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Bad Boys Break Hearts

Page 16

by Smeltzer, Micalea

  When he lets go of the ball I force myself to stop staring at his ass like a pathetic loser—especially since I’m here with his best friend. God, I’m worse than Mascen. At least it seems like he’s honest with his dates, hookups, conquests, whatever you want to call them, but I haven’t been with Cole.

  The ball knocks down one pin and Mascen curses.

  Mallory hops up, her gait almost ballerina-like—smooth, graceful. She says something to him and he shakes his head with a true heart-stopping smile. It might be the first genuine smile I’ve seen from him. When his ball appears she grabs it before he can and he playfully fights for her to give it back to him. It’s cute. A scene right out of a movie.

  “I have to go to the bathroom.” I hop up before Cole can reply, taking off back in the direction we came. I find the restrooms easily enough and dash inside to one of the sinks, splashing cold water on my face.

  “Get a grip, Rory.” I hold onto the marble counter for support. “You’re being ridiculous.”

  My eyes are bloodshot in my reflection. Inhaling a lungful of air my shoulders dip further like they bear the weight of the world.

  For the rest of the evening, I pretend I’m having fun. I act like everything is normal. But I know by the end of tonight Cole is probably going to hate me.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “You’re here late.”

  “So are you.” I tip my head at Mark as I walk past him for the batting cages.

  “Avoiding the Missus,” he grumbles, closing the car magazine he’s reading today. “Apparently I’m driving her up a wall, but the feeling is mutual.”

  “Mind if I bat for a while, then?” I pull out some cash and set it on the counter. He eyes it, then gives me the same look he always does when I force him to take the money.

  If he’s going to be extra chatty tonight then I’ll leave. I’m not here for conversation. “Go on ahead. The door was unlocked.”

  I tip my head at him and continue down the hall.

  I dropped Mallory off at her dorm thirty minutes ago. She beat my ass at bowling like promised, getting a strike every time. I don’t care about her defeating me, well all of us, and I actually had fun with her. But the entire time my mind was on Rory, watching her with Cole and how they interact. It was torture. I’m sure it makes me a spoiled brat, but I’m used to getting what I want, and she’s the one thing I can’t have.

  Mallory surprised me when I parked outside her dorm when she turned to me and said, “You like Rory.”

  I played dumb and muttered, “Of course I do. Cole’s my best friend and she’s his girlfriend.”

  She shook her head at me. “I’m not dumb, Mascen. You like that girl.” She paused then, taking a breath like she was waiting for me to do or say something. “I’ve been in that spot before. It’s a sucky place to be. I’m sorry.”

  “Nothing to be sorry for. I don’t like her.”

  She laughed. “God, you’re stubborn. See you in class.”

  She hopped out of my car and ran for the building. I waited until I saw her get inside.

  Now, I’m here. Hitting balls like my life depends on it. The clang of the ball against the bat soothes something inside me. Over and over I hit the balls as they shoot out at me. I set the machine a tad faster than normal, Mark will probably berate me once he realizes I messed with the machine, but at least tonight I’ll be long gone before he notices.

  I’m not sure how much time passes, maybe an hour, before Mark comes to tell me I need to go.

  I pack my stuff up and head home, despite not wanting to be there. I’m sure Cole will want to talk about the date, and go on and on about how wonderful he thinks Rory is. If that happens I’ll probably punch him in the fucking face. I can only take so much.

  I pull into the garage and head up, expecting him to be home. The downstairs is dark, but it means nothing. He could be sleeping already. Sleep is one of Cole’s favorite things in the world.

  Grabbing a bottle of water I jog upstairs, not being as quiet as I should be. His bedroom door is closed. I pause outside of it, listening for any sounds of life, or God forbid him and Rory going at it like rabbits. It’s silent. My hand wraps around the knob and I ease it open, revealing his empty bed.

  Rage simmers in my blood. If he’s not home yet it means he’s with Rory, that he’s been with her ever since we left the bowling alley. He doesn’t have a car so he’s dependent on her to get home.

  Slamming his door closed the whole wall shakes with the force. I stalk across to my room, my anger growing by the second. I can feel my blood pressure raising and no amount of deep breaths can lower it.

  I yank the covers off my bed in my fury, muttering nonsense under my breath.

  I keep reminding myself I have no right to be angry that he’s not home.

  It’s late, the smart thing to do would be to shower and go to bed, but I don’t think it’s possible.

  Grabbing the keys to my truck I plan to drive out to my safe space, the one where it’s just me, the stars, and silence.

  Bounding down the stairs two at a time, I’m shocked to find Cole coming up from the garage. He lifts his head, looking forlorn. Spotting me with my keys in hand, he cocks his head to the side. “Where are you going?”

  “Uh … out.”

  He presses his lips together. “Hope you had fun tonight.”

  “It was … nice.”

  Fuck, I’m eloquent.

  He walks around me, and I’m not a fucking expert at this kind of thing, but I did grow up with two sisters so I know enough to know when something is wrong with someone and Cole is clearly upset about something.

  “Did you get bad news about your car?”

  He turns around, his brows drawn. “What?”

  “You seem upset. Did you get bad news on your car? I can always loan you the money, or you can borrow my car, I’ll take the truck.”

  He shakes his head back and forth. “It’s not about the car, or money, or anything like that.”

  I hesitate, swinging the keychain around my finger. “What’s up then?”

  He blows out a breath, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Rory broke up with me.”

  It takes his words a moment to make their way to my brain. “She … broke up with you?” Even saying the words out loud they’re still not making sense.

  He shakes his head in a self-deprecating kind of way. “She said I’m a ‘nice guy’,” he air quotes in a pissed off tone, “and she really likes me as a friend, but she doesn’t have any feelings beyond that for me.”

  I stand there, feeling like a dumbass because I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. “I’m sorry.”

  His shoulders droop and his lips press flat. “You know the worst part?”


  He straightens, crossing his arms over his chest. “We both know you’re an asshole. But girls throw themselves at you. And I’m not saying I’m lacking where that comes from, but the difference is, those girls would drop anything to be your girlfriend. You’re the bad boy they all want, but they forget that bad boys break hearts. Me? I’m the nice guy and nice guys don’t win.”

  His jaw twitches and I know he’s hurt and angry, but I don’t have any words of advice. I’m not good at this. I’m not the relationship kind of guy.

  Quietly, he turns and goes upstairs.

  I don’t see the point in heading out to sulk now. It’s fucking wrong how my best friend is hurting and I’m celebrating. Rory isn’t his anymore. It’s not like it’s exactly good news for me. I’m not going to make a move on her, but it is a relief to know I won’t have to see her attached to my best friend anymore.

  Fuck, I’m a selfish bastard through and through.

  Even with that knowledge, I can’t wipe the smile off my face as I go up to my room.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “You broke up with him?” Kenna lays back on the couch, popping a cheeseball in her mouth. “Why? He’s h
ot, nice, caring—the whole package.”

  “Well, something must’ve been wrong.” Li swipes one of the cheeseballs from the container Kenna holds hostage. She perches her butt on the coffee table, the two of them looking at me in the armchair, waiting for some kind of explanation.

  Kenna gasps and sits up, some of the little orange balls flying out of the top and onto the floor. “He doesn’t have erectile disfunction does he? I know he’s young, but that shit happens to guys any age.”

  “Kenna!” Li laughs, shaking her head.

  I blush, hiding behind my hair. “Um, not that I know of.”

  “What do you mean ‘not that I know of’?”

  I lift the cup of freshly brewed coffee to my lips, testing the temperature before I scald my mouth. “I never had sex with him.”

  Kenna chokes on a cheeseball, which doesn’t bode well for the gag reflex I’ve heard her brag about. “You didn’t sleep with him? Why? He’s hot!”

  I shrug, wrapping my fingers around the warm mug. “I wasn’t interested in him like I should’ve been—and he’s nice. I’ve used guys for sex plenty of times but I knew he wanted more from me than that. I didn’t want to lead him on.”

  Li shakes her head, stifling laughter, while Kenna looks flabbergasted.

  Shaking her head, Kenna leans against the cushions. “Damn, the restraint you have. I could never.”

  I look away from her and out the window at the parking lot. I feel bad for breaking things off with Cole. The look on his face when I told him I didn’t feel for him the way I knew he did me was heartbreaking.

  “Are you sad?” Li, always the mama bear, inquires.

  “I’m sad I hurt him. He’s a good guy. But I’m not sad I broke things off.”

  She nods like this makes perfect sense while Kenna is still flabbergasted I didn’t take a ride on his pogo stick.

  Finally, Kenna snaps herself out of it. “If you’re not sad then we don’t have a legitimate excuse to stuff our faces with ice cream and junk food.”

  I eye the plastic container she’s been digging into the for the past ten minutes. “I don’t think that’s stopping you,” I joke.

  She throws one at me and I dodge it, but some of my coffee escapes over the lip of the mug. I lick it off my fingers.

  “I’m on my period and all I want is junk food.”

  “You live your best life, honey.” I grab the cheeseball off the floor and toss it back at her.

  “Now that you’re single again does this mean we can go out to some bars and find some guys? Obviously once shark week leaves.”

  “We do that anyway.”

  “Don’t knock sex on your period,” Li blurts at the same time. We both look at her and her cheeks pinken. “It heightens sensation.” Her voice softens as her shoulders draw up to her ears. “Besides, don’t act like sex isn’t messy. The fluids are just usually clear.”

  “Wow,” Kenna ponders her statement, “you learn something new every day. Li likes bloody sex.”

  “Oh my God.” She hides her face, sliding off the coffee table and onto the floor to curl into the fetal position. “I hate you guys.”

  “Lies, we’re the best roommates you could ever ask for.” Kenna tosses a pillow at her.

  Li grabs it, hugging it against her chest.

  “When do you guys leave for break?” I decide to save Li from more torture.

  “Friday after classes.” Kenna gives me a sympathetic look. She pulled me aside and said I was welcome to go home with her, but while I appreciated her wanting to make sure I’m not alone for Thanksgiving I also didn’t want to spend the holiday with people who aren’t anything to me.

  “Saturday morning.” Li sits up frowning. “Are you going to be okay here on your own?”

  “I’ll be fine.” I dismiss her concern. “I love you guys but it’ll be nice to get some alone time. I’ll have more hours to work too.”

  It sucks that I don’t have a home to go to, but it is what it is. I long ago accepted my situation and I’m okay with it. I’m not the only person in the world with a broken family.

  “All this talk of leaving is making me sad. I know it’s a short break but I’m going to miss my girls.” Kenna pouts, her eyes filling with tears. Her period is clearly making her more sentimental than usual. “Let’s put a movie on.”

  “What are you thinking?” Li gets up, padding into the kitchen. I’m not surprised when she digs in the cabinet and procures a box of popcorn.

  “Something sweet and sappy. I’m not in the frame of mind to do anything sad.”

  “Sweet Home Alabama?” I suggest. It’s one of my go-to movies when I want what she’s asking for.

  She crinkles her nose in thought. “That’s the one with Josh Lucas, right?” I nod. “He gave me a country boy fetish from that movie. That accent.” She licks her lips, then stuffs a handful of cheeseballs in her mouth. I’m beginning to think I’m going to have to stage an intervention with the snack. “It also gave me a plaid shirt kink.”

  Li snorts, spitting out the White Claw she just opened. “Plaid shirt kink?”

  “It’s a thing!” Kenna defends, her bottom lip jutting out. “Don’t mock me.”

  I start the movie and Li comes over with the popcorn, the two of us joining Kenna on the small couch so we’re all squished together but can see the TV.

  We spend the whole day watching romantic comedies and pigging out on snacks.

  I don’t tell them, but it’s one of my favorite days ever.

  * * *

  “Enjoy your meal.” I smile at the elderly couple who both look ready to dig into their spaghetti.

  Breezing by my other tables, I do a scan to see who needs refills, if anyone needs napkins, or who might be ready for their check.

  “Busy night,” Aldo remarks, shaking up a cocktail.

  “It’s always busy.”

  “Thank goodness for that,” Izzy inserts, running by.

  Heather comes up beside me, tucking her tray under her arm. “Aldo, think you can do us all a favor and slip something into Izzy’s drink to calm her crazy ass down.”

  He gives a laugh, pouring the blue colored drink into a fancy glass before popping an umbrella in. “I wish, but alas we all must deal with my sister.”

  “Ugh, that’s what I figured.” Heather sticks her tongue out and crosses her eyes. She gives me a light tap on my butt and heads into the kitchen.

  I grab refills for a few of my tables and drop off the check at two of them. I’m glad the night is busy. It keeps me distracted from the fact that tomorrow is Friday and Kenna will be leaving, and then Li on Saturday. I know I’ll be fine on my own, but I will miss them.

  For some stupid reason, I keep expecting Mascen to come with one of his ‘dates’. But he hasn’t shown all week. I’ve seen him on campus once this week and he was in line for coffee with Mallory. My heart instantly dropped. I’ve never seen him multiple times with a girl like I have with her. It makes me think maybe they are dating—according to campus gossip he’s still free real estate, which is the dumbest saying I’ve ever heard.

  Approaching the elderly couple’s table, I ask, “Would you guys be interested in some dessert this evening?”

  “Not tonight, sweetheart.” The woman smiles kindly at me.

  Rubbing his round tummy her husband adds, “I’m stuffed.”

  “Okay, are you ready for the check then? No rush.”

  “Bring it by when you have time.”

  Bustling back to the kitchen I bring out an order for another table and then drop the check off to the couple. He immediately slides a bill into the sleeve.

  “No change.”

  “Thank you. You both have a good evening.”

  They both stand, the man reaching for his wife’s coat first to help her into it. “You’re welcome. Goodnight,” they tell me.

  It’s another two hours before my shift ends, which is a little earlier than normal. Still, it’s dark outside when I walk out to my car. The streetlig
hts are bright, but the lot for staff isn’t as well lit.

  When I first notice the body leaning against my truck my heart freezes in fear, a scream lodged in my throat. I quickly recognize the body frame and my heart doubles in speed. Mascen must hear my shoes on the gravel because his head flies up and somehow even in the dark our eyes make contact.

  “What are you doing here sulking in the dark, Edward Cullen?”

  “Waiting for you.” He doesn’t move away from my truck.

  “Why?” I stop a few feet away from him, my purse drawn across my body like a shield. Sadly, the feeble and fraying fabric isn’t going to protect me from the heartbreak that is written all over a guy like Mascen.

  “Heard you don’t have a home to go to.”

  “Where did you hear that?”

  He cocks his head. “I know everything, Aurora.”

  “So, what? You came all the way to my job to mock me?” An incredulous laugh bursts from my lips. “Wow, you know, despite how much of a dick you are to me you still manage to surprise me.”

  His lips quirk. “Gotta keep you on your toes, Princess, but you shouldn’t insult me when I’m riding in on my white horse attempting to be … not a prince,” he wrinkles his nose like the thought disgusts him even though that’s exactly what he is, “maybe a really naughty knight—”

  “Is there a point to this?” I interrupt. I’m tired, cranky, and my feet hurt. A shower is calling my name and I plan on stuffing my face with the brownies Kenna made because she feels bad for leaving me.

  “You’re coming home with me.” He grins from ear to ear like this is the greatest news ever.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes, Rory, you are.”

  “Don’t call me Rory.”

  “I’ll call you whatever I want.”

  I throw my hands in the air. “What are we? Twelve? This is ridiculous. Do you even hear yourself? Telling me that I’m going home with you? We don’t even like each other!”


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