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The Burden of Trust

Page 32

by Nikki Frank

  “And as a child, if he can learn to treat human schoolmates with kindness and compassion, he’ll be well on his way to being a better ruler. Only the people caring for him will have any idea who or what he is. He’ll grow up with no strange influences on his personality. And when he comes of age, he can return home, and he’ll be old enough and mature enough to tackle whatever he needs to carve out a name for himself.”

  “I guess.” It came out with a whimper, and Iya hugged me again.

  “We can’t fight this,” he whispered. “We’d start an international incident, and that’s not what either of us wants.”

  One of his tears hit my head and soaked through my hair to my scalp. At least I wasn’t alone in feeling miserable over this. For all his hesitation at the start of my pregnancy, Iya had taken well to fatherhood.

  Tomi shot a quick, sympathetic glance my direction. With a flick of his fingers, a piece of paper appeared in one hand, a pen in the other. “Thank you for being understanding.” He held the items our direction.

  With heavy hearts, Iya and I signed the contract held out by Tomi. While I hated being cornered like this, Iya had a point; war wasn’t a solution. But it was inevitable if I fought Cyon’s exile at this moment. We’d have to give everyone time to adjust. After all, just a short time ago, nearly all the lords wanted him dead. If they’d softened this much, surely they’d relax more as time went on. Then I could make a fresh play to bring my baby home.

  When Iya handed the contract back to Tomi, the older akuma stored it with magic. “There. Once again, in plain sight of everyone, you are clearly doing anything necessary to keep the peace. I’m sure my fellow akuma lords are out of objections to you and yours.”

  Shandian gave a derisive snort. “We’re only trading one mess for another by sending him to Earth. Or have you all forgotten he’s half-demon? What is he going to do to all those poor humans until he learns self-control?” He raised an eyebrow at Feéroi. “And let’s take this one step further, shall we?” He shot a wicked grin in my direction. “I know how much you love my methods with women. Just because Iya reins in his drive doesn’t mean that’s common for us. What happens when your precious little boy has impregnated all the female humans he can get his hands on? Or when he falls in love with one?”

  The thought made me sick, and Iya squirmed uncomfortably. A couple of other lords around the table shared our discomfort.

  Shandian shrugged. “Take some advice from someone who is nearly twenty times older than yourself. If you refuse to destroy the little mutt, bond him now. Find a nice impling or akuma whose parents are willing to compromise on his breeding. Then no matter what notions come into his head later, he won’t be able to screw it up.”

  No one at the table jumped to Cyon’s defense. What else were they going to throw on me? So far, this was my worst birthday ever. I hated the idea of forcing a pair bond on my baby. My parents had been lenient about partnering for magic-folk, but plenty of parents in the Borderlands did it Shandian’s way. Compatible mates were at a premium for any one type of creature, and who wanted their child to have to struggle finding a partner?

  “I know an akuma couple with a female baby only a few months old,” Tomi offered. “We can have him bonded right away.”

  “No.” I shook my head. I’d lost control of one life-altering decision to the joint council; I refused to lose another. “I’m not pairing him off against his will. Leaving him on Earth is bad enough.”

  Tomi looked surprised. “Both have the same goal―Cyon’s protection.”

  “How is forcing a bond on him protecting him?” I swiped away the tears of anger gathering in my eyes.

  “You’re securing an appropriate mate,” he soothed. “It’s even more important since his own breeding is in question.”

  Feéroi knocked on the table to gain attention. “The matter of pairing Cyon can be left to his parents and solved another time. Any relations with humans will be of little consequence to this council.” He gave me one apologetic look before announcing, “We’ll send the boy to Earth in three days.”

  Zhiami slipped her arm through mine, holding a hand out to Iya in an unspoken request for space. “I’m taking my daughter for some rest.”

  She led me to her private quarters, opened a door and pushed me in, following behind. To my surprise, two centaurs lounged on soft cushions. They stood as we entered.

  “Good afternoon, Mistress Zhiami. Your usual?”

  She shook her head. “Today, my daughter and I would like to relax together.”

  Both centaurs bowed in my direction. “Mistress Olivia.”

  They set up massage tables side by side, and Zhiami and I lay down. I should have known my mother-in-law had an ulterior motive.

  “I’m sorry they’re sending your baby away.”

  I heaved a sigh. So we were going to talk about this, huh? Fine.

  “I understand your desire to be there with him,” she continued. “A mothers’ love is like a living thing, and our child is its food. But true love does what’s best for the other. Is keeping Cyon here in his best interest? Is your palace the place he will be most protected, be it from physical or emotional harm?”

  “I guess not,” I conceded.

  “Are you worried about him lacking love and support from his caregivers?”

  “No. Talon will love him . . . it’s not an issue.”

  “So, then all that remains is, can you resign yourself to being selfless? Can you leave Cyon where he will flourish?”

  “When you put it like that . . .” Damn it. Now I felt miserable and sulky. So much for the massage.

  “I know you passed on the offer of bonding Cyon to the little akuma girl. Are you sure you really want to miss out on that?” Zhiami pointed her centaur lower on her back. “Securing him an appropriate mate is not just in his best interest due to his breeding, it’s simply the way things are done here. I had a matchmaker lined up for Iya. He ignored the first session I’d set up in favor of running wild with a satyr. But I’m sure you’re not interested in such history.”

  “I’m a little interested. Iya hasn’t told me much, only that he’d had ten or twenty lovers—”

  I hadn’t even finished the last word when Zhiami unsuccessfully smothered a snort of laughter. “I’m sorry. Please continue.”

  “No, Wait. What was that about?”

  She let out a sigh and gave me a sympathetic look. “That number sounds about right for the ones he harbored affection for. At least enough to have a relationship spanning more than an afternoon or two. But he’s an akuma. He began chasing the ladies quite successfully in his early teens.”

  She gave me a grin with fangs as she reached around beside her and ran her fingers down the back of the centaur, sensually. “It’s an across-the-board trait. These boys are my current amusement.” She slapped his haunch. “Faces like works of art and hung like stallions.” Her grin grew wider. “Fancy a ride?”

  I covered my mouth in horror, simply shaking my head.

  Zhiami shrugged. “Your loss. If you think what they do with their hands is magic, you wouldn’t believe the rest. But they’ll be around a while yet if you change your mind. And if you’re worried about Iya, don’t be. Akuma carry an exclusive pair bond like anyone else, but there’s not a monogamous demon out there.”

  “But I’m not a demon!” My heart was racing but not in a good way. “I thought . . . I mean . . .” My eyes filled with tears.

  Zhiami reached out and took my hand. “It’s not about love, dear child. Iya is devoted to you. He’s your bonded mate. But hundreds of years together is a hard sentence for monogamy even without our demon desire to chase excesses. I was bonded to Iya’s father for 487 years. Just consider that in your expectations for both of you. That’s a long time to keep finding new ways to shake things up.”

  “I’m an imp. I’m not going to live that long. Barely a fraction of that. Iya can’t stick with me for like 130 years and then go buck wild?”

  “Iya and I have discussed your aging,” Zhiami gave me an odd look. “At his request, I’ve been asking around about you—experts on demon magic and such. We’re not sure exactly how old you might get. Since the demon magic was turning you into a demon, there’s a good chance it’s going to keep you alive longer, like a demon. Or it might not. But I’d definitely prep for the possibility of being around a lot longer than you thought.”

  “Still,” I pouted. “Wait . . . Do you think he’s already been with other women?”

  Zhiami shook her head. “I’m not running speculation with you, and I’m not trying to shake your faith in him. He’s perfectly capable of maintaining a monogamous relationship for a while. But the details of that need to be between the two of you. Anyway, now you know what discussion you ought to have with him when you have the time to talk properly.”

  She stood, letting the cloth which covered her fall to the floor. “Marius, I’d like to finish relaxing in private, please.”

  He stamped a hoof and turned so she could slide off the table and onto his back until she was riding him. The door shut and I was alone and feeling very awkward with my centaur. I had trouble seeing him as a legitimate masseuse now that I knew he was one of Zhiami’s boy-toys. I lay back down properly and made sure I was covered.

  “I, uh . . . don’t want the same services as Zhiami,” I told him.

  He gave a low chuckle. “Of course, Mistress. Do you trust me to continue a standard massage? It sounds as though you could use it.”

  I sat up in horror. “You guys heard all of that.”

  “We repeat nothing.”

  My eyes filled with tears. “It was all so personal. Especially . . .” The thought of Iya with other women pushed those tears out and down my cheeks. I looked helplessly up at the centaur as the tears kept rolling. “I’ve been bonded less than two years. And we had a baby! What if . . . he lost attraction for me before we even got a honeymoon? What if the palace is full of his pop-tarts?”

  The centaur put a hand under my chin and lifted my face. “The servants move freely between this palace and your own. Rumors travel even more freely. I have heard nothing of these alleged pop-tarts. But if you are truly this distressed, I could go retrieve Lord Iya for you. Perhaps a quick conversation to dispel your fears.”

  I shook my head firmly. “I can’t ask him that. What if I don’t like the answer?”

  He gently rubbed my chin and used his magic, soothing me. “And what if it rids you of all your fears? Sometimes the mind is your own worst enemy.”

  I was saved from having to choose either way when Iya came in, tapping lightly at the door. “Marius said you needed me?”

  I scowled at the thought of the other nosy centaur. But since Iya was here . . .

  “Yeah . . .”

  My centaur left, and Iya shut the door, giving us privacy. “What’s up?”

  “I . . .” My stomach burned, but I needed to know. “Have you taken lovers since we’ve been together?” I blurted.

  Iya shook his head, looking irritated. “It shouldn’t surprise me that this came up.” He sighed. “I guess it was inevitable that my mother or Shandian would say something.”

  I covered my mouth in horror. “It’s true!”

  “No! That’s not what I meant. I meant I could have guessed they’d say something which might plant the fear in your head. But you don’t need to worry. You’re my world right now. There’s no one but you.”

  “Right now?” I snapped. “So later . . .”

  He sat on the massage table, beside me. “Maybe. Did my mother tell you it’s usually a mutual agreement once an akuma is pair bonded? There’s a honeymoon period of exclusivity. Eventually, both will look outside the marriage, but it’s not some big secret. Sometimes it’s even done together. From what I understand, Shandian’s wife wasn’t interested in playing around together, and though they’re still bonded, they ignore what the other does on the side. Tomi and his wife are quite devoted to one another. They usually bring others in for threesomes or more . . .”

  I frowned at him. “And how would you know what goes on in Tomi’s bedroom?”

  His ears flattened against his head. “I . . . uh . . . was kind of invited to join in.”

  “Did you?” I gasped.

  “I never got the chance. The night in question was crashed by a desperate imp who lost control of her demon magic . . . and I think you know the story from there.”

  “Would you have?” Asking came from the same place that drives you to gawk at a car wreck.

  His ears squeezed in tighter. “I was planning on it.” He gave me a helpless look. “I’m a demon, Livy. Stuff like that is really hard to pass up.” He took my hand in his. “But I have you, and for now, that’s more than enough. If my desires change, I’m not going to sneak off on you. We’ll talk about it, see what you need, and go from there. We’re not talking about some shady human cheating. If you had an imp thing you needed to take care of, we’d work it out together, right?”

  “Oh.” I didn’t know what else to say. His response wasn’t anything like what I’d expected. “Wait . . . What if I never need that? I’m not a demon, you know.”

  He ran a finger down my neck, catching the cloth across my breasts and tugging it off. I heard him give a little hiss of pleasure. “Then we’ll find something you are comfortable with.” He was kissing straight down the line of my cleavage. “Find someone you want to bring home, and we’ll both play.”

  I sighed, wrapping my fingers through his hair, the dancing flames tickling at my palms. “I only want you . . .” I squeaked as he pulled the sheet off with his teeth.

  He kissed my thigh and gave me a truly wicked smile without lifting his head. “Liar. There’s always someone.” He kissed again, a bit higher, keeping his eyes on me. “I’m talking about compromising in your favor.”

  I backed away. “It’s really weird hearing my husband say stuff like this.”

  “Not when you’re married to a demon.” He grabbed my hips and jerked, so I fell onto my back on the massage table. “But I told you. I haven’t hit the point where I need anything like that. So stop worrying about it. We’ll talk again when it matters.” He lowered himself so that our bodies were touching. “Now, let me rub those hard to reach spots. I have some wonderful tricks for deep tissue massage.”

  I rolled my eyes, fully prepared to give him crap for the badly laid innuendo, but his next few movements rendered me speechless.

  ~ ~ ~

  I hugged Cyon to me as we toured the house Talon selected in San Francisco. He stood in the living room with his arm around Katriane’s waist. Moving Cyon to Earth would cost me dearly. My baby, Talon, Katriane, and two of my dragons were all moving there.

  The other demon lords had agreed to let Talon and Katriane raise my son. They obviously felt safer with Katriane and my demon power here, squashing any question of a multi-dimensional dynasty. We’d run a few experiments and found that while I could draw power from Katriane on Earth, the power trickled in like water from a kinked hose.

  The diminished access to my demon magic further smoothed the feelings of the grudging lords. Also, in relinquishing full access to my power, I secured the right to leave two of my dragons on Earth as guards. To my surprise, Vixaria had taken a fancy to Feran. And he returned the sentiment. While dragons rarely formed pair bonds, the two were quite content to play house together in a home neighboring Talon’s. I couldn’t complain about Cyon’s safety. He would be well protected here.

  Iya took Cyon to snuggle. Katriane used my free arms for a hug.

  “I’ll treat him like he’s my own,” she said as she squeezed. “Who knows. Maybe som
eday he’ll get another friend.” She blinked shyly at Talon. “After all, we’ll be back for our pair bonding in eight months. Once Talon and I have had a chance to host a human wedding for my family here.”

  “I’m so glad you found happiness. I didn’t want to think I’d taken everything from you and offered you nothing in return.”

  Katriane traded me to Talon when he poked her shoulder. He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. “I know this is the most important job in the world to you. I’ll do my utmost to give Cyon the best.”

  “Don’t spoil him too much.” The words choked me on their way out.

  “You’ll be back every week. He’ll know his mother and father.” He squeezed me again. “If I haven’t told you how happy I am that you gave Katriane and me your blessings, thank you.”

  I let out a watery chuckle. “You tell me that frequently. But I’ll never be tired of hearing you’re happy. I wanted nothing more for you.”

  I took Cyon in my arms and snuggled his orange hair against my cheek one last time. Confusion passed over his sweet features when my tears started to soak his hair. Iya pulled him out of my hands and passed him to Katriane.

  “We should go,” he whispered. “This is only going to keep getting harder the longer you take. We’ll be back in a few days.”

  A gateway had been set up in the backyard, and Iya ushered me through the shimmering circle. As soon as my feet touch the smooth glass of my balcony, sobs burst forth.

  Iya took me in his arms, using his shirt to wipe my face dry. “We need to do something to distract you. Let’s play.”

  “N-not . . . in the m-mood.”


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