The Queen

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The Queen Page 8

by Cole Denton

  The mental visual of Michan on his hands and knees in the stable while taking Sean’s cock was enough to push me over the edge and come.

  “Mmm,” I moaned over and over as the image continued to flood my head. I thought the throbbing between my legs had calmed down and that I was done when the image came floating into my head of Klyn and Michan. My pussy clenched the lacquered shaft one more time before I let my head fall forward and rest over my forearms to rest.

  Roisin and I were cleaning up while I continued to hear the boy’s voices.

  “Guys, we should get back, looks like rain is coming,” Michan urged.

  “Damn, it looks like the sky is going to fall,” Ethan said.

  I stopped what I was doing and looked out over the forest. In the distance, dark, thick, thunderous clouds had formed and were moving this way with a steady wind. It looked as though there was a wave of wind gusting through the forest…and my gentlemen were out there. Where had all of these clouds come from?


  Ethan’s voice faded out, and the ringing sound was back in my ear. What is the matter? I shook my head and rubbed at my ear again. For another few moments, I heard pieces of the boy’s conversations sporadically along with the ringing sounds.

  Where are the boys?

  I panicked and blinked a few times when I could not find them. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but then I located the boys faintly as they were jogging to beat the rapidly approaching storm.

  Why did they look so faint?

  I looked at the forest again and saw a low-lying fog had rolled in. This struck me as odd since it was mid-day now. Fog should not be rolling in during mid-day.

  Once I saw the gentlemen safely enter the castle, I encouraged Roisin to come off the balcony with me. Alone, I sat inside my room and watched the storm drench Drishane.

  Chapter Five

  “Did the voyeur in you enjoy your gentlemen in the woods yesterday,” Klyn asked while we were taking our afternoon walk the next day.

  “Absolutely, Klyn. How could I not enjoy it?” I fondly recalled yesterday afternoon. Visions of Liam, Michan, and Ethan as they each filled my newest gentleman came flooding into my head. “They were very good with Sean, do you agree?” I playfully asked Klyn to prove that he had been watching them too.

  “They were, yes. I am willing to wager that Michan wished it had been him in Sean’s position,” Klyn laughed.

  “Ha!” I blurted out. “I knew you had been watching. You are as much of a voyeur as I am. And I will kindly decline your wager. I know for a fact Michan was envious of Sean’s newness. He was the one who told Sean that he looked forward to when Sean felt like he was ready to take care of them in that fashion,” I informed Klyn.

  “Michan,” Klyn laughed and shook his head. “He hurried out to the stable not too long ago.”

  I laughed and shook my head at Klyn’s comment about Michan.

  “He is a young man learning to enjoy his body and life, my Queen.”

  “I enjoy Michan’s body as well,” I reminded Klyn.

  “He enjoys giving you his body to do with as you please.”

  We continued to talk during our walk around the castle grounds, as we do each afternoon. I decided that I would keep the disturbing hearing situation to myself. Klyn was the only other person who knew about my hyper hearing and sight, just as I was the only person who knew about his hyper sight, hearing, and energy. I had not had any other issue with my hearing or sight since yesterday, so I thought it had been a fluke. But Klyn made a comment during our walk that made me bring it up.

  “While I watched your young men yesterday as they broke Sean in, a wave of exhaustion came over me,” Klyn admitted.

  “What? Are you ill?” I asked.

  “No, nothing like that. It was very peculiar. I was fine and watching them, and then the next moment I felt very tired and worn out. It had affected me so much that for a few minutes, I could not see the boys.”

  “Klyn,” I began.

  “I felt so terrible that I knew I needed to lay down and rest. I picked up my book, did up my trousers, and went to my room to rest.”

  I could not prevent the laugh from escaping my mouth. I pictured Klyn sitting against a tree with his book in one hand and cock in the other. I shared my vision with him, and he laughed as well.

  “What can I say? Your men excite an old man like me,” Klyn laughed again.

  “Let me ask you, did you feel better last night after you rested?”

  “Yes, in fact, as soon as the storm had passed, I felt fine again,” Klyn said.

  “Interesting,” I mumbled as I thought back to last night and the storm.

  “Why?” Klyn asked and slowed his pace until I stopped. “Why is that interesting?”

  “Yesterday, while I was on the balcony, there were a few times when my hearing had failed.”

  “What? What do you mean? Tell me, Octavia,” Klyn insisted.

  “I could hear the boys just fine and every now and then the conversation would drop, and I would hear a ringing noise. Now that I think about it, it seemed to get worse as the storm moved in.”

  Klyn looked around and then paced a few feet back and forth. I could tell that he was deep in thought.

  “Was it a particular boy’s voice that dropped?”

  “No. All of their voices had dropped. It just was not one. Aside from the hearing, I also experienced temporary lapses of sight. I could not find them a few times. It worried me.”

  “I had worried that the exhaustion was a direct cause of my difficulties seeing the boys. That is when I knew that I needed to come inside and rest. When did the issues subside?” Klyn inquired.

  “After the storm,” I paused and then added, “Just as you said you started to feel better.”

  Klyn and I continued our walk but at a slower pace. Both of us had been deep in our own thoughts when a groundskeeper hollered for Klyn.

  “Sir! Sir Klyn! Can you come over here, Sir?” the man called out.

  A short distance behind Klyn was a group of men gathered around something on the ground.

  “Klyn, what have they gathered around?” I hesitantly asked.

  “Octavia, go inside.”

  “I want to know what they have gathered around,” I firmly said.

  “Yes, my Queen. I will inform you as soon as I deal with the situation. But for now, I am telling you to go inside the castle,” Klyn matched my firm tone. “For your safety, please.”

  I respected Klyn too much to blatantly go against him. I nodded and knew he watched me until I disappeared inside. I went to the formal dining room and waited for Klyn to show. He was taking his time, or perhaps the situation was bad enough that it required this much time.

  I closed my eyes and concentrated on hearing Klyn, but there was too much other noise between us. I decided to go upstairs and sit on my balcony in hopes that I would be able to hear him. Though I could not see Klyn as they were around the corner, I could hear him with the others.

  From the part that I was able to hear, it sounded like one of the groundskeepers had been found dead. Now they were talking about notifying the family, the priest, and putting extra security on the castle.

  Sean’s voice broke into the conversation that I had been listening to. He was not with Klyn, but somewhere else on the grounds. I looked down around the castle grounds and spotted Sean standing over Liam near the stable. Liam sat against the tree that he often sits by while he reads.

  “Do you really know how to?” Sean asked Liam.

  “How to what?” Liam replied.

  Sean looked over his shoulder and then back down to Liam.

  “How to read?”

  “Yes, Sean. Yes, I do,” Liam smiled at Sean and held his book up and shook it.

  “Could…could you show me how to read? Could you teach me?” Sean asked.

  “You do not know how to read?” Liam sounded surprised.

  “No. Can Ethan and Michan read too?�

  “Yes, they can read too. Did you not attend learning classes in Stonebridge?” Liam asked.

  “No. We did not have things like that in Stonebridge.”

  “What did you do in Stonebridge as a boy?”

  “Helped my pop. So will you? Will you teach me?” Sean asked.

  Liam scooted over and made room for Sean to sit beside him so he could lean against the tree too. I listened to Liam give Sean instructions on how to sound out words when a voice caused me to jump.

  “My Queen,” Klyn said from behind me and startled me.

  When he came closer and stood next to me, I playfully pounded on his forearm.

  “Bloody hell, Klyn, you scared me,” I hissed at him as he laughed. “What happened outside?” I asked.

  “A groundskeeper and a castle maid were found. Both are dead. They both had teeth marks on their neck,” Klyn said cautiously for my benefit.

  I covered my mouth with my hand as a flurry of thoughts rushed into my mind. So many questions bombarded me, and I hoped Klyn had some answers.

  “Was it Carpe Noctem?” I first asked.

  “Most likely, yes.”

  “Dammit, Klyn!” I crossed the balcony and leaned against the stone to look out over Drishane. “How did they get on the grounds? I did not think they could get on the grounds!”

  “I do not believe Carpe Noctem were on the castle grounds, my Queen.”

  “No? Then explain how the hell this happened!” I demanded.

  “Though the groundskeeper was found on the castle grounds, I believe he had been attacked and bitten elsewhere,” Klyn began.


  “The castle maid was found in the woods. The groundskeeper must have tried to crawl back to the castle for help. His trousers had been opened. He had been fucking the castle maid out in the woods. The young woman was naked.”

  “Hell,” I said and shook my head. “Why the hell do people not just fuck in the damn castle?” I stared at Klyn, thinking that he had the answer to that. “They all have rooms. Everyone is treated well here. I stumble onto people mating all of the time in all corners of the castle. Why would they go out in the woods to fuck?”

  Klyn laughed and leaned against the stone beside me.

  “What is so funny, Klyn?”

  “I remember a very young princess who also felt compelled to run off into the woods to fuck.”

  I closed my eyes and thought back to the night of the massacre. I had been out in the woods and hoped to get my pussy filled. This young woman was probably sneaking off with the groundskeeper for the same.

  “My Queen, again I do not think the Carpe Noctem were on the grounds, but I am concerned about the woods. I now believe that your gentlemen were very lucky yesterday. I need to think more about this, but as of right now, I believe that our issues with seeing the boys, my exhaustion, and your hearing issues were caused by something yesterday. They were not coincidences.”

  I thought about what he was saying. He was right. It made perfect sense that the enhanced traits we ended up with when we were turned into vampires could be affected in their presence.

  Fear was not something that I entertained. I was not afraid, and I would not tolerate that vile Lochlann Mortas and his Carpe Noctem clan terrorizing Drishane again.

  “We should remind staff of the safe zones around the castle,” I suggested.

  “I agree. I will arrange an announcement this evening after dinner. In the meantime, I will make sure we have increased security around the clock. At least during the day, we can see the fog. At night, we will have to rely on the humidity. Of course, the castle grounds are safe.”

  As Klyn started to leave, I grabbed his attention once again.

  “Klyn, please make sure my boys are well aware of the boundaries.”

  “I will,” he said.

  “I mean it, Klyn. Please walk them around and make certain they understand. Especially Sean. Please make sure they know the safe side and every single boundary.”

  “I meant it when I told you the first time that I would. Please try to relax Octavia. All will be fine. These are just precautions.”

  I nodded and watched Klyn leave. I remained on the balcony and watched people moving about on the castle grounds. Klyn was already on the lower level and was walking across the grass toward Liam and Sean with Michan and Ethan in tow.

  Chapter Six

  One Year Later

  I strolled with Madame Kamara along the cobblestone path in the town of Brookhaven. I had accompanied her on a day trip to the neighboring town that was only a few hours from Drishane by carriage. This had been my first time out of Drishane since Klyn and I had detected that Lochlann Mortas and the Carpe Noctem had possibly been in the town. Klyn, of course, came with us.

  Kamara and I had gone into a few shops, while Klyn had found the bookshop. She and I were looking at some potions and creams when she struck up an interesting conversation; Klyn.

  “I had my wicked way last night with that handsome Knight you keep,” she playfully bragged and handed me a container of cream that she had just sniffed.

  “Klyn?” I inquired as I sniffed the cream. “Sandalwood,” I said with a smile.

  “Yes! Bloody hell, Octavia, I do not know how you have managed not to fuck him. He is dreadfully handsome. If I had a big, sturdy, beast such as Klyn moving about my shop I would drain every ounce of seed from his body,” Kamara murmured nonchalantly as she continued to sniff creams.

  Kamara and Klyn had been fucking for years. On many occasions, she would tell me about their sexual activities. I am always interested to hear them, of course.

  “Please, feel free to spread your legs for him. Klyn is my best friend. He has been forever. While I cannot fantasize myself with him, I do fantasize others with him,” I admitted.

  “Oh, do tell, my Queen,” Kamara whispered.

  “I imagine him with you, castle hands, castle maids, groundskeepers, stable hands, Michan, this sexy little nymph in the kitchen staff—”

  “Michan?” Kamara interrupted. “Your gentleman, Michan?”

  “The very one,” I confirmed. “Trust me, Kamara, it is a very taboo set of fantasies. I even twist some of the things you tell me that you do with him.”

  We looked at one another and laughed quietly as to not disturb others in the shop or draw attention.

  “I would kill to live in your shoes for a day. Those handsome, hard-bodied gentlemen at your beck and call, literally. Some little kitchen woman who waits to be asked to devour your pussy. If that is not enough, you have a beast of a Knight roaming about the castle.”

  “It is hard being the Queen,” I teased.

  “Yes, it sounds dreadful,” she said sarcastically as I paid for the purchases.

  “Good Lord!” the small woman behind the table said as she examined the coins I dropped into her hand. “Is…is this real? Are these real Royal Darick coins?” she asked.

  “Indeed, they are,” I said with a smile. “Thank you for the creams and bath tonic. I adore sandalwood.”

  “You are most welcome. Please come back anytime,” she said with a smile and sparkle in her eye.

  We walked to the bakery that Klyn asked us to meet him at. Kamara and I each got a slice of sugared bread and some tea while we waited.

  “Oh, Octavia, look at that one,” Kamara whispered just before she took a sip from her charger.

  I slowly looked in the direction she had been looking. Just outside and across the cobblestone path, there was a handsome young man chopping wood. One piece of wood became two as the man sliced the wood with his ax. Kamara and I sat quietly and watched as his chest muscles came into perfect view each time he raised the ax over his head. With my hyper vision, I could see his muscles flex along his stomach. Each time he brought the ax above his head, the fabric from his trousers clung to a long bulge in his pants.

  “Look at his chest hair, Octavia. Would you not love to run your hands through that?” Kamara teased.

>   “My hands?” I laughed and took a bite of my sugared bread, “How about my tongue?”

  “Do you see that bulge? Bloody hell, I would let him call the shots. Lord. I would take him upstairs to my shop, lie on the featherbed and tell him to do with me as he pleased,” Kamara sipped her tea while we continued to gaze at the man with the ax. “Your Knight though, Octavia, he is the only man that I have ever let have the upper hand in bed with me,” Kamara admitted.

  “Suddenly submissive, are we?” I raised my eyebrow and looked at Kamara.

  “Can you look me in the eye, Octavia, and tell me that you would not love for that ax man to take control?” Kamara sipped her tea again.

  The ax man did look rather handsome. That body and bulge.

  “I know you adore those young gentlemen you have, but Lord, would you not like to be taken hard by an older man?” she asked. “That Knight of yours is such a controlled beast.”

  “I am two hundred and nineteen, Kamara,” I laughed but continued to look at that man.

  “You do not look a moment over the thirty years old that you were when you stopped aging.”

  “That man is not more than twenty-five or so.”

  “That is older than those handsome hairless gentlemen you have at the castle.”

  “They are not all hairless. Liam and Michan both have chest hair. Ethan is starting to get some. None on Sean yet.”

  “They are delightful young men, Octavia. But would you not love to be taken roughly by a beast of a man?”

  I had not answered but continued to stare at the ax man’s bulge. Klyn had entered the bakery and sat down next to Kamara with an arm full of books.

  “Well, did you find enough?” I asked him.

  “I did, yes. Look at this,” Klyn said as he opened a book and turned it around for me to see. It appeared to be a child’s book. “It is a young person’s book—” Klyn proudly said.

  “A child’s book?” I asked.

  “No. Not a child. A young person’s book. An introduction to larger words,” Klyn said with a smile as he flipped through the book. “I found three other books that are similar.”


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