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The Crucial Shift (The Ariane Trilogy Book 3)

Page 3

by Michelle Dare

  “Of course. We’ll start first thing in the morning.”

  “The war is coming sooner than we thought.”

  “I heard. Aries briefed us after Wake’s premonition.”

  Rion’s eyes find mine for a second before they go back to the road. “Ari’s refusing to sit this out. I want her as prepared as possible. And by her dreams, they’re going to target her.”

  “I’ll help her. Don’t worry. But it’s not just your mate in this, Orion. All the shifter females are refusing to stay back at the house. They want to fight, too.”

  Rion scrubs a hand over his face. “I’m sorry. I’m being insensitive. Is there anything I can do while you’re training Ari?”

  “Can you practice with Tessa? She’s a smaller wolf. However, she’s fast. I don’t want her to fight, but she’s insisting. If I lose her...” he trails off.

  “I’ve got her,” Rion replies. “You help Ari, and I’ll help Tessa.”

  “Thank you. If our kids lose their mom, I don’t know how I’m going to handle that.”

  Turning, I look out the window at the cars we’re passing. This has all become real. Too real. It’s not only the adults in the pack that will be affected by a loss, but the children as well. They could lose their mothers and fathers. That’s the last thing I want to happen.

  Cash’s voice comes over the speakers again. “Drive safe. I’ll see you when you get home.”

  “Thanks.” Rion ends the call, briefly turning to me. “You’re not the only stubborn female.”

  “I understand her wanting to fight. If she can help us win this, her children could have a better life. Think about it. If Travis and his pack are gone, no one would be scared in North Carolina anymore. No shifter or paranormal would fear coming into the state. No one would wonder who his next target would be. This whole pack is on his radar. I shudder to think what kind of plan he has for everyone. Tessa wants to protect her family. I say good for her.”

  “I don’t know where I’d be without you.”

  “I do,” I smile, even if it’s a little forced. The topic is too heavy. We need to lighten it. “You’d be lonely at home, wasting away, waiting for that fateful day when we’d meet.”

  “I love that you think we’d still meet.”

  “Of course I do. We’re meant to be together.”

  He smiles wide. “It took you long enough to come to terms with that.”

  I shrug. “You can’t rush these things. Especially when the person you’re in a relationship with had no idea paranormals existed before you.”


  Mile after mile we drive. The sky begins to darken. It feels longer on the drive home than it did going there. Why is that? I always found the opposite to be true. The ride home always goes fast, but it’s like I’m in some weird vortex where everything is going at a snail’s pace. Maybe it’s because we need to get home and get organized. I’m not sure anyone expected this to happen so fast. Then again, how long did I think it was going to take for Travis to be ready? He probably has some big bad paranormal on his side and thinks he has this in the bag. And he may, but I’m going to give him a run for his money. There’s no way I’m going down without a fight.

  “Why don’t you try and get some sleep?” Rion suggests.

  “I’d tell you you’re crazy for thinking I could sleep in a time like this, but with night falling and the low rumble of the car, I’m getting sleepy.”

  “I’m not just a pretty face.” He smiles

  “You’re a hot body, too.”

  “Is that all?”

  “No. However, I’m not about to tell you all the things I love about you. That would make your head bigger than it already is. Frankly, I’m surprised it fits in this car.”

  “There’s that smart mouth I love so much.”

  “Ha. Ha. Ha.”

  Rion released my hand a while back, which was a good thing because mine was cramping up from being held. Although, he now has a free hand. And that hand is creeping closer and closer to me.

  “No, you don’t,” I warn him.

  “I think so.”

  His hand shoots out fast as lightning for my side, and he begins tickling me. I can’t contain the laughter bubbling up my throat as I curl into a ball in the seat while I try to swat him away.

  “Enough,” I laugh. “I give.”

  He stops at my surrender. “That’s what you get for telling me I have a big head. Now get some sleep.”

  “Oh yeah, sure. It’s going to be easy falling asleep now that I have to pee, thanks to you.” I stick my tongue out at him.

  “You’re lucky I’m driving this car, or I’d grab that wicked tongue of yours with my lips.” A chill races up my spine in a very good way.

  “I’ll have to remember to stick my tongue out at you again when we’re alone.”

  “By all means.”


  The premonitions I have always jolt me. Not only because I’m usually being chased, but I disappear from the bed. It’s not like a regular dream. I’m actually in it and can get hurt, or worse, die. Well, if someone in the dream decides to chop off my head. The hard part is remembering what bed I was in before I entered the dream.

  When we were at my aunt’s in Pennsylvania, I was stuck in that dream and about to teleport home, only I remembered I couldn’t go there. And Rion wasn’t there. If he woke up and I was gone, he’d know I was in the dream. But he’d also expect me to go back to where he was, which was in the bed in my aunt’s house. Returning, I found Rion sound asleep. It was amazing he didn’t wake up when I left. He was out for the count. I slipped back into bed, and he wasn’t any wiser.

  We were busy when we woke that day, so I didn’t think to mention the premonition until we were ready to leave. It completely slipped my mind. Now, I know better. When I have a premonition, I need to tell him right away. It would have gotten us on the road sooner and home faster. At this point, we need all the time we can get. I still don’t regret driving. I’m going to savor every moment I get with Rion before everything happens.

  It was weird, though. During the dream, there wasn’t a sound to be heard in the forest. Not a cricket chirping or an owl hooting. No rustling of leaves on a gentle breeze. I stayed where I was long enough to wait for something to happen, and when it didn’t, I left. There’s only so long a person can stand there before becoming bored. Plus, I needed the sleep.

  Now, we’re close to the pack house, or my new home, as it were. I’m sure Mom would love to go home. Taking up residence with a pack of wolves isn’t exactly ideal. However, until this war is over, I’m not letting her leave except to go to Merrick’s, unless she’s surrounded by no less than five wolves and one vampire. I won’t take the chance on losing her. Not after losing my father. No way.

  Fighting to keep my eyes open until we get back to the mansion proves to be a fight I won’t win. Soon, I’m fast asleep and back in a premonition.

  This time, Travis is in front of me in the clearing. His eyes are wide and bright like he’s looking at the best present anyone ever gave him.

  “Ariane, so nice of you to finally join me.”

  “Uhhh... Care to enlighten me?”

  He takes slow measured steps forward until we’re a foot apart. I fight the urge to step away from him and all the evilness that comes with him. Although, I won’t give in to him. He probably expects me to turn and run. To be afraid of him. If he knew me at all, he’d understand there is no way that is going to happen. The vampire strength I have could end him, and the thought of killing him brings me great joy.

  “I’m a dream watcher, too.” He smiles wickedly. “All those premonitions you had, I was there. Even last night when you thought you were alone, you weren’t. You just couldn’t see me. This battle is between you and me.”

  I laugh loudly and without humor. “You’ve seriously lost your mind. This battle is between packs. Did you forget all the people you’ve killed? All of those who’ve lost loved ones and want to get rev
enge on you and your pack?”

  “I don’t go around killing people.”

  I scoff. “Not directly, but you issued the order for their deaths.”

  I need to get away from him. I’m not a fan of having someone tower over me, and his presence is getting to me. I want to kill him but drag it out at the same time. He deserves to be tortured. To have a very painful death.

  Slowly, I start to walk a lazy circle around him, assessing him from every angle.

  “You’re not stupid for someone so young.”

  My eyes narrow. “Was that some kind of underhanded compliment?”

  He brushes off my question. “All my wolves know to watch out for you, but if my premonitions are any indication, you won’t be fighting. You’ll be running.” He crosses his arms as a smug look appears on his face.

  I could tell him he’s wrong. Do something to prove to him I’m not weak, nor a coward, but instead, I’ll let him believe I’ll run from him and every member of his pack. That I don’t stand a chance against his big, bad wolves.

  “I never thought it was possible to hate someone so much, but then I met you. I hope Rion rips you apart,” I growl.

  Ford appears on the other side of the clearing, leaning against a tree. I’m not in immediate danger and didn’t call for him. At least, I don’t think I did.

  “About ready to go, princess?” he asks loudly. He’s wearing his typical jeans partially tucked into black boots. The black T-shirt and trench coat help him blend into the darkness of the forest behind him.

  Travis spins toward him. “Ah, Mr. Verascue, so nice of you to join us.”

  “I didn’t have anything better to do with my time.” He strides toward us, putting himself directly between Travis and me.

  Quickly, I search his mind for what made him appear. There I find Rion running into the mansion and shouting for Ford, saying I disappeared from his car. That’ll do it. Poor Rion. I can’t imagine if things were reversed and he was the one disappearing in his sleep. I’d be a wreck, too.

  I check the connection I have with Rion and find I can’t feel him. None of his emotions. Rubbing the center of my chest, I feel hollow there without him. It must be the dream state. It cuts off my connection to him. I can’t hear him either. Yet, Ford can always find me, regardless if I’m in a dream state or not.

  “Travis and I were just having a chat,” I say in a clipped tone, as I move to stand beside Ford.

  “Did he tell you how he killed your father?” Ford asks, never taking his eyes off of Travis.

  Travis cocks his head. “Why don’t you tell me how you killed my fox instead?”

  “The one who was about to kill a human?” Ford shakes his head. “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You know better than that. Paranormals aren’t supposed to kill humans unless they’re a direct threat to them.”

  “There is no one to enforce that law. I do as I please.”

  “No, there might not be a governing body for our world, but it’s an understanding all paranormals are brought up with. Morals and all that. Like how we also don’t reveal who we are to humans. And while there is no committee or anything to oversee such things, there are vampires like me who would love nothing more than to have a reason to rip into a murdering shifter like yourself,” he hisses as his fangs descend. “You let a fox shifter loose on a human, and when she was about to kill him, I ended her. There is no mercy shown for someone who does that. None.”

  Travis is unfazed by Ford’s tone. Instead, his smug look is firmly in place. “Yet I poisoned you.”

  “Please. You and I both know poison won’t kill me. I’m a vampire with four-thousand-year-old parents. The blood in my line is pure.”

  Travis takes two steps forward, almost coming chest to chest with Ford. “That may be, but there is still a way to kill you, Mr. Verascue.” He pulls a silver knife from his back pocket. “Look what we have here. I think it’s a way to murder you once and for all.”

  Ford lifts his hands and motions in a come and get me kind of way. Nope. Not if I have anything to do about it.

  Quickly, before Travis has a chance to track what I’m doing, I teleport behind him and grab him around the neck. He might be taller than me, but I have vampire strength on my side; he’s just a shifter.

  “If you so much as nick him with that knife, I will end you,” I seethe in Travis’ ear.

  His body shakes with laughter. “You’re not very intimidating.”

  Lifting him slightly from the ground with nothing but my fingers around his neck, I jerk my arm back, launching him into the forest. “Don’t ever underestimate me!”

  Ford is standing before me with a cocked eyebrow. “Done yet?”

  “I think we should finish him off.”

  Ford closes his eyes for a moment before opening them again. “He’s gone. Out of the dream state.”

  “What? How?”

  “A vampire must have appeared and teleported him out of here.”

  “This is so frustrating! We could have killed him!” I kick a couple of sticks with my sneakered foot. At least I have shoes on. “This is the stupidest premonition I’ve had to date. Travis annoyed me the whole time.” This wasn’t even a premonition. It was Travis being his usual jerk self and nothing more.

  “Did you find anything out?”

  “A little. He’s a dream watcher, too, and he’s been in every one of my premonitions, even though I didn’t see him. Also, he said he doesn’t go around killing people. I corrected him by reminding him that, while he might not have done the dirty work himself, there’s still blood on his hands. Whether he committed the crime or pulled the strings, it makes no difference to me. It’s still murder. Not just my dad but all the others he indirectly killed. What I can’t understand is what he gained by revealing he’s a dream watcher to me.”

  “Fear,” he states simply.

  “I’m not afraid of him.”

  “No, but Rion knowing Travis can appear in your premonitions, and not just in a futuristic state he has no knowledge of, will make him scared. Not of Travis per se, but what Travis can do to you when he can’t protect you.”

  “So let’s not tell him.” There’s no reason to make Rion more worried than he already is over my well-being. The war is very close, so this will all be over soon, or at least I hope it will be.

  “Before I left, I searched for you and alerted him to who you were with before I appeared.”

  I groan. “I have zero control over these dreams. There’s nothing I can do about the fact that Travis is there and can do damage while I’m in that state. I’ll have to be hyperaware when I enter the premonition. Let’s go back. He’s probably ready to rip into someone by now, with how long I’ve been gone.” We both snap, leaving the dream state.

  We arrive in the entryway of the mansion. Carter and Cash are in wolf form, circling the room. Dante and Rion are arguing, and Aries is sitting on one of the steps leading upstairs, watching it all unfold.

  “Well, this is lovely,” I murmur.

  Rion stops mid-sentence, his head whips in my direction. Within a second, I’m scooped up into his arms and pulled against his muscular chest.

  Placing me on the floor, he cups my cheeks in his hands. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” His panic slams into me, causing my knees to go weak.

  “I’m okay. He didn’t touch me. We talked. That’s it.”

  Aries and Dante step over, and I fill them in on everything that was said between Travis and me. Aries calls for Wake and asks him if he knew about Travis being a dream watcher. He didn’t. My guess is not many know of what Travis is capable of, which is scary on a whole other level. Rion’s thoughts are on the same track as mine. He’s wondering what he’s hiding.

  We sit with the pack in the large dining room as a few of the mates bring in snacks. The room is packed with people standing around the table, as well as sitting in chairs. There are still a bunch of them I’ve never spoken to. Mostly, they’re male wolves who aren’t mated but are part of the pack. The u
nmated males work security and patrol the land, while the unmated females keep busy with tasks inside the home. Well, except for Carter and Cash. They run security, though.

  From all that I’ve been told, it’s not safe to have unmated females out and about, given the other wolves who could be sniffing around trying to make them theirs. The last thing anyone in this pack wants is to have Travis, or someone in his pack, try to recruit one of the Avynwood Pack members to his side.

  We talk for hours, well into the morning, and to the point my head spins by the time we go upstairs to bed. I want a hot shower and sleep. A fifteen-hour nap sounds wonderful right about now. But that’s not my reality. I need to get a few hours of sleep in, then wake to train with Carter and Cash. It’s not going to be easy, and I’m sure I’m going to be beyond exhausted by the time the day is over, but if I have any chance of fighting off Travis and his wolves, I need to learn how to take them down. They have vulnerabilities like anyone else. It’s a matter of me learning what they are and how to best use them to my advantage.


  I was able to get about five hours of sleep before Carter and Cash barged into the room, waking us up. I might have launched pillows and possibly the light from the nightstand at them. Carter was already in wolf form, running around the bedroom, while Cash was watching him with an amused expression on his face. At one point, Carter jumped on the bed and licked my face. That’s when Rion shifted and the two started running around the house. At first, Rion was angry at him for doing it, but through our connection I could tell it turned into a game and he loved the time with his pack brother. Thankfully, no bystanders were hurt during their romp through the mansion.

  After Rion returned, we both got dressed, ate, and spent the entire day training. Me with Cash and Carter, and Rion with Cash’s mate, Tessa. It was exhausting, and I’m extremely grateful I have the ability to heal quickly, because wolf teeth on my arms and legs hurt. Carter wasn’t trying to intentionally injure me but was showing where my weak spots are and how I need to protect them. It worked out well having both brothers there. While Cash gave me direction, Carter would mix up his moves and come at me from all angles.


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