turned to go, then paused. “I’ve found it best,” he said, looking over his shoulder, “to never let them know you care. Showing emotion will just give them power over you.”

  “Stop. If you don’t help me, then I’ll tell Miss Hale it was your plan all along.”


  Tayler sighed in relief as the last of her group made their way into the hotel. She’d been busy with hikes and lectures all day long, and all she wanted now was to be with Thomas and assure him that she believed in him and that everything would be all right.

  Mr. Bradley had restricted him to his room until after Esmerelda’s examination—if her parents even agreed to it. They had been less than supportive of the idea, and Esmerelda had absolutely refused, saying it would be too great
a humiliation. Tayler figured it would only be such because the truth would be known.

  She glanced down at her uniform. It was filthy and she was sweaty and in need of a bath, but her desire to know what the Lancasters had decided was too great. She would go and speak to Mr. Bradley and then get cleaned up.

  Tayler made her way into the hotel, and as she hurried past the dining room, shrieks stopped her in her tracks. She glanced into the room and saw the other three girls yelling at Esmerelda. Quite a crowd had formed, so Tayler drew closer to find out what was going on.

  Mary slapped Esmerelda at that moment and gasps were heard throughout the room. “You little hussy. I can’t believe you would make all this up just to win the bet! And all because you wanted my diamond headband.”

  Tayler noticed Mr. Lancaster marching over from where he’d been conversing with another guest. “What bet?” He looked at his daughter and then to her friend.

  Mary put her hands on her hips. “To win Thomas’s affection.” She looked at Esmerelda. “But she doesn’t know how to win without cheating. She never has. I can’t believe you would stoop this low. When we get back to the city, I’m going to ensure that all the society pages hear about your little stunt here. Let’s see how much they fawn over you now!” Mary marched off with the other two girls following.

  Mr. Lancaster stumbled into the chair beside his daughter, his face registering shock. “So Miss Hale was telling the truth.” It was more a statement than a question.

  The room was silent.

  Mrs. Lancaster appeared at her husband’s side. She patted his arm, then turned to their daughter with a scowl. “I think we’ve heard enough.” She grabbed her daughter by the arm and practically dragged her out of the chair. “Go pack your things. I warned you what would happen if I found out you were lying.”

  Tayler stepped back as the Lancaster matriarch marched her daughter out of the dining room and straight to Mr. Bradley’s office. Mr. Lancaster followed behind, his face unreadable.

  Could it be? Would Thomas be cleared of any wrongdoing?


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