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Mad Dog Maddox

Page 7

by Louise Collins

  Maddox lined himself up, pushing in agonisingly slowly to see any hint of pain. No discomfort, but a dazed smile instead. The pace he kept slow, didn’t push as deep as he could. It was Jake’s first time, and he wanted him to enjoy it. He thrust steadily, cock wrapped in warmth and sliding effortlessly. He avoided watching Jake, knew that blissed happy face would be the undoing he wasn’t ready for.

  Jake whined, brow scrunching. Maddox stopped moving his hips, analysing the expression on his younger lover’s face. His eyes were only half open, a semi-circle of blue glazed with uncertainty,

  “My dirty boy.”

  The words had the desired effect; Jake relaxed with an owned smile.

  Maddox rocked his hips, took his time to enjoy the surrendered body. Soft sounds escaped Jake’s mouth; his brow tensed and relaxed with each movement. The pink open lips had dried, along with the come splattered on his chest. Jake looked well and truly conquered.

  That thought shot down to Maddox’s cock, tingling the ready to burst flesh. He came with a drawn-out groan, burying himself deep inside Jake as he unloaded.

  He collapsed to Jake's side, not wanting to crush him with his heavy body. The come drying on Jake’s torso had started to flake, and he knew it would pinch and redden the skin beneath. Maddox stumbled up on shaky legs and staggered to the bathroom.

  He needed to clean Jake up, didn’t want him to come down from his high being uncomfortable and itchy.

  Maddox’s thighs trembled; he rested his hands on the sink to hold himself up while he got control of his body back. His pale reflection shocked him. His normal slicked hair had dangled forward and sweat clung on his brow. Destroyed, owning Jake had shattered his normally stern exterior. It was the effortless way Jake went under his control that shook Maddox’s core. He loved hearing Jake beg, watching him zoned and dazed, a complete puppet of pleasure for him to manipulate. He'd forgotten how much he longed for that intimacy and dominance, and Jake had responded beautifully. Even when he had been adrift in the throes of ecstasy, he'd drawn his knees up so his feet were flat on the bed, stretched his legs wide in offering to Maddox’s power.

  He rushed hot thinking about it. A quick slap of his face had him waking from his slip into desire. Jake needed to be taken of, was still dirty on the bed.

  He wetted some tissue, propping himself up on the doorframe before taking the few steps to the bed.

  Jake had unsettled him. The whole moment had been more intense than he thought possible, and just knowing it was over had his chest aching enough to rub at.

  The tissue was cold, he didn’t want to wake Jake with its sudden coolness. He held it in his hand till it was a comfortable temperature then wiped Jake’s chest with care.

  He didn’t wake. Maddox pushed his fingers into his neck to be sure his pulse wasn’t too slow. The beat was strong, tickling the pads of his fingers. Everything about Jake screamed fragile and trusting in this state.

  Maddox cupped his cheek, moving his thumb slowly above the bone, up to his temple and down again.

  This wasn’t like the others he’d had before. They were one-time things, paid to service him in the way he needed. No emotions, no prior opinions, but Jake...he felt something for him, something dangerous and different that could only end in disaster.

  He discarded the tissue in the bathroom, and swept his hair back into position. The colour had returned to his face, and his eyes were no longer sunk in their sockets.


  His name had Maddox freezing, eyes widening at the terrorised tone from the bedroom. He moved quickly, pausing a step into the bedroom, trying to understand why Jake was pale, why his whole body quaked. Did he regret what happened? Even worse, was he hurt, afraid? The blue eyes were glued to his, big and shimmering and in that moment, Maddox couldn’t guess what Jake was thinking or feeling.

  He took a step forward, watching whether Jake tried to shuffle away, or curl his body to shield it. Neither happened, but the shakes that gripped him wobbled his lip. His bluing lip...

  The pale skin, the short struggling breaths, it all screamed panic attack, but Maddox didn’t know the cause, didn’t know if he would make things worse.

  He lunged towards the bed, collapsing down and pressing his hand to Jake’s chest.


  Jake didn’t scream for him to go away, didn’t sob for someone to help him. He relaxed under the weight of Maddox’s hand.

  “I’m gunna untie your hands. Don’t do anything stupid.”

  Maddox scrambled to undo the binds, readying himself for a punch, or shove, but Jake threw his arms around him, knocking him off balance. Nails cut into his back, but not in aggressive way. Jake was clinging, insuring Maddox wasn’t going to leave by anchoring himself with his fingers.

  “Was reaching for my phone.”

  His voice was quiet, trembling. Maddox stayed how he was, fearful if he hugged back Jake would feel trapped.

  “I’m not your phone, Jake.”

  “You got in the way,” stuttered from his mouth.

  “Oh...I’ll just move so you can get it.”

  It was a test, giving Jake the option to leave. Maddox was pretty sure Jake was reacting with an emotional drop, but just to be sure, he offered him an escape.

  He frowned, remembering what Lewis had said earlier. Jake had been fine, unaffected by the power display in the meat freezer. But what if he had been mistaken? What if Jake suffered afterwards with him not there?

  “Did you feel like this last time?”

  “Like what? I’m fine, absolutely fine.”

  Maddox puffed a breath through his nose. He took the high-pitched squeal from Jake as a confirmation this had happened before.

  “You’re shaking.”

  The fingers at his back dug in harder. Maddox was sure they had punctured the skin, but he didn’t react.

  “You’ve had ample time to try to escape and you haven’t. And you're hugging me”

  “’m not hugging you...”

  He bobbed his head at Jake’s reply. It wasn’t really a hug; Maddox didn’t know how else to describe it.

  “You’re clawing at my back like you’re scared you’ll fall.”

  Maddox got his hands between their bodies and pushed Jake back. He struggled, did his best to burrow forward but Maddox gave him a stern look.

  Before sadness could settle on Jake’s face, Maddox tugged at his torn t-shirt, brushed it off his shoulders and onto the floor.

  He pulled Jake towards him and the younger man collapsed into the embrace with no protest. The shaking eased, the death grip on Maddox’s back stopped till his hands lightly rested instead of clutched.

  The contented sighs made Maddox rub his chin on Jake’s hair to add more comfort. He moved his hands up and down his back and any remaining tension melted, leaving Jake limp in his arms.

  When Jake yawned, Maddox smirked. He tilted the younger man back, turning him over so he could hug him from behind. They lay side by side on the bed, Jake shuffled back into the warmth of Maddox’s chest and Maddox rubbed his mouth affectionately at his neck.

  This, this never happened. When he paid for sex, he left right after, didn’t slump down on the mattress, didn’t cuddle and brush against the man he had been with. It shocked him that he enjoyed it, rubbing his nose at Jake’s flesh and puffing in the scent of sweetness and sweat that was more addictive than his cigars.

  Jake’s posture stiffened, his breathing hiccupped, and the clamminess rushed back to his flesh.

  “You’re freaking out again...” Maddox mumbled.

  “’m not! What-what happens now?”

  Maddox didn’t want to ruin the moment. Didn’t want to reveal to Jake that was it, whatever charge flowed between them had to be permanently stopped. He grunted, and Jake’s head sunk into the pillow.

  “You torture everyone like this?” Jake muttered.

  “Only you.”

  He had been desperate to leave a lasting impression on Jake, but
clearly it had gone both ways. He’d never experienced what he had with Jake before, doubted he could have it with anyone else.

  “But why? Why this with me?” Jake said, attempting to roll.

  Maddox pinned him with a hand pressing hard on Jake's hip.

  Why indeed. The reason was stupid, and simple. He hadn’t been searching for Jake, but Jake had found him. The unexpected treasure that had appeared in his life. His unpredictable nature had restarted Maddox’s cold heart. Jake was excitement, fun. He was so alive, and Maddox had felt the opposite for so long.

  “You killed the other guy...” Jake whispered.

  Ian popped up in his head, the betrayal, the attempted humiliation.

  “That was personal.”

  “He stole the diamond?”

  Maddox’s nodded. It was never about the diamond though, it was what it represented.

  “It’s not the most expensive thing I own, but it means the most and he knew that. He took it to humiliate me, to gift to one of my rivals. He was a traitor.”

  He didn’t wish to bore his mind with thoughts of Ian and Richie. Instead, he removed his pinning hand and encouraged Jake to roll to face him, arranging him comfortably in the new position.

  “What is this?” Jake asked, tickling Maddox’s chest. Without glancing down, he knew Jake stroked the tattoo.

  “Beethoven...Sleep now, Jake.”

  Jake tried to shuffle back, but Maddox kept him. Moved his hand to the back of Jake’s head to press him to his heart.

  “What happens in the morning?” Jake mumbled to his chest.

  Maddox huffed at the stubbornness in his arms. He didn’t want to sour the mood and admit he would send Jake on his way with determination never to see him again.

  He ran his fingers through Jake’s hair; each movement brought the smell of flowers out of his brown strands.

  Tom had said Jake didn’t have a family, very few friends, it showed when he craved affection as much as sex. He whined at the caresses, so softly Maddox didn’t hear at first, but when he did, he smiled to the ceiling. Jake wasn’t the only one who craved intimacy both sexually and affectionately. Maddox had silenced that kind of longing, needed to in his line of work, but Jake had shattered that rule.

  His heart clenched beneath Jake’s head. Letting him go was going to be harder than he'd thought.

  Chapter 7

  Maddox awoke early. It was a habit to enjoy his morning coffee while watching the sun rise. The abnormality was waking with someone beside him.

  A frown creased Jake’s brow when Maddox unwrapped his arms. Once he tucked the warmed duvet tight against Jake’s body, he settled back into a peaceful slumber.

  The coffee machine whirled, near black liquid running into the awaiting cup. He slotted his bread in the toaster, tapping the counter with his fingertip as he waited the four minutes it took to adequately brown his bread.

  He sat on his usual seat by the window, watching as the sun brightened the dull pavements and shadowed houses. The birds called their songs, the cars grumbled their way down the streets, more noise joined the chatter of the outside world each minute that passed.

  It was a normal morning, but as Maddox observed his body slumped and he propped his head up with his hand. Jake was beyond his bedroom door. The man that had broken the norm and added spice to his life.

  They had orbited each other for weeks, but the previous day they finally collided, and it was more awe inspiring and beautiful than he had imagined.

  But now the two worlds had brushed against each other and sparked electricity, they had to continue on their paths alone. Both would bear marks of their encounter, memories that only they shared.

  Maddox knew any repeat would only spiral Jake’s life into chaos. A lot of people craved revenge, and if they knew Maddox cared about someone, even if it were a mere slither of emotion, they would set out to destroy the young man.

  He crunched through his toast, sipped at his cooled coffee before moving to the bathroom. The steaming water soothed his skin. Jake’s scent was scrubbed off his body, replaced by one of the fancy bottles he had in the cubicle.

  Once he was done, he ruffled his hair with a towel. Brushed the strands into position and neatened his scraggily beard. The grey hairs at his sideburns had increased in number, blending into his dark stubble. The temptation to pick them out came and went, this was life. He, aesthetically, was past his prime.

  Satisfied his face had been neatened, he strolled into one of his walk-in wardrobes. His casual clothes were kept in his bedroom, but the suits, watches, shoes, and other expensive items were kept separately. Everything was folded to perfection. All items of clothing either white, grey or black. He dressed smartly and with care. He had told Tom business would be back to normal in the morning and he intended to keep that promise.

  The door to the bedroom opened, and soft footfalls were heard on the tiled floor. Maddox arranged his tie, feeding it to the base of his collar before tucking his shirt in.

  Jake had paused in the centre of the open-plan space. He scanned the room slowly. Maddox couldn’t see his expression with Jake’s back facing him, but he wondered whether he was impressed or horrified at the luxury.

  “Like it?”

  The younger man jolted, twirling around with an open mouth. He didn’t speak, the only thing that pierced the silence was the snap of Maddox’s watch.


  He flicked his head, knowing full well Jake must’ve been hungry. There was a reluctant nod and Maddox strode further into the room. He ran his hand across the black countertop and up the units till he tapped the right door.

  He didn’t expect a giggle to escape Jake when he opened the cupboard.

  “What is it?”

  Jake flapped his hand with a nervous laugh, and Maddox decided whatever made him chuckle wasn’t worth his time.

  “Eat what you want.”

  There was a bob to Jake’s throat. He wetted his lips but made no move to get closer. Maddox sighed and backed away with his hands held up in surrender.

  “We’re done now. Whatever this finished.”

  Jake’s eyes darted towards the cupboard. He lurked forward, selecting a box of cereal.

  Maddox sat down opposite, eyes on the spoon as it rose and fell from Jake’s mouth.

  It was a relief to see him eat. Maddox raised his eyebrow at the huge mountain in the bowl. One wasn’t enough, Jake kept going. Three bowls of bland cereal Jake munched through, Maddox shoved an orange in his face to add some variety to his palate.

  “That diamond.” Jake spluttered, flicking his hand around the room. Why does it mean so much when you have all this?”

  “It’s valuable to me in a non-money sense.”

  Jake’s face scrunched tightly. “Why, then?”

  Maddox tapped the shiny black counter, imagining the surface was the keys of a piano. “It’s Beethoven’s diamond.”

  “Beethoven had a diamond?”

  Maddox huffed and faced away. Of course, the youthful Jake had no interest in the mastery of Beethoven or the advance in science.

  “Time you leave.”

  Jake’s spoon scraped the empty bowl. The scratch had Maddox grimacing.


  Jake’s blues eyes flashed up. Maddox didn’t turn from them. He glared until Jake bowed under the weight of his.

  “Okay,” he muttered, “you want me to wash up-”

  “No. I want you to leave.”

  His tone was harsh, snappy, but he needed to be blunt for Jake to leave without arousing any suspicion. Maddox never knew when people watched his place. If one of Richie’s men saw Jake leave with anything but annoyance, they would be intrigued by the younger man.

  “Does it not mean anything?”

  It meant more than Maddox could express, but his selfish cravings weren’t worth putting Jake’s life in danger.

  “You wanted a reward for returning the diamond...I gave you one money can’t buy.”
/>   Maddox smacked his lips together, studying the time intently on his wrist even though he had nowhere to be.

  “Last night was a self-sacrifice then?”

  Maddox attached his gaze to Jake again. “I don’t have to explain myself to you.”

  “Fine, don’t...Guess we’re done then.”

  A hand was thrust out to him and Maddox frowned. Never had any of his sexual encounters ended with a handshake. He grasped Jake’s hands. Squeezed back in pulses. He dropped his hand, frown deepening when Jake tugged his hand aggressively back.

  The surprises Jake kept throwing him were confusing. Maddox kept his eyes on Jake until the slam of the front door took him permanently from view.

  Maddox braced himself on the counter, hissing at his stern reflection. He needed to get back to work. He lifted his arm, but only previously unseen flesh looked back.

  His watch, Jake’s crafty handshake had been a play to steal his watch. Maddox caressed the skin of his wrist gently before a booming laugh rose in his chest.

  Jake had tricked him again.

  Maddox’s next moves were impulsive, and in hindsight bloody stupid.

  He sprinted out the front door, unarmed.

  At first, he couldn’t see Jake, the pavement was empty of people. But an educated guess told him Jake would head up the street towards the main road.

  Maddox ran with soft strides, quick and efficient on his toes even though it had been years since he had been tasked with running someone down. His heart pumped, an excited fizzle bubbled in his stomach. Exhilarated chasing down prey when that prey was Jake.

  Jake’s confidence was his downfall. He trotted along the path whistling a tune to himself. The soft beats of Maddox’s feet went unnoticed, and he wrapped his arms around Jake’s middle, lifting him off the ground.

  He shoved Jake into the wall behind, pinning his arms above his head. His hand circled the watch on Jake’s wrist and he decided to play the man at his own game.

  It was all about distraction, and the perfect one panted mere centimetres from his lips.


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