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Caught Me Dreaming 2

Page 1

by Sophia Jenkins

  Caught Me Dreaming

  Part Two

  Sophia Jenkins

  Copyright © 2018 by Chuck

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher.


  1. Shanisha

  2. Shinisha

  3. Sha’Quan

  4. Shanisha

  5. Sha’Quan

  6. Shanisha

  7. Sha’Quan

  8. Shanisha



  Yo, it’s been one hell of a week, man. So much has changed in a short amount of time. I went from being the usual ol’ Sha’quan Long, chef and ladies’ man, working towards my own restaurant, to being some kinda boyfriend with no savings and a whole lot going on. At first, running back into Neeci just seemed like a trip, since I dogged her out a while back, but now I’m in some deep shit. I ain’t never been one to be too serious when it comes to chicks, but for some reason, it got real deep, real fast with her. Now I don’t think there’s any going back. Honestly, I don’t even know if I want to.

  I mean, besides being fine as hell and us having ridiculously good sex, I’m really feeling something for Neeci. The shit is getting close. That ain’t how I get down. I usually keep a couple chicks on standby and keep ‘em at arm’s length. But Neeci crept in on some ninja shit, and it ain’t even been that long. It’s crazy.

  I’m at work, barely paying attention, thinking about everything that’s going on. I’ve been plotting all day, tryna figure out what we’re gonna do. I just emptied my savings to get Neeci a guitar, and now she’s in some kinda weird space with a record company. I don’t know what’s going on, but she didn’t get the deal we were hoping for, so it’s not ideal. Now we gotta figure out what to do next.

  It’s almost time to get off work, so I guess we’re just gonna have to have a little talk about what we’re gonna do. She’s meeting me outside, and she’s got her whip back, so that’s something.

  I finish cleaning up my station and clock out. I say my goodbyes and slide out the front door. Neeci is standing outside leaned up against the car. It looks like she’s texting. Even after all that’s gone down lately, she still manages to look good as hell. She ain’t even really trying, but it’s working overtime. She got on this little v-neck, white tee, tight fitting over her boobs and flat stomach, with some black stretch pants that are definitely doing some stretching. She put on a hoodie on top of it with some J’s on her feet. Plus, her curls are smoothed down on her head. She’s beautiful, almost making me lose my train of thought.

  I walk up to her, and she looks up at me. She smiles, which makes a nigga feel good. She’s happy to see me. The first time she saw me again, she looked at me like I wasn’t shit. It’s a good change.

  I lean in to give her a hug and then say, “What’s going on? I see you got yo ride back up and running.”

  “Yeah, for now. We’ll see how she does. How was yo day at work?”

  “It was work. I spent most of the day thinking”

  “Thinking about what?”

  “Our situation. I’ve been tryna come up with some solutions.”

  “Did you?”

  “I got an idea. I know it’s gonna sound crazy, but I think it’ll help us both out.”

  “Sha’quan you don’t have to figure anything out for me. You’ve already done enough. Imma make a way.”

  “Nah, for real, I think I got it. I think we should move in together.”

  She jerks her head back in surprise. I clearly threw her off with that. Hell, I threw myself off, but I do think it’s a good idea.

  “I mean, we tryna help each other out,” I continue. “We should just do it in the same space. I got a nice lil’ setup.”

  In the back of my mind, I’m thinking about what it’ll mean to live with a female, but I mean, it won’t be so bad. Besides, I’m getting a little older and serious and shit. It’s about time I did some big boy shit like this. It’ll really help us both out.

  She’s still just looking at me like I’m crazy.

  After another minute she goes, “Sha’quan, you wanna live together? Like, really live together?”

  “I think it’s a good idea. Then you won’t have to worry as much about yo bills and shit, and we can really help each other.”

  “But Sha’quan, living together? That’s a big fuckin’ deal, especially since we ain’t even been doing whatever the hell we’re doing for that long. You really tryna take it there?”

  “Look, we said we was gonna have each other’s backs. What better way to do it than under one roof? I know it’s a lot, but I think it’s our best option. I ain’t gonna try to force you; I’m just saying that’s what I came up with.”

  She stares at me for a minute then says, “Wow! I can’t even process this shit. You just threw me for a loop. It could be worth a shot, but that’s some serious shit. I ain’t never lived with a dude before.”

  “I have,” I confess, “and the shit can get complicated, but it just depends on the situation. We can make it work.”

  “Well, I’ve been thinking too, and I think Imma try to get on full time at the Coffee Cat, in whatever job they give me.”

  “Oh yeah? But what about what I said though?”

  “We can try it. Just to see how it goes.”

  “Cool. We can go in and talk to Nikki right now about that job. I’m sure she’ll find something for you.”

  “Okay, let’s see.”

  We turn around and walk back into the club. It’s still going a bit, but I immediately spot one of the managers, Nikki, towards the back. We make our way to her, and she and Neeci exchange hellos.

  “Ay, Nik,” I say after their exchange. “Neeci needs something full time. What’d you got for her?”

  “Oh really?” she says. “Actually, I have something in the back that she could do. I had to fire Sam, so she can take her job. Neeci, it’s just basically assisting in the kitchen, and for me a bit. Doing odds and ends.”

  “Hold up,” I say. “What about Jaymesha? Didn’t she just leave? Can’t Neeci work the register in her place?”

  “That’s actually not a bad idea. So, Neeci, would you be interested in that?”

  “Absolutely,” Neeci says. “I worked at a shop for years; I have experience working a register. Just let me know when I can start.”

  “Well, I moved Val over to it out of her hostess spot for the night, but I can push her back over, and you can start as soon as tomorrow.”

  Neeci smiles. “Great! I’ll take it.”

  “Good. I’ll need you to fill out some paperwork, which you can actually do now. Obviously, you’ll still have your performances, so you can work around those. Sound good?”

  “Sounds great. Thank you so much.”

  “No problem. Come on back. Sha’quan, I’ll see you later.”

  They walk off to Nikki’s office, and I go take a seat by the bar to wait. I’m glad things worked out so smoothly with the job. That’ll be a big help. I don’t know how much Neeci was making at her old job, but I’m sure it wasn’t shit. The Coffee Cat pays a bit above average, so she should be cool. I sit and look around at the crowd still in the club. Young punks tryna holla at these girls with their weak-ass game. I remember when I was like that: scamming on chicks and then shaking their ass off like fleas.

  It wasn’t that long ago.

  The only reason I stopped pulling that shit here was because of the drama. Never pull that shit where you gotta be every day. You shouldn’t shit where you eat; that means the chicks know where you’re gonna be. Can’t fuck up yo job on no bullshit, so I’ve been keeping out of the spotlight
lately. Usually, I go around Jonestown or Cherry Hill looking for chicks. Sometimes my boys and I even take that ride down to D.C.

  I guess that shit’s about to change.

  It’s not long before Neeci and Nikki come walking back. I get up, and then Neeci and I walk out the door.

  “So, where we going?”

  “Uh, our place?”

  “Ha ha! ‘Our place’. And where is that?”

  “I don’t know. Whichever. It doesn’t matter to me. They’re both right up the street.”

  “Well, how about we go to my place? Nobody else is there. Mocha is over at her boyfriend’s house. I think she’s about to move in with him. I just think she doesn’t wanna leave me in a lurch, but she barely there.”

  “Well, tell her to go head and move. It works perfectly for everybody.”

  “Yeah, I guess. You wanna drive?”

  “Naw, that’s yo whip. You got it.”

  She walks around to the driver’s side and gets in. I pull on the handle of the passenger side door, but it doesn’t open. I try again, but Neeci just reaches across and opens it for me.

  “My bad,” she says. “It sticks sometimes.” I get in, and she takes off. She plugs her phone into the USB port and the radio starts playing her playlist. It’s cool. I sit there looking around the car. It’s not real bad, just needs some work on it. There’s a few things in it: a pair of shoes on the floor of the backseat, some papers on the backseat itself, and a grocery bag with something in it. It smells good in the car, and it rides pretty smooth.

  “It’s a cool lil’ car though,” I remark. “What year is it?”

  “Either oh-seven or oh-eight. Whitney and I have been together since high school.”

  “Whitney? That’s what you call it?”

  “Yep. Whitney—after my favorite singer.”

  “Cool, cool. So, you take care of her?”

  “As much as I can. I don’t really have the money. My cousin hooks it up every blue moon, but I just mostly try to keep fluids in it. I never really have to worry about it too much.”

  “Why, cause of yo cousin?”


  “Aw, what some other nigga be doing it?”

  “My exes have helped me out with it.”

  “And when was yo last ex?”

  “It’s been a while.”

  “What’s a while?”

  “Damn, is this an interrogation?”

  “I’m just saying, we’re gonna be living together. I should know what I’m getting into. I don’t want no niggas coming around knocking on the door and shit.”

  “Ain’t gonna be none of that. Like I said, it’s been a while. What about you? I know you got all type of hoes running around yo place.”

  I stop and think about it. She’s damn right. It might be a sticky situation around my shit. When my crazy ex Shaniqua’s not popping up at my shit, it’s some other girl that thinks just cuz I brought her back there once, she can just show up on my ass. That’s gonna be complicated. But the truth is, I really ain’t been fucking with nobody like that lately. I usually just slide on some chick’s house and that’d be it. I don’t have too many girls at my place just for that reason. But I ain’t gonna tell Neeci all that. I just say, “Man, ain’t no all type of hoes. I’m not even out there like that no more.”

  “No more?”

  “We all got a past.”

  “That’s true.”

  “So your dad doesn’t help you with yo car?”

  “I don’t know him. He ain’t never been around. He came around a few times, for some special occasions, but that was it. I haven’t seen him since I was little.”

  “Oh, that’s fucked up.”

  “What about your dad?”

  “My dad got killed when I was a teenager by some niggas rolling thru on some bullshit.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s cool. He was alright. He was there.”

  “Yeah, that’s more than I can say. Damn, we got here pretty quick, huh?”

  I look up and realize we just pulled up to my building. Damn, that was quick! I hop out to go get some stuff for her place, and she says she’ll just chill in the car. I run up, grab a bag, throw some clothes and shit in it and come on back down. When I open the door, on my own this time, she’s in there singing along to Mariah Carey’s “Fantasy”. I get in the car, and she speeds off, completely into the song and giving Mariah a run for her money. Damn, she’s good! She’s gonna take off.

  We get around to her building; she parks, and we go inside. I’ve only really been thru her apartment for a minute, and I didn’t really pay attention the first time. I mean, the whole building is rundown, so I didn’t really think there was much to see, but it’s not so bad. They put it together pretty cool, even though the place is a bit outdated. I go back to the bedroom and put my bag down. Neeci’s bedroom is real cozy. Ain’t no bathroom in it, but it’s got a nice, comfortable vibe. I take a seat on the bed and take my shoes and apron off. She’s out to use the bathroom, so I’ve got a moment to myself to poke around.

  It’s pics of her and her mother—who I met at her last performance and seemed cool, and a few more pics of her and different people. I don’t see any that look like her and a boyfriend, so it’s cool. She’s got a lil’ keyboard and some sheet music around. Her music collection is crazy. She got all kinds of CDs, tapes, and even records in here with a pretty decent stereo system. It doesn’t look like she has a whole lotta stuff, so it would probably be easier if she moved over with me. That is, if our little experiment pans out. I decide to get in the shower, but just as I’m going to see what she’s doing, she comes back into the room.

  “Ay, you about to shower?” I ask.

  “Not right now.”

  “Cool, cuz I was about to get in.”

  “Aw okay. Look at us cohabitating already.”

  “Ha ha! Yeah, I guess.”

  I get my things and head to the bathroom. It’s setup nice, but again, the bathroom is out of date. It’s clean though, which is cool. I take my shower and get on out. I think about not putting pajamas on, but I don’t know what she got going on, so I just put on some bottoms and go out to see what she’s doing.

  Neeci’s sitting on the couch, flipping through the channels, so I go and sit down next to her to see what she looking at. She just flips from this and that, not really seeing anything. Of course, Martin is on, so she just puts it on that. After a few minutes watching, she turns to me and says, “There ain’t a whole lot in here, but you can go find something to eat.”

  “Aw okay. You want something?”

  “Nah, I’m cool. I’m just waiting a minute to go hop in the shower. You gotta give the hot water a minute.”

  I nod my head and get up to see what’s in the kitchen. She wasn’t lying when she said there wasn’t much. I poke around a bit to see what there is to see and find a bag of chips in the cabinet.

  “Hey, these yo chips?” I call back to her.

  “Yeah,” she says, “you can eat ‘em.”

  I grab the bag and go back to sit on the couch. She sits a few minutes more before getting up and heading for the shower. I sit there, watching Martin while waiting for her to get out. One of my favorite episodes comes on, so I get all into it. The next one is coming on when Neeci comes back into the living room. I look up, and my mouth drops. She’s not wearing anything but her bra and panties. She walks past and sits on the couch. I stare at her the whole time, because…good God! She so damn fine, man. It’s crazy. I try not to look too much, but I can’t help myself. Then I look up at her face and see she has on this sexy smile—like she’s daring me to do something. I’m more than up for the challenge. I ease over a bit closer to her. Once I get close enough, I can smell her fragrance. She smells good as hell.

  I lean over and put my nose to her neck. “You smell good.”

  She smiles. “So do you.”

  I lean in and kiss her neck, tryna see if I remember where her spot is. Ap
parently, I do, because as soon as I kiss her, she lets out a moan. I kiss up to her lips and place a deep kiss on them. Her lips are nice, big, and juicy. I softly suck on each one before teasing my tongue in between them. We sink further into the couch, as we get more and more into it. She pulls back a bit and says, “Let’s take this to the room.”

  I get to my feet and move that way, as she turns the TV off and follows. I can already feel my hard-on through my pants. Shit is about to get real.

  We barely make it to the bed before we start back up again. I lay her down and go to work. She’s squirming beneath me like she can barely take it. I keep kissing and caressing all over her body. Part of me wants to put on some music, but another part just wants to get right to it. I slide off the bed—just for a minute—to grab some condoms before returning and getting to business. I help her out of her underwear, and I then pull off my bottoms and the drawers beneath. I carefully put on the condom—cuz I ain’t tryna have no kids right now—and then I try to tenderly slide inside of her, but she slides up to meet me and speeds up the process. Her aggression turns me on and revs me up.

  I give up on the careful shit and start going for it. I grip her ass and start hitting that shit hard. I worry a bit that I might be too rough, but she’s throwing it right back at me, so it must be good. That’s what I love about Neeci. I can be an intense nigga, but she be right there with me.

  It’s not long before I feel her body starting to twitch. I don’t slow down though; I keep the pressure going until she pulls me to her to stop me. I pause, watching her to see when she’s gonna be ready again, but she flips me over on my back and gets up from the bed. I look to see what she’s doing. She makes it over to the stereo and starts fooling around with it. Before long, she puts some nice, slow music on to fit the mood.

  I’m with it.

  As she gets back to the bed, I go to pull her back under me, but she pushes me back on my back. She puts herself in place to prepare to ride. That’s how we do it. Back and forth, exchanging energy all the time. Just hours of sex, rest, sex, water, sex, listen to music, and more sex. As I lay there listening to her breathing, I think, Damn, this might be how it is from now on.


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