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Gladiator: A Rough Sci-Fi Romance

Page 9

by Piper Stone

  “And you were sent here because of those crimes. No matter what the people on Earth told you, they allowed the Zatans to take you.” He was purposely keeping me in the dark, but I’d been right in my assumptions. What was the damn point of not telling me everything? We were still like caged rats, playing some game for aliens who seemed to have nothing better to do. I couldn’t help but wonder why I’d been taken in the darkness of night. Did I have certain connections to the medical industry who had dealings with the government? Perhaps, but I certainly had no clearance level whatsoever.

  “In a matter of days. I was labeled a criminal, removed from my duties, my people left untold of where I’d gone. There was no trial, other than behind the doors of a primitive prison cell.”

  “Do you believe everyone you worked with was involved?” I was afraid of the answer.

  “No. I do not. However, that’s the reason when I was discovered checking documents, certain leaders acted swiftly.”

  I thought about what he was saying, realizing no one on Earth was safe from the tyranny of betrayal. “That’s how the Zatans are collecting men. That’s the deal they made,” I stated, fisting my hand out of frustration.

  “Excellent assumption. The majority of human males you’ve seen are all the most heinous criminals. Murderers. Rapists. Arsonists.”

  “But not all,” I added.

  “No. Anyone who got too close to what was really going on was targeted. The Zatans don’t give a shit who they take. They need work horses. That much I can tell.”

  “For what reason, the game? What are they doing?”

  “The game is only a small portion of what’s going on, a respite for their soldiers as well as the great king. What’s really happening behind the scenes is something much more significant.”

  “They need bodies to build infrastructure on a new planet or perhaps they plan on using these human monsters as soldiers in a war. Whether humans or another species. They were also needed resources.”

  His eyes flashed, as if that’s exactly what he thought. “Now you can imagine why the fact I found out the truth was considered treason on your planet. Your world as you knew it no longer exists. They sold your people out to the Zatans.”

  I wasn’t as shocked as I should have been. “Are you suggesting we can never go back to Earth?” Tears rushed to my eyes, my entire mind racing with the realization that humans were being selected like cattle.

  He took my hand into his, his growl low-slung. “I’m not suggesting anything. If I decide to return to Earth, the assholes responsible will pay. People need to know the truth. Besides, I have nothing to lose.”

  “Except your life.” He’d actually attempted to tell the world. I knew that in my heart. Maybe he was one of the good guys after all.

  “That doesn’t matter to me any longer. My life means nothing. I fear what the others in my envoy were told. That is, if they are even alive.”

  “And there’s no way to contact your planet?”

  Xander snarled. “All communication abilities were destroyed.”

  “I’m so sorry.” The words sounded so trite, insignificant. We were on a planet from hell with no real way off and all I could say was I’m sorry. What horrors had this rugged alien gone through, other than what he’d told me? I could tell he was hiding a significant portion of information, but he had no reason to trust me any more than I did him.

  “Don’t be sorry, little human. My life was already shit.”

  There was so much sadness in his voice.

  “Look, we need to get some rest. Period. We have a long ass day tomorrow. Do not go outside this cave. And turn the light off unless you want to be some beast’s midnight snack. Do you understand?” With that, he moved onto the makeshift bedding, easing down and using his bag as a pillow.

  “Yeah, I understand.” I stood over him, watching his every move. I’d never felt so lost, abandoned in almost every way. The entire world as I knew it seemed full of lies. After grabbing the light stick, I moved to the far side of the cave, huddling against the wall. At least the rain was slacking off, but what about the savage predators? Would they come hunting in the night?

  I flicked off the light, huddling in the darkness, flinching every time I heard a noise, half expecting the monsters to swarm into the cave. I lowered my head, controlling my nerves. I was going to have to learn to trust this man.

  My entire body shook from the cold and from fear. This was a terrible place, disgusting and horrible. I’d been caught in a web of lies and deceit. Not knowing the reason why was the worst aspect. If only I knew...

  * * *

  Two months before

  “Little Bella Donna. Time to party.”

  I laughed, shaking my head as I heard the nickname. My bestie had called me that since the beginning of time. Well, at least since we’d been eight years old. Only then, the name had been a cut, nasty words from a wretched little girl. Only one year later, we’d become fast friends. Her father was an important man, providing his daughter the best education. I’d been lucky my aunt, the only living relative I had after my parents’ tragic accident had sent me away to boarding school. Lucky. Who the hell was I trying to kid? I’d loathed the years of drudgery, never feeling like I belonged anywhere. The fabulously bitchy woman certainly didn’t want the likes of a child interrupting her social circles.

  By the time I entered college, I was ready to stand on my own two feet, shoving aside her harsh requirement for obedience as well as her nasty innuendoes. I’d always known she’d wanted to get her grubby hands on my trust fund. She’d hated my father, her own brother, choosing to take out her aggression for their failed relationship on me. I would never forget the day she laughed at me when I told her I was going to live my life as I saw fit, even though the trust was off limits for years.

  “You’ll come crawling back to me, just like your useless father did,” she’d hissed, shoving her finger in my face.

  I’d never looked back, although nothing had been easy. Working several jobs had been the only way to stay afloat.

  “I have an exam to study for. You know that,” I retorted, smiling as she bounded closer. Betsy never worried about her grades. After graduation, she was set to marry one of the richest heirs on the East coast. That wasn’t going to happen to a gawky girl like myself. Besides, I wanted to graduate with honors and make a difference in the world. And my internship depended on making straight A’s.

  “Come on. One night out isn’t going to kill you.” She blinked in rapid succession, giving me what I called her famous pouting look. It certainly worked with all the boys.

  I glanced at my watch. I had only a few days to study before the big exam. The rest would be smooth sailing over the next couple of weeks. Then a case study and I was done. “As long as we’re not out late.”


  I could never count on her promises, but she certainly meant well, although she’d gotten me into trouble in the past. “Okay. I’m going to hold you to it.”

  “I have a surprise for you.” She grabbed my hand, barely allowing me to gather my books before yanking me toward the library’s exit.

  “What? Hold on!” I grabbed my coat, trying not to make a fool out of myself as she dragged me through several people. I couldn’t help but notice she was dressed to kill, the slinky red dress barely hidden under her thin coat. Even her shoes matched the glorious outfit, stiletto heels that I’d never gotten used to wearing.

  She half skipped the moment we walked outside, pointing down the street. “A night on the town isn’t complete without a limo, you know.”

  I stared at the long, sleek, and very shiny black car, complete with one sexy chauffeur. “You are kidding me.” A second beefcake exited the passenger side, standing with his hands crossed. Even in the ugly glow of the single streetlight, I could see his scarred face. He was staring straight at me, a slight smirk on his face. I could swear he was undressing me with his eyes.

  “Ready to suck my cock, sunshine
? You’ll be doing a lot of that soon enough.”

  I blinked, almost tripping over the edge of the curb. Had I heard the words? There was no way given the noise of the street traffic. God, I had been studying for too many hours.

  “I don’t kid about partying or money.” Betsy followed my gaze, giving my hand another jerk. “Don’t worry about Bruno over there. He’s harmless. Just looks like some barbarian ready to eat your soul.”

  Bruno? The name suited him.

  “I can’t go anywhere, Betsy. Look at what I’m wearing! You’re crazy!”

  “Crazy as a fox,” she said, winking. “I bought you a new outfit and you can change in the car.”


  “Don’t Betsy me. You need time away from your books. You’re a beautiful woman.” She darted a scrutinizing look in my direction. “Underneath all that grubby attire.”

  “I like my jeans.” And ratty tee shirts and comfortable clothes. Mostly because they pissed off my aunt.

  “Come on. We’re going out.”

  Betsy continued to believe that having money was all that was necessary in life. She would never have to worry about getting a job or if she could afford a house. Even if my aunt decided to place me in her will, I would donate the money to charity. My school and basic necessities had been paid for as required by my parents’ will. I had doubts I’d ever see whatever was in my trust, not that I honestly cared.

  I shivered as she pushed me into the limo, giggling when the chauffeur gave us both a wicked smile. “He’s adorable. The best hunky man yet.”

  “Do you have drivers all the time?” I teased, patting my hands against the seats. I was as uncomfortable as hell. I’d worked exceptionally hard to be considered normal.

  She rolled her eyes as she shoved several bags in my direction. “Only when Daddy deems it necessary to keep me safe. Isn’t that ridiculous?”

  I had no response. Betsy had a way of manipulating her parents, getting everything she wanted while I continued to miss mine.

  “Go on! See what I bought you. Surely, you can enjoy one night being normal.” Her chiding words weren’t meant to hurt me, but they did. I had no concept of what being normal meant.

  The outfit she’d purchased reminded me of something from the early eighties, the sparkly short shorts not something I would ever consider wearing. “Where in God’s name are we going?”

  “To a roller-skating party, silly, and don’t worry, I bought you roller skates as well. They’re some very important people coming, all kinds of celebrities.”

  As she prattled on, naming off musicians and actors, I only half heard her, a bad feeling pooling into the pit of my stomach. Her exuberance was to be expected, crashing social events and moving to the front of the line at difference posh nightclubs her style. I was the girl who stood on the sidelines, living her life vicariously while I continued to study.

  Just enjoy, girl. You deserve a little R & R.

  I took a deep breath, my inner voice kicking into overtime, but perhaps the girl inside needed a break in routine. I fingered the naughty girl sequined top, the tiny piece of material meant to cover as little as possible and took another deep breath. My bestie was right. Time to par-ty. This time, I was ready to let loose a little.

  I only hoped I wouldn’t regret it later.

  Less than twenty minutes later I was dressed, Betsy primping me to look like some Vegas showgirl, including glitter in my hair. I realized I hadn’t paid any attention to where the driver was taking us. As I peered out at the neon-infused lights, the warm glow of fuchsia garish but exciting, a lump formed in my throat. The location was the only one on the street lit up in any manner, the others dark and foreboding, likely vacant or worse, taken over by drug dealers and pimps. This was a part of town that I’d never been in, but I’d heard stories of crimes being committed every night.

  No one was safe.

  While I knew that certain portions of town were being revitalized, this seemed like a risky idea. No wonder her father had insisted on some kind of security.

  “Are you certain about this?” I asked as the driver pulled over to the curb.

  “I’m going to use every one of your holes, thrusting my cock so deep inside that you won’t be able to walk for a week.”

  This time, the ugly words filtered into my brain, forcing me to gasp. “I don’t think this is a good idea,” I said meekly.

  “What’s not to be sure about? This is going to be one epic party and I won’t take no for an answer,” Betsy purred. “Besides, you’re going to have the time of your life. I. Promise.” As she turned her head in my direction, the usual prima-donna smile crossing her face, I also noted something else.

  Emotionless glassy eyes.

  The door was jerked open, Bruno bending over and peering inside. “Ladies. Your table is waiting.”

  I shrank back, a whimper slipping past my lips. Then I felt Betsy’s hand on my shoulder.

  “Don’t worry. Just trust me and everything is going to be all right. This isn’t going to hurt one tiny little bit.”

  Chapter Seven


  “Lieutenant Aska,” the security guard said in passing as he glanced at my credentials. “You were working late today.”

  I tapped my hand on the steering wheel, giving him a single nod before glancing into my rearview mirror. Had he kept the keycard longer than normal? “Just finishing up a project for the powers that be. You know how it can go. How are you doing, Tommy?” I leaned over, giving him a practiced smile. I’d tried to get along with every human I worked with, although my distrust in them was growing.

  He glanced into my car, studying the passenger seat intently. “And I see you’re taking your work home.”

  Home. Every time I heard the word I thought of those I cared for on my planet. Earth would never be home to me.

  My skin began to crawl. I never varied from my activities, not that the compound allowed for anything unusual. I’d taken a significant risk carrying any information out of the facility although I’d done it before when deadlines were approaching. “Yes, just trying to catch up. Been one hell of a week. I’m ready for a tall cold one. You’ve been puttin’ in some long hours yourself.”

  He snorted, finally handing me back my card. “You ain’t lyin’ about that. Slave drivers, these bastards. Bobby didn’t show up to work today, which means I gotta pull an all-nighter. And I had plans to be with my baby girl.”

  I slipped the card into my pocket, shaking my head; another red flag alert. “I’m sorry to hear that.” The man never took a sick day.

  “Yeah, me too. Have a nice evening, Lieutenant. Hear there’s a terrible storm coming.”

  I gazed out the windshield, noting the dark clouds rolling in. Shit. I hated Earth’s violent storms and we’d had several over the last few weeks. “Will do.” I stole another look in both mirrors before heading out onto the street. The location of the facility was far removed from extreme traffic and at this time of the evening, the majority of personnel had gone home.

  My grip on the steering wheel was tight, my nerves on edge. If anyone caught what I was doing, I’d be court-martialed, likely tossed into prison without the benefit of a trial. What I’d stumbled onto was significant as well as terrifying. The ramifications if the information I’d collected held any merit would be horrifyingly destructive.

  To the entire world.

  I’d learned many things during my years on Earth, including the fact reporters often held to key to forcing information to the public. The reporter I’d talked to privately was waiting for any details to substantiate the various stories he’d been working on. He’d assured me that his source would remain anonymous. As if that was going to matter.

  My throat was tight until I’d made it onto the freeway, finally able to take a deep breath. After two weeks of carefully gathering data, I was prepared to expose what I knew were crimes to humanity. Members of the Earth’s government had been harboring a horrific secret for years. I onl
y prayed to our gods that some of the info was incorrect.

  If not, Earth as the entire species knew it was about to change, the majority of humans becoming prisoners or worse. Anger boiled within me and I smashed my hand against the steering wheel, the force pitching me across the road. The series of honking horns blasting only further exasperated my rattled emotions.

  I was scared to fucking death, including for my people. What would happen to Cryton if a deal had been made with the Zatans?

  After cutting my speed, I made certain I didn’t give any reason for a law enforcement officer to stop me. That would set off a cataclysm of events that I could no longer control. No one had followed me. I’d made certain of that, even taking a second exit toward my house and backtracking, stopping long enough for a twelve-pack of beer.

  I cut the headlights before pulling into my garage, waiting until the door was completely shut before easing my old service weapon from under the seat. At this point, I couldn’t be too cautious. I climbed out of the car, listening for any signs of activity. Everything was dead quiet. My alarm system was silent, with no indication that anyone had attempted to bypass the codes. I grabbed the file as well as my duffle bag and headed toward the interior door, breathing another sigh of relief as the green light flashed, prepared for my entrance.

  If anyone had entered the premises, there would be a notification. Everything was dark, just as I’d left it. I’d also made certain all the blinds were closed before leaving for work. All I needed to do was upload the dozen files I’d secured on the jump drive then the damning information would be out of my hands.

  After grabbing two beers, I headed into my office, only flicking on the desk lamp. My computer was humming, the screen saver flashing myriad colors. I shoved the bag onto the floor and popped the top on one of the beers, guzzling almost half. Everything was a fucking mess, including my thoughts and memories.

  I’d enjoyed aspects about living and working with humans, including various freedoms not allowed on Cryton. Food was different, beverages tasty. Even experiencing certain battles while serving in my capacity had been enlightening, strategies I’d hoped to take back to my people. Now I was questioning everything. Who was left to trust?


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