The Fifth Survivor - Episode 2

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The Fifth Survivor - Episode 2 Page 2

by Angel Ramon

  Once all three police officers are asleep, George looks around to make sure there are no more officers. As he walks around the living room, he remembers the draw by his china plate set where Dave kept his pistol. The draw is locked, but he easily picks the lock.

  Lockpicking Level Increased to Level 5.

  Picked up a Silenced Pistol. It’s a Walther PPK with a Silencer. Good for stealth and silent kills. It’s already loaded with a magazine.

  Pistol Ammo: 8

  He puts the pistol on his side and keeps it just in case he needs to use deadly force. The stairs leading to the second floor are in front of him.

  “Why are the police guarding this house, what are they hiding in here? I’m almost afraid that there are far more skeletons than just falsifying a person’s cause of death.” He says in his head.

  Chapter 2

  With nothing more to discover on the first floor, he walks upstairs. When he reaches the landing, he sees the hallway is really dark. He is hesitant to use his flashlight but realizes that he is unable to see anything in front of him.

  George uses the Flashlight.

  With the flashlight on, he sees three doors on the hallway. He tries to open the door to his left by picking the lock. However, he is unable to, as the lock gives him too much trouble.

  Level 7 Lockpicking Level Required.

  Ignoring the door, he moves on to the middle door that has two cylinders and one of them has a special looking lock. George moves his light to the rightmost door and is able to pick the lock easily. Entering the bedroom, he sees that he’s in the bedroom of Dave’s son.

  Lockpicking Skill Increased to Level 6!

  Looking around the room, he doesn’t find anything strange at first. He does feel disturbed that he is ransacking through the room of his late friend. Nevertheless, he looks in a draw and finds something exotic.

  You have found a Keybox. It’s decorated with red suede and has a design that Dave’s family loved.

  Will you open it? Yes or No

  You have opened the Keybox. Inside of the Keybox, there is a key.

  You have picked up a key. Looking at the key, it opens Dave’s room.

  “Ah… good. Hopefully, those goons haven’t stolen any of Dave’s jewels.” George says as he grabs the key.

  Back in the hallway, he uses the key he found to open the middle door. He opens the door slowly just in case anybody is inside the room. After opening the door, he finds somebody snooping around the room. To his shock, it proves to be Reuben.

  Reuben is an officer with the 75th police precinct and is a well-respected cop. He is in his lower 30’s with short black hair, average build, an average height for a male in his 30’s, clean face, and wears glasses. Reuben is of German descent. While George tends to think low of the 75th precinct, he’s always seen Reuben as an honest cop. George feels a combination of shock and total rage when he sees Reuben trying to get his hands on Dave’s belongings.

  “Son of a bitch! Get your hands off those items and put your hands where I can see them.” George says angrily aiming the pistol at him.

  “George? Is that you, what are you doing here?” Reuben asks in shock.

  “I should be asking you that same question. Sit down and don’t make any funny noises or I’ll shoot. Now start talking!” George orders Reuben.

  “What are you doing George? You can’t do this you know. I’m a cop. You won’t get away with this and I know you won’t shoot me.”

  “You sure about that Reuben? Feeling lucky?” George aims his pistol in Reuben’s face.

  “Damn you! What the hell you want?” Reuben asks.

  “Simple, what were you trying to do? I’m sure I already know. You were trying to make a quick payday at the expense of my dead friend. I thought you were better than that.” George asks.

  “I was trying to make sure nobody stole any of Dave’s stuff. I swear that’s all I was doing. Come on man, you believe me, don’t you?”

  “I really don’t, but I got another question. Did Dave really commit suicide? Be careful how you answer the question.”

  “I don’t know anything…” Reuben answers and gets punched by George.

  “You sure about that? I can bet you money that you’re lying to me right now.” George says as he points the silencer at Reuben’s face.

  “Listen, I really don’t know if Dave was killed or what’s going on with Hybrid and what happened at the hospital… oops.” Reuben says scared for his life.

  “Oops, huh? Well… well, what do we have here? Looks like you got a wet spot on your pants. Either you have to use the bathroom or you better start talking from the beginning. You said something about the Hybrid Corporation.” George gets away from Reuben with his pistol still aimed at him.

  “Ok... ok, Dave was really murdered. Hybrid is paying off the force to keep quiet as they wanted Dave’s murder to look like a suicide. A hit was put on him, not sure who put the hit though. My knowledge tells me that Hybrid and Woodhull had a partnership going on and Hybrid felt Dave was a danger to them. We were ordered to falsify the investigation to cover Hybrid. I swear… I had nothing to do with the murder.” Reuben comes clean.

  “That’s a good boy.” George pets Reuben in the head and continues, “Funny thing is that I already know everything. I just needed the smoking gun to confirm my findings in a court of law. So I guess you came in here just for a quick payday before the dominoes fell? Now, I’ll be easy on you because I know you have no idea who might have killed him. I will ask you though, is there anything else I need to know?” George asks.

  “Dave has his laboratory downstairs that the police locked using a keycard reader system. I have the keycard and can let you downstairs if you let me go. Do we have a deal?” Reuben asks.

  “Hmm… sounds good. Alright kid, get your ass up and lead the way.” George says.

  A few seconds later, George rethinks his decision and strikes Reuben from behind on the head. He spots some rope and duct tape on the floor that he’ll use.

  “What was that for? I thought… we had… a deal?” Reuben asks.

  “That’s the keyword. We ‘had’ a deal. The deal’s off kid. I can’t take a chance of trusting you.” George says as he sits Reuben on the chair and strikes him again.

  He uses the rope and duct tape to tie Reuben up. He covers Reuben’s mouth to make sure he can’t scream.

  “That should keep you quiet until I get out. Here’s a little tip for free, don’t leave town and make sure this little secret stays between us. I know where you live and I can make your life a living hell. Consider this a lesson about trying to steal something that isn’t yours. Also, if the FBI calls you, just come clean and save yourself the headache. Finally, you might want to see your doctor about checking your bladder because you’re wetting the floor badly… We’ll be in touch.” George says humorously.

  Reuben is left on the chair unable to move continuing to piss on the floor. George sees the keycard drop from Reuben’s pocket and picks it up.

  Picked up a Keycard. This leads to the laboratory in the basement.

  Once he gets the keycard, he locks the door and walks back downstairs. The cops are still asleep on the sofa. George quickly walks down the stairs to the basement and sees another cop patrolling the hallway. Using his dart gun, he shoots the officer. George drags the body into the boiler room and continues on his way.

  Darts: 10

  He arrives at the door that is locked with the keycard reader. Using the keycard he got from Reuben, he unlocks it and enters. Upon entering the room, he sees that the room is filled with shelves filled with books, computers, and tons of file cabinets. There are also machines, including the testing machine Dave used to test the Raven Hawk Virus. Looking at the machine, he sees that it’s empty. To his right, he sees Dave’s computer that looks like it was logged in and tampered with.

  He sits down and looks at the computer to see if he can find anything incriminating inside. While George might not be the most tech-savv
y person in the world, even he can tell that the computer has been tampered with. All of the files on the computer have been wiped clean. The hacker did leave one folder untouched on the PC which is named “Creatures”. Looking inside, he sees that it’s empty, but he does get some ideas.

  “Creatures? It looks like Dave had an idea that Hybrid was using the Raven Hawk to develop their biohazard creatures. Dave might have been closing in on Witwer and Hybrid. Witwer probably panicked and had Dave killed. Too bad there’s nothing in this computer to prove that and not to mention the 75th precinct is in on this cover-up. The only one I can trust is my man at the 104th precinct and believe it or not, Reuben. He might be a treacherous schmuck, but he’s my smoking gun.” He says to himself looking at the computer.

  He continues to look in the room and sees a bunch of test tubes along with liquids. They prove to lead nowhere and he looks in the file cabinets. Looking in the most recent, he finds a document stored in the June 2007 folder. He pulls it out and begins to read.

  Test Results - June 2007

  “So I have been testing the Raven Hawk substance that George obtained for me. After many hours of research, I have found that this substance is rather complex in nature. The chemical makeup of this substance is rather abnormal which does concern me. While the final results won’t come back for a week, but I’m convinced that the Raven Hawk might be revolutionary.

  I do admit that I’ve taken more time getting the results to George, but this is truly a hard substance to crack. It’s almost like Hybrid doesn’t want anybody to find out what the real makeup is, let alone what it really does. All I know is that the Raven Hawk does change the DNA makeup. As a result, it’s quite possible that this could cause mutations in humans along with animals.

  I’m excited and nervous at the same time. While I never searched through something this complex and intriguing, this could also be the first time that I bump into an actual virus capable of the mankind’s destruction. While I would be credited for discovering the real contents of the Raven Hawk, will it be worth it in the end? Forgive me, George, if I implicated you without your permission…

  Edit: Actually I just got the results an hour later and I have to say, I’m quite surprised. It actually turns out that the Raven Hawk Vaccine is really…

  (The rest of the document is torn and missing.)

  “Damn it! Looks like those baddies got a hold and removed the most important part. This might help me though as it might prove intent in trying to hide evidence. I just gotta hope the boys in the 104 believe me.” George says as he folds the paper and places it in his pockets.

  Looking further in the file cabinet, he sees no other papers in the June folder suggesting that everything linking Hybrid to the Raven Hawk has been removed. George is disappointed that he’s unable to find as much information about the Raven Hawk but knows he can’t be in the house forever.

  He leaves the room and heads for the exit. The cops are still not back and he quickly runs out of the house back to Harry’s car. He quickly jumps in and Harry pulls out quickly. The two drive off from Dave’s house and head to George’s house. After they get home, they discuss what took place and come up with a plan of attack.

  July 9th, 2007

  After a good night sleep, George gets up and gathers himself. He turns on the news to find out that the reporters are covering Dave’s house. The reporters are seen talking to officers trying to figure out what took place. He looks nervously hoping that Reuben doesn’t give him away.

  “Mr. Reuben, do you have an idea who was in the house last night?” The reporter asks him.

  “No I don’t, he was masked and had a deep voice. It looks like he knew he was doing. He struck me and I was unconscious most of the time.” Reuben answers as the reporter nods his head.

  “Good boy Reuben, good boy. Now that my smoking gun is cooperating, I just hope I can convince the 104th precinct to build a case against their 75th precinct comrades. Not to mention, I gotta make sure there are no more zombies walking around either.” He says.

  Once he sees the news for a little while, he prepares to go to the 104th precinct. Before he goes through with the plan, he calls the precinct to make sure the chief is there. The chief answers the phone.

  “Hello, 104th precinct. How can I help?” The Chief answers.

  “Chief Hickey, how are you, my friend?” George asks.

  “I’m doing alright partner and you?” Chief Hickey answers.

  “Very well, I want to stop by because I have some information to share about the 75th precinct.” He says.

  “Ok, I’m not doing anything now. I trust as “The Fish Master” you got something big to share.” Chief Hickey says.

  Getting the green light to go to the precinct, he calls Harry to see if he can borrow his car. Harry indicates that he’s not in town for the day. So instead, George heads to the local car rental shop and goes to rent a car.

  George rents a blue Honda Civic from the shop and drives up to the 104th precinct. When he reaches the precinct, he walks in casually and announces himself to the receptionist. The precinct looks like any normal one with the desks and central booking station. He is escorted to the chief’s office and sees Chief Hickey sitting behind the desk. Besides trophies and old pictures, the room has nothing special.

  “Welcome George, what brings you to my precinct today? You say you got dirt on the 75th precinct. I honestly don’t like those guys, but of course, I can’t do jack shit without proof. So spill it.” Hickey asks.

  What will George say?

  1. Say that Dave’s death should be investigated more, but make no mention of Hybrid. (Passive)

  2. Mention that the 75th precinct is dirty and an internal investigation should be launched. (Neutral)

  3. Let the conspiracy theory out about Hybrid and the 75th precinct. (Aggressive)

  You have chosen option 3

  “Well, you want dirt? I think I might have some good dirt here. Remember, Dave who died a few days ago?” Chief Hickey nods and George continues, “I got a theory that indicates that the 75th precinct is falsifying the cause of death. They say he killed himself, I believed he was shot and murdered.”

  “Why do you believe that?” Chief Hickey asks.

  “Here’s the smoking gun, Reuben from the 75th precinct confessed that Dave was shot and Hybrid contracted the 75th precinct to cover up for them. He couldn’t tell me who shot him, but believes that Hybrid is paying off Chief Irons.” George answers.

  “Chief Irons, I always hated that man. Let me ask you, how did you get Reuben to confess?”

  “I can’t say it was pretty. I broke into Dave’s house to see if I could gather dirt and I found him trying to rob Dave of his family jewels.”

  “Hmm… I would have felt better if you didn’t break into the house. If Reuben accuses you of breaking in and torturing him, you will be the one in trouble. Are you trying to be a vigilante?” The chief asks.

  “You can say that. For a fifty-plus-year-old man, I think I still got some spunk left. Besides I needed to, something tells me Dave was closing in on Hybrid being responsible for the zombie outbreak that took place in Woodhull and that it wasn’t vanity. Even if it means I have to play Charles Bronson and possibly have the force after me, I’ll expose the truth.” George answers and hands Chief Hickey the document he found in Dave’s house.

  “After reading this, I personally believe the 75th precinct is in on this and Hybrid is hiding more than they’re willing to say. It was announced by Hybrid and the Woodhull staff that what happened in the hospital was an ‘accident’. Now I don’t believe that, but it’s gonna be tough to prove this in a court of law. That’s because what Dave wrote here doesn’t ‘incriminate’ Hybrid.” The Chief says after reading.

  “That’s because the officers got rid of the evidence and even cleaned out his computer. Those schmucks are good I gotta say.” George replies.

  “I have to agree. I’m afraid we’re gonna need more concrete evidence than tha
t. Didn’t you say that Reuben was willing to talk?” The chief asks him.

  “Yeah, he supposedly is going to talk…” The chief’s phone rings before George can finish.

  The chief picks up and finds out that it’s Reuben on the other end. The conversation is about Reuben wanting to come clean and incriminate his precinct. However, he’s out of town for the day and will come in the next day. The conversation is rather short and Reuben sounds like he’s scared about something.

  “Well that was Reuben and he’s coming here to help us round up the 75th precinct goonies. He did sound scared though, so we better be prepared in case he punks out.” The chief replies.

  “I think Hybrid will be on his ass if they figure out he’s trying to snitch on them. I just hope they don’t get to him first.” George responds.

  “I normally would not say this, but I suggest you break into the Clark Family mansion on Gates Ave. I’m sure there will be plenty of dirt there. I heard the area was closed off though because the outbreak hit that area hard. Only the area north of Broadway is open to the public for now. Gather whatever evidence there and hope Reuben survives the night. If those two things happen we might have a shot of a case.” Chief Hickey says.

  George nods his head and decides to leave the police station. Leaving the station, he realizes that he Chief Hickey might be the only person outside of his brother that he can trust. He also embraces his new self-appointed role as, The Vigilante of Brooklyn, New York.

  Driving back home at around eight at night, he leaves the rental car back at the rental shop. From the shop located on Fulton Street under the J Train, it’s about a ten-minute walk to his house located on Ashford Street. As he’s walking through Fulton Street, he hears a female screaming.

  Chapter 3

  George continues to hear the female screaming and thinks it might be the start of another zombie outbreak. So he pulls out his silenced pistol and runs towards the sound of the screaming. He runs until he gets to an alley located between Cleveland and Elton streets. The sun has gone down completely and the lights by the alley are out.


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