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Depraved: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 5)

Page 23

by Sarah Bailey

Nobody moved or said a word for a long minute. Then I was moving forward because the sight of her near fucking killed me. Our girl was alive and she looked like she was about to collapse. Ignoring the dead man in the chair next to her, I gripped her arms and pulled her away towards the windows. Then I tipped her face up to mine by her chin spying a drop of blood by her lip. I wiped it away with my thumb.

  “Tell me you’re not hurt.”

  “I got shot.”

  I looked her over, my eyes landing on the hole in her jumper on her chest. My hand dropped from her face and I tugged her jumper off, throwing it to the floor. The bullet had lodged itself in the vest we’d got for her.

  “Does it hurt?”

  She nodded, her bottom lip trembling.

  “Let me get this off you then… and we’ll have a look at the damage, okay?”

  She let me strip it from her, then I pulled up her t-shirt finding her skin beginning to bruise where the bullet had hit. I brushed my fingers over it, checking it hadn’t cracked her ribs or anything. She winced and let out a little whimper.

  “I don’t think you broke a rib, but this will bruise like a bitch.”

  “Thank god for small mercies,” she replied with a sad smile.


  Her eyes filled with tears.

  “I need you to kiss me, E… I need you to remind me I’m alive.”

  I leant down towards her, my hand cupping her face before our lips met. She let out a slight whimper and her hand pressed against my chest. My tongue swept into her mouth, kissing her for all I was fucking worth because she’d told me to remind her she was still here. When we pulled apart, the light had returned to her eyes as she blinked.

  “I love you,” I whispered. “And I’m seriously fucking relieved you’re alive.”

  Her smile this time was radiant.

  “I love you too.”

  I pulled back finding the boys had joined us. Quinn was staring down at Frank’s dead body, his expression dark. Rory and Xav seemed to be waiting for me to step away. I rolled my eyes, letting Xav take my place.



  He wrapped his arms around her, cradling her to him gently.

  “I was so fucking worried about you.”

  She pulled away and went up on her tiptoes so she could kiss him too. They whispered I love yous to each other before Xav let her go. Rory wrapped his hand around her waist and raised his hand, stroking her cheek.

  “You did it, little star… I knew you would.”

  “I’m so happy to see you.”

  It was the first time since we’d left the house that Rory really smiled. He leant down and whispered something in her ear which had Ash blushing up a storm.

  “You’re such a bad man,” she scolded, slapping his shoulder.

  “You love that about me.”

  She shook her head, but her smile remained.

  “Huh… I guess I do.”

  I had no idea what he said to her and I was pretty sure I didn’t want to know either. Those two could keep their dirty antics to themselves. We already knew enough about each other’s sex lives as it was.

  Quinn stepped away from Frank’s body and turned to Ash. She squeezed Rory’s arm before he let her go and she took a few steps towards Quinn.

  “Little girl.”

  Then she was in his arms and he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “I’m so proud of you,” he told her. “You’ve set us free, sweetheart.”

  They stayed like that for a long moment before he set her back on her feet. Then Ash turned and spied her mother. A grin split across her face and she practically ran towards Isabella. The two women embraced, albeit gently due to Ash’s injury.

  “You’re alive,” Ash cried.

  “I’m right here, darling. I’m right here.”

  “I was so worried he would hurt you… but Mum… he’s dead now.”

  “Good riddance.”

  Xav snorted next to me, rolling his eyes.

  “Well, glad she’s not mad about the whole killing business.”

  “We should get her out of here before she screams over a dead body again,” Rory said, grimacing.

  “Was it that bad?” I asked.

  “Oh yes… Now, we’ve got to clean this mess up.”

  I rolled my eyes. It wasn’t going to be fun scrubbing this scene given how messy it was but we had to make sure no one found out Ash had murdered Frank. Vincenzo had thankfully agreed to sort out the two men whose throats had been slit in the basement. We’d pick him up when we got out of here and make sure he got the medical attention he needed.

  “Let’s get on with it then. I don’t want to be in this place any longer than I have to.”

  Xav dumped his bag on the desk and we all got to work. Ash took Isabella out into the lobby to talk to Berto, giving us all a grateful smile before she left.

  It took us half an hour to deal with the mess and clean up any DNA evidence, then we packed up and left. We found Berto had already disappeared but had given us his word on his silence. Ash knew enough about him to bury him if he ever said anything about what we’d done here today. He was free to disappear if he wanted. This way of life was over for him, and from what Ash was saying on the way down, I think he was glad of it. He could live in peace being a grandfather to his grandson, Ricardo.

  “Do you want to come back with us, Mum?” Ash asked as we all walked out of the lifts together and along towards the back where we’d come into the building.

  No one seemed to be about, but it didn’t matter. We’d done what we came here to do.

  “No, darling, I’ll go to Viktor’s. He and I need to have a talk.”


  Isabella stroked Ash’s hair.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll see each other tomorrow. I’m sure you’re exhausted.”

  Ash nodded, not looking particularly put out by the prospect. I think we were all pretty drained, emotionally if not physically after all the shit we’d done today.

  We met up with Vincenzo at the back door and hustled out. In the distance, we could hear sirens. It was definitely time to get the fuck out of here before the police turned up. The seven of us made our way out of the back alley and onto the main street. When we reached the car, we also found André waiting for us. Quinn must’ve messaged him as he stepped up to the man and had a quick word with him.

  Isabella said her goodbyes to us and Ash and André took her and Vincenzo with him. The five of us piled into our own car. Quinn drove whilst Ash sat in the back with me and Xav again. She leant her head on my shoulder and within minutes had fallen asleep.

  “Do you think she’s really okay after that?” Xav whispered to me.

  Who knew if she was or not. Ash didn’t seem to be traumatised after what she’d done. We’d all known she wanted to kill Frank. Perhaps it gave her a sense of peace or freedom. We were free from him now. Free to live our lives the way we wanted. Free from all of the shit we’d dealt since the day we’d been born.

  “If she’s not, we’ll be here for her, but I suspect she’s fine, Xavi.”

  He looked at her before stroking his fingers across her collarbone.

  “I fucking hope so.”

  The rest of the journey was silent. Ash didn’t stir when we got out so Xav carried her out of the car into the house. He placed her down gently on the sofa. The four of us stood staring at her because we couldn’t look away. Our girl had gone through hell and back today.

  She opened her eyes a minute later, blinking at us.


  “We just want to know you’re okay, little girl,” Quinn said.

  Ash got up, wincing a little, but she stood tall.

  “I am… I promise.” She took a breath. “I killed him for you. For everything he’s done to you and the misery he’s caused in your lives. I wanted to set you all free. And I killed him for me. Because he
deserved to die for everything he put me through.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “I love you, boys… so fucking much… and I can’t believe it’s over. We’re… we’re free.”

  I don’t think any of us could help smiling. Then we all crowded her, careful to be gentle in our group hug. And I knew we’d all be okay because today we’d fucking done it. We’d ended it all for good. There was no better feeling than being with these three and Ash. No better feeling in the world.

  “We love you too, Ash,” the four of us said at once as if we’d suddenly become in sync with each other.

  Today was the end of one chapter in our lives.

  And it was time to open another.

  Our future together.

  Chapter 35

  In the weeks and months following Frank’s death and what the press were calling ‘The Massacre at Instinct Investments,’ I’d gone through a period being unable to get out of bed. Whilst I’d been prepared to take his life, the emotional strain took its toll on me. The fact I got shot hadn’t helped. The bruising from the impact of the bullet made me stiff and sore. The boys had been right there, taking care of me every step of the way. Everything we’d gone through had brought us so much closer together as a quintet. We were each other’s support systems and worlds. Nothing would stand in our way again.

  Quinn had overseen our withdrawal from the crime families and the retirement of his Il Diavolo persona. They’d agreed to leave us in peace, citing we’d done them a favour by destroying Frank’s empire. His company and investments fell into the hands of the board which was being overseen by my mother. She’d sold her shares and rid herself of everything to do with Frank Russo and his sick legacy.

  Isabella and Viktor were remaining friends for my sake. They knew I wanted them to be amicable since they were my parents and I wasn’t going to pick one over the other. Having my dad in my life had been an absolute joy and quite frankly, a lifesaver after I’d taken the life of the man who raised me. Viktor had dinner with me and the boys at least once a week and I often spent time at his house too. I didn’t get on with his older brother, Gregor, but I don’t think my dad blamed me for it, considering everything.

  Fabio and Mandy were expecting again, something I knew his father, Berto was excited for. He’d fully retired from a life of crime and was now working in a food kitchen for the homeless. I couldn’t wait to meet Fabio’s new little one. We kept in touch and saw each other regularly. He was the only person I wanted to see from that life.

  Nate had made a full recovery after his surgery. He returned to the US not long after his rehabilitation ended and had met someone. I don’t think I could ever say I’d fully forgive him for everything, but I wished him no ill will. He had, after all, helped Quinn in infiltrating Frank’s ranks. No easy feat. In his own way, he’d fought the war against the man who raised me. So for that, I was grateful.

  I unlocked the front door of the house I now called home and stepped in, sighing as I smelt the scent of roast chicken, a sign Eric had dinner ready. I’d been on my feet all day and was about ready to collapse in a heap. Quinn had agreed to let me take over some of the operations at the Syndicate. Currently, I was overseeing a complete redecoration of the main floor. Whilst it meant the casino had to remain closed for a couple of weeks, it’d be worth it in the end. We wanted to move into a new era of our lives and that started with giving the place a fresh look.

  I kicked off my heels and trudged into the dining room, finding the boys already seated at the table. My heart rate kicked up a notch. My beautiful men who were all looking at me with smiles and tenderness in their expressions.

  “You have no idea how much I need this right now.”

  I slumped down in my seat and rubbed my temples. Rory reached over and stroked my shoulder.

  “Hard day, little star?”

  “No… just long. One of the damn builders knocked through a wall he wasn’t supposed to, so Cameron was pissed off since it’s creating delays. You know what he gets like.”

  Cameron was our project manager for the casino uplift. Most of the time, he barked orders at people and was a bit of a grumpy bastard, but he did his job well.

  “You did want me to give you a job,” Quinn interjected, rolling his eyes.

  “I’m not complaining.” I stuck my tongue out at him which only earnt me a hard stare.

  “Our angel isn’t afraid of hard work,” Xav said, grinning as he started tucking into his food.

  Eric poured me a glass of wine. I gave him a grateful nod, taking a sip and feeling the tension in my muscles begin to ease. Xav was right. I loved being able to help them run the casino. Getting out of the house at least three days a week after being locked away in here for months felt freeing. I no longer needed protection so I took every advantage to come and go as I pleased, which included another trip down to Kent with Rory. I almost blushed at the memory of our dirty weekend away full of sex and general debauchery. He’d not held back in the slightest.

  It hadn’t been the only time I’d gone away. Quinn and I had gone up to Edinburgh for a few days and we’d walked up Arthur’s Seat together. The views made it worth the trip and the copious amounts of whisky and gin we’d ended up buying and bringing home. The boys had certainly been happy with our haul.

  Eric and Xav had taken me to Budapest where we’d shared a romantic week away together. It’d involved a ton of sex, taking advantage of the mineral baths and sightseeing. Xav got drunk on too much pálinka on our last night there and passed out in bed, so Eric and I had sat out on our balcony and watched the world go by. That’s when he’d dropped a little revelation on me.

  “I’ve been thinking a lot,” he’d said. “I know I should have said something earlier, but… I want us to have a family together. I want to have a baby with you, Ash… Not now obviously, but in the future.”


  He nodded reaching out a hand to me.

  “Really. You’re going to be an amazing mum to our kids.”

  He meant our kids with the boys. I was so happy, I jumped into his arms and he’d carried me back into the apartment we’d rented for the week. Since Xav was taking up the bed, he’d laid me out on the sofa and made love to me, showing me exactly how much he wanted this with me. It’d been the perfect way to end our holiday.

  Those trips meant everything to me. Spending time with my boys after everything we’d gone through, away from the city we lived in, helped me heal. It reminded me our lives hadn’t ended because we no longer lived in fear of Frank Russo. I had more than I could have ever imagined with my four men.

  After dinner, the five of us sat outside in the garden on the patio furniture, watching the sunset with the golden hues of orange and pink spreading across the sky. Quinn had put the heat lamp on as it’d started to get chilly. I sat curled up in his lap whilst the others spread out across the seats. He stroked his fingers through my hair, each of us enjoying the peace we felt between us. Xav had hauled out a bucket of ice filled with beer and a bottle of white wine for me. Eric had set out my favourite dessert, cheesecake, on the table between us, which was severely depleted now we’d all devoured a slice each. Several empty beer bottles were strewn across the table now we’d been out here awhile.

  “Did you ever think we’d be here like this?” I asked, my voice low and full of emotion.

  “Honestly, no,” Quinn replied. “I wasn’t sure we’d ever succeed in bringing the empire down.”

  It’d been over eight months since this all started. Since the day they’d taken me. It felt like the longest time of my life. In the aftermath of Frank’s death, we’d dealt with a lot of heat from the press because of who I’d been to him and someone tipping them off about my unorthodox relationship with the boys. I’d refused any interviews about my life with them. The speculation had died down after while thankfully. There were always more scandals for them to report on.

  The police had no leads about what happened at Frank’s build
ing. It’s not as though they had no idea who Frank was in the criminal underworld. I’m not sure the higher-ups really cared much he’d been taken out, but they still had to do their jobs and investigate the circumstances of his death and the other lives we’d taken that day. It meant we’d done a thorough job in covering our tracks but I expected no less from my boys. They were nothing if not efficient.

  “I’m glad it’s over… Do you miss being Il Diavolo?”

  He snorted and rolled his eyes.

  “Fuck no.”

  Quinn’s stress levels had massively improved over the last few months. He’d been far more relaxed and less liable to lose his temper. I think he was glad of the reduced workload and it pleased me no end to see him so content.

  “You’d be happy if you never heard that name again,” Eric said, sipping his beer.

  “You’re telling me,” Quinn muttered.

  I grinned, stroking his chest.

  “As long as you never stop being my sir, I’ll never mention it again,” I whispered.

  His devious grin set my body on fire.

  “I’ll hold you to that, little girl.”

  I shivered, which I’m sure he noticed as his hand drifted down from my hair and his fingers dusted over my bare shoulder. Punishment between us tended to be a part of foreplay now. I still acted up occasionally so he’d use his palm on me. I’m not sure Quinn minded having to instil discipline in me repeatedly. It certainly benefited him afterwards when he fucked me without mercy.

  “Oh shit, I forgot… you got some mail, angel,” Xav said, sitting up and dragging something out of his back pocket, which he handed to Eric who gave it to Rory.

  I sat up and took it from him, staring down at the two letters. They both looked official and my heart raced. I had a feeling I knew exactly what they contained and I almost couldn’t hold back my excitement. My fingers tore open the first one and trembled as I read the contents. I didn’t stop to take it in as I ripped open the envelope of the second one and read it too.

  “Are you going to hold us in suspense forever?” Quinn asked. “You’re practically vibrating.”


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