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Page 6

by L. P. Maxa

  Well for fuck’s sake. First Bleu and now Evie? When had I become so damn transparent? Luckily, she let it go and changed the subject. Slightly.

  “Why did Bleu bring home a puppy?”

  “All its brothers and sisters got adopted yesterday, but the little guy is sick so he can’t leave yet.” I smiled, recalling how sweet Bleu had sounded last night when he explained. “Bleu brought him home so the pup wouldn’t have to spend the night alone in his kennel.”

  “Well, that’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever freaking heard.”

  “I know, right?” I poked out my bottom lip.

  “Ah-ha!” Evie pointed a finger in my face.

  I grabbed her finger and lowered it to the table. “Why are you screaming?”

  “That look on your face. That response to Bleu bringing home the puppy.” She wagged that same finger. “That’s what’s wrong. That’s what is different. You’re finally falling for Bleu.”

  I gasped, going for shocked and appalled. “I am not.”

  “Yes, you are.” She rolled her eyes, like it was all so obvious. “Two weeks ago, you would have made some kind of joke about Bleu being a sap or a sucker. You would not have let the idea of Bleu protecting a puppy melt you into a puddle on the damn floor.”

  I looked over the edge of the table. “I am not in a puddle on the floor.”

  “No, but that pouty little lip of yours speaks volumes.” She smiled triumphantly over the rim of her cup. “Deny it all you want, but we both know that you’ve caught feelings for Bleu.”

  “I have not.” I had not caught feelings. I’d developed a light carnal crush due to the fact that he keeps rolling around in piles of puppies and looking all sexy while he does it.

  “I’m not judging you.” She reached out and squeezed my hand. “Bleu is one of my favorite people in this world. He’s hot, and he’s got that baby face. He’s a catch.”

  “He’s only a friend.” A hot, becoming-nearly-irresistible friend. “And I refuse to mess that up.”

  “Why would you two getting together automatically mean that you would mess things up? Maybe you’ll live happily ever after and have lots of babies and puppies.”

  It was my turn to roll my eyes. “Come on, Evie, let’s be real here.” I paused to take another sip of my drink while it was still hot. “Bleu isn’t looking for anything serious in life, and neither am I. We’re friends, and that’s what works for us. The moment we decide to hook up, things will get weird.”

  “So why the new crush?”

  Yeah, why the new crush? I wish I had a good fucking answer for her. “I’m not saying I have a crush.” She opened her mouth to call me on my bullshit, but I kept talking. “But if I did, maybe it’s simply because being with him at the shelter has me seeing another side of him? Or maybe because shirtless men and mixed-breed puppies are my kryptonite?”

  “Aren’t they everyone’s kryptonite?”

  I nodded. “See? It’s only sexual, that’s all. And I refuse to ruin our friendship over sex. He means too much to me for that.”

  She frowned. “I think you two should give this thing between you a chance. I think that you’re perfect together, and you might surprise yourselves.”

  Evie was currently living in a fantasy world where everything was roses. She was in the honeymoon stage, and she was happy for the first time in years. I knew she wanted to spread that joy like a little fairy sprinkling glitter all over the land. But I knew myself, and I knew Bleu. And neither one of us had what it took to make a real relationship work. We were better as friends, and that was the thought that I would keep repeating until it helped me get over my crush.

  Chapter Twelve


  I walked into the animal shelter, smiling kindly at the mean lady who always put me on bath time duty. “Hi, how are you?” I was being more polite than the old tyrant deserved.

  “Good.” She glanced down at the clipboard in her hand, flipping a page. “I don’t have you or Bleu on the schedule for today.” Her smile was tight, almost like she was asking what the fuck I was doing here without him. Figures.

  “He’s working late tonight, but he asked me to come pick up the puppy. The one he watched last night.” I’d assumed that this little puppy transaction was already okay’d by the shelter, but the way the lady melted, all the fight leaving her body, told me that she was pleasantly surprised.

  “Oh, that Bleu.” She waved her hand, indicating that I should follow her. “He is the sweetest guy, isn’t he?”

  “Yeah, he’s the best.”

  I stifled an eye roll. Not because I didn’t agree with her. Bleu was actually really sweet. But the hero worship in her voice was slightly annoying. She’d been ready to kick me out on my ass until she heard I was here on request from the great and wonderful Bleu.

  “Here he is.” She opened a crate and pulled the small light brown puppy into her arms, giving him a little cuddle before handing him off to me. “I think his cold is getting better.”

  I snuggled him against my chest, choosing to speak to him instead of the lady after Bleu’s heart. Or pants. It was anyone’s guess. “You feeling better, little man?”

  “He only has four more days of meds, and then he can be adopted out.”

  “Oh that’s great.” Good for him, but most likely bad for Bleu. I was pretty sure he was getting attached to the puppy. “What kind of dog is he?”

  She waved her hand in the air. “Oh a little of this and a little of that.” I followed her up to the front and she kept talking over her shoulder. “If I had to guess, I’d say he has some Boxer in him, and those blue eyes scream Husky.”

  I held his nose up to mine. “You have blue eyes? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you awake before.” Bleu had blue eyes too. They were like a little matching pair of blue-eyed cuties. When I first met Bleu, I thought he went by a nickname because of his sparkling eye color. I was wrong. His mom had his name picked out before he was born.

  “The medication he is on will make him pretty sleepy.”

  Made sense. The whole time I was with him at Bleu’s last night, the little pup was passed out cold. He’d been so warm and snuggly. “Do we need to give him another dose tonight?”

  “No, he’s good.” She held open the front door for me, giving the dog one final pat as I walked past. “Have a good evening.”

  “Thanks. Bye.” I used the puppy’s paw and gently waved to her. So she liked Bleu and she liked puppies. It was me that she apparently had something against. She probably thought I was banging Bleu.

  Everyone fucking thought I was banging Bleu.


  Maykin: I am currently watching reality TV with a very handsome man sleeping on my breasts.

  Bleu: Lucky man.

  Maykin: I think he agrees.

  I scratched behind the puppy’s floppy ear. One was upright and one hung down. He was literally the cutest thing that ever walked the earth. I’d taken him on a little stroll and given him some water once we’d gotten to the apartment. And then he’d come inside and immediately peed on the couch. But I’d cleaned it up and now we were being super lazy.

  Bleu: Think he’ll share his pillow once I get home?

  I smiled at Bleu’s texts, and then forced that smile off my face. I’d promised myself, and told Evie, that this Bleu situation was nothing more than a tiny crush. I did not need to start beaming at his text messages. That was straight girlfriend shit right there. And I was not girlfriend material. Ask any of the guys I’d dated and dumped.

  Maykin: I mean maybe, if you ask nicely.

  There were no rules about flirting though. Flirting was harmless fun, something Bleu and I had done from the beginning. I simply needed to get my stupid heart in check, that was all.

  Bleu: Just finished up my last client. I should be home within the hour.

  Home. I sighed, then spoke to the sleepy puppy. “You think it’s odd that I spend more time here than I do at my actual home?” He lifted his head, blinki
ng his blue eyes twice, and then closed them and went back to snoozing. “I think I’ve outgrown the sorority house, and my studio is a mess. Me staying here all the time is temporary. Maybe I should get my own apartment?” The puppy snored.

  I could get my own place. I should get my own place, somewhere close to campus. Then I wouldn’t feel the need to stay here constantly. I hated that the thought of not being here with Bleu made me sad. I hated that I was suddenly so dependent on him, on his company. Who was I? In the past week or two I felt like I’d slipped into this alternate dimension where the only thing that mattered to me was my gorgeous tattooed bff.

  I’d promised myself that I would get all this shit under control. Yet, here I was. On his couch, cuddling with the puppy he was fostering, waiting for him to get home.

  When had Bleu become the center of my universe?

  And what was I going to do about it?

  Chapter Thirteen


  Was it odd that I rushed home to get to Maykin and the puppy? Maybe. But I’d had a long ass day and I couldn’t find it in myself to care. And Nicky left an hour ago, so he wasn’t around to give me shit.

  When I entered my apartment, it was silent. I’d hoped Maykin would still be awake, although it was after midnight. I wanted to talk to her, find out what was making her all quiet and nice. It wasn’t like her, and I was seriously starting to think something was terribly wrong.

  I stopped in the doorway to my room, leaning against the frame. She was on top of the covers, wearing half a t-shirt and some loose silky pants. The puppy was lying on her chest, listening to her while she spoke quietly to him. They looked like a magazine ad for linens or hair care products.

  Fuck me, she was gorgeous. And my foster puppy was the cutest creature ever to be born.

  “Hello, you adorable people.” I stepped into the room, smiling as I kick off my shoes. “It was so quiet in when I came in I thought everyone was asleep.”

  “No, we were chatting about life and stuff.”

  I crawled onto the bed, lying on my back next to Mayk. “Life and stuff? Sounds serious.” The puppy walked over to me, and licked my face while wagging his tail. “I’m happy to see you too, little man.” I petted him with both hands. “You feeling better today?” He seemed to be more alert, more awake. That made me happy, although the thought of him being adopted out kind of made me sad at the same time.

  “He only has a few days of antibiotics left.” Maykin rolled to her side, facing us. “The lady at the shelter said he could find a home next week.”

  “Hear that, buddy?” I lifted him up, making his nose touch mine. “I’m going to miss you, you know that?” I peppered kisses on his face, dodging his playful counterattacks.

  Maykin sat up, scooting down the bed. “You know, now that you’re home, I think I’m going to head to my studio and get some work done.”

  “What?” I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. “Midge, it’s almost one o’clock in the morning. Don’t go.”

  She stood, keeping her back to me. “I really feel like painting, and um, I usually try to take advantage of that feeling when it strikes, so…”

  “That’s it.” I sat the puppy down on my mattress and quickly jumped to my feet. “You aren’t going anywhere.” I stepped over to my bedroom door, shutting it and throwing the lock in place. “You have been acting weird for the last couple of days, and now you want to leave in the middle of the night? Why does it feel like you’re hiding something from me?”

  I didn’t like the feeling in my chest, the tight one that told me something wasn’t right. That there was something wrong with my girl. I’d tried to brush it off. I’d tried to give her space. But leaving here, like this? I certainly couldn’t let it go anymore. She had to talk to me, and I wasn’t going to let her walk out until she did.

  She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. “Bleu, don’t be fucking ridiculous.”

  I sent her a tight grin. “I’m not being ridiculous, you are.” I shook my head. “You aren’t walking out of here until you tell me what the hell is going on.” She bit her stubborn lips together. “Is it something I did? Something I said? Did someone hurt you? Is it your par—”

  “It’s the puppy.”

  If she didn’t look like she might possibly cry at any moment, I would have laughed. “What?” I moved my gaze back to the bed where the little guy was curled up and asleep. “The puppy?” I made my way across the room, gently taking her face in my hands. “Are you high right now? Does the puppy talk to you? Tell you to do things?”

  She snorted, and shook her head. But otherwise stayed silent. Which, again, wasn’t in her fucking nature.

  “Midge, you’re really starting to worry me.” I met her eyes. “You want to leave in the middle of the night because of the puppy? You know that sounds insane, right?”

  She nodded her head, her face still in my hands.

  “Please talk to me, Mayk.” I rested my forehead against hers. “Please let me—”

  And then she kissed me.

  Her lips were pillow soft against mine, almost timid. My reaction was automatic, my body in control. I moved one of my hands, tangling it in her silky red hair. I tugged lightly, angling her head and kissing her deeper. I let my tongue invade her mouth, and I felt her moan more than heard it. I was kissing Maykin. I was kissing my best friend and it was the best fucking kiss of my entire life.

  Once I started, I couldn’t seem to stop. There were no real thoughts in my brain other than that I needed to do this more often. I needed to kiss this woman every fucking day for as long as she let me. Even if we never went beyond kissing, I would die a happy man. It was that good of a first kiss.

  I let my hands trail down her body, palming her ass cheeks and lifting her with ease. I wanted her long legs wrapped around my hips. I wanted to feel her heat, and I needed her to know how impossibly hard I was for her. How impossibly hard I always was for her.

  I laid her body out on the bed, pulling back slightly. She looked so fucking amazing, her hair spread out against my sheets, her lips swollen from my kisses. My kisses. I’d fucking made out with my best friend. And now my impossibly hard dick was trying to fight its way out of my pants to get to her.

  “Wait.” I hovered over her, everything inside of me begging for more. “Are you sure this is what you want?” I’d sworn that I wouldn’t ruin our friendship this way. And yet here I was, about to be balls deep in the one girl I’d promised myself was off limits.

  “Bleu.” I watched as she pulled her bottom lip through her teeth. “Please don’t stop.”

  The pleading tone of her voice nearly made me come then and there. This was a side of Maykin I’d never gotten to witness before. I was the one in control. I was the one who was calling the shots. She was vulnerable and panting underneath me, her eyes begging me to fill her. It was the fucking hottest thing I’d ever fuckin’ seen.

  “Promise me you won’t leave when this is over.” I hadn’t been aware that particular fear was about to come tumbling out of my mouth. But there it was.

  She swallowed, arching up into me. “I promise.”

  She promised, and I wanted her. Hell, I’d always wanted her. This was happening. After all this time I was going to have sex with Maykin. My gorgeous, sassy, sexy best friend.

  I stood up on my knees, pulling her loose pants off and throwing them over my shoulder. She wasn’t wearing any panties, and I hadn’t been prepared for the sight of her. Instantly, my mouth started to water, my pulse racing in my veins. I knew I should take my time. I knew I should go slow and make this night special. But I couldn’t. I wanted her too badly. I needed to be inside of her more than I needed to take my next breath.

  Her hands fumbled with my zipper while I took off my shirt. She shoved my pants down as far as she could reach and then lay back. She hooked her legs around my waist, pulling me toward her. “Please, Bleu, now.”

  I braced my hands on either side of her beautiful face, taking one last m
oment to make sure she was okay. “This is what you want?”

  Her eyes met mine at the same moment her hand closed around my dick, tugging ever so lightly on my piercing. “Is this what you want?”

  I grinned, trying like hell to not come in her hand. “I asked you first.”

  She guided my dick inside her slick pussy, arching her back and closing her eyes once I was fully seated inside her. “Fuck yes, this is exactly what I want.”

  Well, that was good enough for me.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I felt so full, my walls stretched almost to capacity. I’d read about Bleu’s piercing, and I’d seen it. But nothing could have prepared me for how fucking good it felt. Every thrust hit the perfect spot inside me, making me cry out his name.

  His ego wouldn’t be able to fit through the front door after this, but I was powerless. “Please, don’t stop.”

  He hovered over me, moving inside my body in these amazingly lazy strokes. He was taking his time, drawing out every single ounce of pleasure I had to give. “You feel so damn good, baby.”

  We felt good, we felt perfect together. Nothing had ever compared to this, and I doubted anything ever would. It was more than the pierced head of his cock hitting my G-spot expertly. It was more than the intense orgasm I could feel building. Everything about tonight, about coming together with Bleu was just…more.

  “Harder.” I dug my nails in his back, needing to come so badly I could barely breathe. “Please, Bleu.”

  He nipped at the column of my throat. “Didn’t I tell you what begging does to me?” He pulled all the way out, slamming back into me so hard that I saw stars. The line between pleasure and pain was exactly what I needed. “You want to be fucked, baby?”

  “Yes, please, Bleu, fuck me.” I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t take him being slow and careful with me. I couldn’t take the emotions that were bubbling up inside me. I needed him to hammer all thoughts out of my brain. I needed him to consume me.


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