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Page 6

by C. R Corbin

  "Please, oh I’m so close." I moaned.

  "All you have to do is give in." he said.

  I want to, I want to...but....

  "Give in." he said again in a commanding tone.

  Yes, yes, oh I want to.

  "Give in."

  "Yes master!" I moaned for him as he slides all the way inside of me once more.

  And right near the end of it all I awoke.

  In a daze my eyes opened and I pursed my dry lips. My hands gently clench and I look around in order to catch a glimpse of him. He was kneeling right beside me, his hand worriedly shaking while resting on top of mine.

  "Good you're awake." he said, I tried to sit up but I was still a bit too weak and the weight of the pelts on top of me weren't helping.

  "How long have I been out?" I asked.

  "You were a bit delirious for a day, falling in and out of consciousness. I gave you some of the soup that I made and it seemed to help. You don't remember sipping any of it?" he asked and I shook my head, it was all a mismatch of visions.

  'Well in any case ...I suppose I should change your towel." he said and walked over to grab the towel on top of my head. He runs outside and dipped the cloth inside of the snow before coming back with another fresh one and placing it atop my head.

  "Thank you." I replied and he only nodded.

  "The least I could do..." he replied, he seemed more worn out than ever.

  "I really appreciate it ...helping out the enemy." I said with a smile.

  "You are no enemy of mine. You are my mate. It is a man's duty to protect his mate at all times." he replied and I nodded.

  "I'm sorry for being so's just that after all these years of fighting I’m not entirely sure if I should be friends with ...a Kanosian." I said as he sighed.

  "I've been ruminating something similar ...Perhaps you were right Natalie. What has this war granted me? What has this devotion to warfare granted me besides a betrayal and a mate that hates me?" he asked, wordlessly running his fingers along the grey stones of the cavern as he did so.

  "I don't hate you..." I replied, once he said that I hated him, a strange ache consumed me, an ache that couldn't be remedied in any other way besides reassuring him.

  "You don't?" he asked.

  "I know that we haven't...I don't even know what I'm saying. What I'm trying to tell you is that I'm wrong, I was wrong to have been cold and drive you away. I really do...I trust you. I am thankful for everything that you have done. I could never hate you after everything that has been done." I reassured him and he seemed to be a bit shocked at my profession.

  "I...." he began and nodded as he rested his hand on mine. No more words needed to be said.

  "If you can learn to change then so can I." I stated and he nodded. Perhaps the two of us were getting away from the vice like grip of these creeds that we had held onto for so long.

  " might get boring just laying here in front of you...Could you get me a book from the black box over there?" I asked and he happily obliged.

  We spend the next several days in a much more genial fashion. I would read books aloud for him, play music, we even found a functioning movie cassette, the other 200 were destroyed. He was constantly puzzled at all the human references so I had to explain a great deal of it to him.


  "See so he can't be with her." I tell him and he raised an eyebrow while we watched the couple in front of us act their hearts off.

  He looks like he forgot what the movie was about.

  This was the only surviving tape that we had left and ironically, it was Romeo and Juliet, one of the million films made about it in fact. His face was scrunched into a confused mess while he sits beside my sleeping form. The hologram flickers and sometimes static overtakes it due to the fact that the tape was a bit damaged.

  "You do know the name of the movie that we're watching right? It comes up a lot in references." I stated and he raised his head, his mouth agape as he hummed and tried to think of a name.

  "Romaine and Julian." he stated and I grimaced.

  "You forgot?! It's not even that hard!" I said while trying to stifle my laughter.

  "You humans are so confusing. Why doesn't he merely claim her already? She is obviously infatuated with him. Unlike someone I know." he said with a flirtatious smile while glancing at me and I only blushed.

  "So what would you do then?" I asked.

  "Draw my claws and slay whatever manner of cretin that would prevent me from being with the woman I love. That's what I would do." he said.

  "Yeah well not all of us are born as 7 ft tall tanks with claws pal." I said while eyeing his muscular chest and abdomen flirtatiously. His entire body was on display since he had stripped down to heat up more properly. The flame flickers behind the screen, its bright, roaring, radiance stretching along the cavern floor while the refreshing heat blows onto our bodies. I was still lying on the pelts, the weakness of the sickness was leaving me for the most part but it would likely still be a while.

  "This movie would have crashed and burned on Kanosia." he grumbled.

  "Yeah because you guys don't get romance. I mean look at what he's going through for her. He has to fight off her cousins, her family, all in order to love her. I can't think of a more romantic display." I stated.

  "I can think of a few." he said with a mirthful expression and I find myself looking away rather bashfully. I think I know what he was referring to.

  During the last several days, my opinion of him has improved from outright hostility, to cold indifference, to slight affection, to friendly warmth, and now it was something even more. Whenever he smiled or was even close to me I could feel every inch of my body tingle in reaction. I wanted him so badly, each time I gazed upon him I could feel my heart flutter, each time I glanced at him and watched his muscles tense I could feel my feet quiver with excitement. This feeling was...almost entirely alien to me. No pun intended of course.

  "And this is ridiculous. Why would you give your life for a fool that doesn't even know how to claim his own mate? On a scale of human offerings from...let's say jazz music to those horror novels that you read me I would have to say this film lies near the horror side." he said. He loved Jazz and found horror novels incredibly dull so it was safe to say that he didn't enjoy this one bit. He was enjoying ribbing it in front of me though.

  And I couldn't act like it wasn't hilarious to see him try to make sense of the actions occurring in front of him.

  "What primitive weapons." he remarked when they began using the swords.

  "You use an axe!" I called out incredulously with a laugh sneaking out.

  "...Good point." he muttered to himself and I could only giggle while sliding my hand over his back.

  It was a rather strange thing that my hatred for all Kanosians has faded this quickly. I first thought it to be some sort of mistake, a fluke, but I had been doing some reading about the Kanosians from the books that we had and it seemed like the mating bond was one of the strongest bonds that they had. Once it was established the entire progress of the relationship accelerated rather quickly. Perhaps that was the cause of this sudden...affection on my end. I wasn't uncomfortable with it that was for sure.

  He had proven himself to be different from my assumptions about his people. He wasn't bloodthirsty or animalistic, just a rather honorable and proud man that didn't really know any better I suppose. Each time I brought up Kanosia and his battles his eyes seemed to progressively grow more confused and even saddened. Perhaps I was saying it too soon but it seemed like he was starting to question the ideals that he had been taught, the ideals of Kanosia.

  "Achoo!" I sneezed and suddenly he springs to his feet.

  "Here, tissue." he said with a frantic and worried look in his eyes. I can only giggle as he relaxes and mutters an apology under his breath.

  I had almost fully recovered but he insisted on lying beside me to make sure that I was s
afe. There he was, even after the movie ended and I was about to fall back asleep. My eyes were barely open as I glanced him over once more, glancing at that handsome face of his, that deep blue skin glimmering in the light of the flame. I smile to myself and allow myself to dream of a life after this...just him and I. I was afraid. I looked over at him as his ebony horns shone and his golden eyes glimmered, that handsome face that enraptured me in a way that I didn't understand and that I was slightly averse towards.

  "What is it?" he asked with a smile.

  The most I could do in return was smile. Every inch of him was revealed to me in the dim light of our fire, that rippling musculature glowed in front of me and I was consumed by the urge to lunge on top of him. I hold myself back though and shut my eyes, sighing happily while he only chuckled.

  "At a loss for words for once huh? That's a change." he said and I playfully slapped him on the shoulder before I heard a growl outside and he immediately stood up. I shot up in worry but he told me to lay back down before he grabbed his axe, hastily slipped on his armor, and ran outside.



  I swear I was going to kill whatever this was for interrupting us. I swear I was so close to simply claiming her until this ...thing showed up.

  I dashed outside with my armor barely on and the beast lunged onto me, smacking my loosely fitted armor off. I swing my axe but miss and the beast swipes at me, grazing me on the chest with its sharp claws. I surface and carefully hoist my axe up, without my armor the cold was quickly getting to me and I was shivering.

  "I won't let you have her." I snarled as I looked into the sets of eyes on each side of the beast's face. It was a Hiruden, one of the biggest ones that I have ever seen. It was easily twice as big as the other ones that I had fought earlier and much more aggressive.

  "GRAH!" I heard from above and rolled to avoid another one of them lunging at me. I snarled and shivered from the cold before rushing in to swing my axe. I caught one of them on the side before the other lunged at my back and grazed me with its claws. The blood trickles down and freezes in the snow.

  How the hell do they keep finding this cave? I suppose it was all due to their shape sense of smell.

  I was faced with an enemy that I couldn't quite outpace and the cold was not helping my chances. I looked back to the cave that they were backing towards and decided to lunge forward for another attempt to kill them both. If they swiped at my neck or a vital artery then I would be a goner.

  But I didn't need to wait.

  "Hey!" cried a voice. I looked towards the cavern's entrance. It was Natalie and she was holding....a stick with some burning paper on the end of it?

  "What are you doing?" I called out to her and she shakes her head.

  The Hirudens seemed to be a bit wary of the flame and I quickly took advantage of their distraction. I lunged on top of one of them and cleaved it in half with my axe before tossing my axe at the other and catching it at the hind leg. I get on top of it and tore into its head with my claws before crushing its skull. I looked back to her and she sighed before walking back inside.

  "That was dangerous!" I called out.

  "For you maybe. Come in. I'll patch you up!" she said.

  "You were supposed to be in bed!"

  "And you're supposed to sit your stubborn ass down and let me heal you!"

  "Whatever." I said with a smile before walking back in. I wasn't going to complain about having her hands on me again.



  "Really did a number on you huh?" I asked with a sly grin.

  "It was because I didn't have my armor." he replied in a gruff voice.

  "Sure tough guy, sure." I replied and applied the med gel to his back.

  I was surprised that he even made it out in one piece. It was freezing cold outside and I could tell that he was getting close to whatever the Kanosian equivalent of hypothermia was by the way he was breathing. I slather the gel onto him and sigh while his muscles tensed under my touch. I finish patching up his back before going to his chest and bending forward to clean his chest wound.

  "So many scars..." I remarked and he smiled wearily.

  "After this I don't think I’m going to be in any more battles ...I tire of it." he replied.

  "Oh yeah? What are you going to do?" I asked.

  He wordlessly beckons me upward with a hand on my chin and I looked into his eyes. In the fire he was completely illuminated, every inch of muscle was revealed to me. His jumpsuit was already half off because I had that patch him up so....

  Screw it.

  I leaned in and captured his lips with mine before he rests his strong hands behind my neck. He pulls me in and savors every moment of the kiss which lasts for quite a while. He separates and looks me in the eye with another smile before we resume kissing once more. I feel his hands sliding along my back down to my backside which he grips with a great deal of intensity. He leans into me and I let him get on top while I laid on my back near the fire.

  "Take me, take me I don't care." I remarked and he nodded.

  "Just what I wanted to hear." he replied and continued kissing me.

  His hands run along my backside, stroking it and smacking it at times while I can only moan in return, he lifts his hands towards my cheeks and begins to tenderly stroke my face and my hair. I allow myself to submit to the lust overtaking me, but also the love. I have fallen for him completely and I was done trying to resist. He draws a path from my lips to my breasts with his lips and I moaned as I felt him kiss my neck. He stops there for a moment, biting my neck gently and sucking on it while I moaned in approval before he finds his way downward. He lets out these low growls that fills the air while all I can muster are breathless moans. He encircles my nipples with his lips and I cried out while he kisses each of my mounds.

  "I love it, oh god I adore you." I moaned.

  "Yes, yes, let me hear all of it. Let me hear you moan for me." he said.

  "I never thought that I would be like this ...I never thought that I would be here with you but ...I can't help myself anymore..." I stated with a tinge of reluctance.

  "If you want to stop we can..." he started but I shook my head.

  "No!" I said a bit forcefully and he backed away but I shake my head and beckon him closer.

  "No ...I want this. I want it." I said and he leaned in again.

  He presses his lips against each of my breasts once again before kissing a path down towards my crotch. His long and rough Kanosian tongue rolled against my stomach before he groped my thighs and spread them. His fingers run along every curve that I had, dashing along my backside and my breasts while massaging the ample flesh.

  "You know it's kind of funny. I never thought I would get someone half as sexy as you with this body but here I am." I remarked and he snorted.

  "Human men obviously have no taste." he stated before spreading my folds and slipping his tongue into me.

  I feel that long and rough tongue roll along my curves as it sinks inside. I shut my eyes and felt his fingers press into my thighs while his tongue slipped deeper and deeper. It squirmed inside of me and I groaned as I felt myself clenching him. He slides his tongue along each and every inch of my walls before he finds all the spots that made me squirm and scream. I could feel the wetness accruing on my thighs already.

  "Yes, yes deeper, deeper." I moaned as he continued to roll his tongue along my folds.

  "Would you like me to do this?" he asked and growled, vibrating his tongue while it was inside of me which caused me to scream in pleasure.

  "Oh god, oh god!" I moaned.

  I gripped the back of his head and forced him deeper while his own hands remained on my breasts. Even with his claws retracted I could still feel them sliding along my mounds. His tight, muscular body tensed up and I had to resist the urge to climax while merely looking at that toned back of his. All of that rippling muscle tightens up and he snarled while his
strong hands gripped me and held me down. I moaned loudly and let his tongue squirm several more time before I finally let it go.

  "Yes, yes!" I moaned as his hands clenched me.

  "Not yet...I want you for myself, I want you for myself." he said as he slides his tongue out of me and I whimpered. I was so close too.

  "You can't do that!" I pouted and he chuckled.

  "Don't you like this feeling? This feeling of being my toy?" he asks me as he pinned me down and I can't help but nod.

  "Never thought I would say it but...I do. Oh god I love the feeling of you holding me down and making me yours. Just don't count on it lasting after this though." I replied and he chuckled.

  "No problem." he replied with a smile before he sinks himself in.

  He was so much longer and more rugged than a human. I could feel every inch of his rather textured member slide into me as he spread my folds apart. His tip was already dripping with excitement and I could have climaxed at the beginning if I wanted to. I felt his throbbing tip slide into me as he dashed along my walls and my cervix several times. His fingers run along my clit with a great deal of dexterity and I shut my eyes as I let his passion take over.

  "Take me, take me." I moaned as he began to thrust. I savored every bit of him, I savored the way he kissed my lips and neck while he plunged deeper inside of me. I savored the way he massaged my breasts and my buttocks. He was so imposing, his wright was incredibly, and he stood at about 7 feet tall and had at least 270 rippling pounds of muscle on him that I could feel. His strong arms, his abs, his chest, his back, all of it was free for me to stare at, some of it even rubbed along my body as he sunk into me.

  "Please, please, oh god I’m so close. Let me, let me be your mate. I want to be your mate!" I moaned.

  "Yes, yes, GRAH!" he roared as he slides all the way in.

  The euphoria that was accrued in those final moments was unparalleled. I could feel my walls clenching and the juices spilling out as his throbbing member shook and drenched me with seed. I heard him roar and I felt his muscles tense up while he pressed himself against my curves. Each and every bit of my body was quivering with pleasure as I felt the droplets scatter across my soaked walls. Next thing I know he was lying beside me, I looked over at him and sighed while resting my head against his shoulder.


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