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Magic and Witchcraft

Page 11

by Willow Rose

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  I watched it all while standing at the back of the circus. I had run back to get Jazmine and Jayden when I saw everything go down, mouth gaping. I had absolutely no idea what Amy was doing in there or how that Kipp guy managed to do what he did, but I did see Logan attack Mr. Aran. I also saw—with my heart pounding in my chest—how he was killed.

  Once I could hear the elephants start to stampede, I knew it was time to hurry. I saw Jazmine and Kipp both crawl onto Amy's back and fly away and knew they were safe.

  Duncan helped me get to Jayden and Ruelle and carry their stiff bodies outside and into his limo. Just as he was about to take off, I spotted my grandmother running out of the tent.

  "Wait," I said.

  Duncan saw her too. "You can't be serious?"

  I sighed. People inside the tent were starting to wake up, and we could hear their screams as they realized what was going on. "She's my grandmother. I can't just leave her here."

  He exhaled. "All right."

  I opened the door. "Grandma. Over here!"

  She stopped and stared at me. For a minute or so, our eyes locked, and I knew she wasn't going to come. She shook her head.

  "Sorry, kiddo. I've got to get out of here. See you another day, okay?"

  I exhaled deeply, then nodded as I watched her run for her Volkswagen Bus and get in.

  "See you another day, Grams," I said while I watched the minivan rush away, tires screeching.

  I got back into the limo, and we drove off, just as Jayden and Ruelle slowly woke up. They looked at us, confused.

  "What the heck…?" Jayden asked and tried to sit up, but his head hurt, so he laid back down. "Why…? What are we…?" he stared at Duncan. "Why are we in his car? So he can show off?"

  "There was an incident at the circus," I said and exchanged a look with Duncan.

  Duncan took over. "Some of the animals escaped, and we had to get away really fast. You hurt your head. You both did."

  Jayden looked confused. "Really?”

  I looked out the window and back at the circus, where people were now running out of all the entrances and exits.

  "Yeah, you can probably read about it in the news tomorrow," I said. "I have a feeling it might be a big story in the coming days."

  I exhaled and looked at Jayden. "There is something you need to know."

  "What?" he asked.

  It absolutely broke my heart, and I could hardly get the words across my lips.

  "Mr. Aran…he…he…Logan was there and he…"

  Jayden's face suddenly grew very awake. He bolted upright. "What? He what?"

  I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Duncan's. He took over.

  "He's dead. Logan was killed by the spider-guy."

  It was unbearable. Looking at Jayden as the realization sunk in was heartbreaking.

  "He…what? How? Logan?"

  I nodded and grabbed Jayden's hand in mine. "Yes, Logan. He's gone, Jayden."

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Amy put them both down in the park by the lake. She didn't want to fly into the neighborhood and risk being seen. She put Jazmine and Kipp down, just as she turned back to her human shape and fell to the grass, face first.

  "I've got to get better at this part," she grumbled and got up on her knees.

  "Thank you," Jazmine said.

  "I'm sorry…for what happened to Logan," Amy said with a deep sigh. "It's all my fault…I should never have…I led Mr. Aran right into the tent, but I didn't know. I didn't know where I was or what was going on or that you would all be there…I was just trying to get away from him, and now I’ve destroyed everything, and Jayden lost his brother."

  Kipp kneeled next to her. "How is that all your fault?"

  "And you…" Amy said. "Why would you first tell on me and then save me? It makes no sense."

  Kipp wrinkled his forehead. "I never…I never told on you."

  "But…I saw you…with Mr. Aran. You were talking, and you were pointing at my house."

  Kipp laughed. "We were talking about the weather. He was going for a walk and asked me if I knew if it was going to rain. I was telling him there were clouds coming from the north, then pointed above your house where the clouds were. I told him he had about half an hour before it would hit around here. I am somewhat of a weather-nerd."

  Amy sniffled, confused. "So…so you didn't tell him about me being…what I am?"

  "No! I would never." He grabbed her by the shoulders. "Amy…I’m like you."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I'll show you," he said and walked to the lake. He reached his hand out and lifted it. Underneath it, a small wave of water lifted itself up and followed his every move. Then he let it go, and the water splashed back down. He turned and looked at Amy.

  "I'm magic too. Like you."

  Amy couldn't believe her own eyes. "Really?"

  He nodded eagerly. "Yes. I can even make it spin, see?" he turned his hand in circles, and the water lifted up, then started to spin into a whirlwind, a waterspout. Amy stared at it, flabbergasted.

  "That's pretty cool," Jazmine said.

  He let go of the waterspout, and the water returned to the lake with a loud splash.

  "So, now do you understand? I am hiding too. Just like you guys."

  "But…what are you?" Jazmine asked. "I mean, I’m a witch, and she's a dragon, but what are you?"

  Kipp smiled. "Splash water on me and I'll let you know."

  Jazmine grabbed some water from the lake and splashed it on Kipp. A bright light lit up in the darkness, and he grew a tail. A fish's tail.

  Amy's eyes became wide. "You're…you're…a…mermaid?"

  "I prefer merman, but yes. That is what I am."

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  We drove up into our street. Jayden was sobbing loudly, Ruelle comforting him, holding him in her arms. I still felt heartbroken for him. I knew he had his quarrels with his brother, but still. Family was family, and a brother was an important part of your life, no matter how crazy or moronic he was. I knew that from my own experience.

  The limo stopped in front of our house and, as I walked out, I spotted Jayden's parents inside our house, sitting at our dining table.

  Talking to my parents?

  Jayden spotted them too and came up behind me.

  "What's going on?" I asked.

  I heard a light gasp from Jayden's throat and turned to look at him. He didn't have to say anything. I knew already.

  "The girl, the one who got you in trouble, it was me, right? And now they're telling my parents?"

  Jayden sighed. "I’m afraid so."

  I sighed anxiously. "I guess it's all over then."

  Jayden shook his head. "It might not be over just yet. If my parents had told them what they came to say, they wouldn't still be sitting around the table; they would be yelling at one another by now."

  He had a point. Maybe they hadn't told them yet? I followed him inside as he burst in through the door and rushed toward them. Our parents looked at us, startled.

  "Jayden? What are you doing here?" his mother asked. "In Robyn's house of all places?"

  "There's no time for all that. It's Logan," he said, panting. "Something happened. Something terrible."

  Jayden's parents rose to their feet. "Logan? What? What happened? Jayden, tell us?"

  "Come with me," Jayden said, his voice trembling. "We have to hurry. I'll explain on the way."

  My mom stood up. "But…Claire…what about…?"

  Claire turned around. "Later, Camille. This is urgent. We'll have to continue this talk later. This is my son."

  "But…can't you just…"

  "Camille!" My dad said. "Imagine if it was Adrian."

  My mom swallowed, then nodded. "Of course."

  Jayden left with his parents, and I closed the door behind them, worried how his parents were going to take this and how it was going to change Jayden's life.

  "I should take Ruelle home," Duncan said with a poli
te bow. He grabbed my hand and kissed it on top.

  I walked him out.

  "Thank you," I whispered and stood on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. He smiled shyly.

  "It never gets boring with you, does it?"

  I smiled, tired. "I am the sprinkles on your strawberry ice cream, remember?"

  "How could I ever forget?" he said and returned my kiss on the cheek.

  A second later, he was gone, and for the first time, I was actually sad to see him go.

  The next day, Logan's death and the chaos at the circus with all the escaped animals were all over the news with Mr. Aran in front telling people it was the monster that had caused the havoc, making the animals stampede and killing two of the clowns. He was even showing pictures of the dead wolf, declaring to the world, that the beast is dead. The monster has finally been killed.

  That same night, my parents held a meeting downstairs with Jayden's and Amy's parents along with Jazmine's mother. Sitting on top of the stairs, I heard them plan in detail how they were going to kill Mr. Aran.

  There were still four months to the Halloween Block-party.


  Dear Reader,

  * * *

  Thank you for purchasing Magic and Witchcraft (The Vampires of Shadow Hills #6). This was a crazy ride for me to write, but so much fun. I hope you enjoyed it as well.

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  Don't forget to leave a review if you can and to check out all my other books if you haven't already read them.

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  Take care,

  * * *


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  Books by the Author

  Paranormal Romance/Suspense/Fantasy/Sci-fi Novels:

  Flesh and Blood - Grab your copy today

  Blood and Fire - Grab your copy today

  Fire and Beauty - Grab your copy today

  Beauty and Beasts - Grab your copy today

  Beasts and Magic - Grab your copy today

  Magic and Witchcraft - Grab your copy today

  The Surge - Grab your copy today

  Girl Divided - Grab your copy today

  Beyond (Afterlife #1) - Grab your copy today

  Serenity (Afterlife #2) - Grab your copy today

  Endurance (Afterlife #3) - Grab your copy today

  Courageous (Afterlife #4) - Grab your copy today

  Savage (Daughters of the Jaguar #1) - Grab your copy today

  Broken (Daughters of the Jaguar #2) - Grab your copy today

  Song for a Gypsy (The Eye of the Crystal Ball -The Wolfboy Chronicles) - Grab your copy today

  I am WOLF (The Wolfboy Chronicles) - Grab your copy today

  Mystery/Horror Novels:

  What Hurts the Host (7th Street Crew #1) - Grab your copy today

  You Can Run (7th Street Crew #2) - Grab your copy today

  You Can’t Hide (7th Street Crew #3) - Grab your copy today

  Carefull Little Eyes (7th Street Crew #4) - Grab your copy today

  Hit the Road Jack (Jack Ryder #1) - Grab your copy today

  Slip Out the Back Jack (Jack Ryder #2) - Grab your copy today

  The House that Jack Built (Jack Ryder #3) - Grab your copy today

  Black Jack (Jack Ryder #4) - Grab your copy today

  One, Two... He is Coming for You (Rebekka Franck #1) - Grab your copy today

  Three, Four ... Better Lock your Door (Rebekka Franck #2) - Grab your copy today

  Five, Six ... Grab your Crucifix (Rebekka Franck #3) - Grab your copy today

  Seven, Eight... Gonna Stay up Late (Rebekka Franck #4) - Grab your copy today

  Nine, Ten... Never Sleep Again (Rebekka Franck #5) -Grab your copy today

  Eleven, Twelve... Dig and Delve (Rebekka Franck #6) - Grab your copy today

  Thirteen, Fourteen... Little Boy Unseen (Rebekka Franck #7) - Grab your copy today

  Better Not Cry (Rebekka Franck #8) - Grab your copy today

  Edwina - Grab your copy today

  To Hell in A Handbasket - Grab your copy today

  Umbrella Man - Grab your copy today

  Black Bird Fly - Grab your copy today

  Itsy Bitsy Spider (Emma Frost #1) - Grab your copy today

  Miss Polly had a Dolly (Emma Frost #2)- Grab your copy today

  Run, Run, as Fast as you Can (Emma Frost #3) - Grab your copy today

  Cross your Heart and Hope to Die (Emma Frost #4) - Grab your copy today

  Peek A Boo I See You (Emma Frost #5) - Grab your copy today

  Tweedledum and Tweedledee (Emma Frost #6) - Grab your copy today

  Easy as One Two Three (Emma Frost #7) - Grab your copy today

  There's No Place like Home (Emma Frost #8) - Grab your copy today

  Slenderman (Emma Frost #9) - Grab your copy today

  Where the Wild Roses Grow (Emma Frost #10) - Grab your copy today

  Waltzing Matilda (Emma Frost #11) - Grab your copy today

  Horror Short Stories:

  Eenie, Meenie - Grab your copy today

  Rock-A-Bye Baby - Grab your copy today

  Nibble, Nibble, Crunch - Grab your copy today

  Humpty, Dumpty - Grab your copy today

  Chain Letter - Grab your copy today

  Better Watch Out - Grab your copy today

  Mommy Dearest - Grab your copy today

  The Bird- Grab your copy today

  Box Sets:

  Jack Ryder Mystery Series Box Set: Vol 1-3 - Grab your copy today

  Rebekka Franck Series Vol 1-3 - Grab your copy today

  Rebekka Franck Series Vol 4-6 - Grab your copy today

  Rebekka Franck Series Vol 1-5 - Grab your copy today

  Emma Frost Mystery Series Vol 1-3 - Grab your copy today

  Emma Frost Mystery Series Vol 4-6 - Grab your copy today

  Emma Frost Mystery Series Vol 7-9 - Grab your copy today

  Emma Frost Mystery Series Vol 1-5 - Grab your copy today

  Daughters of the Jaguar Box Set - Grab your copy today

  The Afterlife Series (Books 1-3)- Grab your copy today

  Horror Stories from Denmark - Grab your copy today

  The Wolfboy Chronicles - Grab your copy today

  About the Author

  The Queen of Scream aka Willow Rose is a #1 Amazon Best-selling Author and an Amazon ALL-star Author of more than 50 novels. She writes Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense, Horror, Supernatural thrillers, and Fantasy.

  Willow's books are fast-paced, nail-biting page-turners with twists you won't see coming.

  Several of her books have reached the Kindle top 20 of ALL books in the US, UK, and Canada.

  She has sold more than two million books.

  Willow lives on Florida's Space Coast with her husband and two daughters. When she is not writing or reading, you will find her surfing and watch the dolphins play in the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

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  In Cold Blood, Excerpt

  Forrest Albu, Vampire Hunter Book 1


  Anne Christensen was running for her life. She was panting and gasping for breath as she cursed the newly fallen snow beneath her boots. That new treacherous clean snow that no matter how much she zigzagged through the tall trees, gave her whereabouts away.

  Someone was following her.

  At first, it had been nothing but a shadow. A shadow creeping against the wall of her dormitory building as she was about to sneak back in after a night out with Peter, who had returned to the boys’ quarters after escorting her to the front door and kissing her goodnight, hoping and praying that no one would catch them and have them expelled.

  The shadow had reached out for her with its long claws and Anne had thrown herself at the door, only to find it locked.

  Of course it's locked, you idiot! It's after curfew. You're supposed to be in your bed.

  Anne's best friend Christina was supposed to have unlocked the door right before she went to bed. That was the deal they had made. In return, Christina was going to borrow Anne's nicest dress for the big spring dance that was coming up in a few months. Those were the terms, to those they had both agreed. But somehow, Christina hadn't lived up to the agreement. Why, Anne never got to know.


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