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Exasperating (Elite Protection Services Book 3)

Page 12

by Onley James

  Robby’s heart was slamming against his chest hard enough for him to fear it might leap from his body and run away. Nobody had ever talked to him like that before. “I like when you talk like that,” he managed, face on fire.

  “Yeah. What else do you like?”

  “I like your hands on me.” He gripped Calder’s wrists, leading his hands up under his shirt to hover close to his chest. “Here. I like when you touch me here.”

  Calder’s hands continued sliding up. “Lift up your arms, angel.”

  He did as Calder asked, his shirt landing in a heap on the floor. Before he could say anything else, Calder leaned forward, catching one of the bars through Robby’s nipples with his teeth and tugging. Robby cried out more from shock than pain, but it didn’t matter, Calder was soothing over it with his tongue. Robby moaned, his cock hard and leaking in his pants. “Do that again,” he begged.

  “Yeah?” Calder asked before giving his other nipple the same treatment.

  “That’s so good,” Robby whispered, sounding awed.

  “Oh, angel. It gets so much better.”

  Robby wanted to try it. Try everything. With Calder. He only wanted it with Calder. Fuck Linc and his no sex rule. How would he even know? “Show me?”

  Calder kissed him deeply, his hands sliding into Robby’s pants to cup his ass and drag him closer. “Show you what, angel?”

  “Everything,” Robby said, tilting his head to let Calder’s lips continue their exploration. “How do I know what I like if I haven’t tried it? Maybe I am into spanking or bondage or whatever furries do.”

  “They dress up as animals and rub off on each other,” Calder explained.

  Robby frowned. “Okay, we can skip that one, but can’t you just…teach me? I’ve never even watched porn.”

  Calder stopped short. “You’re kidding?”

  Robby shook his head. “It seemed weird to watch porn alone.”

  “‘Cause you’re alone is precisely why you watch porn, angel.”

  “See, I didn’t even know that. You told me to ask for what I want. This is what I want. For you to teach me what I want.”

  Calder leaned back to study Robby’s face, like he was trying to decide if he could do it or not. “Fine. Okay. But not right now. We need to go talk to some of the people from those places and see if they can help us figure out if and when you may have met that guy.”

  Robby’s face fell. “Now?”

  “We have a lot of places to stop. You were really busy.”


  Calder arched a brow, lips twitching in an aborted smile. “But…”

  Robby took Calder’s hand and dragged it to his erection. “This.”

  “You want me to take care of you, sweetness?”

  Robby bit his lip and nodded.

  Calder’s expression could melt steel. “Then tell me. If you’re feeling shy, just come on over here and whisper it in my ear.”

  Robby swallowed hard, but he did as Calder said, leaning close to press his lips to his ear. “Make me come, please.”

  “See. You did so good. Good boy.” Robby sucked in a sharp breath, cock throbbing at Calder’s casual praise. “You like that, angel? You like being my good boy?” Robby couldn’t even answer, just nodded against his shoulder. “Say it.”

  “Yes. I like being your good boy,” Robby whispered.

  Robby’s eyes rolled and he bit off a sound of surprise as Calder’s hand slipped inside his underwear and gripped him tight.

  “Fuck, you really like it,” Calder said, swiping his thumb over the head of Robby’s cock, using his precum to slick his fist.

  Robby didn’t answer, just gripped Calder’s shoulders, head buried against his neck as Calder worked him hard and fast, the friction almost painful. He couldn’t stop the sounds coming from his lips no matter how hard he tried. He was so close, had been so close before Calder ever touched him.

  “I’m gonna come.”

  “Yeah? Come for me. Come on.”

  “Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck,” Robby chanted without thought as his brain short circuited and waves of pleasure crashed over him.

  He bit down on Calder’s shoulder to keep from screaming as he jerked Robby through the aftershocks. “Good boy. Such a good boy.”

  Robby tried to get Calder off, but the older man shook his head. “You can take care of me later, angel face. I’ve got to start earning my paycheck, and you need to get cleaned up so we can go.”

  Robby’s face flushed. He was such an idiot. He was facing murder charges, and there he was, worried about sex and keeping Calder from doing his job. “Sorry.”

  “Hey, stop apologizing. I wanted this. I have every intention of picking up right where we started as soon as we get back here. But for now, I can wait. Let’s get cleaned up and do what we have to do so we can get back here. Okay?”

  Robby nodded, feeling the knot in his stomach loosen a bit. “Okay.”

  Calder wasn’t sure what exactly he’d expected from retracing Robby’s footsteps but it was more than the big pile of nothing they’d found in the last three hours. The only place they’d yet to try was the club, and Calder wasn’t optimistic. They parked around the back of the building where the employees parked, and he pounded on the back door. A few minutes later, a guy in jeans and a black t-shirt with the club’s logo on it pushed the door open but didn’t allow them in, blocking the entrance with his body. He wasn’t imposing, but Calder wasn’t looking to make any headlines. The dude was fit, Calder supposed. Good-looking too with his wavy black hair and pale blue eyes. Just Robby’s type. The thought rankled.

  “Can I help you?” the pretty boy asked.

  “We’re looking for this guy. Is he working today?” Calder asked, showing a still from the footage Charlie found. It was blurry, but Calder hoped that somebody who knew the man would still be able to identify him.

  “Caleb? He works the bar. He doesn’t get in until late. He’s ten to three,” the guy said, his gaze stuttering to Robby then back again as if he suddenly realized who he was. “Hey, you’re the guy. The actor who killed that creep from your dad’s cult, right?”

  Robby flushed. “Yeah.”

  The guy grinned, arching a brow. “I’m Brandon. Listen, if you guys want to come back tonight and talk to Caleb, I can get you in.”

  “Yeah, I’m not really supposed to be out in public right now,” Robby said, looking at Calder.

  Before Calder could speak, Brandon did. “I hear ya, beautiful. Listen, come back about eleven tonight and come to the back door. I’ll let you in before I clock out. Maybe I could even buy you a drink? You are old enough to drink, aren’t you?” he asked with a wink.

  Calder rotated his jaw and prayed for calm. He had a job to do, and he couldn’t do that if he was sitting in jail for assault. “We’ll be back at eleven,” Calder all but snarled before gripping Robby’s hand and spinning him around. “Let’s go.”

  “It’s nineties night tonight. You know, if you want to dress up like your friend is,” Brandon shouted at their retreating figures. “You really nailed the grunge look, man.”

  Robby giggled as Calder looked down at his faded jeans, paint-splattered Pink Floyd t-shirt, and his black shitkicker boots. Grunge? What was this little asshole trying to say? “See you tonight, Brad.”

  “It’s Brandon,” Robby corrected.

  “Whatever,” Calder muttered, opening Robby’s door for him and helping him up into the cab of the truck before slamming it shut. Calder climbed in, shoving the key into the ignition. “Put your seatbelt on.”

  Robby didn’t put his seatbelt on. He just stared at Calder, brows furrowed. “Are you okay?” he asked before worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. “Did I do something wrong?”

  Calder’s irritation melted away at the fear in Robby’s tone. “What? No, angel. That guy just got on my nerves.”

  “‘Cause he asked if I wanted a drink?” Robby asked, tone almost hopeful.

  He should have said no, g
ave a gentle reminder to Robby that what’s between them is just sex, just short term fun. But that felt like the bigger lie, and he couldn’t bring himself to hurt Robby, not when the rest of the world seemed hellbent on doing it for him. “Yes, sweetness, because he asked you for a drink.”

  “Did you think I wanted to have a drink with that guy?” Robby asked, voice small, almost like he worried he was in trouble.

  “Did you?” Calder asked gently. “It’s okay if you did. I don’t control what you do and who you do it with. He does sort of look like Elijah.”

  Robby shrugged. “Maybe, but I didn’t pick Elijah. Jasmine and Mark work for the same agency. Elijah wasn’t really my type.”

  Calder turned in his seat to look at Robby. “No? Then what is your type?”

  Robby slid along the bench seat until he sat on his knees beside Calder. When the boy’s lips brushed against Calder’s ear in a timid imitation of what Calder had done to Robby just hours ago, Calder’s dick immediately took notice. Why was everything Robby did sexy? This kid was going to give him blue balls before the end of the day.

  “My type?” Robby asked, biting at Calder’s earlobe. “Tall, older, sexy, southern drawl, tough, a butt that looks really good in Wranglers, and has a truck with a bench seat.” As Robby listed off these attributes, he kissed along Calder’s throat, hand skating over his inner thigh.

  Calder groaned, tilting his head so Robby could trace his tongue along the corded tendon of his neck. “Careful, angel. Don’t start something you can’t finish.”

  Robby undid Calder’s belt and jeans with impressive efficiency, his hand slipping into Calder’s underwear to wrap around his cock. “But what if I want to finish it?”

  Fuck. Calder would be an idiot to refuse such a bold advance. He shoved his jeans and underwear to his thighs and leaned back. “I just can’t say no to you, angel.”

  Robby’s hand disappeared and Calder could only stare as the boy ran his tongue along his palm before returning it back to Calder’s cock, jerking him in a lazy motion that had him squirming. “You’re such a little tease,” he groaned.

  “I’m not being a tease,” Robby murmured. “I’m just making it last. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time.”

  Calder smiled, rocking himself into Robby’s hand. “Do what, sweetness? ‘Cause we’ve done this before.”

  “Not here. Not in your truck.”

  Calder looked at him. “You’ve fantasized about jerking a guy off in his truck? Do tell.”

  Robby kissed Calder, his tongue teasing his way into his mouth before breaking the kiss. “Not a guy. You. I’ve wanted to do this ever since I saw you climb into your truck that day.”

  “What day?” Calder managed, his voice catching as Robby’s hand twisted on the upstroke in a way that made Calder see stars.

  “The first time I saw you. That day in the conference room. It was like you were the only one who even noticed I was there. As usual, it was always about Elijah. Just looking at you gave me so many dirty thoughts. I couldn’t wait to get back upstairs to my hotel room.”

  “Fuck, angel. Are you telling me you jerked off thinking about us fooling around in my truck? How’d you even know I drove a truck?”

  “I saw you when you got there. I saw you get out of this fancy truck, and I couldn’t imagine who you were or why you were there. I thought you had to be a tourist.”

  “I like where this is going, dirty boy. Tell me what you thought about. Was it this?”

  Robby shook his head, kissing Calder as he worked him faster. “No. I thought about you fucking me. I wondered if you’d be rough or gentle. If you’d just use me all up, and I’d never see you again.”

  “Fuck, you are killing me, angel. What did you decide?” Calder panted, pushing himself up into Robby’s hand.

  “I decided it didn’t matter. Rough or sweet. I just wanted you to want me. I wanted you inside me. I wanted to feel like somebody like—like you saw me and still wanted me.”

  Jesus. Calder was talking before he could think better of it. His lizard brain was more than happy to tell Robby every fucking thought that was rattling around in his thick fucking skull. “Fuck. I do want you. You know that, right? I can’t get you out of my head. You live there now and that’s a problem, but it’s a problem for another day because I need you to get me off. Please, sweetness. Be good for me.” Robby kissed him, whimpering into his mouth as he fisted Calder’s cock with purpose. “Oh, fuck. Yeah. That’s it. Oh, fuck. That’s it, angel. I’m so fucking close. Don’t stop.”

  Two minutes later, Calder was coming, his release spilling over Robby’s fingers as he worked every drop from him. Calder’s spent cock jerked as Robby lifted his fingers, looking him in the eye as he licked them clean. Calder dragged him in for another deep kiss.

  “Did I do good?” Robby asked.

  “So good. You were so good, angel. Let me take care of you.”

  Robby flushed from his neck to the tips of his ears looking down into his own lap at the wet spot on his pants. Well, technically, Wyatt’s pants. God, the kid had come just from jerking Calder off. Shit. What had Calder gotten himself into, and why the fuck didn’t his brain have the self-preservation to want to get out? Why wasn’t every single alarm bell telling him to ask Linc to reassign Robby to another security detail?

  “Let’s go home, get cleaned up, and eat dinner. We should probably try to get some sleep if we have to be back here at eleven. I don’t know how long this will take.”

  Calder was both relieved and irritated to see Brandon waiting for them, as promised, when they arrived at five past eleven. Robby made no effort to even acknowledge the other man, instead breezing past him as if he wasn’t there, leaving Calder to give the guy a wave. Once they made it to the front, Robby stopped short, laser focused on something across the room. At first, Calder worried maybe Robby had spotted reporters, but when he followed the boy’s eyeline, he realized it was far worse.

  Charlie waved to Robby from a table in the roped off VIP section. She wasn’t alone. Wyatt didn’t surprise Calder, as it seemed the two were always joined at the hip, but Linc and Shepherd were a complete shock. Where was Elijah? There was no way Shepherd would agree to go to a club without his famous husband.

  Charlie waved her hands over her head, as if they could miss her in the packed club. She wore a skin tight red mini-dress with a black and white flannel and a pair of combat boots. She’d pulled half her hair up and teased the shit out of the front of it. Oh, right. Nineties night.

  Elijah returned to the table from somewhere and also waved at the two of them, giving Robby a remorseful look. Calder sighed, placing a hand on Robby’s back and pushing him towards the group. As soon as they reached the table, Charlie snagged Robby and Elijah by the arms and nodded her head at Wyatt. When Wyatt stood, she started herding the boys towards the dance floor.

  “I love this song,” she screamed over the base beat.

  Calder watched them go, worry gnawing at him. Robby’s attorney wouldn’t like this. Robby’s publicist and PR people certainly wouldn’t like Robby and his ex-boyfriend out on a dance floor together while the ex’s new husband looked on.

  Calder refused to acknowledge his own feelings of seeing Robby and Elijah on the dance floor together. It was nothing. Robby had told him just hours ago that Elijah had never been his plan. He wanted Calder. Robby had jerked him off in his car and had whispered in his ear how he’d fantasized about Calder from day one. Not Elijah. Him. It did little to quell the jealousy burning a hole through his gut. He didn’t want anybody touching Robby. The boy was his. Just his.

  Except, he wasn’t. Fuck. How had he let shit get so twisted in his head? He had too many other things to deal with in his life. He wasn’t good enough for Robby. He made shit decisions when feelings were involved. Just ask the girl whose ashes were sitting in a cardboard box at the funeral home.

  “You’re staring,” Linc shouted. “At least sit down and glare at the kid so it’s not so obvious

  Linc kicked Charlie’s empty seat towards Calder, but he shook his head, leaning down enough for Linc to hear him. “I need to go talk to the bartender. Keep an eye on him for me?”

  Linc gave a curt nod, and Calder walked towards the massive bar, currently manned by four bartenders. Two women and two men. One of the two men was bald with dark skin, which meant the slightly built blond one had to be Caleb. He flagged the man down and received a curt nod. He waited as the guy helped the four to five people waiting for their drinks in front of him.

  “What’ll it be?” he shouted.

  Calder reached into his pocket and pulled out a hundred dollar bill. “This is yours if you just answer a few questions for me about him.”

  He pointed to Robby who was currently jumping up and down on the dance floor with the others as Chumbawumba blared overhead.

  The bartender’s entire demeanor changed. “Listen, I get that you have a job to do but give the guy a break. You people are like fucking vultures.”

  “You people?” Calder asked.

  “You’re a reporter, right? Tabloids?”

  “What? No.”

  “Well, you’re definitely not a cop,” Caleb said, eyeing Calder’s clothes.

  Calder reached into his back pocket, showing the man his PI license. “I work private security for Robby. He’s having a hard time piecing together what happened the night of the fourteenth. The night he was arrested.”

  The bartender eyed Calder warily, like he was sizing him up. “Okay, look. The kid was bombed out of his mind. I’d stopped serving him, but he was flying on whatever it was he’d had before he got here. He made a big splash when he got here ‘cause he’d shown up with three drag queens, which tends to stand out in this place. Everything was fine until he got into a fight with some old guy.”


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