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Gladiator: A Rough Sci-Fi Romance

Page 14

by Piper Stone

  Given the circumstances of what we were facing, I knew better than to think the man had died of a tragic accident. “Is there any indication of what he was working on in the past in that journal?”

  Katarina shook her head. “Not that I can find. I’m just trying to replicate what they are working on but there’s not enough here. I’m making a few notes, but without chemicals, my efforts are useless.”

  She was still hiding something significant.

  “We’re leaving in the morning,” I stated without any emotion.

  “Why? There has to be more here. I know that if we could get through that debris we would find more. More journals or chemicals.” The girl was pointing toward the area of the fire.

  “I’m going to repeat myself and you’re going to listen and follow my commands. You will not attempt to get into that room. Whatever was used to start the fire was hot enough that everything is burned; that portion of the facility is dangerous. You are obviously of great importance to the Zatans and while they seem to have you on a leash, you’re much more important alive.”

  Her expression filled with anger then another round of fear. “Why? Because they think I’m just like my father?”

  “My guess is exactly like your father. If I would further venture a guess, I’d say that you know more than you’re telling me about what your father was working on. I’d also say that you even tinkered around with the very experiments that your father mentioned.”

  “I... no. I had no idea. I was eight when they died. How the hell could I know anything?”

  “Six. Seven. Eight. Which is it, sweetheart?”

  She shrank back, no longer able to issue her icy glare. “I’m just as confused as you are.”

  “I’m not confused. I’m enraged that my people were lied to. I’m furious that I allowed my soldiers to be deceived. And I’m hungry to annihilate every Zatan, including the king. I am getting to the bottom of why we are being used. Now, you’re coming with me. I picked out a room big enough for two. You’re going to get some sleep then we’re packing up and leaving here tomorrow.”

  “You have to realize the Zatans know where we are. They’re just going to track us like dogs.”

  I grinned as I lifted an eyebrow, my body reacting to her beautiful face once again. “Trust me, little human. They won’t. Now, come and bring the journal with you.”

  While she didn’t fight me, I could tell her rebellious streak was running strong. She was determined to get answers. I wanted them too, but not at the expense of both of us dying. “You can take the bed.”

  She studied the room before finally easing onto the cot, her feet dangling above the floor. I could see her shivering from where I stood. I could also see her hard nipples poking through the thin material of her shirt.

  My mouth watered, longing to have one in my mouth. Looking away, I poured another shot of whiskey into the glass, moving to hand it to her. “Drink this. It’ll help you rest.”

  “I don’t know if I can.”

  I pushed the glass closer, remaining unblinking until she obeyed. Then I grabbed one of the chairs. My respite for the night.

  “You’re wearing a weapon.”

  “I was lucky enough to find a few,” I said as I eased the thick piece of steel into my hand, sliding it across the table’s surface. “They’ll help keep us safe. I hope you know how to shoot.”

  “Don’t worry about me.”

  I laughed and slid down on the chair, trying to make myself comfortable. “That’s just it. I worry more than I should about you.”

  “Because I’m human?”

  “Because you’re a distraction. Now, go to sleep.” I waited until she finally laid down before lowering the lights and closing my eyes.

  Somehow, I knew the demons would haunt me tonight.

  “Lieutenant Xander Aska. You’re under arrest for crimes against Earth.”

  As two military officers grabbed my arms, pulling me away from the chains I’d been attached to for days, I bristled. The thin light coming in through the door was blinding. I glared at the very man I’d trusted for far too long. “What is the charge, General Barker? Telling the truth? Attempting to inform humans of the atrocities their own government has been hiding from them for years? You have no honor.”

  “I am attempting to save my planet from alien scum like yourself. Now, I suggest you watch your tone, Lieutenant,” he said, his demeanor calm and collected, a smile crossing his face. He walked closer, snarling as he eyed me up and down, studying the various bruises I’d received since being incarcerated.

  “Where are my soldiers?”

  He offered another smile. “They are no longer of your concern.”

  “My people will not allow this to continue!”

  “I will allow the Zatans to handle your people. Unfortunately, I need to clean up this mess. You have been relieved of your duties.”

  “What’s wrong, General? Did I get too close to the real truth? Did I threaten your lies?” There wasn’t a muscle in my body that wasn’t aching from the constant beatings.

  His backhand was swift, following by a hard punch to my kidneys. I was forced to suck in my breath, the pain biting but I refused to make a sound. When I was able to recover, returning to a full standing position, I spit in his face.

  General Barker shook his head and took a step back, surveying my house. “We should never have brought your kind here, Xander, but the appropriate changes have been made.”

  “Who exactly are you talking about? The aliens you’ve made a deal with?”

  He sniffed and looked at the near cavern-like atmosphere, the cell unlike anything I’d seen before. “You were indeed a busy boy, including attempting to leak information to a reporter. I assure you, that reporter will no longer be of use. The security breach won’t bode well for your sentencing. Stealing government property is a felony. You’re going to rot in prison, my boy.”

  “Not if I can help it,” I retorted, grimacing from the realization the reporter had been murdered. If only I’d been able to send the report before being captured. I took several deep breaths, trying to keep my anger in check.

  The general flipped on the screen, huffing when he realized there was no way he was getting past the encryption. “You’re a smart man, Xander, even for an alien beast. I’m going to venture a guess that you hid another hard copy of the blasphemous report in another location. You have one chance to tell me where and I might be lenient with you.”

  “Fuck. You.”

  One of the soldiers smacked his weapon against my head hard enough that stars floated in front of my eyes.

  “You’re going to pay for that, Xander. If you cooperate, then your sentence might be reduced to fifty years. Does your kind live that long? Or I can just contact our... friends about your infraction. I’m certain they’ll have a way of using you.”

  “Friends,” I managed, swallowing several times. “You mean the Zatans who are intent on taking over Earth?” I could see a change in his eyes, a hint of confusion. “If you think that’s not what’s going to occur then you are the fool.”

  General Barker snorted before pocketing the computer. “You simply don’t understand what you’re talking about. However, let’s not waste any additional time. You know where to take him.” His command was followed immediately, the officers forced to drag me out of the cell.

  “Trust me, Barker. I will hunt you down and, on that day, I’m going to rip out your heart with my fingers. However, that’s only if Earth survives.”

  I jerked awake, taking several deep breaths. The air seemed suffocating, pain erupting in my chest. I clawed at my shirt, doing everything I could to calm down. I would never forget the mistreatment or being dumped naked into a holding cell, left there for two days with true human criminals: murderers and rapists, kidnappers and extortionists. Then the Zatans had made an appearance.

  I’d never been able to get past that portion of the dream other than bits and pieces, my mind obviously protecting me from
some horrible series of actions. I’d always had the distinct feeling that I needed to remember. I couldn’t shake the sick feeling. Being here had only added fuel to the fire.

  There was something I had to remember.

  After rubbing my tired eyes, I shifted in the chair, studying Katarina’s form. Another memory rushed into my mind. Another time. Another beautiful face. Another girl who’d been able to tear away the darkness. I wanted nothing more than to be close, to trust Katarina enough that when we got through this ordeal, maybe things could be different.

  That wasn’t going to happen.

  I was far too damaged.

  I closed my eyes once again until an overwhelming instinct filtered into my system. Jerking up, I moved toward the cot, tossing back the covers, growling under my breath. She’d placed the pillows in a way to make me think she was still sleeping. What the hell was the little human doing?

  When I reached for my weapon, I realized she’d taken that with her. “Fuck.” I yanked the duffle from under the table, grabbing another one of the hand lasers, making certain it was locked and loaded. Then I yanked two light sticks, shoving them into my pocket. I had a feeling I knew exactly where she’d gone. I raced down the hallway, hoping to prevent her from doing anything stupid.

  I’d been right about my assumptions.

  “Goddamn it, Katarina.” In the short time I’d been asleep, she’d managed to pry her way in through a fifteen by fifteen-inch hole. She didn’t answer. “Katarina. Are you in there?” When she didn’t answer, I yanked and cracked one of the light sticks, crouching down to peer inside. The stench was even worse, the odor of decay and death strong. Everything was fucking pitch black and there was no way I was crawling through the hole.

  With two hard kicks, half the remaining wall collapsed, forcing me to cover my nose and mouth as I crawled inside. Just as I’d suspected, everything in the room had been torched, only the solid steel exterior walls and roof remaining intact. What I could tell immediately was that the blaze had been concentrated, the area likely blocked off while the fire was still going.

  Had the scientists targeted the burn in order to keep the Zatans from finding out what they were working on? There were too many possibilities and no chance of finding answers.

  Unless we were able to find the scientists.

  I had a feeling that whatever I was supposed to remember had a direct impact on what we were both doing here. My anger level was off the charts. As I moved through the room, I quickly realized that there was another, the double set of doors somehow protected from the original blast.

  The loud crash coming from behind me pushed me into action. I shoved my way inside, shining the beam in the location where I thought the noise had originated. The alien creature was unlike any of the others I’d seen but definitely Zatan. Only his face and body were disfigured, his bony hand wrapped around Katarina’s throat.

  Instantly, the weapon was in my hand as I moved forward. With one snap of his mutilated wrist, he could easily break her neck. He was taller than the others by several inches and he’d dragged her off the floor. Her choking sounds filtrated the dense air.

  “Put her down,” I hissed, pointing the weapon directly at his head.

  The creature barely moved, merely turning his head, the crunching sound make by his action a telling statement of the physical condition he was in. Muscles and bone protruded from various portions of his body, his eyes the only aspect that was similar to that of other Zatans. They registered pain as well as fear.

  He let out a woeful cry, lifting her even higher.

  Struggling, she dug at his arm, pulling away portions of his skin. What in the fuck had the creature endured? There were several human-size tubes located at the back of the room, all designed to hold a creature or a human, the others cracked. The one directly behind the creature was still intact, fluid covering a good portion of the floor.

  Whoever the scientists were, they’d been conducting live experiments on the Zatans, the fire no doubt meant to cover up the horrors they’d inflicted.

  “I know you can hear me. I said, put her down. If you don’t, I’ll be forced to shoot.”

  “No...” she managed, her eyes imploring.

  “I don’t seem to have a choice.” I took two additional steps closer, obviously angering the beast. He stumbled against the vessel, twisting his hand further around her neck.

  “He’s... important,” she hissed.

  “I don’t give a shit. He’s going to kill you.”

  I hadn’t expected the horrifying wail the Zatan let off, his howl unlike anything I’d ever heard, so riddled with sadness and fear.

  “Just let her go,” I said, lowering my tone.

  He seemed confused, stumbling again until one of his legs gave out, the bones shattering. As he fell to the floor, he lost his grip, sending her tumbling forward and into my arms.

  “Oh...” Katarina cried as she clung to me, taking several deep breaths.

  “It’s okay. You’re all right.” I held her against my chest, her ragged breathing creating another wave of anger. “Go over there. Do as I say.” I pushed her gently in the opposite direction.

  “Don’t hurt him. He’s suffering.”

  Yeah, we all were. I took careful steps closer, finally crouching down. I could see he was dying, the vessel having been the only thing keeping him alive. “What happened to you?”

  The creature lifted his head, making eye contact, wheezing when he tried to talk.

  “Be...” He was forced to take several deep breaths. I was a cold heartless bastard and while I had every reason to be that way, seeing the Zatan fighting to hold up his arm, studying his bloodied and broken fingers was almost too much to bear. “Be... trayal.”

  Exhaling, I lowered my weapon, uncertain of what to say. “Humans?”

  When he looked at me again, I could see tears in his eyes. Then he shook his head. “Be... careful.”

  I wasn’t one to be saddened by anything having to do with aliens. They were nothing but wretched excuses for flesh and bone, but in the next several seconds, I was mortified, the sense of loss and morose understanding pulling at my heart.

  The creature slumped against the vessel, taking only a few more breaths before his chest no longer rose or fell. From behind me, the ugly sounds Katarina was making was telling reminder of just how fragile their lives were.

  Much like that of the human race.

  I couldn’t move for a few seconds, finally glancing around the room as I held the light at various angles. “What in the hell was going on here?”

  “He was the only one alive. I thought I could learn something, help him.”

  “And you almost got yourself killed.”

  “He wasn’t going to hurt me,” she insisted. “He was just scared.”

  After grabbing her fallen weapon, I jerked to a standing position, finally moving to within a few inches of her. “Katarina, need I remind you what they did to you, how they treated you?”

  Her lower lip quivered, and she continuously darted her eyes toward the fallen creature. “They’re not all alike. Just like humans. Just like Crytons. Whatever happened to that creature was monstrous, much more so than what was done to us. You have to see that.”

  “What I see is likely a method of trying to save your kind. I don’t know how or what the fuck these people were doing, but the Zatans are our enemies. They have no remorse, no sense of integrity. They kill in order to achieve a goal. They ravage a planet for the resources, murdering anyone who stands in their way. I suggest you never forget that. Now, we’re getting out of here and I’m blocking this shit off. You disobeyed me.”

  “So what?”

  I held my tongue, merely guiding her out of the area. I took one last look, both horrified and curious as to the experiments the scientists had performed.

  More mysteries.

  More lies.

  I was sick to fucking death of them.

  I kept my hand on the small of her back as I walke
d her to the quarters, my fury only partially having to do with her decision. I didn’t like being used. I dropped the weapons on the table, pitching the light stick to the side. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. After taking several deep breaths, only then did I unleash a portion of my anger.

  “What. The. Fuck? Did I not tell you that the area was off limits, that it was dangerous?” I crowded her space until she was forced against the wall.

  “I knew exactly what I was doing. And I’m not a child,” she spouted.

  “Then don’t act like one.”

  “Fuck you. I’m a scientist. I need to figure out what’s going on.”

  “And you’re not going to do that if you can’t stay alive,” I snarked and slapped my hand against the wall mere inches from her head. “You were working on the same goddamn thing your father was.”

  She flinched but kept her rebellious stare, blinking several times, her mouth twisting. “No. Not possible.”

  “Unless you lied to me again.”

  “Look, I didn’t remember what my father was working on, not entirely. He’d left no notes, nothing much that I could remember. Did I follow in his footsteps? Yes. Or so I was told.”

  Sighing, I nodded, although I wasn’t entirely certain I believed her. “Told. I’d be curious by whom.”

  “Do you know what I found in there?” she asked in a nasty tone.

  “Death.” My answer seemed to rattle her.

  “Why were they experimenting on live specimens?”

  Sighing, I had no real answers. “We’ll find answers one way or the other.”

  “He was going to talk to me,” she insisted.

  “Yeah? Didn’t look that way when I arrived. Do you understand that I saved your life? Again. I have no idea what’s going on here, but that thing in there was ready to snap your neck.”

  “He was hurting. Didn’t you see that?”

  “What I saw was an alien with no regard for human life. Any life.”

  Katarina finally looked away, slumping against the wall. “I’m sorry. Okay?”

  “Not as sorry as you’re going to be.” I realized I wasn’t angry as much as I was horrified that she’d almost lost her life. Damn it. I actually gave a shit about the girl, not just her well-being.


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