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The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings

Page 22

by Donovan Neal


  Abaddon then turned towards the sky of Heaven and vanished in a massive black ladder. The air smoldered as the fiery tunnel closed behind him. The great angel was now unleashed a soon coming woe upon the earth.

  A woe that now summoned a ladder to besiege the source of his hatred… Lucifer.

  A woe released by God himself to bring judgment to the earth.

  A judgment to burn all things that would fall under the shadow of the Destroyer’s wings.



  The cry of Elijah filled the temple grounds and Enoch and Elijah moved past the barbed wire that soldiers had erected near them and walked to the newly constructed court of the gentiles to preach.

  “Get out of here old man! No one wants to hear what you have to say!”

  Enoch pointed to the young man and replied, “Our voice is nothing. It is the word of God that calls thee to repent. Even now he sends death to you! But alas your heart has become as stone and you will not turn!”

  Leto Alexander heard the words of the men from inside one office he had built in the temple. He turned to his security and spoke. “Can one of you get these men to shut up? Why are they still alive?”

  “Apologies your imminence but whoever threatens them is immediately burned by fire. For the safety of all we have told the populace not to approach them. We’ve tried even snipers but nothing we’ve used has had success. They habitat within the midst of the people and have garnered quite a following. We could attempt drone strikes but when tried the electronics have always failed. Honestly sir we are at a loss.”

  Leto let out a disgruntled growl. He stood to his feet and spoke to his angelic guards. “Come with me.”

  Ashtaroth and several guards appointed by Lucifer followed their human master from the temple.

  Enoch saw Leto as he exited the building and spoke. “Behold the Beast! A false god. An Abomination whose end will be a lake of fire! Speak Nephilim!”

  Leto looked at a solider and spoke to him, “Give me your rifle.”

  The soldier unholstered his weapon from his shoulder and passed it to his commander as ordered.

  Leto raised the weapon, and fired upon Enoch and Elijah.

  Bullets ricocheted off Enoch and Elijah and hit bystanders nearby and many became to fall dead from their wounds. The crowd of on-lookers immediately scattered fearful of their lives. Soldiers ducked and the angelic guard of Leto looked on amused.

  “Sir! You’re killing people!” cried a sergeant.

  Leto continued targeting Enoch and Elijah. The words of his security detail falling on deaf ears.

  “Sir!!” The soldier cried out again.

  But the rat-ta-tat-tat of the weapon filled the court drowning out all other sounds. And Leto cared naught for the bystanders killed by his action and continued firing until his magazine was spent and smoke emptied from his muzzle. His finger still pulled the trigger and nothing but the click, click could be heard.

  A soldier came over and placed his hand on the weapon and lowered it to the ground.

  Leto grimaced at the soldier and spoke. “I see. It would seem I must do this by hand.”

  He rolled up his sleeves and ran to towards Enoch and raised his fist to smite him and when he did the very ground beneath him became hot and liquefied and he stepped back as the earth suddenly became molten before him and the heat forced him to draw back due to the pain.

  “Argggh!! The beast raged in anger.

  Leto then turned to his angelic guards and spoke. “Do not just stand there Ashtaroth, kill them!”

  Ashtaroth and his angelic compatriots did not move and Leto incensed at their inaction looked up at him and berated him. “What is wrong with you? I gave you an order. Kill them!”

  Ashtaroth then pointed to two men and Leto followed his hand and saw that behind them was an attachment of angelic guards of their own. For three Arelim angels had materialized to make themselves known. And spoke to the Beast, “If they interfere…know that we shall interfere. And believe me when I say. We are looking forward to interfering.”

  The three angels then hid themselves from human sight.

  Ashtaroth then turned his head and looked up as if he had been given instructions and spoke aloud, “The All Father commands us to leave this area immediately. Lucifer has also instructed you young master to come with us… now.”

  Leto harrumphed and replied, “I will do no such thing. And you and I both know it would take all of you to force me. If my Father wants to give me a command, he can do so himself.”

  Ashtaroth then looked at the Grigori. Speaking aloud as he received instructions.

  “The master knows?”

  “And you are sure he is on his way?”

  “What then does he command?”

  “Really… very well.”

  Ashtaroth nodded at the other angels in their company and spoke. “All of you seek shelter immediately. Abaddon is loosed and is incoming.”

  Leto noted that Enoch and Elijah had already begun to vacate the area, and they slowly disappeared.

  Leto still smarting over his inability to kill Enoch and Elijah asked incredulously. “Where are you going and what is this Abaddon? Where are you going?”

  Ashtaroth and the other angels had already begun to float away when he turned to his young master and replied. “Anywhere but here… remember that we tried to help you.”

  Ashtaroth and the other angels then disappeared.

  Suddenly the air pressure changed and men’s ears popped. Many held their hands over their heads and attempted to force themselves to yawn in vain attempts to open their ear-ways. Soon the sound of a rushing wind filled the court and a buzzing sound followed.

  But nothing could be seen.

  The sound grew louder and more pronounced as suddenly the roaring sound of an insect swarm was all around them. A soldier then pointed upward, and as he did, some who still were in the crowd pointed towards a black funnel cloud that was slowly touching down from the sky. A moving mass of smoke and fire appeared from nowhere and exploded one hundred yards from Leto and his men. A funnel cloud that surrounded a tall figure. A figure that roared out a sole name.



  Lucifer touched the God-stone embedded into his chest and when he did a door opened up before him. The outline emblazoned in light and the large hulking body of Marduk staggered through; wheezing for air and fell down face first at the feet of the Lord of Darkness.

  Lucifer looked down upon his rival and spoke. “Abaddon is here.”

  Marduk gasped for air, slowly gaining his composure and panting. He took in gulps of air and mouthed a reply.

  “So what.” The angel said. “Why should I give a damn? We both know he comes to destroy you. I say let him.” He looked up and smiled at the angel.

  Lucifer chuckled. “I would hope your aspirations to live a more abundant life than the torture I have imposed upon you for your betrayal would have garnished a more positive response. Very well then, perhaps the prospect of freedom and restoration is not enough to sway you to assist me. I will happily return you to the alive to the Mists.”

  The celestial door wailed and smoky gray coiled tentacles reached out to entwine themselves around his ankles. Marduk fell on his face and the ghostly appendages began to pull the angel as he struggled to keep from being pulled back.

  “Wait! What do you desire of me, and what shall I render?”

  Lucifer waved his hand the tentacles withdrew but could still be seen within the door. “You will help me destroy the Destroyer. Then if your actions please me. I may grant pardon for your insolence. Displease me and I promise you I will seal you screaming in the bottomless pit of our foe. Do you consent?”

  Marduk watched as the entity that hovered within the door growled and teeth and eyes moved in traveling rows. And deep within he could see the movement of trapped angelic souls within the transparent gut of the creature straining to
get out. All screaming.

  “I consent.”

  Lucifer then closed the dimensional seal, and the door vanished. Marduk stood to his feet, and spoke. “I am weaponless and not at full strength.”

  Lucifer waved his hand and Marduk’s battle-axe materialized before him, and a small pouch of manna. The angel reached for the bag and greedily devoured the angelic food. Crumbs fell to the floor and Lucifer watched amusingly.

  Marduk’s strength returned to him and color to his cheeks, and he picked up the axe that lay on the floor. “Where is Abaddon now?” Marduk said.

  “He is in Jerusalem. We have but seconds before he realizes that Leto is my son. I will not let him destroy my host.”

  Marduk smiled, “So it was never your plan to allow the thing to rule. But you have created him to be used.”

  Lucifer smiled, “Leto serves his purpose. As you do. Are you ready?”

  Marduk nodded.

  Lucifer armored himself and extended his arm to reveal the Sword of Malice. “To arms then.”

  Marduk gripped his ax tightly and grinned, “To arms.”

  Lucifer waved his hand, and the two vanished in prismatic light.


  “Stop him!” cried Leto.

  Soldiers fired the entirety of mankind’s small weapons at the Destroyer. Rockets and grenades launched from portable shoulder fired tubes and jettisoned from soldiers holding weapons as explosions ripped through the concourse. Artillery fired upon Abaddon, and like some version of Godzilla, Abaddon kept coming. He beat his flaming wings forward and buildings and all matter caught fire as straw. Flames and heat erupted around him and the angel refused to fall.

  Columns of locusts flew around his person destroying all projectiles levied at him. Like some insect shield nothing survived their touch as they made disintegrate all that they touched.

  He cared nothing for those around him, nothing for property or loss of life. He roared until from his unintelligible tongue one word rang out that all and even Leto understood.


  Abaddon turned to his left then to his right, and he looked across the morass of humanity that stood before him.

  “I smell the blood of Lucifer. It calls to me. I will have it and smear it as balm over the boils that pain me. His carcass as a scarf to warm me. His heart stone as a jewel to wear about my neck”.

  Abaddon then turned and eyed Leto in the distance. Leto locked eyes with the angel and Abaddon spoke. “I sense his blood in you creature. You, who are of mixed birth, bear the life of Lucifer in your flesh. I claim your life… I claim YOUR BLOOD!”

  The column of insects then moved towards the company of men. Machine guns and rifle fire exploded all at once as men attempted to protect and cover their leader from harm. And when the black of the flaming scorpion like creatures was just upon them. Leto covered his eyes for he knew there was no escape.

  His eyes tightly shut awaiting the pain to come: none came. Nevertheless, the screams of his men filled his ears. Screams as locusts stung them to the point men cried out begging, hoping to die.

  “Shoot me please!” some said.

  Others called for their mothers. And when Leto dared opened his eyes to see. Something covered him in bright light and to his front Lucifer stood before him and Marduk to his rear. Each projecting an angelic shield that protected anyone within. But those unshielded—those outside of Lucifer’s protection: the creatures bored through their bodies like termites through wood.

  Men cried out in agony as the locusts crawled from mouth and nose and penetrated though ears: squirming through men’s veins and boring through flesh. The sight was more gruesome than even Leto could behold but it was the boils from the stings from the creatures that was the most terrible of plagues. Stings that implanted larva within the men. Men who became hosts to even more of the demonic locusts.

  Locusts that continued their demonic march unabated.

  Unabated until the combined voices of Lucifer and Marduk broke through the screams to cry in angelic unison, “K’ale cshall sept ti!”

  Immediately a bright light exploded in all directions and for a moment Leto was blind and remnants of off colored images floated in his eyes. His vision slowly returned and when he lifted his eyes Lucifer and Marduk stood side by side and faced Abaddon. And all the men and locusts behind them were dead.

  All save Leto.

  Lucifer stared at Abaddon but spoke to Marduk. “Protect my son,” said Lucifer. “I will attend to the upstart. I cannot fend off he and simultaneously be Leto’s shield. The locusts are too many. Shield him Marduk and freedom will be thine. Fail me, and you will suffer the fate I now gift to my upstart.”

  Lucifer held his sword and was fully armored. Leto saw his father and watched as the Godstone around his person glowed, and Lucifer changed before his eyes.

  Suddenly the mighty angel grew in stature to match the towering size of Abaddon. The Prince of Darkness’s body convulsed and changed. Legs like that of the reptilian earthen creatures sprang from him. His twelve wings merged to become two wings of leather. His body elongated, and his shoulders cracked and budded heads like unto serpents. He became as a beast with seven heads and upon each head were ten horns. His translucent skin turned dark crimson, and he stood as a great dragon and spoke to Abaddon.

  “You have called for me. Here I stand!”

  Abaddon wings unfurled in all their flaming fury and he unsheathed a blazing sword and roared at Lucifer.

  Lucifer was a dragon with seven heads and he opened the pours of his flesh and returned his roar with a sound like detonating thunder.

  Like kaiju of Japanese lore, the two charged at one another each towering over one hundred feet high. The locusts surrounding Abaddon left their masters person to attack this new threat. And the insects swarmed over Lucifer as they attempted to bite into the armored flesh of the prince of darkness. And millions enveloped the prince of pride as they covered Lucifer in the moving and the buzzing sound of blackness. A blackness that sought to consume the angel until Abaddon hurtled through the barrage of stinging insects and grappled Lucifer’s neck.

  His muscular arms twisted and in one fell swoop he wrestled Lucifer to the ground flipping the great dragon over unto his back.

  Abaddon then pulled from his scabbard his sword and attempted to plunge the blade into the angel’s belly.

  But Lucifer disappeared and was once more in his Draco form. He opened the pours of his flesh and light like a star shown from the earth in what was for a moment the existence of a star on the planet Earth itself. The flash such that even on the other side of the earth night momentarily gave way to day.

  Abaddon staggered back blind; groping the air, and instantly the locusts knowing their master was in distress: formed a living shield encasing the Destroyer in insect like amour.

  Lucifer then attacked with his sword and slashed at the person of Abaddon who attempted to block blow after blow. The souls of each cicada-like monstrosity vacuumed into the blade as Lucifer pressed his attack.

  Leto watched from afar. Watched and observed how angels fought. His eyes beholding, and the world itself seeing for the first time celestials at war. Understanding the true stakes that existed if those who they perceived were humanity’s enemies were not destroyed.

  Across televisions and in living rooms, on web browsers and cell phones that streamed worldwide. Drones and the satellites of men, broadcast the battle that took place between the two celestial titans. One who had been clearly sent from another dimension to destroy them. The other the stuff of men’s legends. For men saw Lucifer not as a devil who stood on one’s shoulders espousing vices. Nor a creature who ruled as king of some dark hellish domain. Here in this moment, men looked and beheld a savior. An image Lucifer painstakingly had orchestrated and cultivated humanity to see. An image for humanity to believe.

  A defender against God.

  And men cheered the Devil as he battled his foe. And as men watch boxers inside a boxin
g ring, so too did humanity audience this angelic spectacle; rooting for victory for their perceived savior. For already many had died from the locusts of this latest plague. Some men writhed in agony with doctors noting the venom from the creatures stings would survive in the blood steam for up to five months. And whoever was stung by the creatures cried out to die. For the medicines and balms of men could not give relief. But here projected on screens and monitors of every size. The angel mankind had called the Devil: battled for their cause.

  And in their foolishness men cheered.


  Henel James watched from afar as two angels sparred with one another. Watched as they destroyed buildings and explosions erupted around them. He did his best to keep calm, while Enoch and Elijah seemed to care nothing for what transpired in the distance, and Henel spoke to the two men in concern.

  “Enoch! Elijah do you care nothing for what is happening around us? Have you no compassion for the innocents that are dying?”

  Enoch looked curiously at Henel and remarked, “Innocent? Who is innocent save Yeshua alone? But because you have asked this thing, and because of the lives that have taken shelter in our shadow. By my word and the God who I serve. No harm shall come unto them.”

  Henel looked off in the distance and the swarms from the angel he heard men call Abaddon had multiplied from the larvae the burst from men’s bodies and created more of the insects.

  “Gentlemen we have a problem.” Henel pointed as a dark moving cloud descended upon their position.

  Elijah looked off into the distance and the swarm moved with intelligence. “The creatures hunt.”

  Elijah then leaned upon his staff and lifted himself up to his feet.

  “Hunt for what?” Henel asked.

  Enoch looked toward the direction of the incoming swarm and nodded his head in agreement. “They hunt for those who have not yet surrendered to the darkness: now Henel son of James, you must stay behind us.”

  Henel James moved to a position away from the two men and did as instructed. He turned on his cell phone to stream and began to broadcast.


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