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Their Own Time

Page 6

by Jessica Wayne

  Since her parents died shortly after graduating college, Parker had been who she had turned to after that day, and he had never made her feel loved. She had told herself she had been, hoping he would wake up one day and love her as she loved him. Though as it turns out, she supposed she had never loved him either.

  She looked up at Garrett. Other than Gabby, she hadn’t truly loved until him. How had she fallen so quickly for him? She had guarded herself after Parker, even before they had split, she supposed. But it felt as if Garrett had been made for her, as if they had been made for each other.

  He looked down at her, and she blushed.

  “Something I can help you with, love?” He grinned, amused.

  “You could kiss me.”

  “I think I could help with that.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, gently.

  “Thank you,” she whispered when he lifted his head.

  He nodded, and they continued walking.

  “Garrett!” Leon called for him, and Carissa turned to see him running with two guards close behind him.

  She immediately began to panic and started toward the castle for Gabby.

  “Gabby is fine,” Leon said quickly when he saw the fear on her face.

  “What is it?” Garrett asked.

  “McLaughlin’s men are approaching.”

  Carissa watched as the color drained from Garrett’s face.

  “Get Carissa to the castle. Now. Ensure that she and Gabby are hidden.” He ordered Leon and then looked to Carissa. “I need you to stay in your room, please don’t ask why now as I don’t have time to explain it to you. I will tell you all later, I swear it.” He kissed the top of her head, and she watched as he headed toward the gate with the two guards Leon had brought with him.

  “What is happening, Leon?” she asked him as they ran toward the castle.

  “Garrett will tell you all he wants you to know.” Leon’s jaw was set, and Carissa decided not to press anymore. She had gotten to know Leon well enough during her time here to know that he would not divulge any information to her without Garrett’s consent.

  “Leon, what is it?” Kettie asked when they barged into the nursery.

  “McLaughlin’s men have arrived.”

  “Why would he be sending his men here?” she asked Leon. “Have there been any letters? Any word of his arrival?”

  His jaw tightened. “None.”

  Kettie yelled something in Irish Gaelic and then turned to Gabby, who still sat in her arms. “Little lass, I will see you in a bit.” She kissed her head and handed her to Carissa. “It’s best if the two of you stay put.”

  “Garrett asked me to stay up here and out of sight.”

  Kettie nodded. “That is smart.”

  She headed for the door, and Leon turned to leave. Carissa gripped his arm, and he stopped to look at her.

  “Is Garrett going to be okay?”

  Leon must have noted the fear in her eyes because his face softened. “All will be well.” He patted her hand and then turned to leave the room.

  “I wasn’t expecting you,” Garrett said sternly to Carrick McLaughlin as he dismounted from his horse.

  “Is that how you McKinley’s greet guests?” Carrick sneered at him and handed one of Garrett’s guards his reigns. “No wonder my daughter was so miserable here.”

  Garrett ground his teeth together. Carrick had blamed him for his daughter’s death even though he hadn’t cared for her at all. He had merely suffered her presence when she had been a child and married her off when he believed it would benefit him. Eleanora had deserved better.

  “Is there something I can help you with, Carrick?”

  Carrick nodded and began walking toward the castle, ignoring Garrett.

  Garrett moved in front of him, and Carrick stopped to stare him down.

  “I said, is there something I can help you with, Carrick?”

  “I am only checking on my investment.”

  Garrett scoffed. “You have no stake in McKinley land Carrick. You haven’t for quite some time now.”

  “I own part of your land, you owe it to me after the way you treated my Eleanora.”

  “Your daughter was tended to just as the lady of the house should be.”

  “Then why is she dead?” he growled back, and Garrett clenched his fists.

  “Carrick, this is a surprise.” Kettie placed her hand gently on Garrett’s arm.

  “Good to see you, Kettie.” He nodded and smiled at her.

  “I’m sure it is, now what can we help you with?” she asked him sternly.

  “As I told Garrett here, I am merely checking on my investment.”

  “You have no money in our land, Carrick.”

  “I have an interest.”

  “You can keep your interest and place it somewhere it belongs, Carrick. We do not need nor wish it here.” She folded her arms, and Carrick bared his teeth.

  “Are all McKinley’s so unwelcoming, I wonder?” He laughed and looked back to his men, who smiled and nodded in agreement. “I hear you found a lass in the forest, and that you are housing her here. Is that true?” he asked arrogantly, and Garrett began to understand why he was there.

  “What goes on in our walls is none of your concern, Carrick.”

  “But it is. I have spent the last four years grieving the loss of my daughter and granddaughter.” He tried to muster up grief, but Garrett saw right through it. Carrick McLaughlin cared for no one but himself.

  “As have we,” Kettie said softly.

  Carrick scoffed. “So much so that your son is bedding a whore?”

  “You will watch your tongue.” Garrett started toward him, but Leon, who had just joined the conversation, gripped his arm.

  “Who said he was bedding anyone, Carrick?” Kettie asked sweetly. “Perhaps you should find another source for your information.”

  “Perhaps.” Carrick smiled and patted Garrett’s cheek. “Might we come in?” he asked Kettie but never looked away from Garrett. “‘Tis a long ride from McLaughlin land, and we could use a rest.”

  Kettie nodded. Garrett knew she was only trying to avoid a confrontation. McLaughlin had more soldiers than the McKinley’s, and any war would end badly for them.

  “You will hold your tongue and show respect while in my home, Carrick,” Kettie warned. “Or so help me, Lord, I will have you and your men removed.”

  “Of course, Kettie. We are grateful to you for your hospitality.” He nodded slightly and then gestured for his men to follow him in.

  Garrett watched angrily as they walked into his home.

  “This is not going to end well,” Leon said quietly to him.

  “No, ‘tis not.” Garrett agreed, his jaw tight. “Go and warn Carissa. Tell her that I will have dinner sent up to her.”

  “What do you wish for me to tell her?”

  “Whatever she asks. Do not lie to her.”

  Leon nodded and headed for the door.

  Garrett watched as he disappeared from view. Carrick had some nerve to show up unannounced like this. Then to insult Carissa. Garret closed his eyes and took a deep breath. How he had wanted to run the man through right then. Plus, when you add in the history they had, Garrett was surprised the man had shown his face at all.

  He knew why, though, he believed he was going to push his way into taking part of McKinley land. After all, that had been why he had forced Eleanora to marry Garrett. The plan had come out once she had died, although they had never heard it from his mouth.

  Carrick had intended on killing Garrett once Eleanora had given birth to a son. It had been his intention to take the land from Garrett’s family. Eleanora’s handmaiden had overheard them talking after the wedding and had told Garrett once his wife had passed. Eleanora had never wanted anything but to get away from her own father and had feared Garrett would kill her himself if he knew of her father’s plan.

  Of course he wouldn’t have. He would have done everything in his power to remove Carrick from their
lives permanently. Even if it had resulted in bloodshed.

  One question did plague Garrett’s mind, though, how did Carrick believe he would obtain McKinley land now?

  “Is Garrett okay?” Carissa asked when Leon came to the door. “What happened?”

  Leon closed the door quietly behind him and walked them into the nursery.

  “Aye, he is fine.”

  “Then what is going on?” She held Gabby tightly against her chest, and Leon touched her shoulder gently.

  “Carrick McLaughlin arrived with a handful of his men.”

  “Who is Carrick McLaughlin?”

  “Garrett has told you of Eleanora?”

  Carissa nodded.

  “Carrick McLaughlin is Eleanora’s father.”


  “‘Tis not a happy visit,” he told her. “Garrett does not care for the man, and McLaughlin feels the same.”

  “Then why is here?”

  “I am not sure. I imagine he is going to try and convince Garrett to hand over part of McKinley land.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  Leon shrugged. “Truthfully, I have no idea.” He ran his hand over his jaw. “You and Gabby should stay here, we will send food up. It’s best to not do anything that will give McLaughlin any reason to start a war.”

  “You think I would be that reason?”

  “I think it’s possible he would use you as an excuse, although the reason would be a selfish one.”

  Carissa nodded.

  Leon put his hand on her shoulder again. “Carissa, you needn’t be afraid. Everything will be well.”

  Gabby reached for him, and Leon took her hand gently. “Will you keep an eye on your mother, wee lass?”

  “Got it!” Gabby grinned and then looked to Carissa.

  She offered her daughter a sweet smile, not wanting her to think anything was wrong. Gabby might have been young, but she had an uncanny ability to sense whenever Carissa was upset.

  “We will stay here.” Carissa moved to sit in the rocking chair that was in the corner.

  Leon started to leave, but hesitated. “You needn’t question Garrett’s commitment to you. It may not be my place to tell you, but ever since he was forced into marriage, he’s been miserable. That is until the two of you showed up. He cares for you both deeply.”

  “Thank you, Leon.”

  Leon nodded and left the room. Carissa sat and watched Gabby play with the toys she had been given while her own mind went crazy.

  Why would Eleanora’s father be visiting? Why did he think Garrett would give him any part of McKinley land? He was crazy to believe Garrett would be willing to part with even an inch of his family’s land.

  Was the risk of war truly the reason she and Gabby had to hide? Insecurities ate at her. Was it possible that Garrett was ashamed of them? Old pain began to resurface at that thought. Was she only good enough to be in his bed? Like she had been with Parker before she had gotten pregnant?

  Tears filled her eyes. She was being crazy, right? Garrett had held her hand and kissed her out on his property in front of his people. She shook her head. She was worth it, dammit. She and Gabby both were, and she would be crazy to believe he was embarrassed by either of them. He probably just didn’t want to hurt Eleanora’s father’s feelings. It was the simplest explanation. But then why did she suddenly feel afraid things were going to change?

  Chapter Ten

  Garrett walked slowly up the stone steps toward Carissa’s room. Carrick and his men had taken their time before they turned in for the night, and Garrett was more than exhausted.

  Carrick hadn’t mentioned Carissa anymore during dinner, and he had been grateful for it. He had always walked a tightrope with the man and knew that at any moment that rope might snap, leaving the McKinley’s in way over their heads.

  He stopped out in front of her door. Never had he felt the way he did for Carissa. He had grown to think of the three of them as a family, and that had even been before he and Carissa had made love. The little girl she had brought back with her had stolen a piece of his heart just as her mother had.

  He took a deep breath and gently pushed the door open. Carissa turned to face him, and his heart began to pound in his chest.

  How had Gabby’s father turned his back on her? He wondered. She was breathtakingly beautiful with her delicate features and wild hair that shone like the sun, even in the dark.

  He watched as the flames flickering in the hearth danced across her face.

  “Are you okay?” she whispered to him as he closed the door quietly behind them. Her voice was tight, had Carrick’s arrival put it there?

  “Aye,” he said, and began to close the distance between them. She put her hand on his chest, and he sucked in a breath.

  Her eyes were glossy when she looked up at him, and he cursed himself. He should have found a way to sneak off and come to her sooner.

  “Don’t be upset, lass, I am sorry it took me so long to come to you. Carrick was watching me closely.”

  “What are we doing?” she asked him sadly and lowered her face to look at the floor.

  “We are living,” he responded as he tipped her face up with his fingers.

  “We cannot ever be anything more.”

  Anger filled his chest. “Who told you such lies?” he asked her tightly. All he needed was a name, and he would make them regret it.

  “I am not from here, I am unwed and have a child. Your people won’t accept us. I may not have been a history buff, but I know enough to know that for us to work, I am supposed to come from a good family and have been a virgin.”

  Garrett couldn’t help himself, he laughed. How had she gotten such a ridiculous notion? Most families did prefer their heirs to marry into another family, much as he and Eleanora had done, in order to procure an alliance. However, it wasn’t mandatory. Even if it had been, he was never one to follow every rule. She was it for him, she and Gabby both, and he would be willing to leave everything behind if he had to in order to be with them.

  “Why are you laughing at me?” Hurt filled her bright blue eyes, and he kissed her knuckles.

  “There is no such law preventing us from marrying.”

  Her face went white, and for a moment, he feared she was feeling ill.

  “Are you alright?” he asked, guiding her toward the bed so she could sit.

  “Yes, I just—” She blushed and looked back to him. “I never thought I would be talking about marriage.”

  “Why not? Do you not wish to marry me?” He tried to sound genuinely offended but knew his voice was laced with amusement.

  “I didn’t say that, I was just surprised you went there. We have only been together for a day.” She blushed again.

  “For me, it has been much longer.” He knelt in front of her.

  “It has?” Her voice was shaky, and he smiled.

  “Aye, much longer. In fact, I believe I knew the first time I saw you. When I saw a small woman willing to give her life for her child.” He pulled her down gently with him, so they both knelt in front of the leaping flames.

  “Knew what?” she whispered as his lips gently touched her mouth.

  “That I loved you.”

  She sucked in a breath, and he kissed her again. She opened her mouth under his, and he took the kiss deeper.

  Garrett gripped both sides of her face and put all of the love he felt into the kiss. How dare he hide her up here as if he were ashamed of her? Who cared what Carrick thought? Eleanora had been dead for four years, wasn’t it time he began enjoying life again? He had mourned her, had been celibate until he had taken Carissa to bed.

  Garrett broke the kiss and looked deep into her lust-filled eyes.

  “I love you, Carissa.”

  “I love you too, Garrett.”

  “You and Gabby will be present with me at breakfast tomorrow morn. I want to introduce you as the future Lady McKinley.”

  “But what about Carrick?”

  “What does he ma

  “But—” She started to argue, and Garrett kissed her again.

  “You and Gabby are all that matter to me, Carissa. I love you both. We will deal with what’s to come tomorrow. Tonight, I want to love you.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, unable to speak much more.

  “Carissa?” he asked as he took her hands in his own.


  “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Carissa laughed, and Garrett drank in the sound.

  “I thought that went without saying.”

  “‘Tis still nice to hear it.”

  “Yes, Garrett, I will marry you.”

  A wide smile split across Garrett’s handsome face, and he scooped her up to toss her on the bed. Then, without another word, covered her body with his.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Garrett, I don’t know about this,” Carissa said as they started down the stairs. Meeting the father of the woman Garrett had been forced to marry was not something she had any interest in doing. “Can’t Gabby and I just stay up here until he leaves?”

  “I wish to introduce my soon-to-be wife and daughter to everyone, so no, you cannot stay up here.” He gripped her hand and then lifted Gabby when she reached for him.

  Carissa swallowed hard and followed him down the steps. When they emerged from the hall, she heard the laughter of the men she assumed consisted of Carrick and his guards. Her heart beat faster in her chest as they rounded the corner and came face to face with a man who could only be Carrick McLaughlin.

  He looked down at their joined hands, and Carissa saw his expression darken. It was mild, and she only noticed it because she had been tuned to spot Parker’s before he blew up.

  “Carrick.” Garrett nodded his head toward the man, and he did the same.


  “I would like to introduce my soon-to-bee wife, Carissa, and our daughter, Gabby.”

  “‘Tis nice to meet you, lass,” Carrick said, and then pushed past them, anger clear on his face.

  Carissa hadn’t realized she was shaking, but when Garrett wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close, it hit her how afraid she was. Carrick McLaughlin was not a nice man; anyone who looked him in the eyes could see it.


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