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Billionaire's Revenge: A Billionaire Romance (Tempting Billionaires Book 1)

Page 7

by Claire Angel

  “Hot damn.” Erika kept playfully teasing me. We were overwhelmed with laughter as we heard a knock on the door.

  “Guys, dinner is ready.” This was the first time in over a decade I had someone tell me that. It was a weird feeling.

  We sat down at the dinner table to the most fantastic spread prepared by Erika’s parents. I smiled at both of them as they asked if everything met my standards. Just like their daughter, they enjoyed teasing me.

  “Well, to be honest, Leo and Stacy, I haven’t seen a spread like this in over a decade. I was just thinking about the last time I was told to come down for dinner was when I was 19. It was the last night before I left for college. So, trust me when I tell you, everything is perfect. Thank you.” Just like that the mood turned serious.

  “You’ve got to stay a while, then. Erika didn’t tell us how long you guys are visiting for.” Stacy looked at Erika and then me, as if indicating that I must stay at least a couple more days.

  “How about this? I’ll take Erika home to meet my grandparents, and then after a couple days, we’ll come back and spend the rest of our time in your hands.” I smiled as I looked at Stacy’s smile just expanding.

  “Erika, you’ve really got yourself someone special here.” I didn’t expect Leo to say that about me, but it was nice to hear. I just hoped we hadn’t had met under the circumstances we did.

  I still felt horrible for what I did to Erika, as I should. “How about we leave in the morning, Erika?” Erika nodded and we all continued our dinner. It was beautiful and it felt like home


  “Wake up, Con. We have to go. I’d like to avoid the traffic.” I couldn’t even remember falling asleep. I must’ve been dead tired after yesterday and just collapsed. I woke up to Erika’s smile. Her cheeks were slightly puffy, and her eyes had the slightest hint of red from exhaustion.

  “It’s only 6:30, Erika. Why are you doing this to me?” I pulled her close, and I fell back asleep to her gentle breath on my chest. Just like that, four more hours passed, and Erika was completely passed out next to me. I slightly nudged her awake.

  “Baby, it’s 10:30. We should get up.” I smiled at her this time. She looked nothing short of precious as she slept. Though when she woke up, she was anything but settled. I had never seen someone as grumpy as Erika.

  “Give me an hour.” She wasn’t even asking; it was more of a demand. I held her as she slept. I was lost in thought about Keith. I wondered when he’d make his presence clear or if he would.

  “Alright, let’s get up now. It’s noon.” I was serious this time. We genuinely had to get going. I didn’t mind staying the day, but I had told Pa that I was coming to visit today. I hadn’t told him about Erika, though. She was the first girl I’d ever brought home, so I wanted to surprise them. Erika finally got out of bed and we both took turns showering and getting ready. Erika went first as I couldn’t help but stare at her ceiling in an attempt to lose myself in blank thought. I’d prefer it rather than thinking about Keith constantly.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about him until Erika came out with nothing but a towel around her. Her skin wet and smooth, I got up and walked toward her. “You look beautiful, baby.” I kissed her on her forehead and yanked her towel off as I walked into the bathroom.

  “Conner Roland!” I heard her squeal as I walked away. She was beautiful but I didn’t care much for seeing her naked right now. I’d rather have teased her. So, I did. I undressed before I walked into the bathroom. I could feel the tension between us as I stood naked in front of her, as she stood naked behind me.

  I got in the shower and made sure to lock the door. “Conner, unlock this door right now!” I heard Erika through the sound of the water pelting my entire body.

  “You should have woken up earlier.” I could’ve opened the door, I could’ve taken her again, I would’ve loved to, but we were in a hurry, and Erika woke up too late.

  “I’ll get you back for this later, just wait.” Erika’s threat sent a jolt through my body. I wanted her more than she thought now. I heard her door close as I continued with my shower. When I was ready, I walked downstairs and saw someone was standing at the door. Erika looked concerned, and Stacy and Leo looked tense.

  “Everything okay?” I asked them all, trying to find out what exactly was happening. Erika walked toward me and told me that this 5’7 man, who happened to already be balding despite looking like he was 26 or 27, was Keith. I hugged Erika and kissed her, knowing we were in his line of sight.

  I walked out, toward him. I didn’t think anyone other than Erika thought I would. I grabbed Keith by his collar and pushed him against the Toyota that I hadn’t seen yesterday in the driveway.

  “What is it that you want?” I was angry, agitated. These people inside, they felt like they were my family now, and I was getting very annoyed by Keith’s constant rambling. He kept acting like Erika was his because they were together as kids. He kept telling me he’d never leave her alone. I wanted to break his neck, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t do that to Erika, Stacy, and Leo. “Don’t come back again. Forget she ever existed.”

  I walked back in. I could tell that he was scared. I towered above him, I was bigger in every way. I called Ryan. He oversaw my security. He was upset with me as I neglected to tell him I left New York.

  “Ryan, get all of Erika’s details from Lisa. There’s this guy stalking her and her family. Deal with it.” Before I could thank him, he told me that it was already done, that no one would need to worry anymore. I knew Ryan would handle it; he ran a security firm that employed veterans.

  “I’m sorry. He won’t bother any of you anymore.” I couldn’t even finish my sentence before Erika wrapped her hands around me, as if she were afraid for my life. I was very confused. Just who was this guy who could scare them so much?

  “I’m serious. You really don’t need to worry anymore.” It was as if this huge weight had been lifted and the suspense in the living room went away. Stacy and Leo both thanked me. Keith’s father was a retired congressman, so the police never listened. Erika had made Stacy and Leo promise they wouldn’t do anything, worrying for their safety.

  Chapter 22


  I couldn’t believe Conner had done all that for me. I never expected him to. I didn’t think it was possible to be more attracted to him, but I was. I had this urge, this longing for him, just suddenly arise even amongst all the tension in the air. I couldn’t understand how easy it was for Conner to solve a problem I had struggled with for years.

  “Thank you, Conner, you really didn’t have to.” I couldn’t find the words to express my gratitude, but Conner didn’t want to hear any of it. In his eyes he didn’t do anything, he just resolved an issue that shouldn’t even have been there in the first place.

  “You don’t need to thank me for anything, Erika. I’m sorry you had to put up with all of this. I’m sorry all of you did.” Conner looked at my parents as he spoke. His phone began to ring. It was Ryan. Conner picked it up and at first looked a bit concerned. Was it not as easy as it seemed?

  “No, Ryan, I’ll end you the next time I see you.” Conner started laughing. I could hear Ryan laughing as well through the phone.

  “What happened, Conner?” I was concerned, but Conner had a smile on his face.

  “Oh, no, I’m sorry. Ryan’s also my trainer, so we spar occasionally. He was just upset that I had missed this week’s session. He thought I was ducking him.” Conner began to chuckle again, at just the thought of it. I don’t think he quite understood the trauma we all still felt.

  “No, guys, seriously. Stop worrying, it’s over.” He tried to constantly reassure us. He kept telling us that a congressman was nothing to worry about, that whether I was with Conner or not, Keith would never bother us again. I kept thanking him, but he just wanted to move on from the subject.

  “Can we leave then?” I heard him ask through all the chatter that was going on. His tone was a bit sad.

  He want
ed to stay and so did I, but I was as excited to see his grandparents as he was. “Of course, we can, hon.” In just a few minutes Conner and I had already gotten into the car. I was getting used to travelling with no luggage, it was so freeing. “How far is it?” I was so excited to meet his family. I had never been introduced to a partner’s family before, but I knew Conner wasn’t just any man.

  I waited for Conner to reply, but as he tensely looked at his phone, navigating and driving simultaneously, he just looked at me for a brief second and said, “I love you.” It still sent butterflies through my stomach, but I knew he was covering up the fact that he had no clue.

  “I love you, too, Conner.” I placed my head on his shoulder as he drove. I started to get very sleepy. I opened my eyes after a few minutes, and I looked at Conner, who looked back at me. I was so embarrassed when I realized I was not wearing a bra and he had already noticed that.

  “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, baby. You’re beautiful.” I placed my hand on his thigh right above his knee as he drove and moved closer to him.

  My lips were next to his ear as I whispered, “I want you, now.” I pulled at his earlobe with my lips just a bit, kissed his neck, and shifted my hand up to his inner thigh. I could feel the heat emerging.

  “Conner, are you getting hard?” I smiled at him playfully, with a grin on my face. He knew exactly what I was doing. I was getting back at him for what he had done this morning. His face was blank, as if he were trying to hide any expression of pleasure.

  “Still think it was a good idea to shower without me?” I shifted my hand up a couple more inches, and I could feel Conner’s pants were too snug around him. I moved my hands up and unbuttoned his pants, unzipping them and releasing the tension he felt.

  We were on the highway at this point, so I thought no one would look. I started teasing his cock with my hands.

  “Erika, what are you doing!” Rather than replying to him, I continued. I could feel him tensing up and throbbing. Just then, Conner stopped the car and placed his hand on my navel.

  “Conner, what are you doing?” He adjusted my car seat and covered my body with his. He pushed two fingers under the waistband of my sweatpants and put his index finger on my clit. He started to rub at me with fierce intent as he tried to keep up with my speed. Just as I thought I had him, he rearranged his fingers and began to slide them across my labia and slid both inside me. I couldn’t do anything but gasp. I was gasping so hard I had to sit back up while he fingered me. I put my hand around his still throbbing manhood, but I couldn’t get myself to rub him. I was in pure ecstasy and my eyes rolled back as I told him I was going to come. The second I told him I was going to come, and my lips began to quiver, he pulled his fingers out.

  “Really, you’re going to stop?” I looked at him annoyed.

  “Baby, you tried, and it was cute. Wait till we get home; you won’t walk straight after. We are just two minutes away from my house.” He was back on the driving seat.

  I saw all the headquarters for tech firms pass by. I saw Apple’s massive headquarters, and knew we had to be close to Conner’s house. He indicated left and pulled into this old cobblestone driveway, with the most beautiful luscious garden next to it. I could see a lemon tree growing and providing shade to his pool. His house was very modern looking. It had massive windows that allowed a lot of natural light in. We walked toward the door and I felt embarrassed that I wasn’t dressed well the first time I met his grandparents. Conner had the keys, but he chose to ring the doorbell.

  As the door opened, I saw a man who couldn’t be taller than I was, just standing in front of me, in beach shorts with grey hair all over him. He had purple sunglasses on, and he immediately hugged Conner. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

  “Hey, what’s your name?” Conner’s grandfather asked me as he took my hand and kissed it.

  “It’s Erika, sir.” I was in awe.

  “Listen, here. Don’t call me sir. Call me Oliver.” He smiled at me.

  “Belle! The kids are around. I’m bringing them in. Get dressed.” Oliver smiled at Conner and winked at him as he spoke to Belle through the house.

  “You’re still at it, aren’t you?” Conner and Oliver were both laughing as they spoke. “Kid, when you look this good, who wouldn’t be, am I right, Erika?”

  I couldn’t not join them in the laughter, and I was chuckling when I said to Oliver, “Conner wishes he looked as good as you did.” We all broke down in laughter.

  Chapter 23


  “Hello!” I immediately ran and hugged my grandmother. I hadn’t seen Grandma Annabelle in so long that I was completely overwhelmed.

  “You look beautiful. This is Erika, my girlfriend.” I didn’t know if it was official, but I just met her parents, so I think it was.

  “She is beautiful, Conner. What’s she doing with a bum like you?” I didn’t know where all of this was coming from. I was being embarrassed by my own grandparents.

  “Hello, uhh, Belle?” I heard Erika trying to discern whether she should refer to my grandmother by some title or just her name.

  “Belle is perfect, come in, come in! Why haven’t you invited them in yet? You’re a real trouble sometimes.” I knew why he hadn’t let us come in. He was waiting for her to get ready before we came in.

  Poor Pa. We walked in and I was taking the place in, how it had changed.

  “So, what do you think, Conner? How do you like what we’ve done with the place?”

  I didn’t know what to say to Pa. There were ashtrays everywhere and the house smelled of Marijuana. I’m sure it was for their glaucoma. The place looked like a frat house from the inside, just a remarkably clean one. “It’s very nice. What’s with all the weird furniture?”

  My grandfather was quick to answer yet again. “Well, you see, we decided we’d live in our favorite era, so of course it had to be the 70s.”

  I was glad that they were having fun, but it was a little bit too vibrant for my taste. “Is it alright if we take the pool house?” I didn’t want to live under my family’s roof. It had been too long since I had to be that cautious. I preferred my privacy.

  “Yeah, of course, I just had it done up for you yesterday.”

  I was glad when my grandmother told me that she had it prepared. “Thank you, Belle.” I kissed my grandmother on her cheek and walked Erika to the pool house.

  We walked into a smaller house; it was still beautiful. The walls were off-white with loads of art all over them. I knew that it was art that my grandparents made or picked up from some market. They weren’t refined. There were bamboo frames and wooden benches all over. There weren’t any couches or anything. There were just massive floor cushions, each in a conflicting color with the next. “Well, this is it.”

  I walked Erika into our room, which was a bit simpler. The sheets were white, and they draped over the oak bed frame. There was just a desk on the side with the computer I used as a child on it. I didn’t know how they managed to keep it safe. On the other side, there was a closet with some of my clothes in them, some sweats, and some shirts, mainly.

  “How do you like it?” Erika was laughing. She could barely contain herself.

  “Your family is so nice and vibrant. Look at all the color everywhere. Your house is one most beautiful houses I’ve seen in my life. It’s amazing.”

  I was a bit agitated by that statement. I quite liked my monotone apartment, I liked simplicity. I walked over to Erika and placed my hands on her waist. I bent down so my lips were adjacent to her ear.

  “Tell me, what did you have in mind on our drive over here?” My hands shifted from her waist to her ass as I picked her up in my arms and she wrapped her legs around me. We began to kiss, and we could hardly break to breathe.

  When our lips finally parted to take a breath, Erika looked at me as she said, “This.” She put her lips on the side of my neck right above my clavicle.

  As she sucked on me, I knew she would mark he
r love on to me. I carried her toward the bed and sat down on it. She was on top of me and her lips hadn’t disengaged yet. I could feel her tongue stroking my skin as she sucked on me. Her hands quickly unbuttoned my pants and I pulled them off. Her hands reached for my briefs and she began to rub on my cock through the fabric. Her lips finally meeting mine again, I was overwhelmed by her lust. I pulled off her shirt and held her free tits. They were just as perfect as the last time I had seen them, just as perfect as this morning. I flipped her over and as she continued to rub on me, I took her hand and moved it inside of my briefs. I felt her fingers struggle to wrap around me as she kept on pulling at me gently. My lips had moved down to her tits and I was sucking on her nipples. I could feel them turning hard after each stroke of my tongue.

  I pulled her sweats off and flipped her over yet again. She was on her stomach as I moved my fingers toward the waistband of her panties. I gently eased them off, making sure to pay attention to her glistening pussy. I placed my fingers over her, and I felt her twitching. I moved them forward and had her clit twitching between my index and middle finger. I gently rubbed it as my tongue explored the back of her neck, gradually moving down toward the source of her lust.

  As my lips reached the small of her back, I placed a kiss and put both my hands around her. Her waist was so narrow that my fingers met as I wrapped my hands around her waist. I pushed her down just a bit, so her ass rose. She knew my hands were preoccupied, so her hands found my briefs and furiously pulled them down. I pressed the tip of my cock into her after feeling for her on my tip. As I slid in, she released a loud gasp. Rather than going slower, I went in, submerging myself into Erika. I could feel her stretching and tightening around me simultaneously. She could feel how I was pulsing inside of her. I thrust into her completely as now I laid on top of her, and we were one with each other. I pressed myself up and kept pushing back into her. I could hear her loud moans as she was biting her lips hard to not squeal.


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