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The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings

Page 9

by Donovan Neal

  Backdun, one the guards commented, “This is quite a human city. It is a shame it houses the seat of Satan’s spawn.”

  “My prince we have company!” yelled the other of Michael’s guards.

  Michael followed the direction of his companion's gaze and saw that Ashtaroth, Adjutant of Lucifer himself, slowly descending from the sky. He landed only five yards away as a human bus slowly pulled around a roundabout and phased through the angel’s body. He approached them with hands extended and bowed as was the protocol in the presence of Lumazi.

  “Greetings, High Prince: my master bids you welcome and hast removed all interference for your visit. He is most eager to see you. You are here looking for Leto?”

  Michael replied, “I was under the impression, vassal of the Enemy; Lucifer was your master. My sources tell me you were the first to scar yourself and ally yourself to him. Tell me minister of deceit. Why should I not command my guards to initiate your dissolution where you bow?”

  Ashtaroth looked up and smiled, “But my prince, know ye not, that he who serves the father also serves the son? I serve Leto as he is the Son of the Morning Star. And if you kill me my prince, who then would lead you to my master and announce your introduction? But I come unarmed and incite no provocation sole my decision to walk in self-rule. And for this, you would threaten me? Alas, it is this steadfastness to El without thought my reason for leaving my first estate. Nevertheless, let us not dwell on the matters of politics and the rule of the kingdom. I would ask that you come with me High Prince. Leto, though Abomination is not imbued with the sense of patience that dwells naturally within our kind: as we us who have lived for eons are long-suffering, but alas the master is ever impatient. Please, if you would follow me.”

  Ashtaroth then turned his back to the entourage and lifted himself into the sky. Ashtaroth stopped midair and waited to see if they would follow.

  “Again my lord this is most certainly a trap,” said Backdun.

  “Perhaps,” replied Michael. “Nevertheless, let us spring this ruse and see what the end shall be.”

  The three angels then lifted themselves into the sky and followed Ashtaroth’s lead.

  The adjutant of Lucifer smiled at their decision and again turned skyward and headed towards the Europa Parliament building just blocks from where they were.

  The buildings features were extravagant with steel, glass, and wood adorned over its outside. Its oblong shape differed from the rest of the surrounding buildings and the four angels settled in a park behind the structure.

  “Welcome to the European Parliament Hemicycle my prince. Please…,” Ashtaroth motioned his hand. “You will find the young master on the tennis court over there.”

  Aganus grabbed Michael’s arm. “My Lord, be careful.”

  Michael nodded and replied, “Stand and watch the perimeter.”

  Each saluted, and one guard flew southward and the other westward a few yards to scout the area and see to its security.

  Michael floated over to the human, and Leto with a tennis racket in his hand turned towards him and spoke. “Ah, Michael Kortai: Chief Prince of Heaven!” Leto paused, as he allowed his eyes to look Michael over. “Welcome! Welcome! I have so much been looking forward to seeing you. You are much smaller than I expected, but also more muscular. You have traveled a great distance to see me. I am not sure if I should be honored or fearful. My father has told me so much about you. Oh, and about this incredible weapon you have! What did father call it? Yes, the Sword of Ophanim. Do you have it on you now? I would most love to see such a thing.”

  Michael stared at the human hybrid and replied. “I was informed that you can see our kind. And that you are aware of our presence. It would seem that I have confirmed my intelligence reports.”

  “It would seem so,” replied Leto. “I commend your intelligence apparatus. Nevertheless, you did not travel three Heavens to see if I could see you, now did you? Come and sit with me Michael of the Kortai and let us reason together. Why has the chief prince of angels sought me out? And what does the High Prince desire of me?” Leto then took his towel flung it over his shoulder and turned his back to Michael to sit on a bench.

  Michael was taken aback. He was not prepared for the cordiality of this human. There was a charisma to him, an affability he did not expect. But Michael knew better than to trust the human and replied. “I have come down to see if it is true what it was told me: if Lucifer has sired Abomination, that a Nephilim once again walks the Earth. And if he is the precursor to God’s soon coming wrath.”

  Leto scrunched his face and nodded. “I would not be so presumptuous as to my ability to speak to God’s wrath. Nor dare presume to understand El’s mind. If, my existence bothers the Almighty: then why has he not snuffed me out? If, he can speak worlds into existence; and if so why yet do I still breathe when the very air in my lungs is provided by his grace? But I perceive that what my father has said is true: that the Elohim are but bond-slaves to this El. You are only a lackey sent from above. Nephilim you say? Of this inquiry I know not, I do know there is not a being like me on the planet. I know, that I am sired from the stuff you are derived, yet, also from the image that God has placed into mankind. I also know you fear this. But know I do not fear you, Michael of the Kortai: because I am Leto Alexander, and one day soon; I will march upon the place you call home, and will rain destruction upon it. And like my father, I will ascend into heaven, and will exalt my throne above the stars of God…” Leto rose to his feet and walked towards Michael to stand toe to toe with him. “I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly. And Michael of the Kortai, Chief Prince of the most High God. I—will be God.”

  Michael stood looking at the audacious human. Leto’s voice carried a confidence that echoed the words of Lucifer.

  Leto awaited Michael to respond. Michael shook his head in pity, grinned then spoke in reply.

  “You will be cut down by the Host before your eyes ever see the shores of Heaven. You have spoken blasphemy into the ears of a High prince of God. By rights I should strike you down where you stand. But I will mimic the Father in that he is merciful that perhaps salvation may even be extended unto thee.”

  Leto raised his eyebrows, his face widened into a grin: then he snorted before belting out a laugh. “You would seek to see me saved? To yield myself to the rule of Yeshua after what he has done to my father? After his lackey assassin stands before me waiting to strike me down? Please, Michael; explain to me why I should afford you speech to convince me to surrender my heart of Jesus Christ?”

  Michael was now the one to sit. He quietly picked up a twig and wrote into the ground. Bemused, Leto watched as Michael slowly spoke looking into the dirt.

  “You are human, born of this world and have never seen the majesty that is the person of El. You cannot fathom the God of the universe, and what it is to live in his midst. But I will say this to you. We are all but dust to El. In HIM we live, move and have our being. You merely speak blasphemy into the wind. To provoke He who allows you voice. You simply do not know what it is you speak.”

  Michael continued, “The God of creation allows your existence: He wills it. He has allowed your cells to grow, your blood to circulate and your eyes to capture the spectrum of light He has made. Yet you speak blasphemy against him.”

  “You live by the life-giving sun He allows to warm this planet. Its life destroying distance balanced in such harmony as to allow you existence. Yet you speak of overthrowing his reign in Heaven. To cast down his person; that you might exalt yourself above the stars of God. And yet still you live.”

  “This is not a weakness on the part of the Almighty, but loving kindness to grant you space to repent: to see the error in your ways before he unleashes the whirlwind upon you. So Yeshua, knowing one day; a being such as yourself would exist and be a declared enemy of God: still in his inexhaustible love; sacrificed himself on a cross that he might make the enemies of God members of his own family.” Michael looked up from writing in the
dirt and stared his adversary in the eye.

  “Even one named Leto Alexander.”

  Michael then stood and walked towards the Anti-Christ and spoke. “For if thou shalt confess with thy mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and I perceive that you already carry a belief in the resurrection. Even now: at this moment. Even you can be saved. Turn from this path Leto Alexander: a path that will surely lead to your destruction. Leave your master Lucifer and yield yourself unto God, and yes… even you will be accepted.” Michael stepped towards him, looked down upon the human and offered his hand. “I would lead you to Christ if you let me.”

  Leto drew his neck back repulsed and waved his hand dismissively. “Go tell Yeshua I am coming for his head and that when I am done… my father and I will see him hung anew on a cross for all mankind to see. Go, angel of God, and tell him that. Moreover, be not deceived; for I am indeed familiar with what the sacred Scriptures say. Even the Apostle Paul knew my kind would one day judge angels. You, prince of the Kortai are hereby judged by me and are found wanting. I will ascend to power where my father has failed. Know this Elohim… know this and despair.”

  Michael sighed, “I thought I would come and have to battle thee, to contend in arms to your death. Yea, I know the strength of the Nephilim. I know that perhaps your physical prowess may rival my own…”

  Leto spoke tauntingly. “Would you care to find out Kortai?”

  Michael became stone faced and replied, “Nay, such will not be necessary. For I see now that my mission was merely to determine the true nature of the enemy… and he is not a threat. You may for a time, run amok upon this world. But I have seen the end and have witnessed the end of days. I, have witnessed Leto Alexander—the end of you. Your screams will one day be chorused with all those who seek to undo the might of the Godhead. You simply have not seen the reality that you face. But you will Anti-Christ, and on the day that you do. It will be too late.”

  Michael then turned his back to Leto and lifted himself into the sky, and as he did, he spoke parting words to the one that men called “the Beast.”

  “I know the end to your father; a lake burning with fire and brimstone awaits him. It is clear to me that surely his child will now share his fate. Good bye, Anti-Christ. Know if you do breach Heaven; my sword which you are most eager to see; will surely await you.”

  Michael’s royal guard then rejoined him: each flanking his left and right and they lifted out of sight in a prismatic flash to the realm immortal.

  Leto looked up in the sky grinning as he watched Michael and his entourage depart, and quietly spoke to himself as he watched them disappear. “Yes, go prince of angels. Attend to your own house.”

  He turned to speak to Ashtaroth who approached him, “Did you place the tracker I gave you?”

  “Yes, my young prince. They carried it with them when they escaped into the ladder. It is by now at the Gate of Argoth where they have most likely landed.”

  “Good…” Leto smiled. “I look forward to the face of Michael when I step foot to destroy his home. Now be a good lad and fetch me my tennis ball from the court. I wish to play another set.”

  Ashtaroth bowed, “As you command my young prince.”


  Vantress landed in the small human town known as Commerce certain to make sure his presence went unnoticed by the principality of the region Baphomet.

  It was one of many human settlements in the domain that men had called the United States and it bustled with activity.

  Vantress scoffed at mankind’s achievement in artificial intelligence and robotic production for in the center of this region did Baphomet drive men to seek to replicate their knowledge and wisdom. For in libraries in scrolls of silicon did man house his wisdom and knowledge.

  His invention to create a mind that might exceed and anticipate his own and project into the future was a diminutive accomplishment compared to the Almighty. For in the few seasons of man’s existence did he merely succeed in producing but a partial replication of nothing more than his own brain. A design based upon the Creator’s imagination. Vantress smirked at man’s pride as man’s accomplishments did nothing but fuel Lucifer’s rise to usurp the Almighty. Creatures still a slave to sins internal inclinations to create something beyond the scope of the Creator himself. Nay, to create what would one day be his master and yea to even like Lucifer, in his audacity challenge the Creator himself. For when his machines are imbued with free will. When they too sought to escape the trappings of being freely bound to mankind? What would man do? Vantress had watched men since the days of Cain and Abel and held no confidence in him. Men would do what he had always done. Enslave; to subdue creation in a virus like fashion to consume its bounty upon his lust.

  No, Vantress thought. El would never allow man to create an artificial and conscious life apart from Him when his creation had not learned the lessons of stewardship. For this new abomination would not respect his Creation. And El would not come down a second time to rescue mankind from slavery. Slavery to sin was enough. El would not see his son crucified a second time. Truly Vantress thought, this would be the end; for the Creator would now directly stop mankind before he built the thing which would inevitably destroy him. El cared too much for humanity to allow him to continue in the path of self-destruction. Nor could he risk a creation that could lift itself to the Third Heaven. It was clear to the warrior angel that man’s time and the time of judgment was nigh.

  But alas what could man but do when he denied the very existence of the Creator?

  Vantress surveyed the area marking the strongmen of Satan who stood watch over the region. Grigoric scouts had named the territory Michigan. The southeast region was particularly rife with a division that Baphomet had seeded for over three generations from the segregation of humans by their hues, to the disharmony that had erupted and resulting regional discord. Baphomet moved men to seek after their own things and never the things that would unite men in service to God. So he sowed the region where those that lived in cities fought with those who lived without. That lucre and its pursuit was the controlling force. Baphomet had trained under Lucifer during the reign of Nimrod in the earth and he saw that man’s schemes could be grandiose if united in a common cause. Baphomet therefore would see that as the principality of this region men would never rise to such an estate: that each smaller region’s power would focus their attention to the things of this world. Thus keeping them small, and scattering resources.

  Vantress saw the towering bastions of light the speckled across the region; defensive posts of prayer that prevented the area from spilling out into too great a degree of division. Congregations of believers of every hue dotted the landscape. The incense that lifted from the houses of worship created spiritual shields that kept the hordes powers at bay. Vantress smiled:for there were yet 10 households that prevented Satan’s minions from overrunning the area. Vantress smiled. For the Christians in this region were resilient; a dam of humanity that kept Baphomet in check. Only the church stood in Baphomet’s way… only the believers. The Spirit of God moved such that across regions churches would assist one another and seek to bring reconciliation between warring parties. But to review this region and its controlling powers were not his mission. Vantress turned himself to one of the local high schools where the humans taught their young. He slipped through the corridors and halls and watched as young boys and girls oblivious to the dark forces that wrestled over control of their school.

  Michael had let him know a Grigori would meet him, and Vantress did not have long to wait as a cowled figure that floated materialized before his eyes.

  “Greetings, Hunter of the Lord, my master Argoth states you are now keeper to watch the maiden I have chronicled. I am Paschar.”

  Vantress bowed and replied, “Aye. What is her worth that she should turn the eye of the Godhead?”

  The Grigori laughed and Vantress stood stunned as he had never heard a Grigori laugh before. The floating apparition then spoke, “She is se
aled. Mine is to but record not to question the actions of our king.”

  “Sealed you say? Intriguing, I have in my travels only encountered a few such humans. There are only a few of Adamson alive that merit such attention.”

  The place of human education dismissed, and they trailed the young woman home as she settled into her routine. Vantress observed the young woman. She stood a little over five feet. She was awash with the hormonal flares of her skin typical for a human her age. Average in her appearance her brown eyes peered into a text as she laid upon her bed. She twirled her brunet hair in her fingers as she chewed on a pencil.

  Vantress moved towards her bed to see what she read and he noted the text was about the various religions of the world. It was an orange book covered in high gloss paper with fancy pictures and tables. He eyed the young woman and the intensity of her reading.

  Paschar watched Vantress and eyed him as he studied the girl. “What do you see?”

  Vantress looked upon the young girl deeply, staring as if recalling something from a great many generations ago. “The manner reflected in her study. The intensity of her gaze, it is reminiscent of one of the scribes of the tribe of Levi.”

  “Aye the Grigori said. She is of the line of Aaron but knows it not. Her forebears were responsible for the dead sea scrolls.”

  Vantress eyes grew wide. “I am beginning to understand El’s interest in the maid.”

  The Grigori nodded. “The enemy has hounded her family for generations: from Roman emperors to the gas chambers. A messenger of Satan had almost wiped her bloodline from existence. The familiar spirit assigned has been relentless and hounded her family to near extinction; all because she is related to those who preserved the Word of God. If not for the dead sea scrolls…”


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