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The Queen

Page 11

by Cole Denton

  I cleared my throat and glance at Klyn.

  “Thank you, Sean,” I said.

  Michan patted Sean on his back.

  “There, it has been proven. You have a heart and cannot deny it,” Klyn smirked and went back to eating.

  “After you boys have eaten, wait by the carriage for me. We will go into town together for the festival.”

  Chapter Eight

  When we got into town, I told the gentlemen that they could wander about if they liked. But instead of them quickly heading to the sugared bread wagon, they all went over to Liam’s parents’ botanical wagon. I stood back and spoke to Klyn about the festivities, but watched the guys. They each selected some flowers and then walked to the memorial that was set up in Town Square for those who died in the massacre.

  My boys waited for some people to clear before they moved around the tribute sign and garden. As I watched my boys place the flowers down, I noticed a man on the opposite side from where my boys stood. The man was crouched down, his head tilted downward with his hands clasped behind his head. When he stood, I realized that it was one of the candidates, River. I could see that his eyes were red and swollen. When he made eye contact with me, he bowed his head in respect and then turned to walk the other way.

  “Mmhmm, Klyn. Are you picking up any reads on him yet? I just got a good feeling seeing him here,” I commented.

  “I wonder if he possibly had family that had been killed that night?”

  “Possibly, though, you were not able to find any connection with him to anyone in Drishane. Maybe something was overlooked.”

  “I was very thorough, Octavia.”


  My mind told me Caleb.

  He helped every year at the festival with serving food and set-up. He was very respectful. He was not arrogant. He was generous and would fit in well with Liam, Michan, Ethan, and Sean.

  Everything pointed to Caleb.

  But my body wanted River.

  There was something about him. Tall, broad shouldered, those incredible arms, and that accent that made me want to listen to him. Normally, I do not desire to hear the gentlemen talk much, though I had a feeling that I could listen to River talk for hours. Days, in fact.

  Just looking at River made my pussy ache. Aside from his mouth-watering body, there was something about the way he carried himself that made me feel like he might be a challenge. But, oh, it was a challenge my body could not wait to encounter.

  I did not want him to just lay down and take from me whatever I gave him. I wanted him to lay me down and make me beg for it. Mmm. He would be different than any other young man I have taken.

  I turned to look at him. His straight posture did not look forced and fake. River was genuinely comfortable with his body…and Lord, what a body he had. He was older than most of the candidates and older than what I had selected in the past. River had blue eyes, unlike I had ever seen before. They were a gorgeous, deep blue. Just like the dark ocean. I knew that I would love seeing them as he gazes up in my eyes while he eats my pussy. His chest hair was nearly perfect with a decent amount that spread across his chest muscles. He also had that delightful trail of hair that ran down into his trousers and sat at the base of his large bulge.

  But, we knew very little about River Kulver. We knew nothing of his family or of his past. All we knew was that he was around thirty years old, and works at the apothecary. River would be close to my age, relatively speaking. He appeared to be mature, similar to Klyn. Older and mature would not be bad.

  Ever since I saw Klyn taking control of Kamara and slapping her ass, I have fantasized about having that. Usually, I am the one calling all of the moves, and I love that. But every now and then, I would love for one of my gentlemen to be able to do that without me having to instruct them on how to do it.

  I left Caleb’s side, and like a magnet, River drew me closer. I could not stop my tongue from darting out and gliding along my bottom lip.

  “Well, River, are you ready?” I asked.

  “Yes, ma’am. Are you?” he countered.

  Suddenly, I was not interested in what I was going to do to him. I was very interested in what he could do to me.

  “Follow me, River,” I instructed and turned to walk toward the edge of the platform.

  His cheeky reply confirmed that River Kulver would definitely be a challenge. One that I would gladly take on.

  “Gladly. I would follow you anywhere, my Queen,” River assured.

  “People of Drishane, I select River as my new gentleman!” I announced.

  As the cheers died down and the crowd dispersed, I caught Klyn’s stare as he clapped along. I raised an eyebrow at him, and he mirrored my cocked eyebrow.

  “Klyn, you knew that River was a good possibility,” I said under my breath as I walked beside Klyn to the carriage.

  “Yes, you are right, my Queen. I did know that there was a good chance you would select River,” he said in a clipped tone.

  “I hope that you will be able to learn to like him?”

  “I plan on learning everything I can about your new young gentleman, my Queen,” Klyn curtly added as he gestured for me to enter the carriage.

  I did not enjoy it when Klyn referred to me as the Queen, or when he would say, ‘my Queen.’ When he did that, it was as though he was separating our friendship with his duty.

  On the ride back to the castle with the gentlemen, the boys all introduced themselves to River. Now it was River’s turn to tell us a bit about himself.

  “I do not know where I was born; I am somewhat of an orphan. I knew of my father, but that he wanted nothing to do with me. I spent a lot of time moving around. Sometimes a family would keep me for a while, and when they grew tired of me, I would move onto the next one. I was working in the apothecary,” River said and then smiled. “But now that is not necessary anymore.”

  About halfway to the castle, I started to feel very warm and felt as though I was overheating.

  “You alright, my Queen?” Michan asked above the other conversations.

  I nodded and blinked a few times. The other conversations ceased immediately.

  “Queen?” Sean asked.

  I held my hand up so they would stop asking me if I was alright, but none of them seemed to take the hint.

  “Queen, what is the matter,” Ethan asked.

  “Sorry, boys. No need to be alarmed, I felt very warm for a moment or two. It has passed,” I confirmed.

  “Maybe it is the close proximity of all of us in the carriage,” Liam suggested.

  Liam was right. There were six of us in the carriage, and I sat between River and Sean, while Liam, Ethan, and Michan sat across from us. When the carriage stopped in front of the castle, I was eager to get into the fresh air. The carriage that Klyn rode in stopped behind ours, and Klyn got out and joined me on the steps.

  “Gentlemen, take River to your quarters and please show him where he will sleep. Show him the washroom as well. When you have finished, please meet me in my room.”

  “Yes, my Queen,” recited four young men.

  Once the men had raced up the stairs, Klyn touched my elbow.



  “Are you alright? You look as though you are not feeling well.”

  “The carriage ride was stifling. Five hot men really kicked up the temperature. I sat between Sean and River, and they about melted me.”

  “Perhaps you should consider forgoing your planned activities this evening and rest. You can wake rested tomorrow and break in your new lad.”

  “Nonsense. This is the tradition,” I smiled at Klyn and started walking up the steps. “I shall see you in the morning for breakfast,” I called over my shoulder at him.

  “Enjoy your evening,” Klyn called after me.

  I had every intention of doing that. While I was in the bath, I heard the gentlemen enter my room. I could not prevent myself from smiling. I slipped on my robe and went into my room. Five glori
ously naked men knelt at the foot of my bed. They were each in various states of arousal, which excited me.

  I picked up my leather crop and gave each gentleman a few swats. Since River knelt at one end, I was able to see his reaction. After I struck River’s ass six times, he chuckled. I can say that no young man has ever reacted the way River had reacted to it.

  “What do you find funny, River?”

  He glanced down the row of gentlemen and then turned his head to the side slightly so that he could look over his shoulder at me.

  “I am going to need it a hell of a lot harder than that, my Queen,” River announced.


  I slapped his ass so hard with the crop that the sound caused Sean to jump. As I walked around River, I firmly placed the leather tip from the crop under his chin. I sat on the bed with my legs bent at the knees and parted so he could get a glimpse of my pussy. I smiled condescendingly at him as I rubbed the leather from side to side against his day or two worth of facial hair growth. River’s eyes had not faltered, nor had the smirk on his face.

  “How hard can you withstand, River?” I asked.

  “As hard as you can,” he smarted.

  I sat quietly for a few moments and continued to rub the crop under his chin. Was it a terrible thing that this young man’s smart mouth made me wet?

  “What is your plan here, River?” I inquired.

  None of the other gentlemen had ever had a smart mouth with me. Ethan comes the closest, though, when he gets caught up in the moment. I will admit that I had considered letting him take the lead once or twice, hoping that he could make me beg for it. But Ethan was still so young. I thought that River, on the other hand, undoubtedly could make me beg for it.

  “It is the greatest plan of all,” he gleamed.

  “And what exactly is that?” I asked.

  “To steal your heart…my Queen.”

  I licked my lower lip and continued to glare at him. I hoped to God he could back up this mouth of his.

  “Well, River, you are going to have to try a lot harder than that,” I said with a smile and tossed his words back at him. “An awful lot harder, because you see, I do not have a heart. So your plan will absolutely fail.”

  His smile broadened from a grin to a full-blown smile with his teeth showing.

  “My Queen, with all due respect to you and the other gentlemen, you have not encountered a man like me.”

  I pulled the crop away from his chin, letting it slide down his muscular chest, past his abdomen, over his semi-hard cock, resting it just under his balls. From side to side, I moved the crop again, testing him for discomfort. All of the other gentlemen tense up when I go for their balls. But not River. I raised an eyebrow at River and tapped the underside of his balls with my crop. His eyes closed briefly, and when they reopened, I could see the heat in them.

  He was testing me, and now it was time for me to test him. I removed the crop and turned it around so that the handle was within his reach. He had not moved or reached for it.

  “Well, River, how about you show me what kind of man you are?” I challenged.

  I could tell that he was trying to make sure that I was really giving him the permission to do whatever he wanted. I knew that I would not be in any real danger with River. Even being a partial vampire, I still would be able to overpower him. Plus, I had four other gentlemen in the room, and I knew that overprotective Klyn was not too far away to where he could still hear the activities in my room. I could almost picture Klyn pacing his room, stressed, and wondering what the hell I was doing or allowing.

  River slowly took the crop from me and stood. His cock had hardened even more since my verbal challenge and now jutted outward from his body.

  “Very well, my Queen,” River said.

  River held the crop on its ends between his hands as his steely gaze held me in place. The anticipation of what River would do had quickly built in my mind. My body had grown incredibly warm just in the moments that River took the crop from my hands. I felt my hard nipples brush the fabric of my robe, reminding me that I needed desperately to find out what River was capable of. Adrenaline pumped rapidly through my system as my pussy continued to get wetter.

  “Get up on your knees, remove your robe, and wrap your arms around this post,” River firmly hit the lower left post of my bed with the crop.

  A firm set of instructions rolled confidently from his lips and ignited a fire in the pit of my stomach. I got into the position that he dictated and waited. The silence in the room heightened the anticipation of the unknown. I kept my head still, but my eyes moved back and forth along the wall across from the bedpost that I hugged.


  My body lunged forward and pressed the center of my chest into the bedpost. Like waking up in the dead of night with a shock, I tried to center my bearings.

  Slap! Slap! Slap!

  River’s bare hand thunderously crashed against my ass cheeks. It was as though I was taking in a much-needed breath of air. His right hand gripped my left ass as his left hand surrounded the front of my throat. My clit throbbed, and an orgasm rippled through my body without warning. Our eyes connected, and I saw that gleam in his eyes again. I could feel the inside of his hand as I swallowed hard.

  “You liked that, is that not right, my Queen?” River’s deep voice continued, “I know you liked it by the way you arched your back and pressed that fine, firm ass back to my hand.”

  River’s fingers squeezed my neck ever so slightly. It was just enough pressure to remind me that he expected an answer. I could feel my pussy juice dampen the inside of my upper thighs as I swallowed hard against his large hand.

  “Yes, River, you are right. I liked it very much,” I admitted.

  River smiled and took a step backward as he swatted his lower leg with the crop. He reached out with the crop and tapped the underside of my left breast. Then, with pinpoint accuracy, he quickly turned his wrist and slapped the leather tip of the crop down on my hard nipple. He continued to slap the crop against my nipple, pulling moan after moan from me.

  “Argh!” I screamed out.

  I started to lift my hands from the post, but River quickly let go of my throat and covered my hands on the post.

  “Ah, ah, ah, my Queen. You must keep your hand on the post,” River whispered.

  River slapped my right breast and then punished my hard nipple with the leather tipped crop. He kept slapping it until I cried out again.

  “Liam, Sean,” River called.

  “Yes?” Sean replied.

  “Sean, suck her left tit. Liam, you take the right tit,” River instructed.

  It was exhilarating watching River direct the other gentlemen. I gripped the post as hard as I could while Liam and Sean sucked, nibbled, and licked my breasts.

  “Part those knees, my Queen,” River instructed.

  I licked my lips in anticipation as River climbed on the bed behind me. My eyes nearly rolled back into my head when I felt a sharp bite of the crop against my swollen clit. River repeated this over and over. I cried out each time the crop hit my sensitive spot. When my throat was raw from screaming, River moved the tip of the crop back and forth against my clit, just as I had done under his chin.

  “Michan, come here,” River called and slapped his hand down on the bed. “Tease her cunt with your mouth, Michan,” River instructed.

  The mouths of Liam, Sean, and Michan were heavenly, and they kept me squirming. I was able to glance over my shoulder and saw that River had crouched over Michan. Lord, what a sight. River took hold of my ass cheeks and roughly pulled them apart. I heard him spit moments before I felt his saliva hit my hole.

  “Ah!” I cried out as another orgasm pulsated through my clit.

  Michan made the tip of his tongue glide slowly along the slides of my clit as I moved my hips over his face. I gripped the bed-post and braced myself for what would come next. River spit again, and then I felt his thick finger press his saliva into my ass.

��Yes!” I hissed and moved my hips faster on Michan’s face.

  “Ethan, bring that big cock over here,” River commanded.

  River moved back onto the floor and stood between Sean and Liam.

  “Go on, Ethan. Spit on that hole and shove that cock into the Queen. She wants it,” River said and looked me in the eyes.

  As Ethan roughly shoved his thick cock into my ass, River and I stared at one another. The combination of my gentlemen made me come again, and when Ethan came in me, River instructed me to let go of the bedpost and put my hands on the bed.

  “You are up, Michan. Fuck the Queen’s pretty ass,” River patted Michan’s head.

  As each of the boys took their turn fucking my ass and coming in me, I kept my eyes on River. The entire time he smirked at me while he slowly stroked his own shaft. In between Liam pulling out of my ass, and Sean entering me, River walked to the edge of the bed and knelt on it. He took a fistful of my hair and tilted my head backward, forcing me to look up at him.

  “Suck me, my Queen,” River commanded as he slapped his cock down on my face.

  I moved my head around, trying to get his bulbous cockhead into my mouth. I had never had my mouth fucked like this. He pushed the length of his cock deep into my mouth, gagging me. The sounds of me as I gagged on his large cock made me wetter, and I quickly came again as Sean’s cock shot his load deep in my ass.

  River pulled his long shaft from my mouth and moved behind me.

  “Ah!” I whimpered as River’s cock impaled my pussy.

  “This delectable cunt is mine!” River insisted.

  He leaned over me and pressed his muscled torso against my back while his hands covered mine. River fucked my pussy fast and deep. He did not let up until he unloaded his seed in me. My pussy constricted around his veiny cock and forced yet another orgasm from me. With his cock still buried in me, River let go of my hands. He cupped my throat with one hand and pulled a fistful of my hair backward. I could feel him panting since my head was close to his head now. My skin heated again as he exhaled his hot breath against the side of my face.


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