Book Read Free

Come Back Around

Page 16

by BA Tortuga

  She wouldn’t be, right? She’d be smiling at Alejandro and Jen.

  He was just the man of honor. Her focus should be on her other son. Reid took a deep breath, then let it out. Tylenol. Right.

  Two pills were pressed into his hand, and he took them without even looking. “Thanks, darlin’.”

  “You’re very welcome. The girls were so good.”

  Dani was sleeping on Mat’s dad’s lap, and Luce was having a very earnest discussion with Geoff, who was still slinging food.

  “Should we go tell Luce to back off?” The man was trying to work, after all.

  “I asked him about ten minutes ago. He said to leave his sous chef to him, dude.” Mat did a wicked good Geoff impression.

  “I wonder if I can leave him a tip….”

  “I bet we can. Like on a cruise or at any other kind of resort, right? Extra tips for the people who went above and beyond.”

  “Oh…. We should go on a cruise together—the four of us.”

  “Huh?” Mat blinked at the change of subject. “The four of who? Us and the girls? Like a Disney cruise?”

  “I’d love that. Sun, goofing off with the kids, a glass of wine at supper.” He surprised himself by meaning it. They could visit with his folks, then hop on a boat.

  “I would too.” Mat’s smile lit up the room, as bright as anything.

  “Next summer, you think?”

  “Yes. I think so.” Mat chuckled, patting his leg. “Look at us.”

  “Is it—this? We’re cool?” Did it feel as amazing to Matty as it did to him?

  “We’re amazing, baby. I’m tickled to death.”

  “Good deal. I love making plans with you, like we’re just… us again.”

  Mat nodded. “I want it to be. I really do.”

  Him too. He wanted—

  He blinked.

  Blinked again.


  What on earth was his mom doing here?

  “Jen called us, baby.” His momma smiled at him, her patented wedding rehearsal dress on. “So here we are.”

  “Jen?” He looked over to his best friend, and she blushed dark but held his gaze and shrugged.

  “They came to see the wedding, you know? And then your mom called from Aspen, and there was enough food, so….” Jen was actually fluttering. Wow. It would be impressive if he wasn’t so aggravated.

  God, he was confused.

  “Jen was worried about your foot,” Mat stage-whispered. “Plus she really wanted your folks at the wedding, so she guilted them into it.”

  “My foot is fine, Momma.” He stared at Jen. Seriously? Hormones are only an excuse for so much.

  Jen didn’t even look away.

  “Well, we’re so glad to be here anyway.” Momma glanced at Mat. “Hello, Mateo.”

  “Momma.” Matty stood and hugged her like they never had divorced. “It’s so good to see you. You’re looking amazing. Lucia? Look who’s here!”

  Luce blinked over and frowned. “Granny?”

  “Well, now, I’m happy to see you too.” Momma put her hands on her hips once Mateo let her go. “Come hug me.”

  “Are you coming to take me to Florida? I have to stay with Daddy and Papi right now.”

  “Lucia!” She did not just ask that.

  “No, baby. I’m here in case Daddy needs me, and to see Aunty Jen get married.” Momma was unflappable. Always.

  “Oh. Okay. Come meet my new friend, Geoff. He’s a chef.” Luce ran over and grabbed Momma’s hand.

  “I would love that.” Momma winked at him, mouthing, “I love you.”

  “Love you.” God. “Did you know they were coming?”

  “I just found out when you were napping. I was going to tell you tonight, because they were supposed to be in Aspen until tomorrow.” Mat pulled a face. “Sorry, baby.”

  “Well, you were helping me… shower.” He couldn’t help the grin for love or money.

  “Mmm. I was. We got distracted.”

  Way distracted. Reid loved that.

  “Don’t stress it, querido. Please.” Mat kissed his cheek. “I have this.”

  “You do?” He wondered who Mat had bribed to do what. “I trust you.”

  His words made Mat’s cheeks redden, his chest puff up. Oh, he’d done well. Trust was what they had to rebuild and repair, but this was a good start, right?

  He looked over at his dad, who was talking to Jen’s father and Pop. Dad had Dani now and was rocking her as they chatted.

  Their family. God, it was good to all be in one place.

  Jen came to light next to him. “Mad at me?”

  “Furious.” He winked, then rolled his eyes. “Seriously, no. I was just surprised.” And worried that the girls would think he was going to send them off again.

  “I just… your foot. I’m worried.”

  “Well, you could have asked….” He only had the heart to chide gently. He loved her for worrying, and his folks should have said they would come, anyway.

  “You would have said no.”

  He couldn’t argue with that.

  “Not if you really wanted them here,” Mat put in. “I know you love them too.”

  “They’ve been good to me,” Jen said. “And they love you beyond reason, Reid.”

  “That’s what happens when you have kids.” Reid grinned, knowing she would find out.

  Jen glared at him. “Be good, you.”

  “Uh-huh. Good as gold.”

  “Right. You’re full of shit. Okay, I have to make rounds.” She kissed his cheek before leaving him with Mat.

  “I feel like… I feel totally out of control, darlin’.” Which was ridiculous, because he was sitting still, watching the rehearsal go on around him.

  “I know. Pop is going to keep your folks up here about a week.”

  “You should have warned me. Hell, you should have warned Luce. She was wigged-out.” The damage adults did in the name of love was overwhelming.

  “I know. I’m sorry. I thought I had time.” Mat sighed. “Best-laid plans.”

  Years ago, he would have been pissed at Mat, would have accused Matty of lying, but now? Now he got it. Shit happened.

  “Anyway, we’ll have them down next week, huh?”

  “They can stay in your condo.” He grinned over, making sure Matty knew he was teasing.

  “Evildoer. I like it.” Mat winked broadly. “Do you need anything, querido?”

  “Can you check on Luce?”

  “Sure.” Mat rose easily, stroking his cheek before heading off.

  “Are you going to be good to him?” He wasn’t surprised at all that it took about seven seconds for Patty to take Matty’s chair.

  “I am. I love him.”

  “Well, I know that.” She said it gently, but she was chiding, and he knew it. “But that doesn’t mean you’ll be good to each other.”

  “No, it doesn’t, but I do. I mean it.”

  “Okay. I’ll beat him if he messes up again.” She winked, surprising a laugh out of him.

  “I want us to be a family again, all of us.” He knew it sounded desperate, but it was true.

  “That sounds lovely, mi’jo. I really want it to work out. You know, anytime you need us, you can ask. If you need us to babysit so you boys can date or talk or just….” She flushed.

  “Thank you, ma’am. The girls adore you; you know that.” God, she just offered to babysit so they could hump like bunnies.

  “They’re good.” She leaned close. “Tía Erica used to watch Mateo and Alejandro so I could sit with Alan and be.”

  “I made a terrible mistake, but I’m going to fix it. I swear.”

  “You didn’t do it alone.” She gave him a soft smile.

  No, but Patricia was Matty’s mom, so….

  “You both needed to discover that you’re more than the sum of your parts, mi’jo. You needed a minute together.”

  “And neither Patricia nor I did that right, did we?” His momma sat down and took Patty
’s hand, to his utter shock. She looked so pale compared to Patricia, even with her Florida tan. “We were awful busy supporting our boys and worrying about our grandbabies to have the sense God gave a goat.”


  “Families shouldn’t take sides. Not when no one was really wrong.” She sniffed. “Lucia and Dani were so scared to see me. Broke my heart.”

  “Dani is mostly asleep, Momma, and Luce is desperate to be at home. It’s not you.”

  “I hope not, but I feel bad. I was just blindly in your corner, huh?”

  Patricia patted Momma’s hand. “That’s our jobs, right? But we see what happened now. We’ll help.”

  “And the first thing is getting that ankle looked at.” Momma looked to Patricia. “Do y’all have a doctor you’d recommend?”

  “Of course. We have an orthopedist from when Alan broke his ankle in that drought crack.”

  “I’m fine, Momma.”

  “I’ll need the number, if you don’t mind. I’ll call Monday.”


  “I’ll call Monday,” Mat murmured, coming back with Luce in his arms. “You both need to talk to Pop.”

  “Geoff wore her out, did he?” His oldest girl was out like a light, limp in Matty’s arms.

  “He’s amazing. If he wasn’t so settled here, I would try to steal him to come cook for us.” Mat was just grinning.

  “I’m considering getting a service in three days a week or so, to make things easier on us.” Marta cleaned and helped a ton, but one of those subscription boxes would be amazing, and Luce could help them cook them. His oldest would love that shit.

  “That might be nice for us, don’t you think, Mama?” Mat asked Patricia.

  “Yes. Tía Linda might know someone that has done those before.”

  He could almost hear Mat restraining himself from rolling his eyes. “Sure. I would talk to them.”

  “I’d like that,” he told Patricia. “Is there a place to put the girls down here? Our cabin is forever away.”

  “I think so. Let me go ask.” Patricia was up and off in seconds.

  “Are you okay, Mateo, or should I take her?” Momma asked.

  “Oh, I have her. For now.” Mat kinda bounced and swayed, as he had when Luce was a baby.

  “At least sit with your man, then.” Momma stood up, offering Mat his chair back.

  “Everyone gets a chair!” Tiny swept past, pushing another folding chair right up behind Mat. He held it until Mat sat down, and then Tiny handed him an ice bag and a lovely piece of apple pie.

  “Ow, wow. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Anyone need anything? Coffee? Mrs. Porter? Anything for you?”

  “I would love a piece of pie and a cup of coffee. Can I help y’all with anything?”

  Tiny beamed. “Now, you’ve already brightened up my evening, ma’am. You sit and I’ll bustle.” He did just that, leaving Momma blushing.

  “Isn’t he something? Lord.” Momma grinned at him. “Eat your pie, baby.”

  “So, did Jen tell you about me and Matty, Momma?”

  “Hmm? Oh, Alan said something when we got up here, and Alejandro was talking about it right before the meal started.”

  “He’s asked me to come home, and I agreed, one hundred percent. I can’t wait to fix what broke.”

  She pushed a stray hair off her face, then nodded. “I like that attitude. What do the girls think?”

  “I’m going to speak to Luce; Mat’s going to talk with Dani tomorrow.”

  “Well, be prepared for tears and such.” Momma bit her lower lip. “They’ve had a time.”

  “’M okay, Granny. Papi and Daddy are in love like Aunty Jenny and Tío Alej.” Luce blinked at her, owlish and tired. “I prayed to Jesus that Papi came home. Every day, just like ’Uelita showed me.”

  “Oh, that’s my girl.” He thought Momma might shed a tear.

  “Uh-huh.” Lucia snuggled right back into Mateo’s chest with a sigh. “I like weddings, Papi.”

  “Me too, kiddo. We need to get you working for Mason.”

  “Mmm. No. Geoff….”

  “Right. Geoff.” Mat rolled his eyes this time. “I’ll remember.”

  He fought his laughter, but there was no way. No way.

  “’Kay, Papi.” She patted him until she fell asleep again. Like Mat was a fussy baby needing soothing.

  “Geoff is her hero,” Mat said. “He’s the chef.”

  “The rainbow-haired man? She has good taste.”

  “She does. He’s a doll.” Reid liked this place very much. He would come here for vacation.

  “Pie and coffee, Mrs. Porter. Mat, I brought you that almond croissant you like in case there’s too much acid in the pie. And that tea.” Tiny was so cool.

  “Thank you, man. I appreciate it.” Mat had smiled more in the last two days.

  “I had strawberries,” Lucia murmured, making them all laugh.

  He felt like he was about as happy as he ever had been. Reid had high hopes for the next week being even better. Not that he wanted to tempt fate by complaining or begging.

  Right now he’d just breathe and believe.

  And watch Mat hold their girl.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “YOU ready for this thing, bro?” Mat asked, watching Alej pace.

  “God, yes. No. The wedding, yes. Telling the families about the bun in Jen’s oven? Oh my God.”

  “Well, you’re the ones who put it off. Want me to do it during the toast?” He so would.

  “Congrats to my baby brother and his baby. Surprise!” Alej rolled his eyes.

  “Yep. I think it would be perfect.” Mat loved the idea, but he wouldn’t push it.

  “Do you think I’m up to it? Being a dad, I mean?”

  “Fuck, yes. You’re going to be amazing.” That much he believed.

  “I want to be. I see how Dani and Luce love you and….” Alej held his hands out. “How will I deserve that, man?”

  “Because you’re you.” He grinned. “You’ll do fine.”

  He wanted to say, if Alej worried about it so much, it said worlds about how good he was going to be. That wouldn’t be much of a comfort, though.

  “I want to tell them now.” Alej started to look panicky. “So they know we didn’t get married because she’s preggers.”

  “So talk to Jen. Y’all have been planning this for eighteen months. She caught pregnant because y’all love each other and it’s time. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “Okay. I… I shouldn’t see her before the wedding.”

  “No, but you can call her, dork.” He tugged Alej’s phone out of his pocket.

  “If I call her dork, she’ll shoot me in the face.” Alej grinned at him. “You know what? She’s happy, she’s dressed and made-up, and she doesn’t need my shit. We’ll do it as we planned.”

  “Okay. When?”

  “After the reception but before we leave, okay? Not during the speeches.”

  “That’s perfect. Reid says that you have grandparent gifts to announce with?”

  “Yeah. Christmas ornaments that say grandbaby’s first Christmas.”

  “Awww. That rocks, Hermanito.” Mat reached into his pocket for a moment. The ring box for Alej was there, but so was a little bag.

  “Jen picked them out.” Alejandro fiddled with his bolo tie, the silver Zia sun glinting from the onyx base. They all had matching ones, even Reid, and his brother had picked them out. “She’s kinda cool, huh?”

  Poor Alej was going to have a heart attack.

  “Dude. You have to calm down. You’ve lived with her for five years.”


  He chuckled softly and nodded. “Okay, six. Point is, you love her. She loves you. This is nothing but the public acknowledgment of that.”

  Alej took one deep breath, then another. “Right. You’re right.”

  “Of course I am. I’m the big brother. She’s amazing. You’re amazing. It’ll be fabulous.” />
  “You’re so—”

  “If you say gay, I will beat you.” He was. For real. But he had to tease.

  “That’s Reid, man. I mean, he’s a goddamn potter.” Alej could tease with the best of him.

  “Mmmm. So he is.” He grinned. “A good one.”

  “Right? Crate and Barrel. Shit. Fancy-assed stuff.”

  “Pottery Barn too. God, he’s brilliant.” Mat could burst.

  “I’m glad you two fixed things. Seriously. He’s a good guy, and he loves you.”

  “Thanks, bro. He is.” Mat wasn’t naive. This would take work. Still, they were both willing to do it, and for them, not just the girls.

  Pop came in and shut the door behind him. “Lord have mercy, it’s a gorgeous afternoon out there. Y’all ready?”

  Alej nodded, but his face was all stiff. “I am.”

  “Okay, then. It’s time to get out there.” Pop looked like a peacock, puffed up and pleased. “You did good, boy. I like her.”

  “Thanks, Pop.” Color came back into Alej’s cheeks. “Me too.”

  “It would be weird if you didn’t,” Mat said.

  “Fucking A. Come on, boys. Let’s do this. I need you married.”

  Mat glanced at Pop. He was just rounding them up. Like cows.


  “Come on, Alej. Let’s do this thing.” Mat took his brother’s arm and led him out to the main room, where all the other groomsmen waited.

  The guys all grinned and jostled, but in no time they were all in their places out in the big hall in the barn.

  “What’s the benches for?” Mat asked, looking at the lodge pine piece set to one side of the dais and arch.

  “Oh!” Alej chuckled. “I’m supposed to tell you. Since Reid is having trouble, you guys get to sit during the ceremony, since our vows are long. Man of honor, best man, flower girls, then girl boy down the line.”

  “You rock, buddy. Seriously. That’s… perfect.” He gave Alej a quick man-hug.

  “No problem. He was in agony last night.”

  “Rock on!” Joe said. “I should have brought a beer in my pocket.”

  “You mean you didn’t?” Tod teased.

  “Nope. Not bright.”

  “You guys suck.” Alej wiped his hands on his pants. “They’ll start to seat soon, right?”

  As if on cue, the doors opened, and a pair of the ranch cowboys began acting as ushers, leading in friends and family.


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