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The Crucial Shift (The Ariane Trilogy Book 3)

Page 21

by Michelle Dare

  Cash steps forward from his place along the wall. “And finally, there’s us. We’re expecting as well, but we’re a little farther along. Our son is due in about three months.” His gaze finds Rion’s. “It’s why I wanted you to train Tessa. She refused to stay out of the fight.” Tears well in his eyes. “I couldn’t lose her and the baby.” Emotion clogs my throat. I thought we were going to lose her during the fight.

  Rion brings me to his side. “Congrats. That’s amazing,” he says.

  “Do you have a name picked out yet?” I ask. And where have I been that I haven’t noticed the baby bump on Tessa? Oh, right, wrapped up in bed with Rion.

  “We do,” Cash nods. “We’re naming him Cace.”

  There’s no holding back the tears at hearing he’s going to name the baby after his brother. “It’s perfect.” I smile with watery eyes. Rion presses a kiss to the top of my head, feeling everything that’s going on within me. Joy for the three expecting pairs in the room. Sorrow for Cace not being here to witness it. But his memory will live on through all of us, especially the little boy Cash and Tessa are going to have.

  People stand from their seats and hug the three couples. Glasses of sparkling cider are passed around as everyone celebrates the great news.

  This is what we fought for. This makes everything we went through worth it. Not losing those we loved, every one of those losses will be carried with us, but the peace that was brought to the state. These three babies will be brought up surrounded by so much love.

  Rion bends and whispers in my ear, “When’s it going to be our turn?” Say what now? I’m not ready for children.

  I pull away from him. “Do not get any ideas.”

  He laughs and kisses me below the ear. “We can practice, though.”

  I can’t help but smile. “Absolutely.”


  A Year and a Half Later…

  The sound in the room is almost deafening as we enter. Lealla said we could host the book signing wherever Rion and I wanted, and I chose my hometown. Once the people in my old high school found out I was starring in a novel with my super sexy husband, they were all buying the book and messaging me about what happened. Well, the ones who remember me when I was a senior. Of course, every time someone asked about how much was real, and how much was fake, I brushed it off and said, “It’s fiction. None of it’s real.” That lie became easier and easier to tell every time I typed it. Only those who are part of the paranormal world know in reality that the book was about ninety percent accurate. Lealla’s readers could never know that, though.

  I take a seat next to Lealla, Rion on my other side. Aries sits in the seat on the opposite side of Lealla. He goes to all the signings with her, as does one of the other pack members. Dante usually stays home since Aries doesn’t want both the alpha and the beta of the pack gone.

  Today, Desmond is joining us. Normally, he doesn’t go in case someone in the pack gets hurt and he’s needed, but Rion and I have the ability to teleport, so we can get him back in a second if need be. His dark brown hair is combed neatly away from his face. His beard is trimmed shorter than I’ve ever seen it.

  From what Lealla has said, Des has always been more of a recluse when it comes to this stuff and hides behind the fact that the pack might need him. She told me even when it was his turn for his book to go live and to attend a signing with her, he was sheepish the whole time, ducking his head and blushing. I would have never pegged Desmond that way, but I can see how this is daunting.

  When it was the signing for Sevan’s book, the one I went to where I first met Lealla, he wasn’t there. I asked Lealla why, and she said it was due to everything that happened with Wake, Dalia, and him. That he didn’t want to leave her side nor did he want to bring her along. I understand his hesitation, and had it been the same for us, we wouldn’t have come either.

  The mates don’t normally attend the signings, but my case isn’t ordinary. Lealla asked and I accepted, though now I’m having second thoughts as I look out at the sea of people before us.

  My leg bounces under the table, thanks to all the nervous energy I have. Luckily, there’s a long tablecloth covering things so no one can see how much the crowd is affecting me.

  Rion places his warm palm over my jeaned thigh and leans down to whisper, “You need to calm down, little mouse. You already know most of these people.”

  I don’t turn to look at him when I reply, “Not most. Not even half.” It makes me wonder where they’re all staying. Where their cars are parked. I never expected a turnout like this. Although, I should have known better. This is Lealla Raines we’re talking about, and people devour her books.

  Lealla expected this many people. She smartly booked the only theater our small town has. This place holds plays, screens movies, just about anything. And right now, it’s packed with people on the floor seats and filling the seats above.

  In the front row are Paige and Bray. Beside them is my mom, beaming up at us. I love seeing that smile on her face. After all we’ve been through, it’s great to see her happy.

  Lealla starts the signing with a question and answer session like she usually does. Readers pepper her with all kinds of questions about her series. They ask Aries and Des questions as well. Poor Des looks like he’s waiting for the floor to swallow him up. I text Paige under the table and ask her to a take a picture of Desmond for me so I can send it to his mate, Josephine. She’s going to get a kick out of seeing him so embarrassed.

  Then I hear my name, causing my head to snap up. A girl in the audience on the ground floor is asking me a question. Me. Ariane from middle of nowhere North Carolina. I guess I’m not no one anymore. As far as the readers are concerned, I’m the star of the book, and the hot man at my side is the hero. I focus my attention on the girl and smile.

  Her cheeks flush red as she tucks her long, dirty blonde hair behind her ear. “I want to say I’m a big fan not only of the series but of your story, Ariane. I was a freshman when you were a senior. I remember when you started dating Orion and how the entire school went crazy when they saw him in that Jaguar. How much of your real life inspired the book?” I shouldn’t be surprised someone asked this, since it happens all the time. It’s the fact that it’s done in front of so many people that has my nerves kicked up even more. I didn’t think people would actually ask me anything today. I was an idiot. Of course they want to talk to me. I would if I were them.

  “Well,” I turn and look at Rion, my hand gripping his as it rests on my thigh, then face her again, “as you know, there’s no such thing as shifters, vampires, mages, and the fae, as much as we wish there were. But the part about my love for Rion and how I’d do anything for him and him for me, that’s all true. We do love each other deeply and were the inspiration for the couple in Lealla’s book. It was our choice to allow her to use our real names. I mean, I’m a book nerd at heart. I’m sure all of us here have dreamed about starring in one of her books. Some days it feels like a dream, but then I look down and see the ring on my finger and am reminded that not only did I get the man in the end, but I have the best happily ever after imaginable.”

  After everything happened and everyone settled into their new normal, Rion proposed to me. It was our first night in our new house. I cried as he put the ring on my finger. He wanted to give me the wedding I’d always dreamed of, even though we were already mated. It was held in the clearing where he first shifted and where we fought for all the paranormals in the state. It was there we said our vows in front of our families and friends. So much happened in that spot. So much bad, but also so much good.

  The girl thanks me for my answer and sits down. Solomon, yes, that’s right, Solomon walks around the ground floor, microphone in hand, eating up every one of the appreciative stares the girls are giving him. Boy, does he lay it on thick when he picks someone to ask a question. His eyes drink them in, and I swear, if we weren’t all here, he’d probably be making some very bold moves on them.

e learned Solomon is a player, but deep down, he wants someone to spend his life with and not just casual flings. He craves that deep connection you only find with your one true love.

  One of the unmated wolves in the pack, Titus, is on the upper level with a microphone in hand. Just like Solomon, he’s enjoying the girls swooning over him.

  The door opens at the back of the room then slams closed. It’s one of those big, heavy doors that unless you hold on to it, it will shut with force. Everyone, including me, turns their attention to the person who just entered. Or should I say fae.

  Kylest leans against the wall in all his casual grace. Anyone who looks at him will think the lighting above him is giving his skin that ethereal glow. If they only knew it’s part of his fae beauty. His blond hair is cut short, his silver eyes holding mine as a slow smile forms on his flawless face. My wolf eyes are good, but not good enough to tell from where I sit if his ears are concealed. I’d put money on that he’s hiding his pointed ears with fae magic. And just like he does every time I’ve seen him, he radiates charm. I swear he’s like a magnet to women and men alike. They all want his attention. That fae magic is something else.

  “I have a question,” he says loudly, lifting his hand.

  Solomon walks to him at a leisurely pace, tossing the microphone up in the air and catching it easily as he goes. Rion sits up straighter, although we both know Kylest is no threat.

  Solomon brings the mic up to Kylest’s mouth, not letting him grab it. “Orion, my question is for you,” Kylest says in a smooth as silk voice. I swear I hear every female in the room sigh in unison. “When are you going to let me challenge you for Ariane’s hand?” He’s asking in jest, but Rion isn’t having it. Any challenge for me is a serious one in his eyes. Kylest loves getting a rise out of him.

  Rion tries to stand, but I grip his thigh so tightly I’ll be surprised if I don’t briefly bruise his skin. Waves of anger flow from him. “My mate,” he growls, “is just that—mine. She has no interest in anyone but me.” He lifts my wrist, showing off his mark on me. “This is all you need to see to know who she belongs to.”

  Kylest laughs. “Don’t you think it’s a bit barbaric to make your wife get tattooed with a print to signify she’s yours? The wedding ring on her finger isn’t enough?” The trouble this paranormal is stirring up.

  Standing abruptly, my eyes hold Kylest’s as Rion stands beside me. Desmond mutters something under his breath, and surprisingly, Aries remains seated. I grip the hem of Rion’s black T-shirt in the front, which molds to his arms and chest but hangs loosely at his waist, showing off his muscular, lean frame.

  Lifting his shirt, I smack my hand over the paw print on his chest and say, “I’m not the only one who is marked. This man right here is mine.” Achingly slow, I drag my palm down Rion’s chest to his stomach and stop when I reach the front of his jeans. My fingers hook into the waistband. “He’s the only male I desire.”

  Kylest’s eyes darken, and I half wonder if he was serious in his faux challenge. I try reading his mind, but he’s got a massive block up, which I don’t have the energy to try and chip away. But he plays along, loving to cause trouble, as most fae do. “I just wanted to be sure. You’re one desirable woman, Ariane. Even without all of your powers.” He winks. That mischievous fae winked!

  “Do you all remember the fae mentioned in the book?” I ask the crowd. People turn toward me and nod as their eyes jump back and forth from Rion to me. “I’d like to introduce you to the man Lealla modeled Kylest after.” My arm sweeps out, pointing at him. “He’s single, ladies.”

  All heads turn as they stare at Kylest with renewed interest.

  “Two can play your game, Kylest,” I send to him with my mind.

  He smiles wide. “Touché, alpha female. Touché.”

  We spend the rest of the signing joking and having fun. Readers come up, and I’m blown away when they ask me to sign their books. I guess it’s no different when I asked Cace and Aries when I first met them. Turning my head, I glance at Lealla. Her eyes hold mine and she gives me a knowing smile.

  Everything has come full circle. It wasn’t that long ago when I was on the other side of the table, a dreamy-eyed girl who couldn’t believe her favorite author was in front of her. Now here I sit, with my mate by my side and an amazing support system I wouldn’t have without Lealla. This is my life. I’m a paranormal living in a world where we keep our true identities hidden from humans. And I love every minute of it.

  The story will continue…

  Want more from Wake, Ford, Kylest, and the others? A spin-off series of their stories will be coming soon! Sign up to receive Michelle Dare’s YA newsletter to hear news about all things Avynwood.

  Other Books by Michelle Dare

  Young Adult Titles

  The Ariane Trilogy

  The Ash Moon

  The Somber Call

  The Crucial Shift

  Adult Titles

  The Iridescent Realm Series

  The Azure Kingdom

  The Pine Forest

  The Fuchsia Lakes

  The Arrow Falls Series

  Where I End

  Where I Am

  The Salvation Series

  My Salvation

  My Redemption

  The Heiress Series

  Persuading Him

  Needing Him

  Adoring Her

  The Ray Point Series


  The Vault Series




  Daylight Follows

  The Unattainable Chief

  Pleasurable Business

  Her Forbidden Fantasy

  About the Author

  Michelle Dare is a romance author. Her stories range from sweet to sinful and from new adult to fantasy. There aren’t enough hours in the day for her to write all of the story ideas in her head. When not writing or reading, she’s a wife and mom living in eastern Pennsylvania. One day she hopes to be writing from a beach where she will never have to see snow or be cold again.

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