The Queen

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The Queen Page 7

by Cole Denton

  “At my table, you eat until your belly is full. I will not tolerate a hungry young man. Is that understood?” I asked Sean.

  “Yes, my Queen. Thank you,” Sean quietly said and took hold of the breadbasket Michan handed to him.

  Once I saw that the boys were all eating I glanced at Klyn. He sat to my left, wearing a grin on his face. I knew he wanted badly to comment about how I had a heart for noticing Sean’s uncertainty at the table. I made sure Klyn saw my raised eyebrow, and I slowly shook my head at him. He laughed and looked around the table at the young men.

  “So, what are your plans today, gentlemen?” Klyn asked though he knew they were going into the woods today.

  I reiterated that the day after the pageant was always a free day for them. In the past, I had always hoped that they would bond. It had become somewhat of a tradition that the day after the pageant, the young men would go into the woods, where they thought they were free from all eyes and ears, and would welcome the new man to their brotherhood. I truly loved this tradition, because with my hyper hearing and vision, I could see and hear them clearly from the balcony. And there was nothing hotter than watching young men giving in to their visceral urges.

  “We are going to take Sean out and show him the grounds surrounding Darick Castle, Sir Klyn,” Liam spoke up.

  “Brilliant idea,” Klyn commented, though he already knew what they had planned.

  “When do you plan on taking your adventure around the castle?” I asked as I sipped my tea.

  “Just after we eat and dress, my Queen,” Ethan added.

  “Be sure to take canteens with water. Do not drink from the river along the forest,” I warned.

  Wonderful. I carried on a conversation with Klyn about some things that needed to be done around the castle in the coming days while the boys quietly hurried through their breakfast. When it was clear that they were done, I excused them. After I watched their beautiful, muscular bodies walk from the room, I faced Klyn.

  “They are quite the sight. I somewhat enjoy looking at their cocks even when they are soft. Is that wrong of me?”

  Klyn laughed and laced his hands behind his head.

  “Not at all. This is your kingdom, and they are yours to do with what you please. Their bodies are very different, though I do believe that Sean will end up being the largest framed once he eats up more.”

  “Ethan has not filled out yet. That young man can hardly keep his trousers up,” I shook my head and laughed as I recalled Ethan in Madame Kamara’s shop yesterday with his suspenders.

  “There you go again,” Klyn suggested.

  “What?” I inquired.

  “You know what I am talking about.”

  “I honestly do not; otherwise I would not have wasted your time asking.”

  “I have all the time in the world, Octavia. Both of us have all the time in the world.”

  “Yes, I agree, but what were you referring to?” I asked again.

  “You care for these young men. Your heart is apparent,” Klyn insisted.

  I shook my head and reached for my tea. He was wrong. We have had this conversation for years.

  “I do not, Klyn. We have talked about this.”

  “And I always am right. The way you tended to Sean. You were concerned he was not eating. You care if the boys become friends. You reminded them to take drinks with them and not to drink from the river. You often comment about Ethan not getting bigger. All things that someone who cares thinks about or says.”

  “Klyn, I lost my heart the night my parents were murdered.” I stabbed some diced fruit on my plate, chewed and swallowed before speaking again. “The same with you, Klyn. You lost your heart that night in the woods.”

  Klyn smiled and sipped his tea while he stared at me.

  “I still have my heart, just as you do. Now, if you will excuse me, I will fetch some ladies to remove the breakfast so you can get ready to enjoy the view of four gentlemen and their trip into the woods.”

  “Thank you, Klyn. What are you going to do today?”

  “I plan on taking one of my new books outside to enjoy.”

  “Any chance you are taking it outside to where you can see into the woods as well?” I asked Klyn with a grin. Like me, Klyn had the hyper vision and hearing when he had been turned. His hearing, though, had limitations and did not seem to be as good as mine. But instead of hearing that was as good as mine, Klyn had boundless energy, unlike anyone or anything.

  “I do not promise anything, but yes, there is a good chance that I will be where I can view your gentlemen.”

  “Klyn, you are a dirty man, watching after my handsome gentlemen as they carry out their dirty deeds. You are beyond two hundred years older than them,” I pretended to sound appalled at his behavior.

  “You are about the same, my Queen,” he countered with a smile and began to leave the room.

  “I am going to have to start watching you, Sir Klyn. I will have to make sure you do not taint my fine gentlemen with your seed,” I teased.

  Klyn turned to face me with a wicked gleam in his eye and said, “How do you know that I have not already?”

  “Klyn!” I exclaimed through gritted teeth.

  He laughed hard and held his hands up in defense.

  “I am only joking, my Queen. I would not dream of it,” Klyn promised as he left the room.

  No, but I would dream of it.

  Suddenly, the thought of watching Klyn fuck one of my gentlemen was enough of an exciting prospect that it went straight to my clit. My mind continued to wander as I sat down to brush my hair while the balcony was tended to.

  Hmm, which gentleman would it be? I briefly pictured him with Michan and perhaps it would because Klyn oversaw everything surrounding the stable, and Michan was a stable hand. Additionally, Klyn had walked in on Michan as he impaled himself on a post he had sanded down. Indeed, they were delightful images.

  I had my pleasure items placed on the table on the balcony that Roisin and I would use soon. But I was not ready for her yet. I sat down on the settee with one of my new books. I had actually become engrossed in the book when I heard the boys.

  “Over there is the stable. Sir Klyn is in charge of it. He will probably have you help out in there. It is also where they repair the carriages,” Liam told Sean.

  “I would like working on the carriages. Last night was my first time in a carriage.”

  “How did you and your pop travel to Drishane?” Ethan asked.

  “We walked.”

  “Damn, how long did that take?” Ethan inquired.

  “Days. We did not use the main paths. We traveled through the forests.”

  Interesting. That may have extended their travel to Drishane considerably. Staying off the paths would mean they would not be seen.

  “Did you see any witch or warlock camps?” Michan asked.

  “A few, yes. One night we slept near one of their camps, and the warlock invited us for a meal.”

  “What was it like in Stonebridge?” Ethan asked.

  “Different. There were lots of new people all of the time. Fishermen and explorers from other places.”

  “It was just you and your pop?” Michan asked.

  “Yes, just us. He wanted to move here to get away from the violence.”

  “Lots of people say that Stonebridge is violent and dangerous,” Liam said.

  “You cannot always believe what you hear. Especially from people who are not from there. But yes, Stonebridge was dangerous. Our home was taken one night. We lost everyth—”

  Sean’s voice suddenly cut out. I stood up to look over the balcony and could see them clearly in the distance. I noticed a few more clouds had rolled in as I watched them approach the short bridge that goes over a narrow creek leading to the woods. Their voices picked up again, and I sat back down.

  “Do you guys know what the mark is on the Queen’s leg?” Sean asked.

  “It is from Lochlann Mortas,” Liam said.

that name was enough to throw me back to that atrocious night two hundred years ago.

  “What is that?” Sean asked.

  “It is not a ‘what.’ Lochlann Mortas is the leader of the Carpe Noctem,” Ethan informed Sean.

  “They are the vampires that are responsible for the Drishane massacre two hundred years ago. Legend has it that they swept through the town undetected during King Darick’s Annual Festival,” Liam retold the story.

  “Carpe Noctem killed everyone in Drishane except for Queen Octavia—”

  “She was a princess back then,” Michan interrupted Ethan.

  “They killed everyone but, Sir Klyn found Princess Octavia just in time. He took her to a warlock deep in the woods—”

  “It was not a warlock, it was a witch,” Michan interrupted Ethan again.

  “It was Sir Klyn’s sister. She was a witch. That is where he took her,” Liam corrected the information.

  “Right, sorry. Sir Klyn took her to the witch and nursed her back to health. However, because she had been bitten by Carpe Noctem, if she survived their venom, she would become a vampire,” Ethan explained.

  “She is immortal,” Michan said.

  “The marks on her leg, the three diamonds, those are the mark of Lochlann Mortas’ family. They only way someone would have it is if they were bound by heritage to the Mortas, or if they had been bitten by a Mortas,” Liam told Sean.

  “If a person is bitten by a Mortas, legend has it that the mark of Mortas could grow onto their flesh,” Michan added.

  “Sir Klyn’s witch sister made a potion that would prevent the aethereal blood venom from killing her,” Ethan said.

  “But, what about Sir Klyn?” Sean frantically asked. “He had been bitten too, right?”

  “Sir Klyn had been injured on his way to locate the princess,” Ethan stated.

  “But, he is still alive. So, he must be a vampire too,” Sean deduced.

  “He nearly died of his injuries at his sister’s. She did everything she could for him, but the only way to save him was for Princess Octavia to bite him,” Ethan told Sean.

  “But, they can be out during the day? Is sunlight not supposed to kill vampires?” Sean asked.

  “The Queen and Sir Klyn are special vampires. They have some of the powers of full vampires, but they are not affected by things that bother full vampires either,” Ethan explained.

  “Is Sir Klyn a knight?” Sean asked.

  “Yes. When they returned to the castle, Princess Octavia was now Queen Octavia Darick. She knighted Klyn. So, he became Sir Klyn,” Liam explained.

  As I was becoming enthralled with the gentlemen’s retelling of the story, Roisin stepped out onto the balcony completely naked. Her beautiful auburn hair shined outside, despite the sudden cloudy sky. I closed the book and set it on the table. I had not been paying much attention to it anyhow as the conversation the boys were having consumed my attention.

  “Roisin,” I called for her as I opened my robe further and pointed to the ground for her to kneel.

  She took one of my nipples into her mouth and rolled her tongue and teeth around my flesh. I closed my eyes to concentrate on the boys again as Roisin’s soft mouth nibbled and sucked on my breasts.

  “Did anyone find out what the Carpe Noctem wanted?” Sean inquired.

  “Royal Darick,” Liam stated.

  “Plain and simple. They wanted the currency that is used here. What kind of currency was used in Stonebridge?” Ethan asked Sean.

  “Forest chips. I had heard of Royal Darick, but never seen any.”

  “Royal Darick is worth far more than forest chips and can be used in other countries. The Carpe Noctem wanted to get into the castle and steal the Royal Darick,” Ethan explained.

  “They did not just want to steal the Royal Darick, they wanted in the mint,” Michan added.

  “What is a mint?” Sean asked.

  “It is where the Royal Darick is made. It is in the cellar of the castle. We will show you. Lochlann Mortas wanted inside the mint so he could take the molds and materials used to make the Royal Darick coins.”

  “Did they take it all?” Sean asked.

  “No, that is the best part of the story, Sean. Not one piece of Royal Darick had been extracted from Darick Castle. They could not get into the castle. King Darick had a spell of protection around the castle,” Michan excitedly said.

  “It is called the Halo of Darick. My mum and pop are good friends with a witch named Gwyneth Calvrook. She said the King’s family has had the Halo of Darick in place to prevent vampires from getting into the castle. The only way in for a vampire is to be invited,” Ethan explained.”

  “But they cannot be invited just by anyone. They would have to be invited by a member of the Darick family,” Liam further explained.

  “And who the bloody hell would invite a vampire into the castle?” Michan laughed.

  The boys continued talking about some of the things for Sean to expect during a normal day and how he always needs to be alert in case I was to beckon for him. I motioned for Roisin to go get the double cock headed pleasure object from the table.

  “My Queen, this is fascinating!” Roisin beamed as she examined the object.

  I got off of the settee and instructed Roisin to get on her hands and knees.

  “Go ahead, my love. Put it into your pussy.”

  Once Roisin worked the pleasure stick in, I propped my foot upon the settee. She knew what I had expected and quickly buried her face between my legs. My eyes quickly scanned the forest for my gentlemen as I heard promising words from Liam that their initiation was beginning.

  “The Queen wants the four of us to be close,” Liam said.

  “Close enough that aside from taking care of her, that we take care of one another,” Michan added.

  The four boys had come to a stop in the woods and were passing canteens between them.

  “Do you know what that means, Sean?” Ethan delved.

  “We are supposed to be broth—”

  Sean’s voice faded again, and I heard a faint ringing noise. I rubbed my ear for a moment. I could see the boys, but the voices had been interrupted a few times now. I will admit that I found it bothersome and a bit unnerving.

  “Dirty brothers,” Michan laughed along with Liam, Ethan, and Sean.

  “We will show you what it means,” Liam said.

  Liam pushed his trousers down, and Ethan crouched in front of him. Ethan took Liam’s cock in his mouth as Liam put his hand on Ethan’s head. To mirror Liam’s hand, I pulled Roisin’s head closer against my pussy.

  “Get in there, girl,” I instructed.

  Michan lowered his trousers and stood next to Liam. Soon, Ethan pulled his mouth off of Liam’s cock and went down on Michan’s.

  “This is what it means when we say that we take care of one another too,” Liam said.

  “Have you ever done anything like this, Sean?” Michan asked while Ethan sucked on him.

  “No,” Sean admitted.

  “Had you ever done anything like last night before? With multiple people?” Liam asked.

  “No,” Sean said.

  “It will be okay. You do not have anything to fear. We will not hurt you,” Michan promised.

  “The Queen just needs us for her pleasure, and sometimes we are sent away right after,” Liam said.

  “So we take care of one another,” Ethan quickly mumbled.

  “Ever have a man suck your cock, Sean?” Liam asked.

  “No. Just a woman, back home in Stonebridge.”

  “Come here...undo your trousers,” Liam encouraged.

  Sean slowly walked to Liam and stood next to him with his trousers open. Ethan took his mouth off of Liam’s cock and took Sean’s into his mouth. I removed my foot from the settee; I needed to feel this double cock head pleasure object. I situated myself on the settee so I could rest my forearms on the top of the headrest and still see my gentlemen. I lined my pussy up and pushed backward to slide down the lacq
uered shaft until I bumped Roisin’s ass.

  “Like that, Sean?” Michan asked.

  “Yes,” he moaned.

  Michan pulled his shirt off and set it on a tree that had fallen over before he sat down on it. He called Sean over to him while Ethan sucked on Liam. Michan instructed Sean to put his hands on the tree trunk on either side of him. Michan took hold of his gorgeous cock and told Sean to put his mouth on it. While Sean was introduced to cock-sucking, Liam and Ethan joined them by the tree.

  “Sean, ready to be part of our brotherhood?” Michan asked.


  “It will feel like the gift that the Queen gave each of us last night. Only thicker and longer,” Ethan warned.

  “Each of us will fill you, and we will be bound,” Michan said.

  “It will feel good, Sean. We promise,” Liam said.

  Sean nodded and lowered his head to take Michan’s cock back in his mouth. Liam pulled Sean’s ass cheeks apart and spit on his hole. I began feverishly humping the pleasure stick that Roisin and I shared. The scene that was unfolding in the woods with my gentlemen was making me soaked. Sean swore as best as he could with a mouthful of cock as Liam pierced his virginal hole.

  Liam’s face concentrated on Sean’s body as he held onto his hips. Ethan stood on the tree trunk next to Michan and stroked his cock. Michan finally took the hint and opened his mouth to take Ethan in.

  My dirty, young gentlemen.

  Their moans broke in and out of my hearing, which was extremely distracting. This had not happened since I had been turned nearly two hundred years ago.

  As Roisin and I continued to abuse the object of sin, I watched Ethan and Michan each have their turn with Sean. The four of them were incredibly hot to watch together, and Sean accepted his new life without any issue it seemed. Just as I was about to come, the boys finished up and were resting.

  “That is the tightest ass I have ever felt, Sean,” Michan announced.

  “We worked you over well. Here, drink some more water,” Liam suggested.

  “Thank you,” Sean said and accepted the canteen.

  “When we get back to the castle, sit in a bath for a bit. It will ease any aches,” Ethan advised.

  “It will be fun when you feel ready to fuck one of us. We shall save that for another day,” Michan said.


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