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Death By Fright

Page 11

by McCarthy, G. L.

“Really, I’d love to hear more. But Alex has some questions for you first.” Sam helped Connie back into her wheelchair.

  Pablo needed to leave to get back to the ranch to finish preparing dinner for the guests at the ranch but knew his beloved mother was in good hands. Sam was directed where to go as she pushed the wheelchair to a wooden table which sat under a large sycamore tree. Connie gave Alex her undivided attention as she told the whole history of Robert Monroe and of the tragedy that happened at his home. Alex told her everything including her dreams and feelings of Victoria’s presence and Robert’s fits of anger.

  “Alex, do you know why he is angry?” Connie felt he couldn’t have been all bad if Victoria agreed to marry him in the first place.

  “I guess because his fiancée wanted to leave him for a woman.” Alex thought it was a good enough reason.

  “That was the reason he killed her and then himself, but why was he so angry with everyone before that? His foul disposition was something that didn’t happen overnight.” Connie knew there was more to it than that.

  “I’m not sure. Do you feel that we need to learn the why in order to reason with him and then possibly get him to let go and leave the house?” Alex understood her reasoning.

  “He doesn’t seem to be an evil man just lonely and feeling very sorry for himself.” Connie had remembered the tragedy, but never really knew any of the family.

  “He killed Victoria. I think that’s pretty evil don’t you?” Sam looked puzzled at the remark made by Connie.

  “He reacted in an evil way to a situation, but he wasn’t always an evil man. Was he?” Connie knew there could be evil in everyone when they were pushed to their limit.

  “You have a point. I guess we need to do some homework about him and then maybe we can find out why he hated the world around him.” Alex was hoping that Janet had some insight into Robert Monroe’s early years – otherwise this could be a dead end.

  “So now that you have an idea of what to do first, how are you both doing back home?” Connie wanted to be brought up to date on all the excitement caused by Richard Greenway.

  Alex suggested they go back in the house as it was getting cold and she didn’t want Connie catching her death. Also, the rest of the family could hear the story and save her from having to repeat herself.

  Alex and Sam took turns telling the heroic story of how Anna and Ramon as wolves had saved them both from the jaws of death. They found themselves surrounded by children and adults alike sitting as quietly as they could and hanging on every word. Everyone jumped and screamed when Sam told of Ramon coming out of nowhere and knocking her down just before the explosion. Connie sat next to Alex and grabbed her hand as she retold her encounter with Richard Greenway in the gazebo and a cheer went up when both wolves had chased him off the cliff at Old Women Hill. Tears where rolling down Connie’s cheeks as Sam finished with the vision of the two of them laying on their front porch and then disappearing into a mist when she arrived home after leaving Alex at the hospital.

  Several of the kids got up to give Alex and Sam hugs as their mothers went into the kitchen to get things ready for lunch. They were invited to stay for a buffet style meal. But first, Connie and Alex were going to have some alone time and left Sam to answer the hundred questions coming from children and adults alike.

  Alex followed Connie into her bedroom and then closed the door behind her. She helped her out of her wheelchair so she could lie back down on her bed. Moving the chair out of the way, Alex took a seat on the bed next to her.

  “Thank you so much for the picture. I will cherish it always.” Connie reached over and took her gift off her night table and gazed at it with much love in her eyes.

  “You’re very welcome. It’s brought me so much joy and good fortune.” Alex reached into her pocket and pulled out the wolf fetish. “Connie I want to try something and it may not work.”

  “Well, trying is the first part and the end is just a product of that trying. What did you want to do?” Connie looked at the little fetish sitting in the palm of her hand.

  “I want to see if Anna and Ramon will make an appearance here with us in this room. It’s worked once before and it was in a spot I’d seen them both in. I’m really hoping they will come here. Although they were both wolves the last time. We just need to ask them with our mind to come.” Alex knew it would be a big disappointment to Connie if this didn’t work.

  “Let’s try, shall we? I’ve seen Anna in my dreams as if she was still alive, but this would be wonderful either as herself or a wolf.” Connie wished this could be the second time they both appeared.

  Alex took Connie’s hand and held it tight with the fetish comfortably in between. Closing her eyes, she concen-trated as hard as she could, requesting them both to come to her. A few seconds passed and she felt as if they had failed when she heard Connie gasp. Opening her eyes, she could see Connie looking behind her. Turning her head, she saw Anna and Ramon standing a few feet away, smiling at them both. Alex stood up still holding Connie’s hand and helped her to her feet. Stepping towards them, the young Anna embraced her little sister, as Ramon looked on, and whispered something in her ear and then kissed her cheek. Stepping back she smiled at Alex and nodded as Ramon gave her a wink and a soft punch to her arm, then they were gone. Connie started to cry and needed to sit back on the bed. Alex was dying to know what Anna had said but knew it was for Connie to tell her and not for her to ask.

  “Oh, Alex. You don’t know what that meant to me! She’s just as beautiful as I remember and Ramon so hand-some.” Connie wanted to keep this meeting secret and the message Anna had given her.

  “I’m glad you were able to see her once again as she was as a young woman.” Alex retrieved the chair so Connie could join the others.

  “Please keep this between us. I mean, Sam can know but no one else. It will be our little secret.” Connie took her seat and was ready to go.

  “I promise. No one but myself and Sam will know about what happened just now.” Alex realized that even she wasn’t going to hear what Anna had told her little sister, but that was as it should be.

  Chapter 22

  Alex and Connie had emerged from her room and found a table covered with a wide variety of food, hot and cold, to be devoured by all. No one asked what they talked about, but all were aware of Connie’s mood. She seemed to be energized and extremely happy. After everyone had their fill and settled into their chairs for some quiet conversation or a quick nap, Alex and Sam decided it was time to get back to the ranch and said their goodbyes. Connie gave Alex an extra long hug which was a silent thank you for her special present. Sam was given a hug and a quick whisper to take good care of Alex which she replied ‘always’.

  The ride back to the ranch was a lot slower as Sam told Alex how much fun she had with the kids playing catch and seeing all their new toys. Alex then told her that they had been visited by Anna and Ramon and how much Connie cherished the moment as well as a request from her to keep it a secret between the three of them. Sam gave Alex a look like why and she just shrugged her shoulders not knowing the reason for the secrecy.

  When they arrived back at their casita Alex called Jessie to tell her they were going to take a quick nap and would see her at dinner. The truth was they needed a nap and both were asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

  The sound of the dinner bell brought both women out of a light sleep. Stretching several times to get the kinks out and after several big yawns, both were not sure if they wanted to get up.

  “So. How hungry are you?” Alex asked as she brushed the hair away from Sam’s face.

  “Not very. But I’m curious about what Pablo has cooked for tonight. Not the usual fare and always delicious.” Sam remembered how fantastic the meal was last year.

  “I’d say we need to check it out – don’t you? We can always bring leftovers back for later.” Alex was off the bed and putting on her pants.

  Sam smiled and shook her head at how motivating food
could be to Alex. If she ever stopped eating for more than a day Sam would know something was seriously wrong with her. Like a horse going off its feed, it was a good sign to look out for and one that would be very obvious to all that knew her.

  As they walked into the dining hall the aroma was wonderful and Pablo himself was cutting a rack of lamb. The serving trays were filled with beef stroganoff and chili relleno. Alex hadn’t had stroganoff in years and knew if Pablo made it, it was going to be fantastic. Sam suggested they share and she’d get the chili relleno. Both women knew they could go back for seconds if they had room as their appetite quickly came back.

  Their usual spot across from Jessie and Dawson was occupied by an elderly couple. Andy let out a short whistle and waved them over to his table in the corner. Jessie smiled as they walked past her table and Alex motioned they’d be in the corner. Jessie smiled and gave a wink in reply.

  “Merry Christmas, ladies. How was your day?” Andy was working on the chili relleno and nearly done.

  “Great and Merry Christmas to you too.” Alex could hardly wait to start.

  “So what did you do today besides chores? What did you get from Dean?” Sam thought she’d ask before sharing what she and Alex had given each other.

  “My gift from Dean is his presence here for New Years Eve. My gift for him is his room and a night on the town.” Andy wasn’t a big spender and neither was Dean.

  “Sounds good. Check this out.” Sam held up her left hand and flashed the ring at Andy.

  “Whoa. You two tie the knot and didn’t invite me?” Andy was ready to pout.

  “Not legally according to the state, but according to our hearts. Which I feel will last a lot longer. Sam gave me this necklace and I gave her the ring.” Alex pulled the chain out from beneath her turtleneck to show it to Andy.

  “Nice! You lesbians are so romantic. We guys are just about sex and more sex.” Andy whispered as he got up and headed back for seconds.

  “TMI, Dude.” Sam could only imagine how true that statement was.

  “Well it’s an honest statement and very true. I think women are more romantic. At least it always seems so.” Alex was thinking about all the things she wanted to do and see with Sam.

  “Yes, I’m just glad we’re not all about sex like most of the guys. I love sitting next to you watching an old movie just as much as having sex with you. To me, it’s all about the intimacy and connection I feel with you.” Sam could be in the mood at a drop of a hat, but mostly liked to snuggle or have her head in Alex’s lap so she could play with her hair while they watched television.

  “Me too. Although I must say there are times when we’ve been together all day and I’ve had such a great time that all I want to do when we get behind closed doors is have my way with you. Does that sound like a guy?” Alex was a Scorpio and acted like it most of the time.

  “I think the guys would figure out a way to stop what they were doing at that moment and do it no matter where they were.” Sam knew exactly how Alex felt because she felt the same way.

  “Yes, they’re very resourceful in that department. Sam, do you know who the old couple is with Jessie and Dawson?” Alex could tell by the way Jessie was acting that they weren’t guests. She usually never conversed very long because she didn’t want the other guests to think she was being partial.

  “No, can’t say that I do. Andy may know – ask him when he gets back.” Sam gave the couple a quick glance.

  When Andy returned with seconds of the chili relleno, Alex asked who was sitting with Jessie and Dawson.

  “Oh, they’re the old owners. They stop by once in a while to visit and make sure everything is running smoothly. Not that it’s any of their business, but they’re old and have nothing else to do. Good thing they only stop by every couple of years. Otherwise I think Dawson might tell them where to go. If you get my meaning.” Andy smiled as he took a bite.

  “Really. I wonder if they knew Robert Monroe.” Alex would love to ask them a few questions.

  “Go ahead. I’m sure Dawson would love to turn the conversation over to you.” Andy could tell that Dawson was getting more annoyed by the minute.

  Alex pulled out her cell phone and made a call to Jessie.

  “Hey, Jess. Do you think I could ask your dinner guests a few questions? I’m wondering if they knew Robert Monroe.” Alex was watching Jessie’s face as she looked up and smiled. Alex took that as a yes. “I’ll be right over. Sam, could you pack my dinner to go? I may be awhile.”

  Jessie apologized for taking the call, but relayed the request to Marge and Jack Renfro regarding if they had any knowledge of the late Robert Monroe. Marge’s face lit up as she was quite the gossip and knew a lot about Robert and Victoria and their tragic demise.

  Alex introduced herself and Marge moved over so she could sit down between the two octogenarians. Dawson ex-cused himself and gave Alex a big smile as a thank you for saving him. Jessie knew they both couldn’t leave and figured she may learn a little local history while she sat there.

  Marge was in her glory and relayed a very detailed history, with an occasional insert by Jack, about the life and death of Robert Monroe and Victoria Chalmers. Alex had requested as much information about the man’s personal life as possible and Marge complied with much enthusiasm.

  Robert Elijah Monroe, or Robby to his friends, was a tall, good-looking kid who was well liked and brilliant. He had graduated from college with a degree in business and had big plans when he got back home. His best friend Peter “Petey” Finnegan was his right arm and together they made Monroe Supply & Livestock a booming business - selling to every ranch in the area. But then one night when they had been working late taking inventory Petey was killed driving home in an auto accident. Some say the other driver was drunk, some say he fell asleep at the wheel. Either way, Petey was dead and Robby was devastated. After that, he was never the same. He became mean and hateful and it didn’t change until the day Victoria went to work for him. A little bit of the old Robby emerged occasionally, but only briefly and only when she was present. Their engagement was no surprise to anyone, as many of the locals had wondered if Robby was ever going to marry. He seemed to be truly happy and somewhat like himself until the night he killed her and himself. No one was ever really sure why it happened. Many speculated that Victoria was having an affair as several people had reported seeing her with someone else at several out of the way diners. After their deaths no one ever appeared or acknowledged their part in the whole affair. Victoria seemed like a nice girl, but Marge wasn’t that familiar with her or her family, just that they weren’t well off and from the wrong side of the track so to speak. Her family left the area after her death. She didn’t seem to have any friends to speak of and so nothing ever came out as to the true reason Robby did what he did. Looking at the clock, Jack Renfro announced they needed to get on the road and Marge said her goodbyes as well as leaving her telephone number in case Alex had any more questions.

  Alex walked the couple to their RV along with Jessie who wished them a safe trip home and an invitation to come back anytime, which she really didn’t mean, but just did out of habit. When they drove off she hugged Alex and thanked her for saving her from them and the usual boring conversation. Alex was more than happy to do it as she found out so much about Robert’s early life – now to talk to Janet and get a few more details.

  As Alex walked back into the dining hall she went by the tray with the stroganoff, but it was all gone. Looking for Sam, she found her still sitting at the table with Andy and was thrilled to see a plate of stroganoff waiting for her.

  “Thank you, thank you. I’m so hungry again. Oh, Sam those people were a wealth of information. I can hardly wait to talk to Janet. I think I know how to handle Robert, but I just need to verify a few details.” Alex kissed Sam on the cheek as she sat down and dove into her Christmas dinner.

  Chapter 23

  Although Alex’s appetite had returned, the amount of empty space in her stomach was
n’t enough to hold the whole plate, which meant she would have leftovers and not a stom-achache from eating too much.

  Andy had left a few minutes after Alex returned as he had to get up early and do the morning chores. Walking back to the casita Alex felt full and ready for bednot for sleep but to cuddle and find out what Sam and Andy had talked about while she was off with Marge and Jack. Andy had filled Sam in on his and Dean’s plans for New Years Eve and a few little stories about life on the ranch nothing as interesting as what Alex had learned.

  “What did you find out from the old owners? It looked like the wife really had a lot to say.” Sam had glanced over a few times.

  “Great stuff. Could you believe anyone calling that bully Robby? His nickname from those who knew him when he was younger.” Alex started to retell everything to Sam who looked tired and ready to nod off at any second. “You go to sleep and I’ll finish my tale in the morning.”

  Alex kissed Sam as she drifted off and whispered Merry Christmas, knowing she’d be in a deep sleep in seconds. She was thrilled as this new information would help her greatly and possibly Janet could fill in a few blanks about the Robert Monroe she worked for. She could understand why Robert became angry at the loss of his best friend and business partner. She remembered how angry she had become at the loss of her father at the hands of a drunk driver. She found herself resenting those people who were, in her mind,taking up space and her wonderful father was gone only because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her relationship with her mother deteriorated at this point and had never recovered.

  A call to the historical society to see when it would be open again would be the first order of business for tomorrow. As Alex stared at the ceiling, the steady rhythm of Sam’s breathing made her feel sleepy and it was only minutes before she too was fast asleep.

  When Alex awoke Sam was still asleep. As she quietly slipped out of bed she took the phonebook into the bathroom so she could turn on the light and get the number for the his-torical society. She wanted to find out when they would be open again. The recording stated they would be closed until noon the day after Christmas. Alex decided to make a list of questions to ask Janet as well as wanting to find out if she and Victoria actually did communicate that day. Her list was quite long and a few questions were, to say the least,quite personal and possibly not answerable by Janet. Alex was working on a theory and wanted to run the scenario by Sam to see if she thought it was plausible in its conclusion. She didn’t want to be accused of seeing a zebra in a herd of horses when there really wasn’t one. But she’d truly be surprised if she was wrong about the ‘friendship’ of Robby and Petey.


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