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Depraved: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 5)

Page 19

by Sarah Bailey

  Then I turned to Eric who was eying both of us, his face flushed which made me smile. He blushed at everything and I found it incredibly endearing.

  “Hey,” I whispered as I tangled my fingers in his chestnut hair.

  “Hey beautiful.”

  I kissed him, my hands dropping from his hair and running down the length of his body, feeling him shudder under my touch. I took my time undressing him, touching his bare skin before dragging my nails down his back in the way I knew he liked. Leaning down, I ran my tongue up the length of his cock before straightening, winking at him and turning around to my last man. I heard the groan from behind me and bit my lip as I stepped up to Rory.

  His hazel eyes were intent on mine, the heat and desire simmering in them almost burning me to a crisp. I reached up and cupped his face, searching his gaze to make sure he wasn’t going to disappear on me. As much as Rory loved me, I knew his issues still held him back in so many ways. So him doing this with me and the boys meant a whole great big deal of things.


  “Take what you need, little star… you have all of me,” he whispered, taking my hand from his cheek and pressing it to his heart.

  I held it there for a long moment before dropping it to the bottom of his t-shirt. He raised his arms to let me pull it off him. I stroked my fingers down his chest, running one down the length of the scar on his abdomen. He watched me silently as I knew he would. Next, I unbuttoned his jeans and tugged those from his hips before stroking my hand up the length of him. His eyes darkened at my bold touch. I ran my fingers along the waistband of his boxers, the last item of clothing between me and him. Between all of us.

  “Do it,” he murmured, his voice having that commanding note to it.

  I obeyed, pulling them off him and leaving him bare before me. It took me a few seconds to stop staring at how beautiful he was in all his glory before I reached up and kissed him, pressing my body against his. His fingers stroked down my back, leaving my skin tingling.

  I pulled away and turned back to Quinn. None of them seemed to have an issue with us all being bare together. It felt right. All of it.

  “Where do you want me?”

  “On the bed.”

  I stepped out of the circle and walked towards the bed, crawling onto it and sitting up in the middle. Quinn stalked towards me first, grabbing both my legs and pulling me down so they were dangling off the end. Then he was on his knees, kissing his way up my inner thigh. The others joined me on the bed. Rory fit himself behind me, kissing my neck whilst Xav and Eric were beside me, sharing my breasts between them. I moaned, getting lost in the sensations of four mouths on me.

  I raised my hands, tangling them in Rory’s hair behind me as I turned my face so I could kiss him. Our lips met, tongues tangling together in a wild mess. His cock dug into my back as he devoured my mouth whole. I wanted so badly to taste him. I wanted to taste them all. To feel them in ways I’d never done so before.

  One of my hands fell to Quinn’s head, digging into his hair as his tongue flicked over my clit, teasing me and driving me wild. The boys I was between were alternating between kissing each other and wrapping their mouths around my nipples. The sensations of their hands and mouths on me was unlike anything else.

  “Ror,” I panted. “I want you.”

  He bit down on my earlobe.

  “You want to choke on it, little star.”

  I moaned in agreement. It wasn’t a question but a statement. He knew I liked it when he took control and made me do what he wanted.

  “Please… please, fuck me.”

  “So needy.”

  “You heard our girl,” came Xav’s voice. “Fuck her.”

  It wasn’t only Rory who moved from behind me, but Quinn’s mouth left me too. Next thing I knew, he’d fit himself between my legs and was pressing inside me. I whimpered, staring up at him and his dark eyes watching me intently. I wasn’t allowed more time to look at Quinn. Rory’s hands were turning me towards him. He’d stood up so my mouth was level with his cock. I licked my bottom lip. He pulled my jaw open and fed me it. I stared up into his hazel eyes, watching him sink deeper and the expression of pure satisfaction on his face.

  The feeling of having him thrusting into my mouth whilst Quinn fucked me, made my insides clench. I moaned around Rory’s cock, wanting more. More of this. More of them. More of our connection with each other. Reaching out blindly with both hands, they landed on Xav and Eric. They seemed to understand what I wanted as Xav guided it down to his cock and Eric kissed my fingertips before tracing them down his chest. It should have made me feel wanton and dirty touching all of them at once like this, but it didn’t. Nothing about this felt dirty. It felt as though we were showing each other how much we loved one another. How much we all meant to each other.

  “Look at our girl, not wanting to leave anyone out,” came Quinn’s voice, his hands banded around my thighs as he thrust harder. “Don’t worry, little girl… Everyone will get their turn inside you.”

  I trembled at his words. The thought of them all spilling inside me heating my body up further. I couldn’t talk because I still had a mouthful of cock. I moaned around Rory’s length again, indicating I was on board with it.

  Quinn’s thumb landed on my clit, stroking me towards an explosive ending. I was already sensitive everywhere from their ministrations so it really didn’t take much. My eyes were on Rory as I came, clenching and releasing around Quinn like I couldn’t get enough.

  “Fuck,” he grunted, then he tugged at my face with his hand. Rory’s cock popped free and was replaced by Quinn’s mouth, kissing me as his body shuddered. I felt him pulse inside me, emptying himself deep. Pulling back, he rested his forehead against mine, holding my face and staring at me with an intense expression on his face.

  “I love you.”

  He kissed me one more time before pulling out of me entirely and standing up. He smiled and stepped back. My attention was torn away as Xav pulled my face to him, kissing me with unrestrained passion. A moment later, I felt hands cleaning me up below, but I was too wrapped up in my mouth being devoured whilst another mouth was at my breasts, licking and tasting my nipples.

  Someone tugged me up the bed and turned me over, finding myself facing Eric. He smiled, his verdant green eyes twinkling as he pulled me over him. My hands landed on his shoulders. He gripped my hip and pressed me down on his cock, making me groan. It wasn’t long before I felt a body behind me and I knew it was Xav by the way he exhaled as he ran his hands down my back. His hands went to my behind, spreading me before his fingers were there, coated in lube. I moaned at the stretch whilst I continued to fuck Eric who was staring at me with absolute adoration on his face. To his right sat Quinn, watching us with hooded eyes and to his left was Rory, whose hand landed on my thigh and was stroking it in a possessive motion in tandem with his hand around his still hard cock.

  Once Xav was satisfied he’d opened me up enough, he entered me from behind, making me cry out at the fullness. Rory’s hand on my thigh tightened whilst Eric stroked my face and brought me closer so he could kiss me. It made me feel sexy having Quinn and Rory watch me get fucked by Xav and Eric. Not one of them made me feel wrong about this. It was as if all of us had lost our inhibitions and were acting on pure animal instinct mixed in with our love for each other.

  I arched back into Xav, pulling away from Eric so I could turn my head to kiss him.

  “So fucking tight,” he murmured against my mouth. “You’re so beautiful, angel. I love you so much.”

  I felt beautiful and wanted, needed by them all. My gaze turned to Quinn who was still watching me with heat and desire. He leant forward, wrapping a hand around the back of my head before running his nose up my cheek.

  “That’s it, little girl. Show them how much you love them… make them come.”

  The way he said it made me shiver. I had to obey his command. Do as he said because my sir had told me to. He
released me and settled back down. I was pulled to the other side by Rory. His mouth latched onto my neck, pressing kisses down my skin.

  “Please,” I whimpered.

  His mouth landed below my collarbone and he bit down, making me cry out with the intense pleasure and pain whilst my boys continued to thrust inside me in tandem. And it didn’t take long for me to come again when Xav reached around and stroked my clit. I detonated on them, which made both Xav and Eric curse loudly. Eric’s hands gripped my hips tightly as if he was trying to hold back, but I didn’t want that. I wanted him to lose control.

  “I want… I want your cum,” I gasped out whilst my climax rocked through me, my fingers digging into Eric’s shoulders.

  “You can fucking have it, angel.”

  Xav groaned in my ear as I felt him pulse and twitch inside me. I think it set Eric off too because he was cursing and moaning my name too.

  “Fuck, Ash, fuck… fuck, I love you.”

  I felt so high, I wasn’t sure I could come down.

  Xav pulled out of me first, kissing my shoulder before he moved away. I rose off Eric who slid out from under me. I was about to turn over when Rory’s hand on my shoulder stopped me.

  “Stay,” he almost outright growled.

  Not wanting to disobey I stilled and waited for his next instruction. One of the boys, I wasn’t sure which one, cleaned me up again and then hands were on my hips, pulling them up so I was on my hands and knees. Then I felt Rory’s body covering me, his hand came around my neck as he thrust inside me.

  “Little star,” he whispered in my ear. “You looked so sexy getting fucked by them… made me so hard. I can’t be gentle with you.”

  “Don’t be.”

  I wasn’t sure what the others would think, but I guessed at this point it didn’t matter. We weren’t judging each other. This was about coming together, the five of us as one.

  Rory’s free hand banded around my hip as he went to town on my pussy, making me clench around him over and over. Quinn’s face came into view before his mouth covered mine, kissing me whilst Rory brutally thrust into me from behind. I moaned in Quinn’s mouth, loving every moment, never wanting it to end.

  “Such a good little girl,” Quinn murmured.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  He pulled away and smiled at me. Rory’s hand around my neck tightened, making me buck against him. I turned my head, finding Xav and Eric curled up together at the head of the bed, watching Rory fuck me with rapt attention. Something about having the boys watching each other take turns with me set my body on fire. It went one step further than when they’d punished me together. Now we felt as one, like this was always how we were meant to come together.

  “Ror… harder, please.”

  He let go of my neck, both of his hands circled my hips. I didn’t care about how the splint around his wrist dug into me, all I wanted was Rory. He drove into me over and over, fucking me with no restraint. My fingers dug into the covers. Curses flew out of my mouth, but it was heaven. All of it. I felt complete. Like the last piece of the puzzle had slipped into place. So when I felt fingers at my clit, coaxing and stroking me, I exploded around Rory’s cock and practically screamed. The wild intensity drove me higher until I was almost crying with the release.

  “Fuck, little star,” Rory grunted as he climaxed hard, giving me everything he had.

  When he pulled out of me, I collapsed on the bed, utterly spent and unable to move. For several minutes, I lay there just breathing until I felt a hand stroking my hair back from my face. I opened my eyes and blinked before rolling over. All the boys were still on my bed, watching me quietly.

  “Little girl?”

  My heart tightened. As much as I’d loved every moment of our lovemaking, I realised I didn’t want any of them to go. I wanted them all here so we could have our last night together as a group. As a family.

  “Don’t leave me.”

  “Um, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this bed isn’t big enough for the five of us,” Xav said, frowning.

  He was right. We could just about fit three of us in here at night but sleeping without two of them didn’t sit right with me.

  “We’ll make it work,” Quinn said. “You go get cleaned up, little girl and we’ll sort it out between us.”

  I nodded, smiling at him. Quinn was trying to give me what I needed. In all honesty, I think we all needed this. I slid off the bed and padded out of the room, going into the bathroom and went about my business. I was a little sore, but thoroughly satisfied.

  By the time I came out, I found the boys had dragged the mattress off the bed and dumped it on the floor. They’d also got another mattress from one of their rooms and placed it beside mine. The nest they’d made was complete with duvets and pillows. I put my hand over my mouth, shocked they’d actually gone to the effort.

  “Boys… this is… Thank you.”

  I didn’t have any other words. They’d all pulled on boxers so I found a t-shirt for myself. Then the five of us got tucked up together after one of them turned out the light. Xav and Eric got comfy on one mattress whilst I was laid out between Rory and Quinn.

  “We’re going to win this, aren’t we?” I whispered.

  “We’re going to damn well try, little girl.”

  I snuggled closer to Quinn as Rory wrapped himself around me from behind.

  “I love you.”

  My words were met with a chorus of “we love you too,” from the boys.

  I wanted to stay awake longer to savour these moments with them, but exhaustion dragged me away into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  Tonight had been everything and more. And tomorrow could be the end of it all.

  I hoped deep down in my heart, we’d come out of the war alive. And we’d come out with each other so the future we all wanted could be mapped out in front of us. All I wanted was a life with my boys. I’d have it if we pulled this off. If we took down Frank Russo.

  We’d have forever. And we’d have it… together.

  Chapter 29

  I’d lain awake for a long time last night watching Ash sleep. For once, she didn’t look peaceful. The weight of the world was on her shoulders. My strong little girl was trying so hard to put on a brave face for us. I knew deep down she was terrified of what would happen when we made our move on Frank Russo.

  The boys and I had agreed we all needed a distraction. One night where we forgot about the coming storm and did something for ourselves. Seeing how much pleasure she’d received from the four of us made my heart fucking soar. She’d been so happy and free the entire time we’d made love to her. If any of us had any doubts left about our relationship, they were completely gone. We’d set them free. Making love to her with them had meant the fucking world to me.

  Waking up this morning had been difficult for all five of us. I’d come to first, glancing around at the others. Xav and Eric were wrapped around each other next to me. I had Ash sandwiched between me and Rory. He clutched her like she was his lifeline. Before all of this happened, I would’ve never guessed I’d be perfectly happy to sleep next to my best friends, but hell, it made me feel safe last night in some strange way.

  I didn’t disturb the rest of them when I got up, kissing Ash’s forehead and stumbling out of the room to take a shower. Standing under the spray, I breathed deeply with my hands pressed up against the wall. So much was riding on today going to plan even though no doubt it wouldn’t. There were too many things we couldn’t account for. And we were relying heavily on Ash to play her part. Out of everything, that scared me the most. She wanted to cut down Frank, but would she be able to go through with it? Would she falter?

  I believed in her, but killing a man was no easy task for anyone. I struggled with the act even though I was technically already a killer. Those deaths were necessary. The blood on my hands had never been without reason. Without motivation.

  Ash had the biggest motivation of all when it came
to Frank. He’d been the reason she’d felt so broken before she came to be with us. He’d traumatised her. With us, she’d been free of his influence. His corruption. His greed. She’d grown into such a strong woman and my pride knew no bounds when it came to her.

  I shut the shower off and dried myself before getting dressed. When I got downstairs, I found Eric cooking up a storm. A full English with all the trimmings. It made me smile. He knew we needed the fuel for later when we made our move.

  “Morning,” I said as I took a seat. “Is everyone else awake?”

  “Yeah, they’re showering and getting dressed.”

  I noticed his hair was wet so he must have got up right after me. Admittedly, I’d taken my time in the shower, consumed by my thoughts. Once we’d wrapped up breakfast, it’d be game on. We had a lot to achieve today and none of it would be pretty.

  “How did Ash seem?”

  He glanced over his shoulder at me from the stove.

  “Quiet I guess, and very reluctant to get up. Said we wore her out last night.”

  I smirked. We certainly had. I wondered if we got through this would we ever indulge in that way with each other again. I couldn’t say I’d be averse to it. Perhaps on special occasions.

  “I hope she wasn’t complaining.”

  He turned back to the stove but not before I saw the glint in his eyes.

  “No, not complaining, more like glowing. Maybe we should do it again… to make her happy, you know, if we get through this shit.”

  I blinked.

  “You’d want to?”

  He lifted a shoulder as if to say, maybe.

  “I enjoyed it, more than I thought I would.”

  “Me too.”

  I didn’t feel weird admitting it. My inhibitions when it came to me, the boys and Ash were well and truly gone. Crossing that last hurdle felt necessary because now… there was well and truly no going back.

  A squealing noise came from down the hallway. Both Eric and I whipped our heads around to find Xav chasing after Ash. She dashed into the kitchen with him on her tail, screaming with laughter. He made a grab for her but she ducked out of the way and ran towards me, squeezing herself between me and the kitchen counter.


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