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Fherin Page 10

by C. R Corbin

  Of course we would.



  "Get your hands off of me!" Denos roared as he tried to struggle his way out of the grasp of the two soldiers holding his arms at the sides. It was useless, however.

  The small crowd of men split and I see this broken, decrepit man get dragged through. He is tossed to our feet and I stared at him with wide eyes, he looked to be the kind of man that would do such a thing as betray a member of his own squadron without any hesitation. That was only one of my qualms with him, however.

  "So good to see you again ." said Fherin who spat the last word.

  "You bastard! You realize the progress we were making?! We could have had something wondrous! But you and your filthy supporters had to usurp me? All in the name of honor? What honor is there without power? Nothing!" he ranted and I grimace while gazing at Fherin who looked back at me.

  "Have anything you want to say to him?" he asked me and I frowned.

  "Sure." I said before stomping on face once, the man falls to the floor and coughs at my action while his split armor continued to crumble.

  "And who the hell are you?....Oh ...I remember now. The human girl that Fherin was ordered to capture. Manage to find your way here just to see me beg for my life? Is that it? You're not getting anything." he grumbled and hung his head. Fherin stared at me but I shook my head to tell him that I was done.

  That would be enough for me.

  "What are you guys going to do now?" I asked Fherin.

  "They'll call the Kanosian government, report what happened and probably toss him in some cell. That would be my prediction." said Fherin.

  "They'll?" I asked.

  "Yeah well I’m not staying. We'll head out tomorrow or something like that. Probably report back to your father since he's so worried sick." he stated with his eyes focused on the broken man laid out in front of him.

  "You can't be serious ...You're leaving? Why not stay and lead? The government will likely appoint you as his successor." stated Helor with a shocked expression washing over his face. His hands waved enthusiastically in an attempt to emote his pleas but Fherin wasn't having any of it.

  "No...I made a promise and I'm going to keep it." said Fherin as he grasped my hand in his. His fingers close around mine and I cooed into his ear as I turned to give him a peck on the lips.

  "In that case...we'll send a call back home. It'll take a while but a ship will get here eventually. In the meantime suppose it's time to lock you up huh commander?" asked Helor as he lifted Denos upwards.

  I could see the streaks of blood running from the man's nose down his red skin, his eyes glittered with rage as he glanced at me and shook his head. I only smiled in return while his cracked horns continued to wave frantically in the air. He tries to writhe his way out of the mess but Helor kept him bound and soon enough he was dragged away. I jokingly wave at him as he is dragged back, screaming obscenities in a language that I would assume was Kanosian that couldn't be translated.

  The rest of the evening goes on without incident and by the end of it all I find myself sitting in a large bedroom with Fherin. The bed was so much larger than a human's, at least 9 feet long and about 15 feet wide. It was made out of tied together straw which was surprisingly soft to the touch. I laid on my stomach on the soft mattress and looked on while Fherin sat at the table, running his hands along his armor in order to clean it.

  "You know I thought you said Kanosians don't even really need to sleep?" I asked him.

  "They don't. But we still have to sleep a couple hours. Hence the bed. You've seen me sleeping before!" he said with a chuckle.

  "Well not really. You were barely resting whenever I was with you." I accused him while stretching my arms out, yawning and flicking my toes while my black jumpsuit glides against the straw mattress.

  "That's because I had to look out for you....Now we don't have to worry anymore. We're free...." he states and slides his hands over his knees, a sorrowful expression marrs his face and I raised an eyebrow.

  "Are you sad you're leaving?" I asked.

  He shakes his head.

  "No, not particularly. I was just thinking about how things used to be. A roving pack of soldiers out for adventure and nothing more. Nothing like what it's become now....It's alright though. I've made peace with it for I have gotten something even better in return." he states and gets to his feet to join me on the bed. He laid on his back and I pecked him on a cheeks a couple of times while he did so.

  "I love you." I said.

  "And I love you my mate...." he said while stroking my cheek.

  And the rest of the night was filled with drinks, food, and passion.

  The party was a rather raucous scene with the rest of the soldiers jumping around for joy while gathered around Helor and Fherin who were having an arm-wrestling competition. For all the commonalities to be shared between our races and cultures the humans just had to teach the Kanosians one of the most unapologetically macho actions of them all.

  "Haha!" said Fherin as he overpowered Helor at the last moment to the enjoyment of the crowd.

  "It's a stupid human game anyways." Helor stated as he waved off the victory. The crowd began to jeer and boo him in a joking manner and they all shared a laugh.

  "And to Fherin's mate! May she live long and prosper with our brother for all of time!" said Helor as he raised the glass, it was filled with a juice derived from a certain plant on Kanosia that had rather...psychedelic properties.

  I can only sheepishly smile at their efforts to make me feel welcome. My eyes turn to Fherin, however, shooting him an affectionate glance that had a hint of mischief.

  I would have my payback once we returned to Peroph.



  "Do you have any idea what you've done? I mean Jesus Natalie! You had me freaking out!" he shouts at her, I have to resist the urge to burst in and cave the man's face in but I remind myself that he was the father. I had no business intruding in their arguments. I was grateful that I wasn't locked up as I was before, however.

  "We killed a Kanosian general! One of the best in the galaxy! Now his entire unit will be disbanded! We've dealt a decisive blow towards their military!" she said. I couldn't say that all of her claims were true but for our sake I kept my mouth shut.

  "You should have said something...I was going to send a search party after you. It was a good thing that you came back when you did. I thought that he might have had something to do with it." stated her father, I knew that he was talking about me.

  I stand outside of the tent, sitting in the snow and frowning while I heard them bicker back and forth inside. They let me go wherever I pleased, but I chose to remain in place. I had to say their argument was quite...amusing.

  "I told you it was my idea. He saved my life like 10 times, took down a Kanosian leader, and you're still worried about him? Dad...I love him. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him as soon as I’m done here and there's nothing that you can do or say that will convince me otherwise." she states.

  "You love a Kanosian...Of all the fates that you could have had this was the one? Gives a whole new meaning to the term "expect the unexpected"." he said in an exasperated tone.

  "I know that you don't approve but...I can't live like this anymore. I used to get so angry seeing how miserable you were but...I had to let go of that hatred I've been holding ever since Brad died. I know you do too. It was only because of him that I finally feel like I actually have something to look forward to instead of this corrosive anger that has been washing over me all of this time ...You'll come to understand it as well someday. At least I hope you will." she said.

  "Do what you like...I certainly don't approve but I don't like the idea of keeping you wrapped up, or the idea of punishing him when he makes you so happy...Don't expect me to call him son or to smile." he spat and my heart sank a bit, but I understood that this was the best that we could ho
pe for. A man that would let me be with his daughter was all that I needed. I was thankful to him already.

  "I don't need you to be happy for me. I just need you to understand...I love you dad." she states and I heard them capturing one another in what I presumed was an embrace.

  "I love you sweetheart." he said.

  He was afraid of losing her, I could understand that entirely. It was through her that I realized the gravity of this war and my actions and I would never fail to see it ever again. I knew where I had failed, my callous disregard for humanity in an attempt to fortify my devotion towards my honor...it was a joke. A bad one.

  He didn't have to worry about her getting hurt should anyone come after her...that was all in the past now.

  "Now come on...he's waiting for you." he stated.

  The night time was spent in stark contrast with what had been occurring back at Denos's former headquarters. Where there had been a party and fanfare, here...there was a ration carton laid out in front of me on a small desk in a private barrack with two human beds pushed together to make one that was big enough for both Natalie and I to sleep on.

  "Sorry there's no party..." she said with a sheepish smile and I nodded.

  "That's fine..." I muttered while stretching my arms out before digging into the meal. This was something called "mac and cheese', rather peculiar but not too bad if I had to judge.

  "You like it?" she said while stroking the side of my face and I nodded.

  "Yeah...it's good...." I muttered.

  "I'm sorry he doesn't approve."

  "I don't care all that much. As long as he lets us be together."

  "Same here." she said as a sorrowful look washes over her.

  I finish the rest of my meal and as does she. We sit in comparative silence while we listen to the boots of various soldiers clamor against the tile before we are left in relative silence. It was late now, barely anyone was up from what I could tell, not that it mattered to us since we got the "private quarters" away from the main barracks.

  "Have you told him you're quitting?" I asked.

  "I am. Again he's ...well actually I would assume that was the part that liked the most. I think he never did like me getting involved in the war at all so that was a plus in his eyes...We can go anywhere we please now. It's wonderful, isn't it?" she asks and I nodded with a small grin creeping its way onto my face

  I take her hand and kiss it once before planting another kiss directly on her cheek. Soon after I peck her on her lips and pick her up in my arms. I pin her against the wall and continued to rain kisses onto her face and her mouth while she giggled. I gripped her hips and sway her in my grasp while her breasts pressed up against my rugged chest. I strip the shirt that she was wearing off of her and she does the same with my jumpsuit by unzipping it. They fall onto the ground and I am left to stare at her bare chest and she is left to admire my musculature. I smiled and granted her another kiss on the lips while her hands preoccupied themselves by dashing along my abs and my pecs.

  "That's my strong Kanosian warrior." she said while rubbing my muscles. Her fingers trace along the scars and I can see a saddened expression wash over her eyes as she does so.

  "It's okay. It's okay." I reassured her and she nodded quickly before I grant her a kiss on the forehead and continue to peck my way downwards.

  I find myself hovering over her breasts with my lips barely touching her nipples. I leaned in and kissed each of her mounds once before pulling away. She tries to pull me back in but I gripped her hands and pinned them at her side, she apparently liked it.

  "Oh, I love the way you can just overpower me like that." she states and I smiled.

  "Then you'll love this." I said and granted her another kiss on the mound to elicit a wave of gasps from her mouth.

  Her body quivers as I gently bite her nipples and pulled before kissing down her belly to her folds. I pin her hands near her hips now and nestle my face in between her legs. She keeps her thighs together and glances at me with a flirtatious smile when I tried to claim her.

  "Not quite yet Casanova. You have to pay for it." she said and I grinned before slipping a finger over her folds through the crack in her thighs which elicits a moan. I chuckle and she immediately spreads herself out.

  "Is that enough?" I asked her.

  "I'll take it." she said with a roll of her eyes and a wide grin.

  "Then consider this a tip." I said.

  "Oh learning human slang are we? My you must have been listening." she states.

  I slipped a tongue inside of her and let it roll amongst her folds and her walls while she groaned for me. Her eyes rolled back and her mouth opens wide while she gasped, her body quivering and shaking while she clenches my tongue while it sunk inside of her. I know all the spots to make her quiver, all the spots to make her shriek and I hit all of them to elicit a wave of moans that come from her lips. I don't stop and she begs for more while I continue, my lips slide over her clit several times during the process of eating her out and she is consumed by euphoria.

  "Oh god the things that you can do to me." she gasped while my tongue continued to squirm and slither over her wet folds.

  "Getting close are we? Well we can't have any of that. Not without me having my fun." I state and get to my feet. I lift her thighs and pin her against the wall before sliding myself all the way inside of her. I dashed my tip along her walls as I entered and heard her moan with a great deal of vigor as I began to draw my hips back and pump my member in and out of her. She moaned in approval while my shaft throbbed against all of those special spots, lightning courses through her veins as the shockwaves of pleasure spring to life.

  "Take me, take me." she said and wraps her arms around my neck while the pace only continues to pick up. I shut my eyes and growled before she kisses my lips. The base of my horns slide along her forehead as I rest my temple against her's. Her breasts shake several times and my arms tighten while her hands run along my sculpted shoulders.

  "Please, please, oh!" she moaned loudly as I slid all the way inside of her and gasped. I growled loudly before the heat gushed out of me and washed over her. She bites her lip and suppresses a squeal while our heat mixes inside of her and falls back onto the floor. Her mouth is agape and her hands are quivering as I run my hand along her cheek, slipping out and carrying her over to the bed where she laid her head and sighed.

  "I hope they didn't hear." I said.

  "Everyone's out to dinner or in the other barracks. I told you this was reserved for us."

  "Imagine if your father heard. He might change his mind about letting you come with me."

  "*giggles* Well he'll just have to suck it up."



  Not long after we left on our ship and wandered the cosmos for a bit in search of our own place to be. We tried to look for a habitable planet that wasn't already taken over or subject to numerous battles and trust me it was hard. We eventually did find a place to stay, it was on a planet inhabited by one of the races that weren't involved in the war. Due to their neutrality they had no qualms against us staying there and soon I found myself standing in this hut made of the plant material from a planet called Merah, our new home. The straw from plants here was incredibly strong and could be woven into solid plates which was what I was standing on at the very moment.

  Helor and the rest of the Kanosians back at the base finally got the Kanosian government to approach and take Denos away to a place where he wouldn't see the light of day. Apparently they found him guilty of over 50 charges which meant that he was probably going to be executed sooner or later. I think they did actually ...I’m not too sure.

  Hero took command of the remaining Kanosians and they were fed a substantial amount of new recruits to bring their numbers back up. News quickly spread around Kanosia about how a human and a Kanosian soldier worked together in order to overthrow some evil warlord. Quite the touching tale if I do say so myself. As
a result of those efforts tensions between the two empires died down in the coming years as a result of all the stories that were being shared about our daring adventure. I never thought that it would lead to anything but the war ended about one year later.

  When Fherin heard the news he almost fainted. After all the war had been going on his entire adult life so to hear that it was ending was like to hear that the sun wasn't going to rise over Merah. I was quite shocked and immediately called my father who seemed to be relieved. I would have expected him to be a bit bitter due to his immense contempt for the Kanosians but that entire saga in his life seemed to have already ended.

  "Mama!" A baby whines and I looked down at my feet to see a tan-skinned, horned darling that I knew as my daughter.

  "Oh come here baby." I said and lifted her up in my arms. She was incredibly heavy in comparison to a human baby, likely due to those incredibly dense bones that all Kanosians were born with due to the high gravity there. Luckily that was no longer an issue due to nanomachines injections equipping most space faring civilizations with a way to survive varying gravitational zones.

  I stood at the fort of a hut that looked to be made of various layers of wood but was actually composed of bundles of that incredibly dense straw. The yellow sun falls on the landscape in front of me which was comparable to a sparse grassland with lakes at intermittent points. The child in my arms stood up to my hip and her father's thighs. She was currently bundled in my arms and her golden eyes were searching mine, that soft tussle of black hair atop her head shakes as the breeze washes over her.

  "You okay mama?" she asked and I nodded.

  "Yeah mom's just fine honey...You excited to see daddy?" I asked and she nodded.

  "Yeah, yeah!" she cheered.

  "He's coming back soon...Coming back from his trip to get us dinner." I said and the girl hopped in my arms while I watched the horizon.

  He comes back with the carcass of one of those grazing beasts that wandered the area. I stared at my vegetable garden and pondered what I should collect today to eat with this creature, a Lerar, a wandering quadruped that could live both on land and water due to the gills on the side of its neck. Its large ears flop to the side as Fherin runs towards us, I see the long snake like tail whipping over his back and the four eyes of the beast shut tightly.


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