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Raw (Raw Instinct Book 1)

Page 14

by Lee Quail

  “French onion soup, orange chicken, a few vegetables and roast potatoes.”

  “Delicious, just what the doctor ordered.”

  Raw spoke up from the living room. “I’m supposed to be preparing dinner, but Angie doesn’t like the way I chop onions so she took over. Kicked me out of the kitchen for a few minutes.”

  Angie went with Raw’s story. She sliced through the skin of the chicken and rubbed the spices and orange zeal into the slits she had made, drizzled olive oil over the entire bird and wrapped it all up in tin foil, shoved it in the preheated oven and closed the door.

  “Stop watching me, darlings. Go do what you usually do when you’re together.”

  They sat down for supper at seven-thirty on the dot. Raw and Edward had set the table for three and when they sat down Angie grasped their hands and insisted they say a prayer. Raw, being a Catholic Italian, volunteered with a quick prayer, thanking the Lord for the food on the table, respecting the bird they were about to eat, and blessing the guests. Amen.

  “Tuck in, gentlemen. Hope you like it,” Angie said.

  “Angie has something important to tell us,” Raw said.

  “It’s this whole thing with Caine,” Angie said. “He fucked our friendship up with that move he made regarding the disco, and when I confronted him about it two days ago he said something on his way out that troubled me.”

  “He’s not finished with this disco thing?” Edward asked.

  “Oh, believe me, he is finished. But, now he’s retaliating. It looks like he wants a war and he’s not going to rest until he gets hurt. He said that he’s going to tell every promoter who works with Curisco that you and Edward are queer. He peppered his farewell with highly floral vocabulary.”

  Edward’s spoon of soup stopped before it entered his mouth. “I thought it was him.”

  “The bastard,” Raw exclaimed.

  “What do you mean, Edward?” Angie asked.

  “A promoter cancelled today because there’s a rumour going around town that we’re gay.”

  Raw continued. “He had the audacity to say his boxer refuses to fight queers unless we top up the purse money.”

  Angie stopped eating. “This is Caine’s work. Definitely Caine’s work.”

  “And that’s when Curisco suggested, for the second time, that we fight each other,” Raw said, collecting the soup plates and taking them to the kitchen.

  He brought the chicken, vegetables, roast potatoes, and gently placed them on the table.

  “Caine must be stopped at all costs. He’s going to break you if you don’t do something,” Angie warned.

  Silence frayed the table. “Only you can stop him, Angie,” Edward said, gazing at her.

  “I think we all have a hand in this, darlings. He’s of the belief that you, Edward stole Raw from him and it’s payback time.”

  Edward laughed, “I stole Raw? Raw was never his in the first place. They were fuckbuddies, that’s all.”

  “And we never fucked. It was always oral,” Raw confirmed.

  Angie waved her hands. “Let’s not get too carried away with the details. Fact is, he wants Raw back.”

  “The only thing we can do is get a restraining order against him,” Edward suggested.

  “I can help there, but it doesn’t stop him from spreading the truth,” Angie said.

  “I’m proud to be a gay man,” Edward said. “I have the most wonderful man by my side whom I love more than anything in the world and I know he feels the same way. Raw has come a long way, from being afraid to come out, to telling his dad and his family and the members of the gym. I say we go public so that the boxing world knows who they are dealing with for the future. It’s the only way to stop Caine.”

  Raw swallowed hard. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Ed. We’ll lose business.”

  “And we’ll welcome gay boxers to the gym and gay-friendly folk.”

  “That’s not such a bad idea, darling.”

  “You think that will work, Angie?” Raw asked.

  “It has potential if it’s done the right way and with Curisco’s blessing, of course it will work.”

  “We still have a fight scheduled in a week. With Yong Put from China, let’s hope his promoter stays with us.”

  “The Boxing League will have something to say about your decision for sure,” Angie thought out loud.

  “If the League doesn’t like it, we pull out as members, simple as that. We don’t have to be a boxing gym. But, I want the League to know exactly what kind of person Caine is, and that he’s harassing us.”

  “You boys have a lot to think about. But what about this fight between the two of you?”

  “I’m okay with it if Edward is.”

  “I’m okay with it, and know for sure I’ll definitely win.”

  “Afraid you’ll lose,” Raw said.

  “You think I’m afraid of your punch? Think again, bud,” Edward laughed.

  The end of the evening came far too quickly and by the time Angie left, the clock had just gone ten.

  Raw closed the door and immediately pulled Edward into a tight embrace and kissed him squarely on the lips.

  “Oh, man. What an incredible dinner.” Edward said, between kisses.

  “I know. I know. And I wanted it to be just us two. Honestly, she was waiting in the parking lot when I arrived and what else could I do but invite her in. I’m sorry, babe. So sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I enjoyed her company.”

  “You don’t get it,” Raw said, reaching for two items on the entrance table. “I wanted us to be alone. I needed to do something and she kind of spoiled it. Damn! I was so angry I could have screamed. But, anyway, I wanted to give you this.”

  Edward stepped out of Raw’s embrace and took the items from his hands.

  “A key and remote control?” Edward said, smiling.

  “It’s the key to my apartment and the remote to the lock-up parking below.”

  “I…I don’t know what to say.”

  “Don’t say anything. This is your home too. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Wait here,” Edward said.

  He had placed his gym bag on the floor in Raw’s bedroom and went to fetch it. He unzipped the bag and retrieved his extra set of keys and extra remote that he always kept in his bag in case he lost a set.

  “Seeing you’re so generous, here’s mine. It’s an extra set I always keep”

  “You don’t have…” Raw started.

  Edward interrupted him. “I’ve been thinking about this for a couple of days now, I was waiting for the right time. I guess this makes us officially an item.”

  Raw lifted his ring finger. “You forgot the ring.”

  Edward stepped out of his embrace and went to his bag again. He returned to Raw and presented him with a gold-wrapped box.

  “Actually, I haven’t forgotten about a ring. Don’t think you’re going to get out of this so easily.”

  Raw accepted the gift with a smile. “What have you been up to, Edward Canton?”

  He unwrapped the gold paper and opened the lid of the black box. His fingers trembled slightly as he took the platinum ring out of the box and stared at it.

  “There’s an inscription,” Edward said, “on the inside.”

  Raw held it up to the light and read: “Forever yours, Edward.”


  Caine pulled his fists into a tight ball when he saw Raw and Edward standing in the doorway of his office. His fingers aimed for the security button when another man, taller than Raw and Edward, stepped out of the shadows. He wore a grey cotton suit with a government tie and carried an envelope in his hands.

  “Call security and you’ll still need to deal with our guest here. He’s a real policeman,” Raw said, stepping into the office.

  “What the fuck do you want here?”

  “This is Pieter Corky, Sherriff of the Court. He’s here to serve you papers.”

  “What, he couldn’t come alone so
you held his fucking hand?”

  Pieter stepped to the side of the desk. “Sir, you don’t have to use foul language.” The sheriff removed a stapled batch of papers from the envelope and place it on the desk before him.

  “What is this?”

  “This is a restraining order on behalf of Raw Curisco, Edward Canton, Roberto Curisco and the Gym called Curisco’s. Consider yourself served.”

  Edward said, “You’re not to come within 200 metres of us at any time, night or day. If you do, we’ll have you arrested.”

  Caine had never been served before, it showed on his face. Raw visualized the cogs, gears, and levers turning and moving inside Caine's head, thinking of something else to pin on them.

  The sheriff instructed him to read the papers and to sign each page as indicated.

  Edward smiled as Caine began reading.

  “I’m not signing this.” Caine pushed the papers away.

  “Sir, if you don’t sign I am obliged to arrest you.”

  Caine drew his mouth into a tight smirk and drew the papers closer. He signed, handed the papers back to the sheriff.

  “Now get the fuck out of here, all of you.”

  Raw smiled, he could not reconcile himself with the man seated behind the desk. The Caine he once knew had vanished. In his place existed a man who had turned into a rabid, dangerous enemy. One who lived by denial. One who lived in the uncertainty that life offered.

  Raw said, ‘One other thing, then we’ll ride into the sunset.” Raw had prepared his laptop with all the photo’s he’d taken of Caine and himself in various acts of collusive gay sex. He opened the laptop and turned it on, handed it to the sheriff who placed it carefully before Caine.

  “I have images, many images of us together. It’s time for you to settle down, Caine. It’s time for you to regain your sanity. I’ll use them in court if I have to. Don’t make me do that. You’ll come second best.”

  Caine flinched when he saw the first image and pushed the laptop aside, it slide to the edge of the desk and would have fallen if it weren’t for the quick response from the sheriff.

  “That’s blackmail. How dare you? Get out. All of you, get out!”

  Edward turned at the door. “By the way, if I hear from you again, I’ll be sending some of those images I took of us to your boss. Just so you know. One more move from you, and it’s case closed.” The three of them walked out of Caine’s office, headed for the elevators, and as the blinking light announced its arrival, Caine’s voice bellowed in the background.

  “You don’t have the balls to do that.”

  “Watch me,” Raw said as the doors closed.


  Back at the gym, Raw told Curisco how Caine’s fall went down. Conflict in a brutal world always ended the same; survival of the fittest. No matter how powerful or pious or megalomaniacal an institution or a person is, human rights always trumped. Love always survived. Love always defeated evil for the greater good of mankind. It is as it is. The universe kicked back in ways that no man could understand.

  Curisco glared at Raw. “You think you’ve won?”

  “For sure. He’s gone. Can’t come within 200 metres of us. I’ve exposed him as the devil he is.”

  “How sure are you of that? These men have a way to get back at you. One way or the other.”

  “You’re not happy?”

  “I’m over the moon, you, son of mine!” Curisco laughed. He reached under his chair, lifted the false bottom and revealed the second bottle of Johnny Walker.

  “You know I don’t drink in working hours, dad.”

  “Today, you drink, with me, because not only have we defeated Caine, we also have a signed contract with the Chinese fighter and another two more fights for the year. It all happened suddenly. One minute this place was quiet, the next minute I had two promoters standing at the door. They love us, Rawson. They love us!”

  Curisco danced around his desk with the bottle in his hand. He stopped, removed the cork and poured three neat whiskeys.

  “To us. To this gym. To my beautiful boys.” Curisco toasted.

  Raw drank his whiskey in several sips while Edward and Curisco threw it down in one gulp.

  “I have something for you, dad. It’s from Angie. She said you know what it’s for and you’ll accept it.”

  “What? What is that woman up to now?”

  “I have no idea,” Raw shrugged. He opened his briefcase and brought out the green envelope. “Here it is.”

  Curisco opened the envelope and pulled out what looked like a cheque. His eyes glanced over it and suddenly he grasped his chair behind him.

  “I don’t believe this.”

  “What is it, dad?”

  Curisco passed the cheque to Raw while Edward peeped over his shoulder.

  “Christ! Seven – seven million?” Edward exclaimed.

  “This woman is crazy,” Curisco said, shaking his head.

  “Not crazy, fantastic. We can do so much with this. Pay the League fees, use it for business trips, promote the hell out of this place,” Raw said.

  Edward grinned and shook his head.

  “She said you know what it’s for. Want to tell us?” Raw asked.

  “There’s a note with the cheque,” Curisco said, he handed it to Raw. “Here, you read it.”

  To my wonderful friend, Roberto.

  I have made many mistakes in my life but the biggest one was not marrying you. It’s been so many years now and the years have treated us well. I have it on good faith that Raw and Edward have put all of their life savings into Curisco’s. We simply cannot have that. Please return their money and take this, it’s the least I can do. I remember how you saved me and my late husband so many years ago. We were down and out and battling to sell this property. You stepped in and bought it and I’ve watched you grow both as a man and a boxer and a coach. I am so proud of you. This is my gift to you. You will accept it because if you don’t, I’ll box your ears. Thank you for being a wonderful friend all these years. Love and friendship always, Angelica. PS; We can discuss the business details of this later.

  Curisco’s knees turned to jelly and he sat on the couch. “I cannot accept this.”

  Raw glared at him. “Are you serious, Dad? Of course, you can accept this. It’s money from heaven. Just what the doctor ordered.”

  “I helped her many years back. I had forgotten.”

  “Exactly, now she’s helping you, us. She’s always loved you, Dad. This is proof.”

  “Money cannot buy love, son.”

  “You loved her once, come on, Dad.”

  “I still love her. Your poor Mama knew it then, and knows it now.”

  “Oh, shit!” Raw said, shifting closer to him on the couch.

  “Listen to me, Padre,” Raw rested a hand on his father’s shoulder. “You haven’t acted on those feelings.”

  Curisco looked away. Raw didn’t understand his silence. “Have you?”

  “You cannot tell your Mama.”

  “Fuck! You’ve been screwing Angie?”

  Curisco nodded without saying anything.

  “Oh, this gets better and better, doesn’t it?” Raw sought a reaction from Edward.

  “I’m not saying anything,” Edward said, grinning.

  “You think this is funny, Ed?” Raw asked, smiling.

  “I think it’s amazing that they’ve kept it a secret all this time.”

  Curisco spoke. “We had no choice. I went to Italy. In the old days we were bound to marry a woman of the parent’s choice. Maria was a beautiful woman. When I returned to South Africa with a wife, Angelica was heartbroken. We didn’t love our partners, but there was nothing we could do. And so the years went by and we became good friends and eventually, we couldn’t resist the urge so we started sleeping with each other whenever we could. It hasn’t stopped.”

  “I should have known. The signs were all there. Man, you’re good. But you’re a bastard for betraying Mama.”

  “You can never tell
your mamma.” Curisco gazed into Raw’s eyes.

  “You’re a fucking moron, Dad. You and Angie must stop this. You’re not a young man. Angie’s not young. This will break mamma’s heart if she ever finds out.”

  “That is between her and me. But you two are never to mention this, ever. That’s an order. Now you’ve missed a whole day’s training. Get out of here, both of you. And be here at 4.30 tomorrow morning!”


  Posters promoted the fight as RED DOG (Yong Put – China) vs WHITE SNAKE (Edward Canton – South Africa) and depicted Edward as a wild man with fangs and Jong Put as a tail bearing Goliath in front of a red sun.

  At the weigh-in they treated each other as lesser beings, and, during the stare-off, Edward hissed into Put’s face much like a snake would before the fatal bite.

  The press had a field day, reporting how a straight heavyweight from China had the upper hand over a gay heavyweight from South Africa. Put had to win, they issued, or Jong Put would lose face in his own country.

  Edward slept in the spare room the night before the fight. He couldn’t risk his chances of winning by sleeping next to Raw, because it had come to the point if either one of them woke up in the middle of the night, they couldn’t resist having sex. Edward needed his energy to fight the best fight. To win. And that’s the only thing he allowed himself to think about. He went as far as locking the bedroom door in case Raw had any misgivings and wanted to change bedrooms. He need not have locked the door, because the moment they kissed each other goodnight at 21.30, Edward headed straight for the spare bedroom and leaned against the headboard staring at the lights lining the shore of the lake. Raw’s headaches bothered him. The other night at dinner he noticed Raw’s swollen eye, and he found it odd that when he entered the apartment, Raw seemed a little off balance.

  Angie’s excuse about how amateurish Raw chopped onions, bothered him. Did Angie know something about Raw’s headaches that Edward didn’t know? He had a sneaking suspicion that Raw’s headaches occurred more frequently than he cared to admit.

  More than this, it seemed to Edward that he would be a fool to fight Raw. But Raw seemed eager to please his father, that’s all that mattered. Curisco kept on driving the idea that the fight would benefit the gym, not the individual.


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