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Gladiator: A Rough Sci-Fi Romance

Page 6

by Piper Stone

  Even the great kingdom hadn’t been spared from the horrific effects of this planet’s Mother Nature.

  “Good God. What is that?” she asked, taking several deep breaths.

  “That, sweetheart, is a storm that we don’t want to be caught in the middle of.”

  “Then what are we going to do? I doubt we’re going to find any cabin hidden in the woods.”

  I heard the fear laced in her voice and shook my head. “Just stay directly behind me and I do mean directly. Do not veer off the path for any reason. I’ll find us some shelter. We can make camp there.”

  “Okay.” Katarina seemed resigned, jumping as another electrified bolt of lightning flashed over the edge of the closest mountain range.

  I already disliked our odds. Just being up against the elements was going to be a problem. I took long strides, glancing back several times to make certain she was still following me. Anxiety was kicking my ass, more so than it had when shoved into the cage. Still, I had to press on.


  The earth beneath us shook violently, almost pitching me off the side of the mountain. “Pick up the speed. We’re running out of time.” She didn’t answer. “Katarina.”

  When I turned around, all I could see was red, my rage instant. The girl was missing. Oh, for the love of all beasts of the night. “Katarina, where the hell are you?”

  I heard nothing for a solid twenty seconds until she darted out of the small patch of trees to the left.

  “What in the hell were you doing?” The rumble behind me was a clear reminder that we were on borrowed time.

  “I thought I saw something. I just...” She moved quickly, grabbing onto a rock in an effort to pull herself up. Within two seconds, she slipped, sliding down at a rapid rate.

  Saving her was the only thing on my mind. I tossed my bag, racing toward her, plummeting down the side of the embankment and catching her wrist before she was going to fall a solid fifty feet. Swearing under my breath, I stuck my foot in a crevice, taking several deep breaths before tackling the arduous task of hoisting her to the surface.

  “Please help me,” she said in such a small voice.

  My entire being was jolted from our connection as well as the danger surrounding us.

  Every inch I gained was difficult, tricky enough that I realized with one false move, I could lose her. “All right, Katarina, you need to listen to me. Don’t look down. Look at me. Throw your other hand up.” I kept my tone as soft as I could handle it.

  “I’m trying,” she hissed, even though her arm was still flailing.

  “Try harder. Stop moving and concentrate.” The wind had picked up, and in the distance, I could tell there was more than the approaching storm to worry about. Twilight seemed to settle in fast on this damn planet, creating an ominous series of shadows all around us.

  Katarina took a deep breath and stretched her other arm up, her eyes imploring as they bore into mine. She didn’t fight me or struggle in any manner as I attempted to grab onto her other wrist.

  “Got it,” I muttered, my tone riddled with anger. I was furious with her, more so than I should let on. She had to concentrate. “Plant your foot on the rock in front of you.”

  She nodded slightly and after three tries, was able to do as I asked. “There. Okay.”

  I figured I had one shot at this. Using every ounce of muscle I could muster, I began to pull. The sounds around me were more terrifying than I wanted to admit, but I drowned them out as I continued lifting her an inch at a time.

  When I finally managed to drag her over the top, she clamored until she was finally able to crawl into my arms, clinging to me as she took scattered breaths. “Oh, Jesus.”

  I held her close, allowing her to feel the swift beating of my heart. She was shaking like a leaf. “You’re all right.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I just...”

  I rubbed her back, darting my gaze from right to left, a growl erupting from my throat. “We can talk about this later. We need to find shelter.”

  Even before we stood, a heavy rain began to fall, pelting over us in drops that felt more like hail. I had no fucking idea where I was going to take her but given her wobbly condition, I tossed her over my shoulder, grabbing the bags and continuing forward.

  Traction was much more difficult, the purple dirt turning into slime. I refused to stop, even as the sounds I’d heard before had turned into distinctive growls. We weren’t going to make it. Fuck. Me.

  I noticed a patch of foliage up ahead, nothing that we could feel safe in, but we could at least catch our breath. The second I yanked on the limbs, I almost sang praises to the mighty gods above. Not that I believed in any concept of religion any longer. The entire Cryton race had been forsaken, all because the humans hungered for power.

  A cave.


  I positioned her immediately by the entrance, tipping her chin with my index finger, taking several deep breaths. “You are going to stay right here. Not over there, not inside. Right here. I need to see if we’re alone. Do you get it? Beasts. Creatures of the night?” The girl needed to be at least a little afraid.

  “I’m not stupid, Thor, but you are one of those creatures of the night,” she said with disdain as she shivered. Hair hung down in her face and she made no attempt to brush it out of the way.

  I set my jaw, grimacing given her continued defiance. Either this girl had been pampered in her previous life or she had reasons to distrust everything and everyone. One thing was for certain.

  She needed strict discipline and I was the man to give it to her.

  After grabbing the crude knife, I crouched low, keeping close to the cave walls, digging for the energy light I’d seen in the duffle. The stream of light was surprisingly strong, highlighting a good thirty feet in front of me. I’d never seen one of the native animals, but I’d heard enough about them. They were all carnivores, all savage, and had a particular taste for human flesh.

  At least that’s what I’d heard through the Zatan guards. It was possible they were making up creatures to keep prisoners from escaping; however, there wasn’t a male or female who hadn’t heard vicious cries.

  Especially at night.

  The cave itself was well protected with no obvious signs of creatures, alien or otherwise. But I could tell someone had been here before by the items scattered across the stone floor. Walking closer, I was surprised at the findings. Blankets, bottles, bowls, and crude weapons. Everything was in utter disarray, several items crushed, material shredded. And there was something else. I aimed the beam at a darker coloration on the floor, sweeping it up along the wall.

  Claw marks.


  Whoever had been staying here had met with at least one of the creatures. I had a feeling I knew who was the one to survive. For now, we’d be safe.


  “Katarina. You can come in.” Hearing only the sound of the whistling wind and pelting rain, my hackles raised. I raced outside, only to be faced with only the sight of her bag left in the exact position she should have been standing. “Where the hell are you?”

  Twilight was rolling in fast, and even through the ugliness of the storm, I was able to hear the sounds of night creatures. They were hunting and we were easy and tasty prey. I swung the light only once, afraid I’d attract the bastards. Fucking Christ, where the hell was the girl? A pit formed in my stomach, a gnawing fear pushing my limits. I didn’t even like the little human, but I did feel responsible for her.

  An odd feeling rushed into my veins, igniting the protector who dwelled deep within. In the next few seconds, a piercing howl broke through the sound of the torrential rain, filtering into my mind and my gut.

  Katarina was in danger.

  The warrior in me took over, pushing me into a different mindset. I had to save her. I rushed into the elements, the crude weapon firmly planted in my hand.

  Throwing the beam of light, I was horrified as a snarling beast towered
over her, sharp claws and gnashing teeth merely inches away. The monster stood over eight feet tall, his massive head hovering mere inches from her face. Scraggly fur covered his body and even in the heavy rain, I was able to see the gleam of his sharp canines.

  She stood shivering, her arms over her head.

  There was no time to think, merely react.

  I tossed the weapon, praying to God my aim was on the mark.

  Or she would die.

  Chapter Five


  The hard thud of the animal falling to the ground was almost as thunderous as the noise all around us. I’d slayed the monster just seconds before he’d struck. Adrenaline pounded through every cell in my body, dark and angry visions remaining imbedded in my mind.

  “Oh...” Her voice seemed meek as she crumbled to the ground, her head in her hands.

  Every nerve ending remained on fire, my stomach lurching as I took long strides in her direction. I railed against the vicious sky, daring the motherfuckers of this worthless society to fight me. My anger off the charts, I kicked the beast hard. There was no movement.

  “Is it dead?” she managed.

  I hunkered down, yanking the knife from the beast’s throat, smashing my fingers against his neck. The creature’s wild eyes still gleamed as the lightning flashed, but there was no pulse. “The fucker is dead.”

  I heard a single sob before she jerked to her feet, taking several steps backward. “I heard it, the wretched growl and I had no idea what to do. I was just trying to get a handful of berries. I only walked ten feet. Ten lousy feet.”

  Ten feet too many. “Berries?”

  “See?” She held out her hand and I didn’t give a shit what was in them. Just seeing her rain-soaked face, the terror in her eyes was enough to bring several levels of emotion to the surface.

  She winced when I aimed the light directly in her eyes before shutting it off and sliding it into my pocket. With the strings of neon blue and fuchsia lightning, I was able to see just how close she’d come to her demise. The beast had managed to scrape his claws down the front of her chest. While superficial, the realization of how precarious the situation was further fueled my anger.

  Toward her.

  Toward the Zatans.

  Toward the stupidity of being targeted in the first place.

  A series of growls permeated the dense air. Katarina jumped into my arms, whimpering as she shot a look into the darkness. “They’re all around us.”

  “That’s the Wild, sweetheart. And those berries are poisonous.”

  She opened her eyes wide before pitching the fruit, still shaking.

  I gripped her arms, inhaling her scent and feeling more like a fool than anything else. Dakar had known what we’d be facing. Our demise.


  “I’m sorry, Xander. Okay?” She stood shivering, lowering her head but keeping her eyes off the fallen creature.

  “Sorry?” I snarled. “You were almost mauled to death, for Christ’s sake. When I give you an order, you do not stray from it. Ever.”

  “Fine. What else am I supposed to say?”

  I yanked her into the cave, tossing her against the stone, the knife extended just in case another one of the other fuckers decided to come in our direction. They couldn’t be unlike other creatures I’d known all my life. They ran in packs. They hunted like predators.

  “What?” she hissed the question, still fighting against me. “You’re such an asshole.”

  I slapped my hand over her mouth, moving until my lips were poised against her ear. “Keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut. That is, if you can do that.” I didn’t pose it as a question, merely a quiet demand.

  Katarina didn’t fight me, although her body remained tense.

  Two minutes passed.



  All I could hear was the horrific rain, coming down in torrents. I released my hold, planting my index finger over my mouth before returning to the mouth of the cave. I’d be forced to deal with the carcass in the morning, but at least the fur would be put to good use.

  The flashes of lightning highlighted a solid twenty feet from the cave. Other than the fallen beast, there was no sign of any creatures.

  I finally exhaled before turning toward her, slapping one hand against the stone as I shoved the tip of the blade under her chin. “You’re right. I am an asshole but I’m the only man on this godforsaken planet who can keep you alive. Do I need to spell this out for you, little human?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I told you to stay exactly where you were. You can’t follow simple directions. That will not be tolerated. There are real beasts crawling through the woods waiting for a snack and we fit the bill. You don’t seem to give a shit. That... creature was seconds away from ripping out your throat.”

  Katarina opened her mouth, blinking several times, jumping as the next clamor of thunder rocked the entire vicinity. “Fuck.”

  “Just keep quiet. They hunt like wild dogs. Any sound or smell will draw their attention.” I dragged her further into the cave, using the flashlight until I found one of the light sticks, cracking it open. Supposedly, they wouldn’t draw attention. I snorted at the thought. I wasn’t certain I could believe anything the damn aliens had told me, including Dakar.

  “How do you know? Are you some expert on the animals living on this planet? Are there some things you need to tell me?”

  I sucked in my breath, trying to keep a rational mind. “I’ve been told. I observe instead of running my mouth.” What I cared to believe was another story. However, seeing the creature was telling. Dakar hadn’t lied to me completely. Perhaps other aspects could be trusted.

  She stood with her arms folded, scanning the perimeter of the cave. “I don’t believe this. I must be dreaming.”

  “Yeah? You’re not dreaming, human. You could have been the very reason for our demise not once, but twice. You could have gotten both of us killed.”

  “I... Fuck you. I’m been abducted, incarcerated like an animal, starved and beaten. I’m finished with your mouth, you asshole.”

  I’d always been a loner, preferring a simple life. What I didn’t need was a haughty girl who had no care for her whether she lived or died. I was overwhelmed with the need to make certain she had some basic understanding of what we were facing.


  My emotions overtook whatever rational mind I had left. Within seconds, I yanked her toward the pile of blankets, pulling her down.

  “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” She fought me, smacking my face twice before I was able to wrangle her over my lap.

  “Giving you a lesson in following orders. One hard spanking.” The girl was much stronger than I’d imagined, fighting me every step of the way as I struggled to drag down her shorts.

  “You’re not going to do this.”

  “Like hell I’m not. You deserve to learn respect, manners, and patience.” I cupped my hand slightly, the curve fitting her rounded bottom almost perfectly. I peppered her ass with hard spanks, giving one after the other as she squirmed and moaned.

  “You’re insane. You’re not my master or my father.”

  “Maybe not,” I retorted, “but it’s obvious you need to learn a few lessons.” My dominating side took over, dragging me into a wrathful place as I smacked my palm against her bottom.


  “Yes. You will learn to obey me.” I struck one ass cheek then the other, moving in a methodical manner, spanking her long and hard.

  She managed to throw her hand back as she wiggled, almost able to slide off my lap. Yanking her roughly, I snagged her wrist and threw one leg over both of hers, securing her into position. She was going nowhere.

  “Ouch! Goddamn it!” Katarina yelped.

  “God has nothing to do with this, I assure you.”

  “That fucking hurts.”

  “Last time I checked, little human, spankings were
supposed to hurt, whether on your planet or mine. That’s the point. Remember?”

  Her moans dragged a portion out of me I’d locked away for years, the kind of dark passion that some considered heinous. My cock was hard as a rock, my libido off the charts. Even my heart was racing, thudding hard against my chest. I wanted this feisty woman who had no understanding of what we were facing. I craved to shove my cock so deep inside her sweet little pussy that she screamed out my name over and over again.

  I gathered a whiff of her feminine wiles, the intoxicating scent filling my nostrils, shooting straight to the brain, boosting the electricity shared between us. I could barely maintain the thought of what I was doing, my hand shaking as I continued striking her. The heat forming in my hand was an incredible aphrodisiac, a mind-bending experience.

  Katarina ground her hips in my lap, the friction as my cock shifted back and forth against the dense material of the cargo pants almost too much to bear. Beads of sweat formed along my hairline even though the temperature was rapidly falling. My eyes had difficulty focusing as I moved my hand from one side to the other. I didn’t need an intense light to know that her bottom was crimson, a shade I adored more than any other.

  “Please stop. I’ll be good.”

  A part of me wanted to drag off my belt, smacking her in rapid motions. Maybe I was nothing but the sick fuck they’d portrayed me out to be, the list of charges heinous in nature. I wasn’t just an alien intent on harming humans. I was supposedly a horrific freak enjoying crimes that couldn’t be described on one of their standard news programs.

  I bit back a moan of my own, caressing her ass as the heat built up in my fingers, cascading along my wrist.

  She was almost too quiet, her hands planted on the thin blanket, her head bowed low.

  “Are you going to listen to me at all times, doing everything I say to do?” I asked in a controlled fashion.

  She bobbed her head, remaining quiet.

  I fisted her hair, yanking until she cried out. “When I ask you a question, you’re going to answer me. Do you understand?”



  “Yes, fucking sir.”


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