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Page 8

by C. R Corbin

  "I love you." she whispered in my ear and I nodded.

  "I love you." I said to my mate and kissed her on her forehead before returning to my workspace.

  I only had to get in contact with one man. Helor. He was my closest friend and I knew that he would object to my treatment without a shadow of a doubt. I had to listen in on him first but if he were as rebellious as I thought he was then I could probably sway him over to my side. I gazed at the arsenal in front of me and gathered up what I think I could use. My hands were a bit large for human firearms but there were some that could accommodate me with some modifications. A sniper rifle, an assortment of grenades, and a standard issue assault rifle that she could use to protect herself.

  I just hoped that it would be enough.

  I wander back into the bedroom after a long while and sit beside her bed. I rest the back of my head against the cold steel and sighed while glancing her over. She looked so peaceful in her slumber, so lovely. I bite my lip and smiled while she hummed and cooed in her sleep. She moaned softly in her dreams and I felt a wave of lust overtake me as my eyes surveyed those ample breasts and curvaceous buttocks of her's. I resist, for the time being at least.

  "We'll get out of this, I promise." I said and kissed her on her lips.

  "I know we will." she croaked out.

  The rest of the night is spent staring at her until fatigue overtakes me as well. Despite Kanosian adaptations even I couldn't avoid the call of slumber and slowly shut my eyes. I had spent time ruminating the path that had led here.

  Now I knew I was wrong, without a shadow of a doubt I was wrong to have submitted myself to servitude. A servitude that has only been dedicated to warfare.

  I grimace as I think back to all the times we had hunt innocent bystanders, humans that didn't even have anything to do with the war. My thoughts travelled towards the war itself and how...foolish I was all of this time.

  The first time news came back home of the humans going to war with us I was so excited. I thought not of the repercussions and the damage that I was causing and immediately signed up. All that was on my mind was glory, that was it. Not suffering, not loss, not pain. Over the years I have become a bit more acquainted with the horrors, the pain that comes with this violence that Kanosia worships. It was in my blood to understand the thrill of conquest, it was in the creed that I worshiped from a young age that violence was the way to salvation and yet now I find myself hesitating.

  She was right...this war was our fault.

  All of this time and all of this effort dedicated to hurting others, not once did I think about how it would feel should someone I care about get hurt. I shielded myself from the horrors caused by Denos, deflected the name by saying that it wasn't part of the creed but now I knew better.

  Denos....he was the extreme, if someone becomes so infatuated with the ideology that they would descend into complete barbarism. That's what he was.

  The memories came back full force now, the memories of him slaughtering masses of civilians in his conquests. All ten colonies that have been leveled in his more. I was here to atone and I would begin by stopping him. I would begin by ending his reign of terror.



  "Ugh ...Fherin?" I called out and reached around in the darkness. I felt his face and jolted awake. I muttered a "sorry" under my breath until I noticed that he had fallen asleep. He rested his head against the cold steel wall right next to me, I can only smile as I admire how handsome he looks.

  "I can't believe I was so mean to such a cute guy." I muttered to myself and blushed.

  I recall that prior to the death of my brother I had just thought of Kanosians as some invisible enemy that we had to face. I had no personal grievance...well only slightly. I of course blamed them for the war and their conquering ways but once my brother had perished ...the rage festered into something much darker. I could no longer deny the anger that swelled in my heart when I glanced at a Kanosian and thought of what they had done to my family, to my father. My meeting with my dad yesterday reminded me of that horrid darkness that had previously floated through my veins.

  And it was all because of this man here.

  I blamed him for all of it, the war, the suffering that I had accrued and to be fair he wasn't blameless. His devotion to that ideology was something that I could never understand but once he displayed his care and ...questioned all that he had believed I had followed. Now I was certain that I had been wrong as well. He had loved me and taken care of me from the moment that he saw me, I could no longer let this festering darkness take me over once I saw that display of compassion, of love.

  Where I had previously looked at him as some sort of vermin, some sort of nuisance....Now there was worry, there was care, a part of me was living in him and could be destroyed at any moment.

  To love was to also trust and I had to trust him. I had to trust that this plan would work and we could get vengeance, for the both of us. I had to believe in him. If I did not, then what sort of possessive perversion of love did I acquire? I was no such woman, I would not be such a woman. I had to believe in him and myself, I would not falter.



  "We touch down tomorrow." she remarked and I nodded.

  "Yeah." I replied quietly while glancing down at my food, at least this time she was eating and not simply stirring her food out of nervousness.

  There were no more tears to be shed now, she had completely changed in the last couple of days but there was still this inkling of doubt in her eyes when I glanced at her. We were headed into enemy territory, it might be the last quiet night that we had together and...well I wanted to savor it.

  "When we're out of about we have a feast huh? On some distant world far away from all of this?" I asked and she glanced upwards.

  "You like the human food?" she asked and I nodded in affirmation.

  "I adore it. Especially this stuff." I said and pointed towards the sour, red fruit that was in the corner of the dish.

  "Tomatoes? Wow." she giggled.

  "But not as much as the taste of this." I said and kissed her on the lips. She smiled and scooped up some more of the meat on her plate into her mouth.

  "I'd like that..." she trailed off and glanced off to the side, frowning.

  "A mating bond is together forever. Even after children, no matter what I will always be with you, so don't forget." I reassured her.

  "I know ...I shouldn't be this way." she said and gave me a reassuring smile before we trailed off to more easy conversation topics in avoidance of the terrors that we would be facing tomorrow.

  And the night ends as every night does, with the dirty ration cartons in the trash and with the two of us seated in the workplace. Everything was ready so she said she was going to turn in. I followed her back and got right behind her once she entered the room.

  "I never got to ask you ...How many kids do you want?" she asked with a smile.

  "That's up to you, but maybe two. That's a good number." I replied with a grin and she encircled my neck with her arms while turning around.

  "Well let's get started." she stated and I pressed her against the cold steel wall while pressing my lips against her's.

  I moaned into her as I felt my tip throbbing against the human clothing that I was wearing. Good thing our species were bipedal and shared pants otherwise I would have been quite confused while wearing a smelly jumpsuit. I moaned into her lips and feel her hands rub the back of my head while she whimpered when I grabbed the back of her neck with my right hand. I pull her in and smiled while moaning into those soft lips, we trade kisses for a bit longer while my hands run down to her chest and her buttocks, I rippled her flesh and pursed my fingers around it while she groaned for me.

  "Take me." she said while her fingers dash along my muscles, my arms and chest particularly.

  "Yes my mate." I replied and continued.

  I lif
t her shirt and immediately shower kisses onto her ample breasts. I keep my hands on her hips and slowly run my hands along the curves of her backside and her thighs. I squeeze her gently and she squeals in response, much to my pleasure. I enclose my mouth around her left breast and flicked her nipple around with my tongue as she shuts her eyes and gripped my horns to bring me even closer.

  "Oh." she said softly and I growled while my fingers pressed into her buttocks.

  I alternated between each breast and she groaned in pleasure while I only got harder in reaction to her pleasure. I looked up at her while suckling her mounds and watched those fiery eyes of her shut and submit to me. Outside of this bed she was my fiery maiden, in it she was my submissive mate.

  And that aroused me more than anything else.

  "I'm yours. I'm yours." she moaned.

  "Then let me take you. Oh, I want to give you everything that you want, starting with this." I said as I kissed her stomach before spreading her legs and leaning in to slip my tongue into her folds once more but she pushes me back.

  "You don't want it?" I asked her with a hint of disappointment and she shakes her head.

  "I do but ...I want to try it on you first." she stated and I smiled in response.

  I laid down in front of her and she slipped her hands over my shirt and pants before carefully stripping both off. We were both left bare before I felt her lean in and press her lips against the tip of my swelling member. The blue flesh swelled purple as she dashed her fingers along the shaft, feeling every vein and all of those ridges on my skin that were there to increase her pleasure. She exhales sharply as she watched it twitch and shake in front of her, the tip drips heat onto her finger tips and she smiles in excitement.

  "Yes, yes, oh I’ve been waiting for this." she says with a great deal of mirth as her fingers run along the shaft.

  She dashes her fingers along the underside of the member several times and I can only hiss in pleasure before her fingers run back up to my tip. I groaned as she began to pump gently, running her hands along every inch of me while I groaned in approval. She starts with a single hand and then moves to two hands. I savored the throbbing heat that collected on her hands as she runs her fingers along my length and girth. I shut my eyes and bite my lip as I began to thrust into her.

  "It's so thick." she remarked and gave the tip another kiss which I approved of with a growl

  "Pleasure me, pleasure me my mate." I said and gripped the back of her head before placing her mouth on my tip.

  I thrust into her with my length and moaned as I feel my tip sliding along her inner cheek. I slide all the way into her and groaned while my tip dashed along her tongue and her lips. She nods in approval while I slide in and out at a slow pace that gradually grows in intensity. She looks up at me with those green orbs and I can't help but feel waves of lust rush through me seeing how subservient she was.

  She was mine, all mine

  She moans as well when I begin to thrust gently into her mouth. She pumps her head up and down and whipped her tongue along the underside of my member several times while I am inside of her. She cries out and shakes her head as I slide deeper and deeper, not once do I relent as I continued to fill her mouth with my ample size. I could feel her lips dashing along every inch, from the base to the tip, the heat was already swelling inside of me.

  "Getting close huh?" she asked. Apparently she could tell by my excessive throbbing.

  "Yes I am." I groaned out and she smiled in reaction.

  "Not quite yet." she said and I quickly realized that this was in retaliation for what I had done to her the last time we had made love.

  "I can hold a grudge." she giggled as she slipped her mouth away and waited a few moments before getting on top of me.

  "I can tell." I growled and averted my eyes with a sheepish smile before she slides herself onto me.

  I feel her walls sinking around my member as I slide into her. My rugged size throbbed, I can feel my tip rushing along her folds and all of her special spots. I knew where to thrust, I knew where to aim to create the maximum pleasure and did so. I hold her hips to steady her as she bounces up and down, shaking her head and moaning while she rested her hand on my scarred chest.

  She stroked every inch of muscle on me, rubbing my chest and arms, my abs and shoulders, all of me was laid bare for her to see and enjoy and she took full advantage of it. I tense for her, flexing while my hands run along her backside, her breasts, her curves. I pinch her nipples and pulled, eliciting a scream out of her before I reached downwards and whipped my fingers over her clit. She shivers on top of me and nodded as I feel her juices begin to leak out with a great deal of intensity. The heat dripped onto my thighs as she continued to bounce, angling her in a way that would allow me to hit all the right spots inside of her.

  "Yes, yes oh I adore you. I love you Kanosian. Win this battle and come home so we can do this every night." she moaned into my ear and I stroked her back reassuringly before we both reached our end.

  The climax was swift but it was intense as I felt the waves of pleasure wash over me. I stared at her as she shivered and quivered on top of me, her walls clenched me and she jolted with each intense wave of pleasure that overcame her. I slide all the way inside and let myself slide along her folds while her slick heat dripped down my shaft. She moaned loudly into my lips as she captures me in a kiss and I moaned in approval.

  "I love you, I love you so much." she tells me and I smiled.

  She rests on top of me with her hands rubbing my chest and I nodded while wrapping my arms around her. I groaned in approval as she slides off of me and laid beside me.

  "You don't want the bed?" I asked her.

  "Not tonight, tonight I want to say here with you." she says.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek as she sighs. I growl softly as I grabbed her backside to pull her closer which elicits a squeak. I was tempted to get on top of her again but I decided that it could wait.



  We landed some way away from the base that had been established. If I had to describe the landscape then I would say that it was something akin to tropical rainforest. The base was situated in this small clearing and was surrounded by purple-colored forest as far as the eye could see. We landed about 5 miles away from Denos's station to avoid detection. All the stops were pulled out in order to avoid detection, including a cloaking device and signal scrambler. With some luck we made it to our spot rather quietly. We made sure to cover the ship with some grass once we got out in order to avoid detection.

  He told me that he was going to spy on the base before anything else, leaving me on the forest floor with little else to do but wait.

  I was concerned about the viruses and potential illnesses that I could catch here but he had given me an immune booster that we found on the ship. Fherin told me that he would get me a vaccine once we were finished taking over the base but it was still a risk, but a risk that I had to take.

  Over the next couple of hours worry clouds my mind. I began to think of all the things that could have happened to him. He could be injured along the way or they could have caught him, I can't help but want to chase after him but I know better.

  In the meantime I listened into the security recordings around the base. Apparently since this place was so hidden they didn't bother to have a real decent security system, at least not yet. That made hacking trivially easily and once I got in I could listen to any mic that I wanted to. I started with the barracks.

  At first all the chatter was about some mundanely that I don't have the time or care to really. I grew bored rather quickly and sighed while the radiation simply blinked and chirped with sound waves of men discussing what the meal tonight was.

  But then I hear something, a door opening and slamming shut, I immediately hit the record button as soon as the conversation began to go in the direction that I wanted it to.

wrong with Helor?" asked a voice.

  "He's still upset over Fherin." Said a second voice.

  "I'm actually kind of glad he's gone. No more whining, that guy always whined his ass off every time we went on a mission." said a third voice.

  "Yeah because it was against our code. Don't you remember?" asked the first voice.

  And then I heard something coming through the foliage.

  I lift my rifle up to greet the potential enemy but Fherin emerges from the brush, safe and sound. He glances at the radio and cocks his head a bit but eventually realizes what the men were talking about. I beckoned him to come closer and the conversation gets a bit more in depth.

  "Helor is still hung up over your "death."." I informed Fherin and he nodded.

  "Whatever." said the first voice.

  "Where are you going?" asked the third voice.

  "For a walk." said the first.

  "Are you seriously angry about this?" asked a fourth voice.

  "Let him go. Damn shame what happened." Said the second voice.

  "Oh don't tell me you got it bad too!" said the third voice.

  "You know....I’m going for a walk too." Said the second voice.

  The door decompresses and opens and I hear the distinct sound of boots clunking before the door shuts.

  "Maybe we should tell Denos." said the fourth voice.

  "About what? The guys are just acting like babies. They'll get over it. Same with everyone else that misses that idiot." said the third voice.

  "Huh. Idiot. Nice to hear your voice Fusin." said Fherin as I turned the radio off.

  "So what? What are we going to do?" I asked and he sighed.

  "Let me give Helor a call. I recognize the two that defended me as well, from their conversation it sounds like there's quite a bit of potential "support"." he said and I nodded.

  "Do you have a number? A signal? Anything?" I asked and Fherin nodded as he logged into his armor's database.

  "Somewhere on here." he replied.

  I keep my eyes on him as he scrolled through the screen on his gauntlet, biting my lip and pondering our next move myself. Perhaps they could get somewhere inside and sabotage the place...maybe we could help them in some way.


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