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The Secret: Billionaire Secret Romance (All In Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Maggie Cole

  I made my way into our box, and he said his goodbyes. I told myself I wasn't going to go, but I looked down at my watch anyway.

  Cray Cray and Lipster were already in the box. Introductions were made, and drinks started getting passed out.

  I played my role, but the entire time I was debating about what to do in my mind. I finally decided that there was no way I could go. These were going to be clients, and I had already lied to Liv once.

  Ten minutes passed. I didn't go. As much as I wanted to, I stopped myself.

  Fifteen minutes.

  Twenty minutes.

  Thirty minutes finally passed, and the negotiator came into our box and walked up to Liv. "Hey Liv, can I steal Meg for a bit? Sam's in my box with some other Zags and wants to talk with her."

  None the wiser, Liv was all smiles for Collin. "No problem." She motioned her hand for me to go.

  Seriously? Who does he think he is? I'm working.

  Once outside the box, I sneered at him. "What are you doing?"

  "Just relax," he instructed and led me into his box.

  Sam and a handful of other players were there. "Well, if it isn't my favorite redhead!" Sam was drinking and in prime form. He picked me up off the ground in a hug.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Collin's jaw tighten again.

  "Put me down," I told Sam. "I came to say hi, but I can't stay. I have clients we are entertaining."

  "Oh, Meg, you're breaking my heart again." He made stabbing motions.

  I rolled my eyes.

  "Meg, this is Alex, Tito, and George," Collin told me, pointing out each Zag.

  I nodded my head as they all stood there, checking me out. "Nice to meet you all."

  I turned to Sam. "I really do have to get back. I'll see you at our meeting?"

  He shook his head and licked his lips at me. "I wouldn't pass up a chance to see you."

  Collin's jaw once again stiffened as I flirtatiously laughed.

  I started walking out of the room, and I heard Collin say, "I'll be back. I need to go talk to D about the VIP room for you guys."

  Collin shut the door to his box, grabbed my elbow, and steered me the opposite way of Tom's box.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Escorting you to the ladies room." The negotiator was in full force.

  What does he think? I'm going to fuck him in the public bathroom? I do have hygiene habits.

  We had gotten in front of the bathroom but he steered me into another door, across from the boxes.

  Once inside, he shut the door and locked it. I looked around. It was a smaller meeting room with a six-person conference table and a small sitting area.

  I scowled at cocky Collin, "What do you think you're doing?"

  He grabbed me around the waist, so he was once again squeezing my ass, and bent down and found my mouth.

  I tried to stay pissed at him, but it was impossible. His tongue flicked into mine, reminding me of how it flicked on my sex the night before, and I was not able to stand there and deny him. I half-attempted to shove him away by pushing on his chest, but he pulled me closer to him.

  My hands relaxed from fists to open palms, and I could feel his heart starting to beat faster. I gave one more small push, and he pulled his face away from mine. While he still held me close, with his ego eyes in full bloom, he asked, "You want me to let you go, Meg?"

  I bit my lip, not saying anything. My pride wanted to say yes, but my body was not allowing me.

  He raised his arrogant eyebrows at me and slipped his hands into the back of my pants. He was right on my skin, grazing his fingers over my cheeks, softly.

  "Is that what you want? Me to let you go?" He waited for me to answer.

  I inhaled deeply and slowly shook my head.

  It was all Collin needed. In one quick swoop, he picked me up by my butt cheeks with his hands still in my pants. My legs automatically wrapped around his hips, and his mouth urgently crushed into mine. His massive hand started moving lower on my butt until it was completely between my thighs.

  It happened before I knew it. Collin's long fingers slid inside my womanhood, and I gasped as his eyes met mine.

  "Just hold on and relax," he cockily smirked at me.

  As I grabbed his neck with my arms tightly, he started twirling his fingers inside me. My body began to move in rhythm with his hand.

  "That's a good girl," he whispered as he licked my earlobe, took his fingers and swiped them over my G-spot repeatedly.

  I let out a whimper as his lips fluttered down my neck. He nibbled and gently sucked on me as his fingers continued to caress me.

  I ground into him, urgently pushing my cunt on his hand.

  Wanting it.

  Needing it.

  Taking it.

  As he bent his fingers inside me and rolled them all around, I started whimpering louder against him. He hit my sweet spot faster and with more pressure.

  "Breath, baby," he whispered in my ear. I hadn't realized I was holding my breath.

  I exhaled sharply and quickly inhaled again as he repeated his same move, then urgently sought his mouth. I dove into it, my tongue crashed into his, and I explored his mouth before biting his lower lip.

  He groaned. His deep, throaty groan that made me clench against his fingers.

  "You've been driving me crazy all night," he whispered, sending more flutters through me.

  Repeatedly moaning, I couldn't respond, as he continued to stroke and push inside me with his fingers.

  An animal in heat, I circled my hips on his fingers, opening and closing my eyes, while my cries grew louder.

  Collin put his forehead to mine, so I stared into his eyes. "You want it?"

  I could hardly talk. I tried to tell him yes, but it wasn't coming out right through my panting.

  "You sure you want it?" His arrogant self asked me, as I could hardly breathe, and my shaky breaths made my chest heave into his.

  And I became an inferno of heat and lust as I gripped his fingers.

  Not able to talk, I closed my eyes, then reopened them to see Collin still staring at me, waiting for me to tell him again that I wanted it.

  I frantically nodded.

  He increased the intensity, moved another finger in me, stroked and twisted his hand, and made me groan so loud I thought the entire building heard it.

  "Tell me you need it," he commanded.

  My lust-filled eyes stared at him. My body had already started to tremble, and my lungs were hardly able to fill with air. "I need it, Collin. Please," I choked out.

  "Whatever you need, baby," he whispered, then set me ablaze.

  I violently trembled, moaned, and grabbed his neck tighter as my body started to convulse, over and over.

  He continued to drive me up further into my high, while his forehead pushed into mine.

  "Collin," I cried out as he swiped me more.

  "That's it, baby," he murmured against my lips.

  I grasped onto him tighter and smashed myself onto his hand.




  All the while, groaning and scratching him like a wild animal in heat.

  My back arched. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as my body continued to seizure against him.

  Collin held me up and rubbed my back with his free hand.

  I sank my face into his neck and tried to catch my breath, as I wondered if my heart would beat out of my chest.

  After a few minutes, he pulled his fingers out of me. I was still curled into his neck and noticed my nails were still digging into him. I relaxed my grip.

  He rubbed my ass cheeks a bit, then walked over and set me on the conference room table.

  Collin brought his forehead back to mine, brought his fingers to his mouth, then sucked on them while giving me a cocky stare. He pulled his fingers out of his mouth and kissed me. His hands wrapped around me and moved up my shirt on my naked back.

  New tingles flew throu
gh my spine.

  "That was your treat for keeping your word," he huskily informed me while scanning my eyes.

  I was still coming down from my high. My breathing started to slow but was still shallow.

  He gave me one more lingering kiss, "I have to get back. Wait a few minutes after I leave before you do, okay?"

  I didn't move for a minute. I was still reeling and in shock over what had just happened.

  "Meg, you okay?"

  I finally nodded.

  "You sure?"

  I nodded again. I couldn't talk.

  He kissed me one final time. My lip quivered against him.

  "I have to go. You okay if I go?" he whispered.

  I nodded. Still not sure what had just happened.

  Collin hesitated and then walked out. I tried pulling myself together and waited five minutes. When I pulled the door open and stepped out, Derek was in the hall.

  "Oops, that's not the restroom." I walked across the hall toward the ladies room.

  Derek gave me the same knowing look he had given me at dinner and raised his eyebrows. I ignored it and walked into the ladies room.

  When I got inside, I leaned against the sink and looked in the mirror. I had no idea how Collin had done that, but I knew I wanted more.



  She was driving me crazy. No one had ever driven me this crazy.

  In the middle of the night, Meg's entire body wrapped around mine. I felt her vibrating on top of me. It was amazing...until I woke up and realized she wasn't there and I had been dreaming.

  Out of town for business, I wasn't sure when I would see her again, and it was starting to affect my mental state.

  I sat in client meetings half listening, half thinking about how I wanted to please her next or how she should be next to me, working her magic on my clients who weren't listening very well.

  But I wouldn't ever again put her in the position I did with Sam. I saw how wrong that was and understood why she thought what she did.

  When she had told me that we could be together, but it would be our secret, I couldn't resist. I had to have her, and it was better than I ever thought possible.

  Her flirtatious behavior with other men was driving me nuts. She was doing it to get under my skin, and it was working. I wanted to claim her as mine, to yell to the world that she was taken and off-limits, but I knew I couldn't. I had my rule, and I wasn't about to publicly break it.

  I worried about her saying something, but she had kept her word, and I realized that our secret was safe.

  It made me want her even more. I knew she had lied to Liv because of me, and I hated that I had to put her in that position. But she was someone who could be trusted, and her actions showed me that she had my back.

  Groaning, I rolled into my pillow and shoved my face into it. I realized that I had it bad. I didn't know where this was going, but I knew I wanted more.

  Traveling is so inconvenient right now.

  I wracked my brain about when I would see her next, but I didn't know.

  Not able to sleep, I wondered if she missed me as much as I missed her.

  * * *


  I thought about Collin all the time; during the day while at work, while I showered, ran, or was in a taxi, and at night. Nighttime was the worst.

  My mind constantly was racing, I hadn't been able to sleep well, and no amount of masturbation could satiate me.

  I hadn't heard from him since the Volts game. After I left the restroom, I had caught a glimpse of him in his box. Our eyes briefly met as I passed the room, and I was pretty sure he had been watching for me to walk past.

  At the end of the game, Collin, Sam, and the other Zags stopped in our suite, and Collin introduced them to everyone, negotiator in full force.

  Sam continued hitting on me. I concentrated on him and tried to avoid Collin.

  Derek gave me another funny 'know it all' raised eyebrow. I didn't know what he thought, but I wasn't about to ask.

  Days passed, but I wasn't going to call or text him. He had taken total control over me at the Volts game, and we both knew it.

  Collin Corwin had owned my body as I sat on his hand.

  Yep, his fingers fucked me so hard he owned me, and I still wasn't sure how it had happened.

  He probably expected me to beg for more, and I wasn't going to do that.

  It was Sunday afternoon. I was running in Central Park, trying to get him off my mind when he called me. I had my earphones in and hadn't even looked at who was calling. I answered it.

  "You sound out of breath," his voice came flying through the phone.

  I froze and said nothing.

  "Meg, you still there?"

  I regained my composure. "Collin, what can I do for you?"

  He laughed. "It's only us on the line. I don't think we have to play professional associates right now."

  I kicked my foot into the ground and tried to sound more relaxed. "Sorry."

  "I wanted to tell you that you're looking pretty hot over there." His sultry voice oozed.

  I quickly glanced around. A few hundred yards away from me, Collin stood, with sweat dripping down him, more gorgeous than ever.

  My heart did a double beat.

  Damn, I was trying to get him out of my system, and here he was.

  I ran over to him. "Are you following me?"

  "Maybe you're following me?" His eyes raised, and he gave me a cocky grin.

  I rolled my eyes at him.

  "Ouch, that hurt."

  "Ha, ha!"

  He licked his lips at me and grinned bigger. "So, what have you been up to since the Volts game?"

  My face turned red at the mention of the Volts game, as memories of my treat flew back to me.

  "Work, running, you know… You?"

  "I've been out of town with clients."

  Is that why he hasn't called?

  Collin locked eyes with me. "Want to go for a walk?"

  "Isn't that risky?" I smirked at him sarcastically.

  He winked, "I think we'll be okay."

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  "So, I had fun at the Volts game the other night, did you?" A naughty look spread across his face.

  I tried to be nonchalant, shrugged my shoulders, and rolled my eyes again.

  "You didn't have fun?" he teased.

  Do not admit anything to him!

  He knew he owned me. He knew he finger fucked me into oblivion. So, instead of answering him, I grabbed his arm, stopped, and turned to look up at him. "Collin, I think Derek thinks something is up."

  He took a deep breath. "Why do you think that?"

  "He saw me walk out of the conference room and he kept giving me funny looks with his eyebrow raised all night."

  Collin gazed down at me, "If D does think anything, he didn't mention it to me and he never will. I've known him a long time. D created the biggest nightclub chain in the country because he knows how to keep his mouth shut."

  "Okay." We started walking again.

  "So...did you miss me?" Collin teased.

  I adamantly shook my head.

  "No?" His face dropped.

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  "You haven't thought about me at all?"

  "Nope!" I lied through my teeth. He was all I had thought about.

  Collin raised his eyebrow at me, "You didn't miss me at all?"

  I shook my head again.

  "Really? I thought about you," he sounded serious.

  "I bet you did." I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

  Collin's face looked slightly hurt. "You really didn't miss me?"

  I shook my head again. I knew if I opened my mouth, it would all come flying out, and I wasn't going to give cocky Collin the satisfaction.

  "Well, I missed you…"

  I stopped and stared at him, not sure if this was an arrogant ploy or if he was serious.

  "I did," he sounded vulnerable.

  A thousand butterfli
es released in my stomach.

  I continued to observe him, not sure what to say. Normally, I would not have a problem responding to a guy telling me he missed me, but Collin was a different story. Since the Volts game, when he had taken complete control over me, I suddenly felt unsure about myself around him.

  Stop acting like a schoolgirl, Meg.

  Collin was staring at me intensely, hoping to get something out of me. "I guess I might have thought about you in passing once or twice." I shrugged some more, tried to appear cool, and reminded myself again that he had to chase me.

  A big smile erupted on his face. "Good." Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me over in front of the tree line.

  No one was around. It was only Collin and me. He bent down and once again ignited flames within me as his lips met mine, and his tongue started exploring my mouth. His hands quickly swept to my back and pulled me closer.

  I grabbed ahold of him tightly and forgot about my surroundings.

  "I've thought about you a lot," he mumbled between kisses.

  My insides soared with happiness. "Yeah?" I softly responded.

  "Yeah. Too much."

  I laughed.

  "What about you? Did you think of me too much?" he whispered against my mouth.

  "Maybe," I kissed him back.

  He laughed softly.

  We stood in Central Park, making out for I don't know how long. Then his alarm rang and pulled us out of our kisses.

  Disappointment flew across Collins's face, "Crap. I gotta go. I'm flying up to Boston tonight with Tom and Phil for a joint business venture."

  Damn, I wanted him to take me home.

  "Have a good trip." I tried not to sound disappointed.

  "I'll see you tomorrow, though?"

  "Yes. It's on the schedule." Collin was bringing one of his Volts players into the office.

  He leaned down and gave me another kiss. "Race you back to the street?"

  I laughed and took off with a head start.

  * * *

  Collin was coming in that afternoon with Charlie Cantor, another Volts player, and I realized I was going to have to play it super cool to hide my attraction to him.

  Two o'clock came quickly. I had worked throughout the day and skipped lunch. Lilly informed me that Collin and Charlie were in conference room four.


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