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Raw (Raw Instinct Book 1)

Page 18

by Lee Quail

  “Is this Angie speaking?”

  “No, it’s me speaking.” Another voice came from the doorway. Maria, Raw’s mother stepped into the office with her hands crossed over her chest. A tall woman with long black hair and two dimples on her rose-red cheeks, an imposing figure.


  “You are surprised and shocked that I am here? Don’t be.”

  Raw got up from the couch and went over to hug her.

  “So, this is Edward, è l'uomo che amate.” The man you love.

  “Si, mamma.”

  “È bello, no?” He is handsome, isn’t he?

  Raw answered. “Si, è bello, è intelligente.” Yes, he is handsome, and he is smart.

  “Come here, child?” Maria welcomed Edward into her arms.

  Edward hugged her with his heart; he liked her instantly.

  “I was telling Raw how handsome you are.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “Call me Maria.” She turned to Curisco who stood beside her. “Your father and I have had a long chat. He told me everything. How the club was struggling. How you two put your money in to save the gym. How Angie stepped forward and saved the day. Your father also told me that he and Angie have never stopped loving each other. But I already knew that. I’ve known from day one. When a woman truly loves a man, she will do anything to keep him and so I kept quiet all these years.”

  “What’s going to happen, now? Between you two.” Raw asked.

  “I told Angie yesterday that it’s over,” Curisco said. “I’ve been a fool and so has she. She wasn’t too happy about it, but she understood when I told her that my marriage to Maria is forever. I told her to take the money back. Of course, she said no. She reminded me to give you two all the money you’ve put into the club. Should be back in your accounts by now.”

  “What about the fight, Dad? We don’t want to fight each other.”

  “I don’t want you to fight each other,” Curisco said.

  “It’s wrong. Wrong!” Maria said, kissing Raw, then Edward on the cheek. “Two handsome men who love each other beating each other to a pulp in a boxing ring. I told your father this is not going to happen. I still wear the pants when it comes to my child.”

  “The fight is off,” Curisco said. “You two won’t need to fight ever again if you don’t want to. Both of you can stay on as boxing coaches, with a salary, as we organize and promote other fights.”

  Maria interrupted him. “Tell them about your plans for the future of the club.”

  “We spoke about it, your mother and me, and we’ll be marketing the club as gay-friendly. Your uncle, Ricardo, he has this fancy smanshy advertising company, he’ll be making videos and advertisements and flighting them on national TV and radio and the internet.”

  Edward said, “That’s awesome. It will be a pleasure to work here as a coach.”

  “What about you, Raw?” Maria asked, hugging him.

  “I don’t know what to say. I’m speechless.”

  Maria turned to face her husband. “He likes it. I told you he would. I also told you he’d be back with Edward.”

  “Yes, woman. You did. But, there’s something else. We want you two to go away for a week, make it two weeks, and only return when you’re relaxed and ready. When you do return, I’m taking your mamma to Italy for a long vacation. She deserves it.”

  Raw smiled at Edward. “I won’t say no to that.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Edward said, gripping Raw’s hand tight.

  “We also have great news,” Raw said, holding up Edward’s hand, showing them the ring. “Last night I asked Edward to marry me. We’re getting married,” Raw smiled.

  Jubilation all around. Maria clapped her hands. “This is wonderful news. Now I have two sons to brag about.” She hugged them both while Curisco fetched the bottle of Johnny Walker. He poured glasses for everyone and made a toast.

  “To your happiness, my son. My two sons. May you be blessed and remember, never lose sight of your love for each other.”


  In the afterglow of making love that Saturday night, Raw lay on top of Edward and felt the stickiness of Edward’s cum on his stomach. Their passionate, eager-to-please kissing fuelled their love for each other, and after ten minutes Raw got off Edward and went to fetch a wet, warm cloth from the bathroom. He gently wiped Edward’s genitals and stomach, making sure to clean every last drop of the quick-drying stickiness.

  “You missed a streak,” Edward laughed.

  “I did, where?”

  Edward pointed to his chin and forehead.

  “Jesus, you jizzed that far?”

  “That was some hot session, lover. You always make me cum like that.”

  “You have quite a rocket,” Raw said. “When you cum inside me I can feel the warmth squirting right up. It’s an awesome feeling.”

  “I feel it too when you do me. Like tonight.”

  “I’m so looking forward to Canton’s Cottage this week. I’ve fallen in love with the place,” Raw said, wiping Edward’s chin and forehead.

  “I have an idea. Why don’t we leave tonight? Like now,” Edward suggested sitting up against the headboard.

  “I’m pretty exhausted. How about we take a shower, sleep until 3.30, go for a quick run, then leave at about five tomorrow morning. It’s safer to drive during the day.”

  Edward reached out and pulled Raw towards him. Their noses touched lightly. “Perfect,” Edward whispered.

  After showering, Raw made two cups of Horlicks, a thick, sweet brew of hot malt known to make sleep quicker and deeper.

  They lay in each other’s arms, Raw slid his finger along the outline of Edward’s tattoos. “I’m happy,” he said, tracing the rose on Edward’s neck. “I never thought this would ever happen to me, being with you, loving you, sharing our deepest emotions with each other. I was so scared before. You’ve made me the happiest guy alive.”

  Edward kissed his forehead. “I am too. There was a stage when I was prepared to move my life to Canton’s Cottage and never come back. Now, I wouldn’t dream of going there without you.”

  “It feels so good to belong. I love you, Edward Canton.”

  “The most perfect feeling. It’s like everything else is an imposition. You, and the love you give to me is the greatest gift. And I’m so looking forward to my new name, Edward Curisco. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Your mom, she’s a great woman. I thought you Italians were highly explosive people, but your mom is calm and collected as if she didn’t have a care in the world. She’s a lot more forgiving than I am I can tell you that…Raw?”

  Raw snored lightly and Edward smiled. He fell asleep with Raw’s head on his stomach and one arm around Edward’s waist, holding on tight, as though he would never let go.

  The alarm clock peeled throughout the apartment at exactly three thirty on Sunday morning. They pulled on their tracksuits and each grabbed a water bottle from the fridge as they left the apartment.

  Settling down to an easy pace in the middle of the road, Raw fell in close to Edward. “I think I fell asleep while you were still talking, sorry about that. I was tired.”

  “No need for sorry. I fell asleep soon after.”

  “What were you saying anyway?”

  “About your parents. Your mom. She’s an extraordinary woman for putting up with your dad’s infidelity all these years.”

  Raw didn’t look for oncoming cars as he crossed the road. Sunday morning sounds came from crickets and their running shoes

  and the sound of a car as it sped towards them.

  Not slowing down.

  The car smashed into Raw and he flew through the air and hit the tarmac with a sickening thud.

  Edward heard a voice.

  His own voice screaming out Raw’s name over and over again as the car sped on, and turned into the next corner.

  He reached Raw lying crumpled on the road. Edward’s body trembled as he took him gently in his arms and began to sway and s
cream out Raw’s name over and over. A light came on in the house on the opposite side of the road and a woman ran out.

  Edward gazed at her with the look of a lost, hopeless animal.

  “Help me. Please help me.”


  The ambulance sped through the streets of Jozi towards the hospital, only a helicopter could have been faster. The hospital had received forward notification of the emergency and they were waiting. Gurney ready. Doctor’s ready.

  Edward and Curisco followed after the gurney but a doctor stopped them and waved them away.

  “Sorry, this is as far as you’re allowed. Please, we need space to do our work.”

  “I’m his father. What’s going to happen to him, doctor?” Curisco asked.

  “We must analyse the damage first. We’ll update you frequently, but for now, you guys need to relax. There’s a coffee bar downstairs. We’re going to be long, so please, don’t panic.”

  They prepped Raw for an MRI and x-ray scan; 45 minutes later the doctor called Edward and Curisco aside.

  “Firstly, let me tell you that Raw’s legs are broken. Otherwise, the rest of his body is bruised and scraped from when he hit the tarmac. His forehead is swollen from the impact and he’s suffered major concussion.”

  Edward hung his head and felt faint. He placed a hand on Curisco’s shoulder to steady himself. “Oh, God. No.”

  “But there’s something else. Something far worse. We found a small but rare and potentially lethal brain tumour near the brain’s pituitary gland. It’s growth has affected his hearing and sight centres. It’s bleeding into his brain, probably caused by the impact. We’ve called in two neurosurgeons, and one of them will be acting as a consultant.”

  Curisco asked, “What are his chances, doctor?”

  “From what I’ve seen of the tumour in his brain, we need to hold onto hope and prayer.”

  “How long will the operation be?” Edward asked.

  “I can’t say at this stage. But I can tell you that the surgeons will probably do a Craniotomy. It’s the most common type of operation for a brain tumour where the surgeon cuts out an area of bone from the skull to operate on the brain. We intend to operate on the brain, first. Brain ops have to be super clean and bone surgery isn't. Plus you have to be careful about blood loss of one affecting the other. We’ll stabilise the broken legs externally temporarily, and operate on the brain alone. If the brain operation is successful, we’ll take care of his legs later. It doesn’t look like an amputation is required, but it will take him a long time to walk again.

  “We are preparing scans right now for the neurosurgeons. And it’s not uncommon for scans to be carried out during surgery. It’s best if you let us do all the worrying.”

  The surgeon walked away and Curisco approached Edward standing at a window overlooking a courtyard.

  “Did you know about this tumour?”

  Edward couldn’t answer. It seemed that every road he went down brought more challenges. Curisco swung him around and slapped him.

  “You knew! You knew and you didn’t say anything.” He pounded Edward’s chest with his fist, over and over and over. “Why? Why? Why? Why? Why didn’t you tell me? Why?”

  Edward didn’t stop Curisco’s fists. His life had also stopped for a moment when he found out. He ran. Ran like a coward unable to face the inevitable consequences of Raw’s secret. His heart broke when Curisco slumped into the chair, breathing and chunking heavily into his hands.

  “I’m so sorry, Padre,” Edward whispered.


  During the next thirty minutes, Edward watched as the two neurosurgeons entered the hospital hurriedly and disappeared into the operating theatre. Watched as nurses and assistants continuously appeared and disappeared from view. Watched when hospital staff offered something to eat or drink, all of which he refused. Watched as Curisco slumped his head on his chest and fell asleep. Watched as the thoughts of losing Raw continuously attacked his mind. And he watched as the doctor approached them three hours later.

  He stood before Edward not saying a word. The expression on his face, deadpan. Helpless.

  “We’ve done all we can. We extracted the tumour and it’s clean. We have placed him in an induced coma while the brain heals from the trauma.”

  “An induced coma?” Edward didn’t understand the term.

  The doctor explained. “In general, an induced coma is temporary, he should recover in a week, maybe two depending on the severity of the brain injury. Recovery is usually gradual but many patients recover fully. In the meantime we’ll be constantly monitoring his blood pressure and his heart activity.”

  Edward slumped back into his seat. He buried his head in his hands and trembled.

  “We’ve closed the skull with metal staples, and we’ve cleaned him. We’ll be bringing him out in a few minutes, and I must ask you to stay calm. The patient has pipes going in and out of his body and it’s not a pretty sight. Don’t freak out. Please stay here while the doctors and hospital staff prep him in the ward. Should be about twenty minutes to half an hour. Then you can see him.” The surgeon gazed on the weeping form of Curisco and said, “I’m sorry, sir.” He turned and walked away.

  Edward felt numb. He couldn’t think with all the stress and pressure that had built up during the last few hours. He knelt before Curisco, shaking from grief, and held him close and slowly the tears came with the nerve-wracking jerks that accompanied them. A nurse helped them up, brought them coffee and a sandwich each to eat. She assured them they’d feel better.

  As they clutched onto each other the theatre doors swung open and the entire medical team accompanied Raw to the ICU. Fifteen minutes later the neurosurgeon appeared and beckoned them to his side.

  “You can see him now. I’ve asked the staff to leave the ward so you can have some time with him in private.”

  Raw looked so much at peace with himself and the world, even while surrounded by monitors, IVs, breathing equipment and feeding tubes. He wore a neck brace and lay on a cooling blanket to help to bring down his body temperature. His legs were covered by compression stockings to prevent blood clots.

  Edward took Raw’s hand, squeezed, and rested his head in the palm of his cold hand. Cold like death itself.

  In Edward’s mind, so many scenarios played out, like the very first day he saw him, the time when Raw asked him to stop the car to walk to his apartment then fell on the pavement. The time he told him that they wouldn’t be seeing each other anyway so it really didn’t matter what Edward thought of him. The time Raw told Edward he had feelings for him outside Curisco’s gym. The way he changed after that, the look on his face when Edward told Raw to penetrate him. The look on his face when Edward penetrated Raw. The moment Raw had learnt of his father’s financial woes and how he managed to bring Caine down. The look of absolute joy when he beat Yong Put from China. The day Edward walked away from him, refusing to fight the man he loved, and the day Raw told him that he loved him. Two nights ago, inside Canton’s Cottage, when Raw proposed to him. The moment he said yes…

  The memories stopped with a hand gently nudging his shoulder.

  One of the night staff smiled down at him. “Sir, everyone else is gone. Visiting hours are up.”

  Edward took her hand and said, “Please, can I stay? I can’t leave him.”

  “He’s stable after the operation and needs to be monitored closely. Sir, you’ll just be in the way.”

  “I promise, you won’t even know I’m here. Please.”

  “It’s not allowed, sir. Go home and rest. We have your number, if anything happens during the night we’ll let you know.”

  Edward took Raw’s hand and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll be back first thing in the morning. Don’t you go anywhere, my love.”


  Angie tried to make contact with Edward during the course of the day but he didn’t answer any calls. She packed her knitting needles and a few belongings, climbed into her old Anglia, and drove to h
is apartment. She buzzed long and hard and eventually got one of the other tenants to open the security door.

  She banged on his door so loud the other tenants peeked with doors ajar and insisted she be quiet.

  “Go to hell!” She told one of the nosy parkers.

  At that moment Edward opened the door and walked away.

  His tear stained face, his swollen, red eyes, told the story. “Edward darling, Raw wouldn’t want you to be like this,” she said, hugging him.

  Edward remained silent. Just seeing Angie made him weep. He bit his lip and nodded. She went to the bathroom and returned with a wet, warm cloth and dabbed his eyes and cheeks. “Such beautiful eyes. It’s good to cry you know. I cry a lot. Helps me face those terrible things that life brings.”

  Edward’s voice caught in his throat. “I nearly lost the love of my life today, Angie. I miss him so much.”

  “I know, darling. I know.” Angie looked away as a tear escaped down her cheek. She took a moment to compose herself. “But, he’s fine. Curisco told me he’s in an induced coma. He’ll survive. He loves you with all his heart. He came to visit me once. He said he brought a gift with him. But there was nothing in his hands. I asked him where it is and he said, very simply, you’ll know it when you see it. I asked him what the gift is for. He said it’s for Edward’s love. He said you are the best thing that had ever happened to him.”

  “He said that?” A smile appeared out of Edward’s sorrow.

  “And more. He cherished every moment you spent together. I think he told me he loved you even before he told you.”

  “I’m sure he did. I had to wait a whole month for that.”

  “And there you were, all afraid of him, thinking he was the wolf about to bash down your door. Aren’t you glad he did?”

  “I fell in love with him the moment we met. He didn’t understand that, but with time he grew to understand. Once I give of myself, there’s no going back.”


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