Book Read Free

Heart Beats

Page 6

by Davidson King

  “Ledger,” Ciro shouted from across the club. Everyone had long gone.

  “What’s up?” Ledger moved away from Trinity and over to where Ciro was. I had a feeling he was going to ask him about what I mentioned earlier, and I felt better knowing Ciro would be in the loop. An extra set of eyes was always a good thing.

  As the two of them talked, Trinity and Ziggy were sitting at the edge of the stage, laughing. I said good-bye to Max and headed out. There was a late bus, which always worked perfectly for me, but I had forty minutes, so I didn’t have to rush.

  I passed Ledger’s car and smiled as I remembered driving home from the con in it. God, that was awkward. I rounded the club and started walking along the sidewalk toward the bus stop.


  I turned to the sound of Ledger calling me. “Yeah?”

  “What are you doing?” Ledger wasn’t an idiot, I knew he was well aware of what I was doing, but I figured I’d answer it as if it wasn’t obvious.

  “Walking to the bus stop, then home. I might shower, definitely brushing my teeth, then hopefully I’ll pass out.”

  With a quirk of his lips, a simmering sensation fluttered through my body. “Smartass. I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place?”

  The thought of watching Trinity in Ledger’s space didn’t sit well with me. “Nah, maybe another night. You have company.”

  Ledger looked over his shoulder. No one was there, but I think he wanted to be sure. “We need to talk, Shane.”

  He was right. I knew it, but I couldn’t tonight. I wasn’t sure if he’d tell me something I wanted to hear or something that was inevitable.

  “We will. Maybe after your friends leave. Just enjoy your time with them.” I started walking again.

  “Shane.” Ledger was at my side in a second. “Whatever is going on in that amazing red head of yours, it’s likely all wrong. Do me a favor at least, until we get to talk?”

  I felt his breath over my face and damn, I wanted to sink into his arms and rest my head on his chest, but instead I just looked into those blues eyes with tiny flecks of gold. “What’s that?”

  “Trust me.” He pressed his lips against mine. It felt like three Mississippis, and damned if I didn’t wish it were longer. “Be safe, see you tomorrow. Oh!” He smiled brightly. “Thanks for giving Ciro the heads up.”

  I nodded. “You’re welcome.”

  I waited until he was back in the club and then walked to the bus stop. Maybe I’d be able to fall asleep easily tonight after all.

  Chapter Ten


  The huge skylight above my bed was by far my favorite part of my bedroom. At night I’d stare up at the stars and get lost in my thoughts. In the morning the sun shone on me in a noninvasive way. Lion also loved it, and I’d often find him perched up there, sunbathing. As I looked up at the morning sky and heard Ziggy and Trinity’s voices, my mind wandered to last night after I went back into the club after saying good night to Shane.

  He was so worried about Trinity and that I’d tumble into bed with her. But there was no way. Yes, she was hot, but she was high-profile and not in a way that was positive. Being friends with her was easy, but she was often someone who stole people’s husbands and boyfriends and had no filter when it came to her thoughts. Privacy wasn’t something she had.

  After Ziggy had gone to bed, she came up behind me as I washed out our wineglasses. We’d worked for a couple of hours and had come up with a great plan for the following night’s show. When she wrapped her arms around my middle, I knew where her mind was.

  “Trin, let’s just get this out of the way.”

  I turned and faced her. She had a salacious grin, and I knew she’d taken what I said to mean something completely different and confirmed that with her words.

  “Mmm, yes, no more flirting.” She reached for the hem of my shirt, but I moved away.

  “No. I mean, I know you want to fuck, but it’s not going to happen.”

  Gone was the glimmer of a hopeful romp, in return she scowled. “You’ve been giving me all the vibes!”

  “No, I haven’t. You knew I was interested in Shane.” She shrugged. “And I know you don’t care, but I do. I don’t want a one-and-done with him. I spent the last year convincing myself to avoid him, and that just got me more frustrated. Now, something with him is in my grasp, and I’m taking it.”

  “You’re serious?” she asked in an unbelieving tone. “He’s—”

  “Who I want, Trin. Maybe be a friend and accept that.” I didn’t wait to hear her response; I went to my room and crashed.

  Now, in the morning light I wondered about the reception I’d receive when I entered the living room.

  “Guess I gotta face the music.” I spoke to an oblivious Lion, who was preening his feathers.

  I grabbed some clean clothes, moved to the en suite, washed up, and took a piss. By the time I stepped out of my room, I could smell bacon. I guess it couldn’t be too bad if there was bacon.

  “Morning,” I said as I rounded the corner. Ziggy was at the stove, and Trinity sat on one of the stools by the breakfast bar. I loved the open space, but I also wanted to have rooms. It was a concept Lion loved. He never had to worry much about getting into places.

  “Hey.” Ziggy smiled. “I’m making some breakfast, even though it’s like two. But I figured we could eat before we head to the club. That good with you?”

  I nodded and shot a glance over to Trinity, who was paying close attention to her orange juice. “Sure thing.”

  Just as Trinity took a sip of her juice, Lion planted himself in front of her. It was an odd thing for him to do.

  “Um, Ledger?” She was frozen in place.

  “Lion?” I made a move closer to him, but he squawked and slapped his feathers in her face and abruptly flew off.

  “What the fuck?” she shouted and hopped off the stool. Orange juice covered her clothes.

  “Sorry, he’s…well, I don’t know.” I looked around for him, but he was clearly hiding.

  “I woke up to bird shit in my shoe. Could be worse, Trin.” Ziggy chuckled.

  “No way! Lion, get your feathery ass out here.” I went into the living room, but he was nowhere.

  “It’s fine,” Ziggy said. “He clearly doesn’t like visitors is all.”

  That wasn’t really true. If he didn’t like you, he usually just hid. When Shane came over he was nice, even tried getting his attention a few times. With Ziggy and Trinity, it was hostile behavior.

  “I just brought up my toothbrush. I’ll go to your car, Zig, and get my bag. I have clothes in there.” She huffed and walked to the elevator.

  “Sorry,” I shouted but Trinity ignored me.

  “She’s just upset you rejected her.” Ziggy laughed as he handed me a plate of bacon and eggs.

  “She told you?”

  He shrugged. “I told her as we drove up that you were with Strawberry. But you know her; she’s stubborn. Has this dream that you two will be headline fabulous or something.” He rolled his eyes and joined me with his own food.

  “Headline fabulous?” The bacon was delicious, and I chomped on it while Ziggy told me where Trinity’s head was at.

  “She’s been burned in the press. Her own fault. No DJ has the press’s attention like she does, and not for anything good, you get me?” I nodded because he was right. “Her last fling, it went badly. A politician, married. The press, damn, they slaughtered her, calling her a whore and saying things like, ‘When will she ever find someone who’s not already taken?’ Her agent told her she needed some good to rub off. I guess you’re the good.”

  “Why not you, then?” I chuckled, knowing the reason why.

  “Oh, yeah, sure thing. I came out of the closet singing, “It’s Raining Men” when I was thirteen. There’s no way in happy hell I’m suppressing that glory.”

  I knew it to be true, too. Ziggy was stunning with his brown flawless skin and silver hair. Manmade of course, but he spent
as much time on looking good as sounding it when he mixed. He was also all the way gay. I got it. When I told him I didn’t have a preference, that I just connected with people regardless of their sex, he’d informed me I was pansexual. I’d never thought about it, but I researched it, had a million questions, and he was there, answering what he could. I thought for a hot minute to try and make something with him, but he laughed, said I was cute but not his type. We’d been friends ever since.

  “Yeah, yeah, fine. Well, she’ll have to continue her search.”

  We ate and when Trinity returned, we didn’t see her again until it was time to go to Joker’s Sin. She looked amazing, and I told her so. She said she knew and there was a smile there, one that told me we’d be fine.

  When I entered the club, I saw Max behind the bar prepping for tonight, but with one quick sweep of my eyes I realized Shane wasn’t there. I supposed he could be in the back.

  “Hey, Max.” I walk closer, Ziggy and Trinity in tow.

  “Ready for tonight, you three?” He smiled, clear excitement shining in his eyes.

  “It’s going to be fabulous,” Ziggy answered as he took a seat on the stool.

  “Is Shane here?” I asked, causing Max to smile.

  “Nah, it’s his night off.” I could’ve sworn he said he’d be here. Why hadn’t he mentioned it?

  “Oh, hmm. I thought he was going to be here.”

  Max shrugged. “Maybe, but as a patron.”

  I excused myself to shoot a text to Shane, asking if he’d be by the club tonight, wanting him not only to see the show but seriously hoping I’d get some one-on-one time with him afterward.

  It took a minute, but he returned my text to tell me he’d be by to see it. That one sentence made my whole night, and I wanted to make this show the best he’d ever seen.

  Trinity, Ziggy, and I spent the next two hours getting everything set up. I had extra equipment in the back, and we were organizing the equipment in a line across the stage. It was a mix-off. The three of us would have to be quick and play off each other without missing a beat. The goal was to entertain the crowd but also to let them hear why we were three of the best DJs out there.

  I couldn’t wait for Shane to see it.

  Chapter Eleven


  I was on the bus, only moments from arriving at Joker’s Sin, when I realized I had a cheesy smile on my face. Ledger texting to make sure I’d come see him tonight felt monumental to me. I hoped I’d get time with him but wasn’t sure with his friends around.

  As I rounded the corner to the club, I saw the line. They didn’t open for another forty-five minutes, but there were easily a hundred people waiting already. I walked over to Ciro.

  “Wow, good turnout.”

  He grunted. “Of course there’d be. Three of the best DJs? There’d be even more people if we had advertised it before yesterday. Thank God we didn’t.”

  “I hope whoever is creeping on Ledger isn’t here.” I looked over as many as I could see in line. It was one of those “everyone seems familiar” moments, and I hated it.

  “If they’re adamant about getting to Ledger, I expect they’re here.” He patted my arm. “I got my eyes open; so do my guys. Relax and have fun. It’s your night off.” Ciro gestured for me to go in, much to the dismay of those waiting. Working here had its privileges.

  Inside I saw Ledger, Trinity, and Ziggy had set up the stage into three stations. I couldn’t wait to see the show and already knew it would be outstanding. Max was at the bar with the other bartenders for the night. Everyone was all smiles, and I took a seat on a stool and waited.

  “Here on your night off? I’d think you’d want a break?” Toby sat next to me, smile in place. He knew why I came and was just busting my balls.

  “This is going to be a great show. Working or not, there was no way I was missing it.”

  Ledger waved at me from the stage, and it was so out of place for him. It got the attention of Ziggy, who laughed, and Trinity, who rolled her eyes. Whatever, I was glad Ledger acknowledged me.

  It wasn’t long before the doors opened, and people flooded in. There was music playing, typical stuff for the club. Nothing would get started for about an hour, allowing everyone to get drinks and loosen their inhibitions.

  I drank my beer and talked to Max and some patrons who knew me from the nights I worked. It was a relaxing evening, and I realized I wasn’t feeling that tight coil in my stomach I normally did over Trinity being close to Ledger.

  “Good evening, one and all!” Atlas’s booming voice got everyone’s attention. He stood at the front of the stage in a dazzling burgundy suit with a stark-white dress shirt underneath. His dark skin shimmered with sparkles and his long, braided hair was tied back. He demanded your attention, and no matter what you were doing, at that moment you were drawn to his showmanship.

  “Joker’s Sin has a hell of a show for you tonight! Something we’ve never done before.” The club erupted in cheers, knowing what was coming.

  “Our very own DJ Edge will have some company on stage tonight. The lovely Trinity.” A spotlight shone on her, and she waved. Her purple hair was styled in long curls, and she had on a silver halter top and leather pants. She was gorgeous and she knew it.

  “And we also have the amazing ZiggyJay.” Ziggy had a fedora on, but you could see his silver hair beneath. The white suit he wore made his russet skin glow. The contrast was amazing.

  “It’s going to be a show that will make your feet ache by the end. You won’t be able to sit down. So, who’s ready to dance their heart out?” Atlas asked the eager crowd. Every one of them shouted how much they wanted it.

  “Then, DJ Edge, take it away.” With a sweep of Atlas’s hand, Ledger began. “Give Me Everything” by Pitbull began to play. The mix brought the whole place to life, and it set the tone for how outrageous tonight was going to be.

  For three straight hours, Ledger, Trinity, and Ziggy flawlessly battled their mixes. It was insane, and everyone in the club was losing their minds with how epic the show was. When they announced they were taking a break, and set the music to play so people could still dance and be entertained, I took a moment to check out the crowd.

  I loved hearing them praise Ledger, and Ziggy and Trinity deserved the praise also. I was about to turn toward Max to ask for water, when someone caught my eye. They were familiar, but I couldn’t place them. What made them stand out was the fact that they weren’t smiling, dancing, or with anyone. They were methodically walking to what appeared to be the side of the stage. I got up to go follow but was stopped by Toby.

  “So, great show, right?”

  I didn’t take my eyes off the person, and I knew if I didn’t get closer, I’d lose them. “Yeah, great I gotta—”

  “I know you want to go talk to Ledger, I just wanted to see what you thought.”

  The guy was out of my line of sight now. I didn’t have an earpiece to tell Ciro something felt weird, but I knew Toby did.

  “Toby, do me a favor. Tell Ciro I saw something weird and to meet me by the stairs of the stage.”

  Toby furrowed his brow, clearly confused, but did what I asked.

  “What’s going on, Shane?” Toby followed me as I walked.

  “I’ll tell you everything—I just need to get over there.”

  We walked fast and beat Ciro. But when I reached the stairs no one was there but a single rose and a small box. On the box was DJ EDGE in block letters.

  “What’s that?” Toby asked about to touch it.

  “Don’t.” I grabbed his arm. “This isn’t the first thing he’s gotten.”

  I knew Toby had a million questions, but Ciro arrived, his gaze immediately zoning in on the rose and box.

  “Did you see who put this here?” Ciro leaned closer to the box, never touching it, like he knew.

  “I saw someone who was out of place. Like not a typical club-goer. I was following him but lost him. I asked Toby to tell you, but by the time I got here he was gon
e.” I knew I shouldn’t have pursued the guy, but I wasn’t dumb enough to tackle him or anything. I just wanted to see who it was.

  “Look, Ledger has a couple of hours more to work. After the show, we can tell him. If we talk to him now, he won’t be able to concentrate,” Ciro said, and I knew he was right. “I’m going to grab some gloves and take this into Atlas’s office. When we’ve cleared out later, I think it’s a good time to all have a chat.” Ciro quirked a brow in a very “enough is enough” kind of way.

  “Yeah, okay.” I looked over at Toby, who was clearly as upset over this as Ciro. No one liked being left in the dark, but we weren’t sure how serious it was.

  For the rest of the night, tension filled the air. Ciro’s guys circled the floor like vultures, and Toby wouldn’t leave my side, as if whoever was stalking Ledger was coming after me too. I knew at some point someone told Max and Atlas, because they weren’t as happy-go-lucky as they usually were.

  My mind kept wandering to the box and what was in it. Who was doing this to Ledger?

  Chapter Twelve


  My whole body felt alive. Playing with Ziggy and Trinity on stage was a massive rush. We were so in sync that our songs melted into each other, and I couldn’t remember the last time I laughed with so much carefree abandon.

  I watched Shane as he sat at the bar all night. Most of the time he was smiling and talking with someone. We made eye contact a lot, and each time his gray gaze zinged its way through my heart and right down to my cock. Shit, he did things to me.

  After we took a break and got back onto the stage, I felt a shift in the atmosphere. Shane wasn’t smiling as much. Ciro and his guys were more visible, and Max, Toby, and Atlas were looking a little too serious for my liking. Something was up.

  By the end of the night I was exhausted, but the adrenaline was pumping through my veins full force.


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