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The Black Knight Box Set

Page 57

by Christian J Gilliland

  A terrible almost electric feeling pain shot through his chest and visions suddenly flashed through his mind. He saw faces, images of beings whose names he could recite even though he could not remember ever meeting them. "Ander… DeMaario... Auroch…" He heard cries of pain and desperate pleas for mercy; he felt fear, love, and rage. More than anything though, he kept getting lost in the deep blue-green eyes of a pale-skinned female half-blood. The eyes gazed at him intensely, maybe even longingly as the dark world blazed behind them. He knew whose they were, and the knowledge of it made his heart feel like it wanted to jump from his chest.

  "Milinka..." Crinnan found himself reciting the name as if he were somehow programmed to do so. The sound of it brought clarity to his mind. Not answers, but a certain peace that momentarily calmed him, "Milinka..."

  "You are okay now Crinnan, you are okay," Cade continued to hold him up and kept him stable. While Crinnan didn't like the fact that the Agra President was so supportive, he also felt that the embrace, in some sort of strange and nostalgic way, felt familiar. His touch was naturally welcomed and surprisingly comforting. Crinnan noticed Cade's smell and the familiarity of it thrust him back into his childhood. He recalled a time laying in the grass being beaten with a stick as another much larger and older child shouted "For the Empire! For the Empire!" Crinnan gasped, pushed Cade away and looked more closely at his face.

  "You..." He whispered as he squinted and tried to focus on his brother. Crinnan's thoughts had completely diverted from the strangers in his head, he had realized that Cade was in fact not. Cade… was Kiersen, "I thought… you were dead."

  "Understandable," Cade replied, "Your friend did blast me out a window."

  "No, dammit," Crinnan growled and once again grabbed Cade by the collar, "You are Kiersen."

  Crinnan stared fiercely into the dark brown eyes of the being before him. He was trapped both by his little brother's grasp and by his own temporary loss for words. Though half of his face was covered in leather, Crinnan knew exactly whose eyes he was staring into. He examined the scar on his lower lip where his familial tattoo had been removed, and he knew for sure that he was looking into the face of his eldest brother.

  "Well," Cade exhaled a sigh of frustration and defeat as he spoke, "You seem to have me figured out," he let go of Crinnan and took a seat on the ground next to him, "I am mildly surprised you recognize me after all these years, though I did not completely rule out the possibility of being discovered."

  "Why are you here?" Crinnan tried to fight the disorientation that weighed heavily on his mind. "What, I mean why are you alive?" He was unable to formulate a better sentence.

  "Like nearly everyone else, I saw the demon vision this morning," Cade looked down at the ground next to him as he thought about what to say next. He had gone over it in his head at least hundred times, but when it came down to actually reuniting with his brother, things were not going as he planned, "I knew you were in trouble, and I knew how to protect you. I felt compelled to help."

  Crinnan did not know what to think. His brother Kiersen had vanished when he was only a boy shortly after his eldest sister. It had been years, and Crinnan had not seen either of them since. The fact that he suddenly reappeared as one of the Presidents of the Agra Triangle Corporation would have been perplexing enough had he been in his right mind. With his confused and tired state of being, it was utterly mind-blowing.

  "What a weird fucking day," Crinnan's eyes grew heavy, and he fell backward onto the ground behind him. He hit the dirt hard but did not really feel the impact like he should have. He heard Cade scramble to get to his side and watched Sage calmly walk over. As he approached, Crinnan looked up at the Elf's deep blue hair and could not help but let out a chuckle.

  "I do hope you are enjoying the accompanying intoxication," Sage slowly knelt beside Crinnan and looked down at him. He wore a half grin of amusement and shook his head at the pitiful being beneath him, "I should say your thoughts will clear up momentarily, everything you are experiencing is just a side effect."

  "You got him high?" Freyja, the Lycaani boy asked as he pushed past Sage to get a look. He knelt down next to the fallen Black Knight and poked him in the chest with a stick he had found. His face showed no sign of emotion or interest, but his body language seemed interested.

  "Stop," Crinnan whined as he tried in vain to swat the unwelcome chest-poker away. He slowly waved his own hand through the air, not unlike one would through water and snickered as he realized how stupid he probably looked.

  "Oh. Crinnan is totally high," Freyja said with an emotionless nod of his head. Crinnan looked up at the dark-skinned child and chuckled.

  "I'm glad I could fucking entertain you," He slurred as he pushed himself back up to a sitting position, "What is going on, why did you… intoxicate me?"

  "Cade, your brother, flooded your body with fresh unassigned NaNe," Sage looked the Agra President up and down with disapproving yet curious eyes, "I should say that without him you would be quite dead. Though, because of him, you nearly died. I suppose he rectified a situation he created in the first place." Cade rolled his eyes and huffed at Sage's commentary. From his perspective, it was much more complicated than that.

  "He flooded me?" Crinnan repeated as he closed his eyes to think. He thought back to Sage's explanations and then to their interaction in the tavern where Cade had stuck him with the syringe. He felt like he clearly remembered Cade explaining that he was going to purge Crinnan.

  "I thought he purged me?"

  "I did," Cade admitted as he glared over at Sage, "Had your Elf-friend not blasted me out a second story window and nearly vaporized my internal organs I would have been able to finish what I started."

  "Why did you feel the need to do it in the first place?" Crinnan asked, "I did not ask…"

  "It would seem that your brother has at least a fundamental understanding of how the NaNe function," Sage answered with a curious tone, "He is, after all, an Ancient chaser… I imagine he purged you in an effort to prevent you from being tracked by the Govian Empire or anyone else who would want to bring you harm."

  "So why am I so damn high?" Crinnan whined as he looked down at his hands. At that point, his mind was beginning to clear up, and things were starting to make a bit more sense to him.

  "Your feelings of disorientation would be a result of my actions," the hooded village minister announced as he stepped into Crinnan's field of view, "For you see, the touch is a NaNe skill that I hold. At Sajinious' request, I used the touch on you and put you through stasis."

  "Stasis?" Crinnan repeated with a surprised tone. He glanced over at Sage and furrowed his brow, "You mean you activated my NaNe?"

  "Considering your lack of higher understanding of basic NaNe terms and science, I will say yes," The minister replied with a ho-hum sounding tone, "I would not have done so had Sajinious not asked." Crinnan turned his attention toward Sage, and the Elf cocked his head shrugged his shoulders.

  "I thought it could potentially be a good move," He said with his matter of fact tone, "It will not harm you. You are among the undying now; it will certainly prove useful for you."

  Crinnan sighed and buried his face in his hands. He ran his fingers through his dirty hair and tried to think about everything that was happening to him. In his state of mind, he found it hard to wrap his head around anything. It all proved to be way too overwhelming a task for him. He finally looked up and saw Cade standing before him.

  "Let's get you on your feet," he extended his hand to help Crinnan up, "Do you think you can walk?

  "I should be fine," Crinnan replied as he took hold of the hand. Cade pulled him to his feet, and Crinnan staggered in place for a moment but was eventually able to find his balance. He nodded at Cade and the President wrapped his arm around the Black Knight for some support.

  "Let's get you to a bed," Cade said as he directed Crinnan toward one of the log buildings, "You need to rest."

  "No, I don’t," Crinnan snapped as he q
uickly shrugged Cade's arm off of him and stepped away, "I need to get to the caverns and back to my squad. I can't waste any more time here!"

  "Stubborn little shit," Cade grabbed Crinnan's arm again and gave him a stern look. Crinnan was pissed, but he noted that Cade's look reminded him very much of the looks their father gave them when he was angry, "You need to rest. There really should be no debate."

  "Last time I checked," Crinnan pulled his arm away and pushed Cade back, "You were not my mother. In fact, you are barely my brother. It wouldn’t fuck me up any to make you get out of my way."

  "You should try big guy," Cade stepped back, and Crinnan stumbled around until he fell back down. He hit the ground and created a cloud of dust. Cade snickered in response and shook his head, "I will not be spoken to in such a manner by an ungrateful whelp like yourself."

  Crinnan grunted and quickly pushed himself up off the ground. He spun and planted his foot into the back of Cade's calf. Cade dropped to a knee, and Crinnan threw a fist into his jaw.

  "Do not test me," Crinnan panted between heavy breaths, "I will surprise you."

  "I will keep that in mind," Cade rubbed his jaw and snorted. He quickly stood back up and snapped his arm out, breaking past Crinnan's defensive stance with ease. He grabbed Crinnan by the throat and raised his own head so that he was looking down on his little brother, "And now you will listen to me."

  Crinnan gasped for air and slammed his fist into Cade's stomach. Cade grunted and released his hold as he again fell to his knees. Crinnan, in turn, found his balance and quickly drew the short sword from his hip and held the point to Cade's exposed throat.

  "No," Crinnan growled. His eyes looked crazy, he huffed and panted as he looked at everyone around him as if they were his enemies, "Now you… all of you will listen to me," he glared over at Sage, and the Elf unflinchingly returned the gaze. Freyja stared up at him with his emotionless eyes, and the village minister turned to walk away. Cade looked furious.

  "I have had enough of this!" Crinnan shouted, not moving his blade from his brother's throat. "I have no idea what is going on here; I do not know who any of you are or what any of you really want. Today has been the weirdest, most fucked up day I have ever lived, and unless any of you are going to offer up any real answers or explanations as to what is really going on with me than I would ask that you all leave me to my own business!"

  A fire inside him was burning hot, and he could not control himself at that moment. He was furious, confused and tired. All he wanted was to get the Hells out of that damn forest and back to his squad so he could take a nap.

  "Crinnan that is enough," Sage's voice was stern and sincere as he walked toward the crazed Black Knight, "We all understand your frustration, and your intuition is not lying to you. There is more to the story."

  "More to the story?" Crinnan's voice sounded like that of a madman. He snatched his blade from Cade's throat and left a small scratch in its wake. Cade jerked away as Crinnan pointed the sword at Sage and beckoned him closer, "Please tell me about this story. If you have answers, then my ears are open, but I swear if you fucking tell one more damned lie..."

  "You will not need that," Sage waved his hand in front of him, and Crinnan's sword dropped from his hand and stuck into the ground beneath him.

  Crinnan’s breathing escalated, and he could feel his heart begin to beat faster. Something in his body felt strange; it was a feeling he had never experienced before.

  "I do not feel you are fully prepared to hear what I have to say," Sage prefaced as he began to walk a circle around Crinnan, "But I would ask that you, however difficult it may seem to you, trust me on this matter."

  "Trust you?" Crinnan spat, "I don't fucking know you!" He pointed menacingly at the Elf and took a furious step forward, "This, all this… it is all your fault! If it were not for you…"

  "Then you would still be dead, boy!" Sage snapped, taking his own violent step forward, "You would be burning in the Hells. Perhaps being torn apart by demons and seduced and consumed by succubi just like you were when I found you. Were it not for me, child, you would quite literally be nothing."

  Crinnan stood entirely still and silently stared at Sage. The Elf wore a grave expression, one that Crinnan had not seen him use up to that point. It took him a brief moment to fully process what it was that he was saying, but when he finally did, he was convinced that Sage was insane.

  "Hells?" Crinnan repeated. He couldn't believe that he was even allowing himself to respond to such an asinine idea. Did Sage honestly believe what he was saying, or was he just a liar?

  "By the Brother’s fucking light, you are a damned fool!" Crinnan closed his eyes and snickered grimly, "I do not know what kind of moron you take me for, but I cannot believe that is the best explanation that you can conjure up…"

  "Hold on," Sage scrunched up his eyebrows and turned his ear to the East. He extended his index finger as a signal for Crinnan to be quiet. Crinnan in response threw his hands up into the air and turned around. He saw Cade standing behind him with an angry look on his face and arms crossed. Crinnan scoffed at him and started to walk away.

  "I said hold on, boy!" Sage whispered sharply. He slowly turned his head and looked nervously back at the village minister behind him. The minister too had an uncharacteristic look of concern spread across his face; something was greatly bothering both of them. The idea of Sage being concerned was disconcerting to Crinnan, and he felt his pulse begin to intensify as he watched a bead of sweat drip down the side of the minister's face.

  "I fear that it has become unsafe here," The minister gravely informed Sage as his eyes slowly scanned the tree line, "We have... found ourselves amongst some rather unsavory company."

  Crinnan looked back at Cade and saw that he had shouldered his rifle. Their apprehension seemed to be bothering him as well.

  "What is happening?" Crinnan called out. He was growing panicky by the behavior of the others, "What the fuck could possibly be going on now?"

  "Crinnan like I said," Sage hissed with clenched teeth, "We understand that you are frustrated, but we now would ask that you kindly shut your fucking mouth."

  "What is it Xydos?" Sage asked as he cautiously stepped up beside the minister "Are you… are you sensing the same thing as I?"

  "Felpnir." Xydos quickly whispered. He shuddered at the name and gave Sage a grave look, "Only he has ever given off this type of signal… He is nearby… very close."

  "Very." A strange voice suddenly echoed through the village. The tone was unnatural, robotic almost. It sounded metallically muffled like someone was speaking through a tin can but digitally amplified to be louder. Almost immediately following the sound of the voice, the fires burning throughout the village suddenly extinguished leaving everyone in darkness. Crinnan suddenly understood the fear of those around him and knelt down to retrieve the sword he had dropped when he was shot and then walked over to Cade's side.

  "You are not welcome here!" Xydos shouted as he slowly spun in place and scanned the area, "Surely you understand you cannot possibly best both of us."

  "What is going on!" Freyja whispered and ticked nervously as he walked up behind Crinnan, "Are we… going to die?" Crinnan looked over to Garb who was standing off to the side and snapped to get his attention. When the Toraani looked, Crinnan pointed down at Freyja.

  "Get him out of here!" He whispered sharply. Garb nodded and hurried to usher the child away.

  "Keep him quiet," Crinnan softly called out as the two found cover. He looked over to Sage and saw that the Elf had ignited both his fists to provide some more light to the area. As the area was illuminated, Crinnan saw Sage's eyes nervously looking around. He spun his sword in his hand, sensing a battle and squeezed the hilt tight as he impatiently waited for what was to happen next.

  "Your suspicions are correct Demon," The mysterious voice had returned. It was closer to them, and it was talking to Crinnan, "I can feel your concern, I understand your frustration. You cannot trust these beings,
the ones who have deceived you for so long. Cling to me, for I alone will deliver you from their treachery."

  "Do not listen to him," Sage called back to Crinnan, "This being is malevolent."

  "Malevolent!" The voice spat and echoed throughout the entire weald, "Mister President you wound me! Hand over the Demon, and I will not have to kill you and your brother." Sage quickly looked back at the minister, and Xydos shook his hooded head.

  "You cannot prevail against us!" Xydos shouted back. His hands ignited with the same NaNe fire that burned in Sage's, "You are not welcome here Felpnir!"

  "I am Eon!" The voice boomed. The leaves in the trees rustled and Crinnan felt a great wind pass by him at the sound, nearly enough to knock him over. It felt like the ground had trembled at the magnitude of his voice; it was then that Crinnan truly began to feel afraid.

  "Brother you need to get out of here," The minister urged Sage as he lowered his hood, revealing his own head of long blue hair, "You can protect the others, I can hold off this… Eon." He looked behind him to where Nora the Fair and Guntz the bald Elf stood, "You two, guide them through the woods. Take them to Racon tower; they will be safe there."

  "Xydos, I cannot leave you behind," Sage declared as he ran up to his brother and grabbed his shoulders, "Not this time. It is too much of a risk considering the status of your template. Leonic was killed and deleted too recently; we cannot afford another loss like that."

  Cade looked up at the mentioning of Leonic. That was the name of the Ancient whom his actions had gotten killed. His eyes locked with Xydos' and then quickly turned away.

  "Sajinious I am strong enough, and you are more than capable. If I fall, you can manage things alone until the template is ready. I can at the very least buy you time. Get out of here, save your…"

  "I am here," Eon bellowed. Everyone went silent. Sage and Xydos turned toward the tree line, and the fires that burned around their fists seemed to grow brighter. The wind had stopped blowing and the night birds and crickets had stopped chirping. Nothing rattled the bushes; all stood silent and unmoving. In the dim light Crinnan tried to locate the owner of the voice but found nobody, he saw nothing. He turned his head and saw that Cade was searching just as nervously.


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