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Fire Princess

Page 7

by Rachel Blake

  A little voice in Autumn's head told her that the added physical restraint should worry her, but the submissive in her overruled it, and she felt herself slip into her role a little more. However, when she felt the impact of the brush, her submissive voice disappeared, and the other voice snidely chanted 'I told you so.' Autumn screamed and tried desperately to escape the hold Leland had on her, but to no avail. Along with the strength of Leland's swats came speed. The last ten were applied rapidly, and before she thought it was possible, Autumn heard the sound of the brush being thrown back into the drawer.

  Leland lay on the bed beside her and effortlessly pulled her into the crook of his arm, her head resting on his shoulder. He was quiet as he ran his finger through her hair as she cried, allowing her the time she needed to calm herself down. "A few tears never hurt anyone, princess. Let it out."

  Autumn rolled onto her back and woke with a start. "Shit," she whispered as she rolled onto her belly and soothingly rubbed her ass before she stole a glance at the sleeping man beside her. Another stolen glance at the clock told her they had been asleep for only forty-five minutes, not long enough, but she knew sleep wasn't going to come. She was turned on, and until that was taken care of, awake, she would stay.

  She bit her lip. She had a couple of options. She could take care of it herself. As if he knew what she was thinking, the man next to her rolled over and placed his hand on her tender bottom. Yeah, that was out of the question. He would be upset if he woke up to find her playing with "his pussy," and her bottom could not take another spanking.

  Option two, she could wait it out. Eventually, it would fade away, right? Autumn shifted, rubbing her thighs together just the tiniest bit. The flexing of her glutes causing Leland's hand to slip lower until his finger rested on the slit of her sex. Yeah, that choice wasn't an option, either.

  That left only one thing to do. Jump his bones. Okay, not really, but it sounded like a good idea, and his manhood was already tenting the covers. She had to at least attempt to be submissive in the endeavor to get Leland to have his way with her, so step one, get permission.

  Autumn wiggled closer to his naked body. When did that happen? she thought to herself right before she gave herself a slight shake and focused once more.

  With her lips next to his ear, she asked in what she hoped to be her best bedroom voice, "Sir, may I suck on your cock?" As an afterthought, she sucked his lobe into her mouth and nipped at it softly.

  The words may have gotten her nowhere, but sucking on his ear got her a yes. Sort of. His penis bobbed beneath the covers. That was as good a yes as any, right?

  Not wanting to take any chances, she spoke to him again. "Sir, if your answer is yes, make your dick jump again." She watched the tent in the blankets as she took his earlobe in her mouth once more. She sucked harder this time. A smile spread across her face as she watched his penis jerk to life.

  A hiss passed Autumn's lips as she sat up. As she made sure her butt didn't make contact with the bed, she stripped off her shirt and bra. As soon as she was as naked as he was, she dove under the covers, slid his legs apart and settled between them. For a few moments, she just looked at it. She had seen it before, through the shower curtain and such, but never this close, so she would take her time.

  "If you stare at it much longer, princess, you are going to give me a complex," a sleepy Leland rumbled, causing her to jump. He threw the covers back, revealing Autumn in all her naked glory as she ogled his bobbing shaft.

  "Were you faking this whole time?"

  "Only since the first time you sucked on my ear."

  "So pretty much the whole time?"

  "Yes, princess, but now, because you elected to ask questions rather than put your lips to good use, you have lost the opportunity to have my cock in your mouth." Autumn's face fell, but Leland just chuckled. "Don't worry, sweetness, you will have my cock, but I can't wait any longer, so if you are ready for this step, it is going in your pussy." Autumn swallowed hard and eagerly nodded her head. "On your back."

  A shriek escaped Autumn as she flopped onto her back, her butt connecting with the mattress, at the foot of the bed. "You want me on my back to torture me," Autumn pouted as she spread her legs eagerly for him.

  "Just an added bonus, but I want to see the expression on your face when I slip my cock into you for the first time and then again when you scream my name as I make you come." Autumn blushed as she felt more cream coat her labia even though he hadn't even touched her yet. He grew serious, his face softening. "Are you ready?"

  Autumn smiled evilly. "Do it already, before I take matters into my own hands." She moved her hand across her belly like she intended to do just that. Her hand didn't make it to her belly button before Leland landed a swat to her pussy.

  "No topping from the bottom. You know you only touch this if I say you can, and I have not given you permission." Autumn watched as Leland grasped his manhood in his fist and inched closer to her core, rolling a condom in place. "We will discuss the need for condoms later, but right now, the patience required for that conversation has evaded me."

  With that decree, they both watched as his cock disappeared inside her, her back arching more with every inch. The fullness rendered her speechless until he started slowly moving in and out. "I'm not going to break, Lee, Sir. I promise. Don't hold back."

  His eyes closed briefly as he started pounding into her, his efforts bouncing the headboard against the wall. At that pace, it didn't take long for her nails for dig into his shoulder and her eyes to drift shut.

  "Eyes on me, princess. I want you be looking at me when you ride my cock to oblivion for the first time."

  His words were her undoing. Over the edge, she fell, and a wailed "Sir" slipped from her lips as her internal muscles clamped around the invading appendage. Leland went stiff for a few seconds then collapsed on top of Autumn as the tremors of his orgasm still wracked his body.

  When he finally rolled off her, he gathered her in the crook of his arm once more. They were both sated and ready for sleep. Her tired eyes opened wide when Leland pinched her ass. "This is your warning, princess. Don't come without my permission again."

  "Yes, Sir."

  "And next time I tell you that you are going to scream my name, I don't want to hear 'Sir' bouncing off the walls. I want to hear my name fall from those lips. I want everyone within earshot to know that my girl is getting hers, and I don't want anyone to have to guess who is giving it to her. When I bring you to climax, you use my name. Got it, princess?"

  A saucy smile curled up the corners of her lips. "Yes, Lee."

  Chapter 9

  Autumn rubbed her bottom as they crossed the gravel road to Kevin and Olivia's house. She had gotten a text from Liv asking if she was up for some gossip over a cup of coffee, and she had jumped out of bed at the opportunity. Well, right after Leland had let her up from round two.

  It had been hours since Leland had taken that horrible, evil brush to her ass, but the deep ache was still there, reminding her of both his displeasure and love. It was the tenderness in her pussy that forced a smile to cross her face.

  "Your smile makes me wonder if I should have landed a few more licks."

  She stared up at Leland, thinking he had lost his mind. "More? Are you crazy? I am going to feel this for a couple of days as it is. I didn't need more."

  They had walked through the garage and up to the door when he replied, "Then what is the smile for, princess?"

  "I am enjoying my post-spanking soreness and my after-good-sex tenderness."

  "You're enjoying your soreness? I definitely must not have paddled you hard enough."

  It was a struggle to keep her eyes from rolling at his lame attempt to be funny. "Your wicked brush met my butt plenty, thank you very much. It was extremely effective. I'm just enjoying the afterglow of it all. That subtle soreness that lasts a few days, continually reminding me that you like me enough to correct me and not give up on us."

  He stopped her from ope
ning the door to the house with a hand on her shoulder. "You know I more than like you, right?"

  "No, I don't know. You have never told me anything different." Without giving him a chance to respond, Autumn swung the door open and took a single step into the house before she stopped dead in her tracks at the sight before her. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!"

  "Stop!" Kevin called as Autumn turned around to leave, pointing a thick, oak paddle at her.

  "What do we have here?" Leland laughed as he spun Autumn around to face the kitchen. Imprisoning her in his arms, he forced her to stay put.

  "What we have is a reason to knock next time we come over," Autumn declared as she attempted to cover her eyes with her hands, only to realize they were trapped at her sides by the hold Leland had on her.

  "If you ever knock on my door, Autumn Rose, I will paddle you myself," Olivia called from her prone position, tears still sliding down her face.

  Autumn gestured to Liv's current situation. She was bent over her kitchen table—her panties around her ankles, her jeans in a heap a few feet from her, her naked butt painted a brilliant shade of red. Her husband stood next to her with the thick, oak paddle in his hand. "You're joking, right? You are okay with us just wandering into your house in the middle of your punishment?"

  Liv sniffed, wiping her face with her already damp sleeve. "I don't necessarily like it, but you are some of my closest friends, and I will be damned if one of my best friends is going to knock on my door!" She squealed when Kevin brought the paddle down harshly on her ass again. She gave him an apologetic look over her shoulder.

  "Watch your mouth, sub."

  "Sorry, Sir." She apologized before she turned back to Autumn and continued. "If you having free rein over my house puts us in weird positions at times, so be it. You guys practice the same lifestyle we do. Hell, you have seen Kevin punish me before."

  "All I saw was your tongue, not your scarlet colored ass."

  "Just like the last time, she knew mouthing off would end with her getting punished on the spot. Whether we had company coming over or not. Right, love?"

  "Yes, Sir." Liv rested her forehead on her folded hands, seemingly ready to proceed with her punishment.

  "Good, now let's finish this, please. As much as I would love to admire your beautiful behind all day, I have other, less important, things to attend to. Where were we, love?"

  "We had just finished the 't' on the fifth set, Sir."

  He wasted no time in bringing the implement down on his wife's bottom. He stared at her expectantly for a few seconds before he applied another swat. "Do we need to start all over, girl?"

  "No! I mean. Please, Sir, don't start over. Please."

  "Then I suggest you call out the letters as you are supposed to. The fact we have company does not excuse you from doing as you are told." The paddle quickly connected with its target two times.

  "E! V!"

  "You are kidding me," Autumn mumbled, realizing with those two letters exactly what had landed her friend in her current predicament.

  "Don't interrupt, sub."

  Her insides twisted before her stomach dropped to her toes at the growl she heard in Leland's voice right before he nipped at her earlobe and she started to melt into him.


  The cry from her friend prevented her from completely becoming a pile of goo at her man's feet. Reluctantly, she wiggled from his arms and walked around the table to stand across from her squirming friend, a you-should-have-known-better look directed at the prone woman.

  "Figured out why she is here, did you?" Kevin questioned as he brought the implement down again, extracting the letter 'r' in the form of a squeal from his wife. "Whatever forever. Right, my love?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "I thought she learned her lesson about this phrase the last time you got after her for it; she sure moaned about the punishment long enough for me to believe she had figured out that she needed to avoid that phrase at all costs. At the very least, I was sure she had learned not to use it when talking to you."

  His laughter bounced off the walls. "My wife is a stubborn student. It takes more than a few lessons to get something through that thick skull of hers. Personally, I think she secretly loves the feel of my displeasure being applied to her ass via whatever implement I decide to use."

  "Hey," Olivia whined pitifully from her still bent position. She turned back to scowl at her husband. "How come you can use the word whatever, but I get the paddle taken to me when I do?"

  "Two reasons, love. I am the Dom, so I make the rules, and when I use that word, it is not said with a whine or accompanied by an eye roll or a foot stomp. It is said in its proper context, sans the attitude you always seem to inject into it." He brought the implement down again.

  "I don't have any more letters, Sir!" Liv called out as she raised on her toes, arched her back and looked at her friend for sympathy. Autumn just shook her head in answer to her friend's silent plea.

  "That one was for the comma in your 'fine, whatever,' my dear."

  "Thank you, Sir. I'm sorry you had to punish me."

  A smile spread across Kevin's face. "Did my big, bad paddle chase my naughty, cheeky brat away?"

  "For now, Sir."

  He set the paddle down on the table. "Are you going to behave?"

  Liv swallowed hard before she tore her eyes away from the most recent implement of torture and locked eyes with her husband. "I want to say I will be on my best behavior, Sir, but I'm not sure I can say that without it being a lie."

  "Why is that?"

  "Because I will never be perfect, Sir, and you were right."

  "About what, love?"

  "Even if I don't like them all that much when they are being applied, Sir, I still love the sensitivity your implements leave in their wake. Especially if you decide I need to feel your belt, Sir."

  Kevin groaned painfully before he adjusted himself in his jeans. "You are an evil little subbie." He slapped her butt with the palm of his hand before he knelt behind her and took hold of her panties. Instead of pulling them up, he picked up her feet one at a time and physically helped her to step out of them. "Maybe the lack of panties and the touch of rough denim on your sore ass and bare pussy while having coffee with your friend will help to keep you in line." He retrieved her lost jeans and helped her into them before turning her from the table and pulling them over her battered bottom. As soon as they were snapped into place, Liv was wrapped tightly in her husband's arms.

  Leland walked over to Autumn and wrapped his arms around her from behind. She felt his breath brush against her ear as he whispered, "Seems to me, she enjoys the afterglow of a good hiding as much as you do." Autumn's snort forced a rumble of laughter from Leland's chest, and a smile spread across her face at the sound.

  "Are we going to stand through coffee?"

  Autumn turned from the field she was staring blankly at and took a sip from the mug she clutched in her hands. "Probably. If your rear end hurts half as much as it looked like it did, I doubt very much you are going to be willingly sitting anytime soon."

  "Your backside hurts just as much as mine does."

  Autumn tipped her head to the side before responding, "How do you know? I thought I was doing a pretty decent job of hiding it."

  "Anyone who doesn't get their ass lit on fire on a regular basis would never have noticed, but you are talking to me. I am getting spanked, whether for punishment, play, or maintenance, at least three times a week. I saw the signs a mile away."

  "Liar!" She paused for a second before reaching back to rub her still stinging nates. "Really? What gave it away?"

  "You stood across from me while I was getting my 'just desserts' rather than sitting in the chair that was right next to you. Don't roll your eyes at me! A vanilla would never have noticed, but I am far from vanilla. More like cookie dough."

  "You're more like paddle churned strawberry."

  Liv curled her lip at her friend's lame joke. "You do know you don't have to hi
de this stuff from me, right?"

  "I know." Autumn turned to the field again, took a sip from her mug, and continued. "I would have told you. I'm just a little off today."

  "Because of the arsonist?"

  "I am sure that has something to do with it." From the corner of her eye, she saw Liv step up beside her. "I just. On the way here, I thought Lee was going to say he loved me."

  "That is awesome!"

  "But I wouldn't let him."

  "Do you love him?"

  "Of course, I do. I wouldn't be wasting my time in this relationship if I didn't. I just think it's a little too early to be proclaiming it out loud to the man. I don't want to scare him off, and I want him to say it first." She dug the toe of her Converse into the dirt at her feet.

  "But you wouldn't let him tell you?" Liv rolled her eyes. "Just tell him. If he loves you, he will say it back."

  "And what if he doesn't love me back?"

  "Is your ass sore?"

  Autumn shot her friend an annoyed look. "You know it is."

  "Then you know he loves you. He would not correct your behavior if he didn't. Now, whether he knows he loves you yet is another question. Men are dense like that. It usually takes them forever to interpret their emotions."

  Autumn scuffed. "And if he isn't sure of his feelings, then what?"

  "Then he will tell you."

  "Why can't he just be a mind reader? Then he will just know how I feel without me actually having to tell him."

  "Because those cuss words and sassy comebacks that float through your head would make it impossible for you to sit. Ever."

  "I love the sound of my wife's laughter," Kevin said as he rounded the barn with Leland right behind him; both had motor oil smudges nearly to their elbows.

  "Come give me a hug, woman," Leland demanded, his walk more like a stalk with every step he took toward the women.

  "Leland." The word was drawn out as a warning as she set her mug on the dirt next to Olivia's before they both started backing away from their filthy men.


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