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The Dragon's Mate (Ancient Dragons Book 1)

Page 5

by Serena Simpson

She slid to the floor of the bathroom allowing herself to cry. If she let herself believe that what they said is true, then she was backing a society that was systematically killing any child that didn’t fit. No! Absolutely not. How could anyone be that cruel? Air, she needed air.

  Did her father know this was happening? He was CEO of one of the biggest corporations in the world. They had fingers everywhere. Air, she needed air. Stumbling her way out the bathroom she opened the first door she found. It led to another door. She walked out getting further away from the voices in the front room.

  The whole floor seemed to be one, but there was a lift. She got in and pushed the button. When it opened it let her off on the ground floor. The lobby was empty, but she wasn’t expecting anyone. She hit the door desperate to stand in the open and take a deep breath.

  Was her sister killed because she didn’t fit what was normal? Did her father know about this? Why wasn’t she killed or had purple eyes become acceptable? How many children had been aborted because they didn’t fit in with society? When had they become uniform?


  She turned at the sound of her name.

  “I knew you would come, eventually.”

  She couldn’t see who was talking. It didn’t matter. Taking small steps, she started edging backward.

  “I’ve waited five hundred years for you, now you are here. It’s time to end this war.”

  “There hasn’t been a war for over five hundred years.”

  “We were waiting for you. Come with me and this will be over.”

  “No, I have someplace to be.”

  “Grab her.”

  Who was he talking to? She turned around to run when an arm snaked around her middle picking her up and handing her off.

  “My queen it’s me,” Magnus’ voice seeped through her panic.

  She pulled away, he put her down. Rilan was on the ground fighting with someone who she still couldn’t see. It was like he was wearing a shield that only allowed the images around him to be projected back at you.

  “I’ll be back,” the voice called out before he seemed to disappear.

  “I’m sorry,” she told Rilan when he came back.

  “You should be safe standing outside the building. Magnus, did you get a read on him?”


  “Let’s go back inside.”

  They rode back up in silence. “Did he say anything to you?”

  “He said he was waiting for me. Now the war could commence.”

  “What is going on?” Rilan ran his hand through his hair spreading the dark locks before they fell around his shoulders.

  “Catch.” Magnus threw a pad at him. “We need to read. Start with what was being reported right before we took our nap. I’ll start with the year before that.”

  “Research, I’m glad we moved away from paper years ago.” Rilan took her hand and sank onto the couch. He pulled her close making sure she was settled in his arms before he turned the pad on.

  “You fought for me.”

  “Always.” His fingers traced hers bringing a smile to her face.

  She picked up a history book and started to read while her head was lying against his chest. To fast she shouted. How could he care when no one ever cared before?

  They spent the rest of the day researching as she read about what life used to be like.

  “Niagara Falls! I always wanted to go there.” She jumped up showing him the picture in the book.

  “I flew there once. It was beautiful to watch the water.”

  Magnus coughed. “I think you were there for more than water.”

  Rilan glared at him. “Pay no attention to him.”

  “Was she pretty?” His cheeks heated making her laugh. “She was.”

  “I was only fifty what do you want from me. I was barely out of my parents’ home.”

  Magnus threw back his head laughing harder. “True, he was still wet behind the ears. That girl led him around like he had a ring in his nose.”

  “It was good while it lasted. She didn’t want me.”

  “She wanted a title?” Kisame looked up captured by his eyes.

  “Yeah, I think everyone knew except me.”

  “We knew you’d figure it out on your own.”

  “Seems the thought of being queen brings them out.” Kisame squinched up her face. “Not you though. Is it because we are only two?”

  “No.” She stood and walked over to the window to watch the sky darkening. “I never aspired too much. I wanted to be the best explorer I could be. Then if life were good, I’d meet the one and have children. He would love me and we’d live this nice quiet life. To be queen would be to have other lives resting in my hands. I’d have to fight for others when I can barely fight for myself.”

  She felt when he came up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her against his chest.

  “That’s why you’ll make the perfect queen. You don’t want the title, but do you want the man?”

  “I shouldn’t. We just met, but...”


  “I hear you in my head. The word mate comes over loud and clear, but it's more than that. You fight for me. Does that sound weird? In my life, no one besides my mother has ever fought for me. Yeah, you're hot as hell, but it’s more about the man I see on the inside and not on the outside.”

  “That’s a good start. I like what I see in you. A steel core that I don’t think you know you have. How long did it take you to come on this trip?”

  “Years, five to be honest. I had to fight everyone to gain permission. I had to fight my father who put up a roadblock every time I thought I was close.”

  “You’re strong Kisame. I don’t know what the future looks like, but I’m glad it includes you.”

  “Dinner?” Magnus called out.

  “More venison?” She asked.


  She started laughing. “Why did I even ask? Have you heard of chicken or hamburgers?”

  Magnus threw his hand over his heart as he began to fall. “You wound me. Real dragons would never eat that!”

  “Really?” her mouth flew open.

  “Got you.” He laughed along with Rilan.

  She joined in. “Rabbit better taste like chicken.”

  “It does I swear.” Magnus led them to the kitchen.

  She took one last look out the window wondering who was waiting for her to make another mistake.

  Chapter Eight

  “Kisame,” Rilan called her name. She was sitting on the edge of the bed watching him. “We don’t have to sleep in the same room. Believe me, Magnus has the whole top floor. There are more rooms.”

  It was so easy for her to tease about casual sex. Most likely because she knew no one was going to take her up on it. But she knew if she issued the invitation to Rilan he wouldn't turn her down. It’s been a long time since she looked at herself through another’s eyes. She didn’t know if she would like what she saw.

  “It’s just that we don't really no each other.” There’s also the fact that her stomach wasn’t flat and suddenly she was concerned that her breasts were too big and don’t get her started about the cellulite on her thighs. Do women like her ever get the guy?

  “I can go next door.”

  He could, but she didn’t want him too.


  Or was good, right?

  “Or I could sleep here, but all we do is sleep. That way I could hold your sweet body in my arms. I can feel your breath against my cheek.”

  Did he just call my body sweet? Wait, her breath on his face? What a sweet talker. He probably wanted her because, well, it’s been years since he got any.

  “You probably think I’m horny.”

  Did dragons say horny?


  “Smart dragon. I can’t deny this, but I can say I can control myself. We live long and to be honest between the war and everything that was going on I gave up on women long before I fell a
sleep. I was waiting for someone different.”

  He called her a dragon, she was going to ignore that. “What were you waiting on?”

  “My mate. I’ve waited for a long time. Now that you’re here I can wait a little longer until you’re as sure of me as I am of you.”

  She felt her throat working. After grabbing her bag, she disappeared into the bathroom to change clothes. It wasn’t like she really brought anything to spend the night in bed. She figured she’d be sleeping in her vehicle.

  One look in the mirror and she decided to wear nothing except her bra and panties. Time to get this show on the road if the way to fit dragon didn’t like what he saw it was better to find out now than later.

  “Rilan what happened to the sword I’ve seen you with. It’s been at least twice.” She needed something to take her mind off the decision she was making.

  Deep breath, she reached for the door of the bathroom. Courage, she opened it and took a step out. Then she saw him.

  “Don’t say it,” he raised his hand in front of himself like he was holding a shield.

  “OMG you're wearing bright yellow boxers with black smiley faces on them.” She laughed not able to help herself.

  His face fell. “I told you not to say it!” he barked before he started laughing with her. “This is part of the sword discussion. Get your beautiful self in the bed so I can hide these god-awful boxers.”

  She scrambled into the bed still chuckling but no longer feeling self-conscious. He turned off the light and climbed in behind her. Their eyes providing just enough brightness to see. She turned over to face him. He moved a little closer making sure she felt his body heat.

  “You’ve probably noticed that my dragon is several feet taller than I am and several hundred pounds bigger.”

  “I might have noticed,” she gave him a teasing smile.

  “According to my dad all that’s done through magic. I don’t believe in magic, but I don’t know what else to call it. I can manipulate certain things as long as they’re natural. Imagine having to take all your clothes off to become a dragon and then having to come back to the same spot on the off chance that your clothes are still there and you can change.”

  “I can’t imagine that. You can make your own clothes?”

  “Or duplicate any made for me. I can also make swords or shields, any weapon as long as it’s natural to protect myself or my mate. My magical reserves are low so I have been sticking with the basics, making things I need to protect you.”

  “How did you get the boxers?”

  He gave a deep sigh of regret. “Magnus whipped them up for me.”

  She gave in to a deep belly laugh as she thought about Magnus making clothes for his king.

  “I like him,” she said when she could finally get her voice.

  “He’s always been like a second father to me.” His breath blew against her cheek. “But when my magical reserves are full, it’s on.” He laughed pulling her tight against him. “Sleep, tomorrow is a new day.”

  She didn’t want to sleep. It was a joy to have his thick arms holding her close. The heat from his body was making her comfy as well as drowsy. She wanted to savor it, spend more time convincing herself that this man was everything she could ever want. Her eyes slowly closed drifting off into dreams where her children flew the sky and everyone was free.

  “It’ll never happen you know.”

  Kisame turned in circles before calming down. Dragons had some type of mental communications. She’d worked that out on her own. It seemed she must be a latent since Rilan was able to speak to her at times. She didn’t know where she was, but she knew it wasn’t real.

  “What do you want?”

  “What everyone wants, the destruction of the world. The end of the dragon race. You know just the everyday normal things.”

  “Haha. How are you still around to do this or did you pass it down to your children?”

  “I like that thought, let’s go with it. It’s generational.”

  “You’re trying to destroy the dragons so only the humans live.”

  “Silly girl. As long as one of you lives the dragons will always have a chance of coming back. If you think I’m wrong just look into a mirror.”

  “Kisame time to wake up.” Rilan nuzzled her neck.

  “Hey,” she gave him a smile. “Can’t we sleep a little longer?”

  “You can, but I think you want to wake up. We’re going to explore what Magnus has learned today. I also had him make you an outfit.”

  She stiffened pushing back the sinfully comfortable covers to see herself in her lingerie. “If it’s bright yellow.”

  “As if he would do that to his queen, only to his king.” Rilan laughed before sitting up in the bed. “The clothes are in the bathroom. I’ll use the bathroom in the room next door.”

  She nodded getting out of bed and heading for the bathroom. When she saw the outfit. she had to smile. It was beautiful something she would have worn if she wasn’t here. The shower called out to her. The fact that there was running water, and it was hot was still a puzzle. Where was the water company to make them pay for it? Last night Magnus had turned on the lights. They didn’t really need them for walking, but for reading the light of their eyes wasn’t enough.

  Once she was dressed in a pair of jeans that skimmed her body and a shirt that emphasized her breasts while free-flowing over her problem area. She laughed at that because she liked her body and really didn’t consider it a problem. She walked out aiming for the kitchen.

  “Look who’s up,” Magnus’s voice boomed down the hallway giving her a bow.

  “Stop that.”

  “Yes, my queen.”

  “You are really going to be calling me that aren’t you?”

  “Yes, my queen.”

  “You know Rilan and I are not mated.”

  “Not yet. Have you remembered mating or do you still have mating celebrations?”

  She stopped when she stood in front of Magnus. Other than hearing Rilan call her mate why would she say something like this?

  “No, we get married. It’s all modern we stand in front of a priest and take our vows. Is mating different?”

  “Very much so. When two people mate, they join their lives and their life forces together. It is the meaning behind two become one.”

  “I always thought that was just cute words to help you stay together.”

  Magnus shook his head as he led her to the kitchen. “There’s a reason for those words.”

  “What about divorce?”

  “In dragon culture, there is no divorce. Mating is sacred but more than that. You know if you’re with the right mate. No one wants to spend eternity with the wrong dragon.”


  “Death won’t break the bond,” Rilan told her as they walked into the kitchen. “Once the bond is formed it will never dissolve. When we walk through the door mated and death, we will go together. We will be as mated on that side of life as we are on this side.”

  She lifted a hand hoping to wipe her tear away without anyone seeing.

  “That’s sweet. I mean it’s more than sweet, the thought of always being loved by someone. It’s more than I can take in right now.”

  “Take your time I grew up with the notion. What I didn’t have growing up was a mate.”

  “What happens if you don’t find your mate?”

  “It happens. You get old and crotchety.”

  “You’re not old.”

  “How old are you my queen?”

  “Twenty-nine.” Magnus and Rilan let out loud bursts of air.

  “Don’t tell that one,” he pointed to Rilan. “I am over fifteen hundred years old, but I’ll only claim a thousand of them.”

  Sadness hung to Magnus like a cloud making her want to get up and wrap her arms around him. Before she thought better of it, she was out of her seat.

  “We’ll find her. If we have to talk to every female on the planet, we’ll find your mate.” />
  “And what will you tell her my queen? Your mate is older than the war and a dragon? Surprise!” Magnus gave her a tight hug before stepping back. “We don’t want to make the boy king jealous.”

  “I’ll boy king you,” Rilan told him. Too bad he was guzzling a glass of orange juice at the time. “One of us needs to go hunting for meat and fruit now that there are three of us.”

  “I was planning to leave after I show you the surveillance cameras.”

  “Surveillance cameras?” She sat down at the table. “What cameras?”

  “Before the war or more accurately because of the war we planted small cameras all over the world. They became our eyes and ears since we considered it too dangerous to leave our territory. It seems the dragon does not like to blend.”

  “They still work?”

  “Yes. I needed to reboot and rework the system they were on. I used different codes to be able to integrate with the system you are working with, but they work.”

  “You just hacked into our system?”

  “I wish. I’ve had years to work with and nothing to do except to learn how modern technology works.”

  “Oh,” she was somewhat pacified. The thought of being so vulnerable bothered her.

  Rilan fixed them a breakfast of fresh fruits. They took their plates and followed Magnus to what he was calling his security room.

  Kisame took a bite of an orange slice and moaned. “I wish I had some cheese with this or peanut butter to go with the apple slices.”

  “What is peanut butter?” Rilan asked.

  “Well, umm, its peanuts, but I think it's ground down with something to make it sort of spreadable. The best kind has peanut chunks in it. I just eat it, I never question it.”

  “Then I should ask you what cheese is?” Magnus teased.

  “God no! It’s cheese and comes in different colors and the more I think of it I don’t care where it comes from. Milk I suppose but then why is it different colors? Aww, the two of you are driving me crazy!”

  They laughed while Magnus pushed the door open to his security room. The area was large taking up several rooms in the back of his penthouse. There were large ledges around the perimeter filled with computer equipment and chairs of varying sizes for people to sit in. Above the computers were larger monitors hooked to the wall. In the middle of the room was a concentration of computers. It was a mini workstation made for about five people.


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