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Bad Boys Break Hearts

Page 13

by Smeltzer, Micalea

  “For you?” I ask the girl. Her head is currently pinballing between her date and me.

  Finally, she stops, her eyes landing on him. “Home.” She picks up her bag. Giving me a not very nice smile she adds, “I don’t appreciate feeling like a third wheel on my own date.”

  My mouth falls open, but I don’t have a response because she’s kind of right. If I was remotely attracted to Mascen in a sexual way I would think maybe this is some weird form of foreplay for us, but I don’t like him that way. Or any way.

  She pauses, waiting for Mascen to stop her I presume, but when he doesn’t she huffs out a breath and slides fully out of the booth, walking out.

  “Your date left,” I announce unnecessarily.

  “I can see that.” He leans back in the booth, cocking his head to the side.

  “Are you leaving too?”

  His lips tip up on the corner. “You’d like that wouldn’t you? But no, I’m hungry and I want my steak.” He makes a shooing motion with his hand, arching a brow when I leave. “Go on, you’re the help, put my order in.”

  My anger flares. I find myself tempted to pelt him in the head with my pen, but if Izzy saw I would certainly be fired. Aldo would just laugh.

  But since I can’t seem to succeed at being a decent human being I lower until we’re eye level, his smirk growing the closer I get to him. “Just remember, this help can spit in your food.” With that, I turn on my heel to put his order into the system. Will I spit on his dinner? No, I’m not that mean or petty, but seeing the look of surprise on his face makes the threat more than worth it.

  I spend the rest of the evening running back and forth to my tables, making sure drinks are filled, orders are out timely, and everyone stays happy. Mascen eats his dinner in silence, and even though we don’t trade barbs anymore I find myself continuing to seek him out wherever I’m in the room. When he doesn’t think he’s being watched there’s something melancholy about him. I think it’s in the way his shoulders droop and his lips downturn. Something is weighing on him. Something that has nothing to do with me and everything to do with him. I wonder what it is but I know I’ll never ask. We’re not friends anymore and I don’t think we ever will be again. We’re too different. He’s the spoiled prince and I’m the fallen princess.

  The night winds down and I’m more than ready to head home—how funny that I think of my dorm as home now, but it’s far more comforting than the trailer I left behind. I haven’t heard from my mom once. I wish I was surprised but I’m not.

  “Bye, Aldo,” I call behind me as Heather and I head for the exit.

  “See ya,” he replies before the doors close.

  Heather smirks at me. “You like Aldo?”

  “What? No.” I’m so shocked by her question that I worry I sound defensive.

  She gives a shrug. “He’s cute, you should go for it.”

  “Uh…” I blink at her. “He’s a nice guy, but I don’t like him that way. But maybe you should.”

  She pauses in the parking lot, placing a hand on her hip. “I’m thirty, I don’t do young’uns.”

  “You’re thirty, that’s hardly old.”

  “True,” she agrees with a grin, “but men don’t age as fast as us, sweetheart. See you later.” She waves goodbye, climbing into her red SUV.

  At the end of the lot I slide into my truck. The ancient engine sputters and roars. If any of the nearby buildings have apartments, no doubt I’ve just woken someone up.

  Sighing, I brush my hair out of my eyes and back out, the restaurant soon a tiny blip in my rearview mirror.

  I’m not surprised to find both girls asleep when I get to the dorm. Kenna, especially, might like to have a good time, but she’s surprisingly responsible about getting enough sleep on days she has class.

  Taking a quick shower, I change into my pajamas and slip into bed. My body is exhausted and I think I’ll fall right to sleep, but of course I’m wrong. While I might be tired physically, my mind hasn’t gotten the memo.

  My thoughts swirl from Cole to Mascen, to my mom and Hazel, even to my dad, and back again. Covering my face with my hands I blow out a breath, hopefully breathing out my irritation with it. Rolling onto my side, I curl my hands under my head.

  Sleep doesn’t come easily, but eventually it does overtake me, erasing all my thoughts with it.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  It’s funny how time seems to pass slowly and quickly all at once.

  Lifting the beer to my lips, I look around the party, most people dressed in costumes for Halloween. The holiday—is Halloween even a holiday?—is still a few days away, but I guess there was some discussion that it’d be celebrated tonight. I missed the memo. Even if I hadn’t I wouldn’t be participating in a game of dress-up.

  The party is being held at one of the frat houses that a large number of football players pledge for. I’m glad to not be the one hosting tonight. I stay on the recesses of the room, drinking more beer than I normally would, watching everyone else mingle.

  My eyes find Cole dancing with a girl in the center of the room, but not just any girl.

  I watched the two of them sit together at today’s game. I saw him make her laugh. Saw her smile at him. Banter. She looked at ease with him, happy.

  It makes me angry.

  I know it shouldn’t, but I can’t help it.

  I keep telling myself I don’t want her, but it’s getting more difficult to convince myself that I mean it.

  Finishing the beer, I head into the kitchen, and away from the lovebirds, for another. The smart thing to do would be for me to leave. I know if I stay, continue to see them and keep drinking, I’ll probably end up doing something I regret—or the very least feel kind of bad about.

  “Hey, man, there you are.” Teddy smacks me on the back as soon as I enter the kitchen, his eyes glassy from something he smoked.

  “Here I am,” I bite out, grabbing a beer from the fridge. I know I’m supposed to use the keg, but fuck that cheap watered down shit. Teddy continues to blink at me wearing a goofy grin. “Did you want something?”

  Blink. Blink. Blink.

  “Ah, fuck, can’t remember. I think I just wanted to say hi.”

  I press my lips together. “Well, you did.”

  “Mhmm.” His eyes follow a girl in a tight jean skirt leaving the room. He smacks me on the shoulder again. “I’ll see you later. I’m going to follow that.”

  I don’t know if he means the girl or just her ass.

  “Have fun.”

  I wait a few minutes, nodding here and there to people who say hello, avoiding girls who get too close and gaining some confused stares in the process, before I return to the large living space where people are dancing. I could go to the basement, play pool or beer pong, or even find a willing girl to head upstairs with me, but I’m not in the mood for any of it. Especially the girl part.

  My eyes stray to where Cole and Rory are still dancing, her head thrown back and her hair loose. One of her arms is draped around his shoulder and she’s smiling, maybe even laughing. Something flares inside me, and I hate to think it’s jealousy, but I know I could never make her smile like that. It’s funny how when she first moved away I was so sad and angry. She was my best friend, someone who wasn’t family, that I could share secrets with and who just got me. When she left it was a long time before I really made friends with anyone again, and even now I keep everyone, even Cole, at arm’s length. I’ve been used too much, especially in high school since I actually attended public school for that, and it’s made me jaded. I used to think it was okay to keep people at a distance, that I didn’t need anyone, but her reappearance is making me question everything and how I might’ve handled things if I had had a friend I could depend on the rest of my childhood. My attraction to her doesn’t help matters either, because fuck, I want to hate her. I want to blame her for my problems. But that’s my issue, I always want to blame everyone else, even my own father, for my problems inste
ad of just owning up to it.

  My jaw clenches and out of the corner of my eye I spot Mallory. She’s standing in the corner, looking around uncomfortably, but when she catches my gaze she gives a small smile.

  Be better.

  With a sigh, I set down the rest of my unfinished beer and walk over to her.

  “Hi.” She gives a small smile, looking around awkwardly. “This isn’t normally my thing in case you couldn’t tell.” She bites her lip, shaking her head. “My roommate and her friends talked me into coming and well, here I am and I don’t know where they are.”

  I wet my lips, fighting my internal conflict. Finally, I offer her my hand. “Wanna dance?”

  “I don’t normally dance.” She eyes my hand warily.

  “I don’t either. But let’s give them something to talk about.” I can already feel the eyes in the room on us, the guys now taking notice of Mallory since I have, and the girls taking notice too but in envy.

  Mallory’s smile is hesitant. She’s clearly not used to this scene, probably more the bookish, nose to the grind type.

  “Relax,” I tell her softly, my mouth close to her ear so she can hear me. “I’m with you.”

  She gives me a thankful smile and begins to follow my lead. I try to ignore the persistent buzzing at my back, the one that annoyingly tells me Rory is nearby. It’s like my body has an internal alarm system when it comes to her.

  A few songs later Mallory smiles up at me. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” I’m truly confused. It’s rare for me to do anything worth thanking.

  “Saving me, I guess.” She gives a shrug, her hips still moving to the beat of the music. “I thought I’d try to fit in and—”

  “And your roommate still ditched you,” I finish for her.

  “Yeah,” she gives a sad sigh.

  “People suck sometimes. Especially me.”

  Her brows wrinkle. “What do you mean?”

  “Haven’t you heard?” I spin her around and she lets out a giggle. I don’t miss the way Rory’s eyes flash in my direction, her cheeks heating in embarrassment because she looked this way. “I’m the biggest asshole on campus.”

  “That’s what they say,” she replies. “Doesn’t mean it’s true.”

  “What all have you heard about me?” I ask, truly curious what some of the rumors and half-truths are. Fuck, some of them are bound to be the actual truth.

  “Well, for starters,” she blushes, “I heard you got caught having a threesome in the locker room last year.” My lips thin and her mouth parts with shock. “It’s true?”

  “That one is,” I reluctantly grumble. “What else?”

  “That you smashed your car into the opposing baseball team’s bus.”

  I cock my head. “Do you think that’s the truth?”

  She crinkles her nose. “No, you wouldn’t still be on the team if that were true. Besides…”

  “Besides?” I prompt when she trails off.

  “You’ve been nothing but kind to me, even when you didn’t have to be. I’m new here, you could’ve easily ignored me in class, or told me not to sit by you. You didn’t have to walk with me for coffee or to my next class. And look,” she adds with a light smile, “I’m not expecting anything from you, so I don’t want you to think I’ve read into any of this. I’m thankful for your kindness then and now. But if you were a truly bad guy you wouldn’t be dancing with me right now.”

  I swallow past the lump in my throat, slowly processing her words. Releasing one hand from her hip I scrub it over my face.

  She must sense my internal freak out, because she takes one step back, giving me space. “I’m going to get a drink. See you later?”

  She frames it as a question, but I don’t give her an answer.

  I watch until she disappears from the room and then I do the same, heading upstairs and down the hall to the bathroom that is hopefully empty.

  The door is stuck, but not locked, so I give it a shove. A high-pitched shriek greets my ears and I close my eyes, wincing in irritation when I realize it’s Rory in the bathroom. Because of course it fucking is.

  “I locked that!” She yells back at me, wiping her hands on the front of her jeans—much safer than the towel hanging haphazardly beside the sink.

  “Apparently you didn’t, Princess, because here I am.”

  She snarls at me, her hackles rising and God if my body doesn’t respond in pleasure to it.

  “Not on a date tonight?” She arches a brow, leaning her hip against the sink and crossing her arms over her chest. She’s trying to appear like she’s unaffected by me, but I know she is. I can see it in the way her nipples begin to harden against her cotton t-shirt that’s paired with a short jean skirt.

  My lips lift in a smirk. “My favorite waitress isn’t working.”

  She narrows her eyes. “How do you know my shifts?”

  “I have my ways.” I cock my head to the side, watching her, waiting for her reaction.

  She shakes her head. “I shouldn’t be surprised. I’m sure you’re used to getting what you want.”

  I narrow my eyes on her, shutting the door behind me in case someone comes along. I don’t want word to get back to Cole that I’m in here with Aurora, especially when nothing is happening.

  She looks behind me, her lips pursing.

  “Don’t worry, Princess. I don’t bite. Yet.” I stalk closer to her, not missing the catch in her breath when I’m right in front of her. I should’ve stayed by the door, the farther away from her the better, but I can’t help it. It’s like I’m always drawn to her by an invisible string. “Now,” I skim my nose along the side of her cheek, relishing in the way she shivers at my touch, “if you wanted me to, that’s a different story.”

  Her body sways toward mine and I grip her elbows in my hands.

  With one hand I reach up, gently cradling her cheek. “You can pretend all you want that you belong to Cole, but we both know it’s a lie. Your body responds to me, not him,” I growl, my tone nowhere near as soft as my hold on her. “I’m going to hate fuck the shit out of you, Aurora, and you’re going to love it. Fucking beg me for it.”

  Her brown eyes roll to meet mine, her full lips parted and cheeks flushed. Then, she pulls away, skirting around me so her back is to the door and now I’m in her spot with my back to the sink.

  “Funny. I thought you didn’t do Cole’s sloppy seconds?”

  Before I can retort she reaches for the door, slipping out of it and slamming it closed behind her. By the time I cross the room and open it, she’s gone.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The sting of Mascen’s hand on my cheek stays with me for a week. It’s not like his touch was too hard, or anything of the sort, but my body refuses to let go of the brand left behind from his fingers on my skin.

  I keep reminding myself that while my body might be ridiculously attracted to him, my mind isn’t.

  Looking out our dorm window, it’s pouring down rain and I groan at the realization that I’ll have to run around campus hoping not to get drenched all day. I have a raincoat, sure, but it’s nothing against this torrential downpour.

  “Ew, rain.” Kenna echoes my silent sentiment behind me. “It sucks that the way campus is laid out so you have to walk everywhere.”

  Parking circles the entire campus, meaning you can’t actually park outside any of the buildings. It’s a real bummer with weather like this.

  “Let’s go back to bed,” Li jokes, already slinging her bag over her shoulder.

  “I wish.”

  Disappearing back into my room, I grab my coat and zip it on. My stomach rumbles and even though I wasn’t going to have breakfast I know I’ll need to make a stop by the dining hall.

  When I leave my room with my backpack in hand, Li is gone and Kenna is in the bathroom putting on her makeup.

  “See you later,” I tell her.

  “Don’t forget it’s girls night,” she warns. “Cole’s hot a
nd all, but we saw you first.”

  I laugh, pausing by the door and smiling at her reflection as she looks back at me. “I’d never forget girls night.”

  Outside the dorm, I shrug my hood up to help block against the wind and rain. It doesn’t matter though, within seconds my glasses are splattered with water, blurring my vision.

  Jogging across campus, I reach the dining hall, releasing a breath when I’m safely inside the warm dry compound.

  I grab some breakfast—pancakes with butter and syrup—and find an empty spot to sit. My first class is in twenty minutes so I don’t have long to eat.

  As I take my first bite my phone buzzes with a text message.

  Cole: Are you in class yet?

  Me: No, just sat down in the dining hall. Eating real quick before I have to go.

  Putting my phone away, I focus on the plate in front of me, yelping in surprise when two minutes later Cole appears beside me, his lips pressing to my cheek.

  “Morning, beautiful.” He grins, sliding into the seat beside me.

  “Oh, hi,” I utter, taken off guard.

  I’m even more flabbergasted when the seat across from me is pulled out and Mascen plops into it with a disgruntled expression.

  My gaze flickers from one guy to the other. Mascen feigns boredom but I can see in his eyes that he’s bothered.

  “Is this okay?” Cole leans back in his chair, his smile blinding.

  “Oh … uh … yeah,” I stutter, my eyes once again going to Mascen. His jaw is tight and he reaches up, rubbing the tense muscle. “I’m happy to see you.”

  Cole and I haven’t put a label on what we are, we’ve only been on two dates, and neither of those dates has led past kissing, but I know he wants more and I don’t know what I want.

  “Do you want a coffee before class?”

  “I’ll probably stop and get one on the walk over if I have time. I’m not a huge fan of the ones here.” I point toward the stand in the corner of the room. “That guy makes them too weak and he’s always working.”

  “I’ll go get you one you like then. Be right back.”


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