The Fifth Survivor - Episode 2

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The Fifth Survivor - Episode 2 Page 1

by Angel Ramon

  The Fifth Survivor: Episode Two

  A Side Quest and to Angel’s Nightmare Adventure

  By: Angel Ramon

  Copyright © 2019 by Angel Ramon

  All Rights Reserved

  Book Design by José Manuel Bethencourt Suárez

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Angel Ramon

  Visit my Website:

  Table of Contents

  Special Thanks

  Note from the Author

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


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  Special Thanks

  I like to give special thanks to my ARC Readers that took the time to read my book in advance to make sure it was ready for release and left their review! You all rock and I’m happy to list your names on my book.

  ARC Readers –

  James Smith

  Charlotte Miller

  Taylor Barnes

  Olivia Rofrits

  Robin Ward

  Rachel Munsinger Wagner

  Oralee O’ Byrne

  Jeremy Winn

  Stephen Landry

  Elaine Emmerick

  Shelly Deuso

  Note from the Author

  Thank you for purchasing and reading the second book in “The Fifth Survivor” serial series. It takes me a lot of work to write these books, so your investment in time to read means a lot to me. In episode 2, George turns vigilante as he tries to find out more about Hybrid and tries to find out more about the murder of his friend Dave.

  What will he find out when he begins to dig deeper into the Clark family and just who is the mystery woman who saved him back in the hospital? You’ll just have to find out in episode two of “The Fifth Survivor”. George might be in his 50’s but just like Charles Bronson, he still has plenty of spunk!

  I would also like to send a personal thanks to all my ARC readers who took the time to read this book before I hit publish. In fact, I even gave you your own section where I give all of you a shoutout. You guys are the true all-stars by telling me your honest opinions of how you liked the book. It’s because of you guys, my gamelit zombie series has expanded into a full universe filled with alternative storylines and conspiracy theories.

  Note: You must read episode 1 before you read episode 2. While a few things from episode 1 will be mentioned, you will be a bit lost if you start here. You can read “The Fifth Survivor” series if you haven’t read the main series, Angel’s Nightmare Adventure as this is a side quest.

  Chapter 1

  Welcome to Episode Two of “The Fifth Survivor” Side-quest. For starters, please select your difficulty level.

  Noob (Easy) – Zombies and Creatures do less damage. Pickups are doubled. Suitable for those who are totally scared of the dark or noobs.

  Normal – Nothing more to say. Normal damage, ammo, and pickups. It’s normal mode.

  Real Man (Hard) – This is the mode for real men! Enemies do more damage, ammo is less frequent, and you’ll be a badass. Well, one can hope at least.

  Nightmare – Oh, now we’re talking! Double damage from creatures, ammo is really hard to find, and pickups have to be used very wisely. It’s not impossible, but improbable to beat.

  You have selected Hard Mode!

  The survival horror continues…

  July 8th, 2007

  “Last night was crazy. I kept pinching myself thinking that it was only a dream. It was a nightmare, but it wasn’t one that you just wake up from. No, this was a literal nightmare that was all too real. When I got into Elaine’s car and got home, I was just relieved that I was able to escape.

  There are a couple of things that continue to bother me. One, the man who set up Dave’s murder is dead. Witwer got what he deserved, but that schmuck would have helped me by telling me who really killed my friend and what he was getting in exchange. Money could not be the only think Witwer was getting. The second thing is that woman. While I should be happy she saved my butt three times, I’m not sure whose side she’s on.

  All I have to work with is the address she gave me. She sure did a great job keeping her name a secret. At least, she showed her dark brown hair to me, like that will do anything to help me out. I’m not sure if I will go to Westchester. In the end, I might have to go there. For now, there are a couple of loose ends I need to tie up here.”

  George finishes writing in his journal that he hopes will help him expose Hybrid one day. He gets up from his bed and walks to the bathroom where he brushes his teeth and showers. After a nice cold shower, he gets dressed for the day. Remembering the note that the mystery woman left, he begins to think that she might have a point that he’s not safe in NYC anymore. After thinking for a minute, he decides that he’ll have to take a leave of absence from the school until the heat dies out.

  As he’s getting dressed, his house phone rings. Due to the fact that he’s old school in his way of living and using an older landline phone, he has no idea who it could be.

  “Good morning, this is George.” He answers.

  “Hey baby, it’s me.” Elaine answers.

  “Oh, how are you?” He asks.

  “What do you mean by, oh?” Elaine asks angrily.

  “It’s nothing… I thought it was someone from work. I just had something important to say, but I guess I gotta go there myself.” George tells a fib.

  “Oh ok, just making sure you’re ok. Why do you have to go to school? Isn’t the year over?” Elaine asks.

  George thinks for a quick second on what his response should be.

  What will George tell Elaine?

  1. No particular reason, besides asking for a raise. (Passive)

  2. I’m planning on taking a leave of absence for personal reasons. (Neutral)

  3. I have to get out of NYC because my life is in danger after the zombie outbreak in the hospital. (Aggressive)

  George goes with option 2.

  “I’m planning on taking a leave of absence for personal reasons.” George answers.

  “Why? Is it because of the zombie attack last night? Are you worried it will happen again?” Elaine asks.

  “It’s not so much that and more that I have family up in Westchester that I have to attend to. I can’t go into too much detail. I’m changing my number soon, so don’t bother calling my current number. I’ll give you my new number when I’m ready.” He answers.

  “It sounds like you’re moving out, not taking a leave of absence. Listen, is somebody giving you trouble? If so, let me know.” Elaine responds.

  “No, it’s not that. I just need to get away for a while and all the good therapists I know are in Westchester. I know I need it after last night. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be back soon.” George replies.

  “Ah… as long as it’s not because of me, I guess you have to do what you have to do. I’ll worry about you.” Elaine replies concerned for George.

  “I know you’ll be concerned, but I’ll be alright. I pr
omise, ok?” George says.

  “Ok dear, take it easy and let me know when you plan to leave,” Elaine says before hanging up.

  After the conversation, he finishes dressing up and heads out of the door. Without his car, he has to walk to the school. Luckily the distance to the school is not too far from where he lives. As he’s walking out of his house, he looks at his flip-phone and sees that it’s only eight-thirty in the morning. During the summer, the school doesn’t open until nine in the morning.

  Walking back into his house, he turns on the television and watches the news for a little while. The newscast shows the hospital with the hazmat crew entering the building picking up the dead bodies and avoiding any contact with the Raven Hawk virus. The lead detective says that it’s too early to say what exactly happened in the hospital, but they do suspect the cannibalism was caused by a foreign substance.

  “Typical response from the officials, hopefully, they’ll find something. Knowing Hybrid though, they’ll try to hide their liability with their legal mumbo jumbo. Too bad all my evidence is gone, so I gotta look elsewhere.” He says in his head.

  Before he turns off the television, he hears an update about Dave. According to the detectives, Dave died from a self-inflicted stab. This is according to the lead detective of the 75th precinct. George’s mouth drops in total shock as the officers come up with a method of death that doesn’t come close to what he found out from Witwer.

  “Crap, either the NYPD is blind or they’re in on this Hybrid criminal syndicate. What makes it worst is the 75th precinct is leading the investigation and they have a terrible record of corruption. Could it be that I was set up to die in the hospital and Hybrid knows that I’m onto them? It looks like that woman might actually be right about getting out of NYC. I might not be safe after all out here. I better gather whatever evidence I can and get out of here.” He says in his head.

  He turns off the TV with his remote and makes his way out of his house. Walking towards the school, George decides he needs to pay a visit to Dave’s house to see if he finds any evidence. However, he knows that it might prove to be useless to talk to Chief Irons as he’s the chief of the 75th precinct. As he walks, George hears the voice of the woman that saved him back in the hospital in his head.

  “I told you to get out of here! Do it for your own good, you have no idea what you just got yourself into!”

  After hearing the words in his head, George realizes that he might not be able to trust anybody at this point. Entering the school, he heads to the principal’s office.

  “Good morning Mr. Fisher, you’re not scheduled to work today. Is there anything I can help you with?” The principal asks.

  The principal is an elderly man in his mid 60’s who is of German descent. He is rather respected in the school and in the community. He sports a big beard that people compare to that of Karl Marx. He is wearing a traditional gray suit with a bow tie and black Dickies.

  “Mr. Garrison. I’m afraid that I will have to ask for a leave of absence.” George answers soberly.

  “Why is that? Is everything ok?” Mr. Garrison asks.

  George thinks about what he wants to tell the principal knowing he might need assistance.

  What will George say?

  1. I have a family member in Westchester County who’s in bad shape and I have to take care of her. (Passive)

  2. I have to get away for a while, things in my family are not good and I need to recharge. (Neutral)

  3. I’m a marked man and my life is in serious danger. (Aggressive)

  You have chosen option 1.

  “I have a family member in Westchester County who’s in bad shape and I have to take care of her.” He replies.

  “Oh dead, I’m sorry to hear this. Do you have an idea when you plan to come back?” Mr. Garrison asks.

  “For now no, but I will keep in touch. I need to get moving. I’m going to Westchester tomorrow.” George answers.

  “Very well then, I look forward to your return and thanks for letting me know in advance.” Mr. Garrison responds and goes back to his computer.

  George leaves the principal’s office and walks back home wondering what his next move will be. He decided to keep his response short and sweet to the principal not wanting to possibly make another enemy. When he gets back home, he calls his brother.

  “Hey George, how’s my big brother doing?” Harry asks.

  “I’m doing ok. I’m in a bit of a situation here and not a good one. My best friend Dave was deemed by the NYPD to have killed himself, but I know that a hit was placed on him by the president of Woodhull Hospital.” George answers.

  “You mean Danny Witwer had Dave killed? I thought those two were the best of friends.” Harry responds shocked.

  “Ha! That’s what I thought as well, sadly I found out differently. The big problem is that I was in the hospital where I was in the middle of a zombie outbreak where I also saw giant frogs and spiders. Let’s say that Hybrid was running some sick experiments in that building. Knowing them, they’ll say it was an ‘accident’ when I know damn well it was no accident. When I saw the schmuck, Witwer, he was eaten by a giant frog.” George replies.

  “Giant frogs? Now you’re scaring me. This is crazy, why would they want to send these creatures for?” Harry asks.

  “I smell a new world order plot here and it stinks really badly! I gotta go to Dave’s house and see if I can find any evidence to indicate that he did not kill himself. I have a friend in the 104th precinct who will listen to me or at least I hope so.” George answers.

  “Are you nuts? The police have that place under careful surveillance, man you’re really pushing your luck now!” Harry says in disapproval.

  “Listen, it’s a chance I have to take to find the truth. It looks like Hybrid is trying to hide something big here.” George says in response.

  “I can agree with that. Just be careful, ok?” Harry asks.

  “No worries, just let me do the breaking and entering, ok? I’ll talk to you later. You just pick me up around seven.” George says.

  “I’ll be there, big brother. See you later.” Harry replies.

  George hangs up the phone and waits until the sun begins to go down. As the sun begins to go down, he gathers his stealth suit, lockpick, dart gun, and a new camera. He figures that breaking into his friend’s house at night will be easier considering the police presence will be less. He also carries a flashlight so he can see in the dark.

  When the clock strikes seven, Harry pulls up to his house and picks him up. After an hour ride to get to downtown Brooklyn, the two arrive around the corner from Dave’s house. Harry drives towards the block and finds a parking spot a few houses from Dave’s house away from the street light now that the sun is down. Harry decides to create a diversion by telling the cops of a false robbery attempt around the corner. The diversion gives George enough time to get out of the car and break into Harry’s house.

  George sees the cops leaving the house to head to the location where Harry told them where the robbery took place. Harry gets back into the car to hide so the cops don’t spot him.

  Game Start…

  Darts: 10

  Objective – Find any incriminating evidence that Dave was murdered. Avoid being spotted.

  When the cops turn the corner of State Street, George walks up the stairs to pick the lock to Dave’s house. Using his lockpick, he attempts to unlock the door. The lock proves to be too hard to pick as it has a double cylinder which he has a tough time with.

  Lockpicking Level 5 required.

  Having no luck with the front door, he walks down to the door leading to the basement. Picking the lock on the door, he easily picks the lock and enters the house quietly while avoiding attention. Entering the basement hallway, he sees multiple rooms to explore wondering where Dave was when he was shot.

  Entering the room to his left, he sees nothing but things in storage such as lamps, couches, and seasonal items. He looks around for anything useful
but only finds some darts.

  Picked up +5 Darts. Darts: 15

  After grabbing the darts, he nearly leaves the room until he sees the shadow of a police officer on the hallway wall. The street light is enough to give off the shadow. With his dart gun, he shoots the officer and puts him to sleep. To avoid any suspicion, he drags the body to the storage room.

  Darts: 14

  Back in the hallway, he passes by the boiler room and electric room. As he continues to walk, he sees a door with a keycard reader to the right of it.

  “Crap looks like I need a keycard to open this door,” George whispers.

  Looking at the keycard reader, George sees that it was installed recently and it hasn’t been used much. He realizes that there might be something hiding in there that is huge. However, he can’t be sure if Dave had it installed or was it the Hybrid Syndicate who had it installed, probably to hide their tracks.

  Keeping the door in the back of his head, he continues through the hallway until he sees the stairs leading up to the first floor. Walking up the stairs, he makes it to the living room. In the living room, he sees three cops patrolling the room.

  “This is so stupid. Why are we guarding this house? It’s not like anyone is going to try and break in.” One of the officers says.

  “Screw it! At least we’re getting paid. What other job pays you to literally do nothing?” The other officer answers.

  “Well, when you put it that way, you’re right.” The first officer replies.

  Looking towards the officers, he sees the two officers continuing to talk while the third one is sleeping on the sofa without a care in the world. George pulls out his dart gun and shoots the two guards. The two of them fall to the sofa. The impact of the fall is enough to wake up the third officer from his sleep.

  Not taking any chances, he puts the officer back to sleep by shooting a dart into the neck.

  “Who’s there…?” The officer says before falling asleep again.

  “Did I wake you up from your beauty sleep? Nighty night, I’m sure your boss won’t mind if you’re sleeping on the job.” George says.

  Darts: 11


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