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Death By Fright

Page 3

by McCarthy, G. L.

  “Sure, we’ll check with her first. If she can, we talk to Pablo. If she can’t, we do it another day. Nothing’s set in stone; we have two weeks to fill up with activities.” Sam brushed the hair back from Alex’s face as she leaned forward to kiss her.

  “Hmmm, you always know how to end a conversation just the right way.” Pulling Sam back for another kiss, Alex was looking forward to getting her in the shower again but that would have to wait until after their ride.

  Chapter 4

  Jessie had cleared her day and Dawson would cover anything that might come up while she was gone. Placing their order with Pablo was the last detail and he assured them he would have their lunches ready by the time the trail ride was scheduled to leave. After changing into their riding clothes Alex and Sam headed over to help Andy saddle up the stock for the other guests who were going out. Sam had no trouble placing her saddle on Smokey, but Alex was finding that her arm strength wasn’t what it was before. Her arm didn’t hurt, it was just weak and she knew she needed to work on it while she was there. Sam came to her rescue, placing the saddle gently on Bruce’s back. Winking at Alex, she knew she could handle the rest of the job. Alex thanked her and watched her walk back into the tack shed to get the bridles, never imagining she would be so lucky to find someone like Sam.

  Jessie arrived with saddlebags in hand and each took one to tie to the back of their saddle. Mounting up, Alex noticed that Bart was with his family, who all looked as green as grass on the back of a horse. Andy, Carlos and Little Ramon would have their hands full with this bunch. Bart let out a whoop that nearly scared his poor mother to death. Trying not to laugh at the actions happening before them the three old pros would bring up the rear just in case one of the horses decided he didn’t want to take these greenhorns for a ride. Luckily for Bart, Andy had put him on the most reliable horse they had, Quincy. He knew the routine and never let anyone keep him from doing his job, no matter how hyper they were.

  The group left in an orderly manner. It wasn’t long before the trio slowly began to ease back farther and farther so the main group wouldn’t see them leave and want to follow. Turning off the main trail, Alex recognized where she was going, as did Bruce, since he’d been up there more than a few times with guests who wanted to see the haunted canyon. He walked into the little canyon pass as Alex stared in awe at the rock formations. She felt quite safe. It was a feeling of coming home even though this canyon was where Ramon met his untimely death at the hands of another. Looking back, she wanted to see Jessie’s expression as she saw the little valley appear like a lost utopia where the outside world was a million miles away.

  “What do you think, Jess? Isn’t it great?” Alex hoped Jessie could feel the vibes.

  “I love it. It’s so peaceful and beautiful. I love the variety of rock colors.” Jessie was amazed. It looked like neatly placed Easter eggs waiting for the children to arrive and pick them up.

  “I don’t remember them from before, but then I was in a daze. I only remember the men digging and all the commotion. It feels great to be back.” Alex felt completely re-laxed as they approached the cave entrance and dismounted.

  Handing her reins to Sam, Alex walked up to the sealed entrance and put her hand on the metal plate that now prevented anyone from entering. The cold steel began to feel warm to her touch. She felt a presence near her. Turning around she was alone again, and then they appeared. Anna and Ramon were smiling at her as she walked towards Anna for a hug. She was as beautiful as Alex remembered. Ramon give her a wink and a soft punch in the shoulder, letting her know they were still with her just as Anna had promised they would be. Anna kissed Alex’s cheek then stepped back and just as suddenly as they had appeared, they were gone. Opening her eyes, Alex was still touching the metal plate as she felt the tears run down her cheek. She turned around and walked towards Sam, wanting a hug from her lover. Sam hugged her tight and kissed her neck as she knew Alex was feeling the emotions of the moment.

  “Are they with us, Darlin’?” Jessie knew Alex too well to think otherwise.

  “Yes they’re here, Jess. I knew they would be.” Alex wiped her eyes and kissed Sam before she turned to get her saddlebag.

  “Alex is hungry. So everything’s okay and we can stay.” Sam smiled wide as Alex stuck her tongue out in return.

  “I’m sorry. I’m a hopeless romantic and that will never change.” Looking over her saddle at Jessie she knew she understood.

  “No arguments here. You know, Darlin’, I’d say Sam knows you as well as I do now. You won’t be able to fool either of us anymore.” Jessie knew Alex could bluff with the best, but when it came to her emotions she was an open book to the both of them.

  “Yes, I know. Sam has a sixth sense these days about how I’m feeling. If I didn’t know better I’d say she was being coached. But then we just got here so it can’t be you.” Alex had picked up on the increased sensitivity about her feelings.

  “The truth is, Alex, I am. Who would know you better than you know yourself?” Sam wanted her to know who her coach was.

  Alex had a puzzled look on her face as she thought about who else besides Jessie would know how she would react to each situation.

  “Ramon?” Alex looked at Sam expecting her to laugh at the ridiculous answer.

  “Exactly.” Sam smiled wide as she loosened Smokey’s cinch.

  “Really!” Alex couldn’t think of anyone else, so it had to be him.

  “Well, I’m not psychic, so how else would I know what you were thinking?” Sam took the blanket she brought to lay out for the food.

  “It’s possible, Alex. Sam could be channeling Ramon. Just like you could be channeling Anna.” Jessie would believe anything after all that had happened.

  “You know, I’ve been thinking differently since the attack and I just thought I was getting soft in my old age. But you’re right; it could be Anna telling me to take it easy. How cool is that?She’s the mother I always wanted only because I’d listen to her.” Smiling, Alex was thrilled.

  “So you’re cool with it and me listening to Ramon?” Sam thought it was what she meant.

  “Absolutely, how could I argue with myself?” Smiling, Alex was pulling food out of her bags as she spread out the different containers.

  Shaking their heads, Sam and Jessie handed Alex their bags so she could set up lunch. Sam took the horses over to a little area that had some fresh grass and took off their bridles so they wouldn’t step on the reins. It wasn’t hot enough for them to need a drink until they got back. They would just wander around until it was time to leave; having well trained horses was a major plus.

  As they sat and enjoyed their lunch the conversation consisted of Alex and Sam bringing Jessie up to date on everything that they hadn’t told her over the phone  all the little day to day things they did the past month. The info included how cute and gay her physical therapist was and how he made her laugh all the time. The replica of the ranch was almost finished and they would send pictures when it was. They were disappointed over the Hastings football team losing. Some say it was because Alex was in the hospital, but she didn’t think she had enough pull with the fates to help a team that was half the size of their opponent win the division. The good thing was, they would be bringing back all but one of their varsity players for next year so they were expected to go all the way.

  It was at that point in the conversation that Smokey decided it was time to leave. The three horses had eaten everything they could find and he wanted to go home now. Sam rounded up Bruce and Cody, tightened cinches and bridled them while Alex and Jessie packed the saddlebags and folded up the blanket. They mounted up and took it slow as they walked back to the ranch. When they returned to the corral, lunch was over and a few of the guests were at the pool. That is, Bart was in the pool as his mother wearing a down jacket watched – it was too cold for her even if the water was heated. They carried the bags back to the kitchen where Alex wanted to do the dishes since the staff was off doing
other things until they returned for dinner. So while Jessie went back to work, Sam and Alex washed and dried everything they had used and put it away. After all was in order they turned, without saying a word, and headed back to the casita to take that long awaited shower.

  Chapter 5

  The shower was refreshing, but it was more about looking in each other’s eyes and feeling connected. After lounging around in their underwear for a while, Sam wanted to go take her truck for a drive. Jessie had been starting it and taking it on little errands to keep all the gaskets from drying out. But now she wanted to drive it and take Alex to a favorite place of hers which had a great view and was very peaceful. As they got ready to leave, Alex wondered how long they would be gone and how warmly she should dress. Sam figured it would be after dinner by the time they returned. There was a little taco stand that they could hit on the way back if they were hungry. Loving the idea of a little adventurous ride, Alex could hardly wait. She told Sam she would go let Jessie know what they were up to while she went and got the truck.

  Leaving the ranch, Sam was very happy to be driving her own truck again. She loved Alex’s, especially since it used to belong to Jessie, but it was also very nerve racking because she didn’t want to get it scratched. Not to mention, her F-150 had a much bigger engine and could go a whole lot faster than the F-1. But then it was almost sixty years younger - so it should.

  Heading down the road, Alex realized that she hadn’t really explored the surrounding areas. The majority of her time was spent at the ranch. Sam had made it a point to take little exploratory trips on her Sunday afternoons after she finished her chores. She had been all over the area and had several favorite places to go to and spend time thinking about her life and then about Alex after she had left. Granted, she had only been without her for a week, but if the girls at Taylorwood hadn’t contributed enough money for her to tag along with Jessie for Alex’s birthday surprise, she would have had to wait three weeks to see her again.

  Alex sat close to Sam as they headed for the lookout point to see a spectacular view. Sam pointed out the little taco stand as they drove by. It appeared to be packed by the number of cars in the parking lot, but they were still full from lunch so they decided to stop on the way home.

  As promised, the view was breathtaking and they found a nice secluded spot to sit and take in the grandeur of it all. Plus, no one would be able to see them kissing, just in case the mood struck. Sam wanted to take this opportunity to talk to Alex about her becoming a deputy sheriff since they had never really talked about it. Sam saw the look Alex had on her face when she first told her. Alex wasn’t looking directly at her, but she saw her expression from the reflection in the kitchen window. Alex had been very positive about it, but Sam felt she was only telling her what she wanted to hear.

  “Darlin’, I have a question and I want you to give me your gut reaction when you answer. I want you to tell me how you feel about it and not tell me what you think I want to hear. Promise?” Sam knew that question would get a serious look.

  “Promise.” Alex couldn’t imagine what she was going to ask her here.

  “How do you really feel about me working as a Deputy Sheriff?” Sam watched the expression on Alex’s face change as she looked down at her hands.

  “Truthfully, I’m thrilled for you because I know it’s what you want to do. But part of me is scared to death of losing you because of some psycho like Richard Greenway. Then there’s the other part of me which has such faith in Anna and Ramon that I know they will keep you as safe as they can. That is, until the time when you’re scheduled to leave this world.” Alex began to tear up at that thought.

  “Thank you for telling me how you feel. I will never make light of the risks involved in my job and negate your feelings. I hope to be around for a very long time and if we play our cards right we can both check out at the same time.” Smiling at Alex, she hoped it would put her in a better frame of mind.

  “From your lips to Goddess’ ears. I’ve been meaning to ask you a question about your new job. How long is the sheriff going to have you working for free? I mean, is it part of the job description to work as a volunteer until you graduate or is it your choice?” Alex hadn’t heard any mention of any compensation before she graduated, but Sheriff John had somehow convinced Sam to help him after they returned from this trip.

  “Well, it’s not really for free. I mean they’re paying for my education at the academy. Plus the on the job training before I graduate will really be a big help, don’t you think?” Sam realized she should have talked it over with Alex, but she didn’t want to blow her shot at the extra on the job experience because of money.

  “Okay, I see your point. Good thinking. It couldn’t hurt to have a working knowledge of how the sheriff wants his department run before you start full time.” Alex stroked Sam’s face as she knew she was very excited about this new career.

  “I know I’m not bringing in a paycheck, but it’s just temporary.” Sam had been spending her savings, but with a truck payment, as well as a horse to take care of it would be dwindling down to nothing soon enough.

  “I’m not worried about you paying your way. If I thought you’d go for it I’d make you a kept woman. That would mean you would stay out of harm’s way sitting at home waiting for me, but I know there’s no way you would go for that. But my money is your money, so not to worry.” Alex was serious about paying Sam to stay home.

  As Alex leaned against Sam her wish was for the both of them to stay right there for the rest of their lives. But she knew that time marches on and she needed to listen to the voice inside her that told her everything would be okay - just have faith. The hours passed and it was starting to get cold as the sun was setting. They left with just enough daylight to see their way back to the truck. Alex could hardly wait to eat. The thought of Mexican food had been popping into her mind ever since they drove past the little stand. But they drove back a lot slower than on the trip out, only because Alex loved every minute of sitting next to Sam and looking at the sky as it changed colors several times before the sun set completely.

  Pulling into the parking lot of the little restaurant, there were only two cars. It was getting too cold to eat outside, so it was lucky for them only one person was sitting at a table inside,as this little place could only accommodate a few inside. Sam waved at the cook who smiled back, letting Alex know that Sam must be a regular. Looking at the menu, she saw the basics were covered. There were no complex dishes everything was à la carte. Sam recommended the tacos as well as the fajita burrito, which was a meal in itself. Alex decided to have the burrito. Sam loved the tacos more and was going to have quite a few as they were small. The cook came out to take their order and brought them chips and salsa along with their water.

  Sam had never been there so late. The cook’s wife, Juana, usually took her order so she wondered if she was off at this hour. Sam told Alex how nice she was and that she and Javier had been married for about ten years. They were saving for a house of their own so they could move out of her parents’ place. They had three kids – two boys and a girl named Santos, Eduardo and Jaclyn. Alex was impressed at the amount of information Sam had on the family and then remembered she had always wanted to be a police officer, so getting all the facts was what it was all about.

  Making small talk, as they didn’t want the other diner to overhear a personal as well as private conversation, it was only a matter of minutes before Javier returned with their dinner. Digging in, Alex loved what she had ordered, and the occasional comment about how good it was was the only talking done until they were finished. Alex felt satisfied, not stuffed, and sat back in her chair smiling at Sam who was finishing her last taco.

  “That was delicious. This was a great idea. I’m glad you thought of it. Can we do it again next week?” Alex loved Pablo’s cooking, but Javier’s was excellent too.

  “Sure, we just won’t tell anyone where we’re going so they don’t get jealous.” Sam didn’t wan
t a certain chef thinking they were dissatisfied with his cooking.

  “I don’t think Pablo would be jealous and anyway it’s an outside activity that we enjoy.” Alex loved having this new freedom to come and go from the ranch.

  “Well, that is true, now that we have wheels to get around on our own.” Looking back at the kitchen, she could hear Javier on the phone and it didn’t sound like he was having a good conversation.

  “What’s wrong?” Alex had been lost in a daydream as she stared at Sam and then noticed her looking over her shoulder at the kitchen area.

  “I’m not sure but it sounds like Javier is trying to calm someone down.” Sam couldn’t make out the words, but could tell by the tone in his voice.

  “I hope everything is okay.” After all that she had gone through over the past several months Alex wondered if everyone’s life went through periods of chaos.

  “I think I’ll check with him as soon as he gets off the phone.” Sam liked this couple as they had always treated her like family when she came in.

  It was only a matter of minutes before Sam could see Javier back working through the pickup window. Deciding to ask for the check seemed the least prying way to start up a conversation and find out if everything was all right. Sam and Javier talked for a while as Alex watched them through the opening to the kitchen. Sam’s expression changed several times like what she was hearing was unbelievable or surprising. Alex’s curiosity was peaked big time and she could hardly wait for Sam to return to the table and tell her all about it. Several scenarios ran through her mind and all of them were so sad to be happening to this couple.

  When Sam returned to the table she had a look on her face that told Alex she was worried and concerned about what she had just heard. She wasn’t sure how to tell Alex what Javier had told her. She knew she would believe it, but wasn’t sure if she wanted her to know. She figured Alex would surely want to help and they were supposed to be on vacation.


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