Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3) Page 8

by Posey Parks

  He turned leaning into me. “When did I say those words?” he hissed.

  “You said we couldn’t be serious.”

  “Nadine, don’t ever put words in my mouth. I would never say you don’t mean anything to me. I think it’s obvious…” Tony halted.

  “Can I have a glass of water?”

  “Yeah.” I walked into the kitchen.

  My sister was right. Tony has deeper feelings for me. I watched the water pour over the cubed ice in the refrigerator door. I can’t imagine him ever letting a woman get too close.

  Stepping back into the living room, my hand shook as I placed the cold glass in Tony’s hand.

  I sat close inhaling his woodsy vanilla scented cologne.

  He sipped the water. “Do I scare you?” Tony placed the glass on the coffee table.

  Bringing my knee to my chest, I stared at the TV. “No. You make me nervous.” I swallowed hard.

  Tony pulled my knee close, running his finger tips across the bone. I wrapped my arm around his large bicep.

  “I don’t want you to be nervous.” Tony palmed my face, keeping my eyes on his. “The more time we spend together, the more you will relax.” His soft lips crashed against mine with need and desire. My hands massaged his broad chest through the navy T-shirt. Tony slipped his tongue into my mouth, deepening our kiss. A moan escaped my lips.

  Tony’s forehead rested against mine as he stared into my eyes. “Kitten, I hear you purring. I know what you want, but you will have to wait until tomorrow.”

  I didn’t want to wait. I wanted Tony deep inside me, now. I contemplated meeting him at a hotel in the middle of the night. My lips parted. “Can you touch me, once?”

  “No, Med girl.”

  I reached over running my greedy hand across his crotch.

  Tony held my hand against his hard dick. His eyes closed. Slowly, they opened. Tony grabbed the remote off of the coffee table, then pulled me into his arms. “I know I’m imposing on your family time, but I needed to see you.”

  My body relaxed. I’ll take this small win. Tony Magarelli wants to spend time with me. I guess it’s not all about sex after all.



  “At dinner last night, I lied to my father.”

  He pulled back staring into my eyes. “About?”

  “I told him, I was using protection when I have sex. I should have been responsible and made you wear a condom,” I whispered. “We were reckless the other night.”

  Tony held my hand tight. “Yes, we were. We will go to the doctor together next week and get tested.”

  “Ok.” I smirked.

  Tony pulled me back into his arms. “What do you want to watch?”


  “Sounds good.”

  “T-shirt and jeans, huh?” I smiled up at him.

  “Yeah, some mouthy woman told me to loosen up.”

  I grinned from ear to ear. “I like the look.”

  Tony kissed my forehead.


  I felt a nudge.


  “Walk me to the door.”

  I was sleeping so good. I forgot I fell asleep in Tony’s arms. I stood, stretching. Tony leaned forward, lifted my shirt, kissing my belly button. He stood, grabbing my hand pulling me behind him toward the door.

  “Where is your jacket?”

  “In the car. Grab your jacket and step outside a sec.”

  After slipping into a light jacket, I walked onto the porch with Tony. He stepped down two steps backwards, pulling me into his arms. He stared into my dark eyes. No words. His big hands squeezed my ass. My lips softly pressed against his as my fingers ran up the back of his hair. “Tony, I’m happy you came to see me.”

  Tony pecked my lips. “I am too. Get some rest. I will see you tomorrow.”

  “Ok.” I stood as Tony walked toward the car. Not sure who’s car he was driving.

  He turned to me. “Go into the house and lock the door.”

  I smiled, waving goodbye.


  My mother passed a plate stacked with pancakes around the breakfast table. I sipped my orange juice.

  “Skye, where is Tony from?” My mother smiled.

  “He’s from Newark, New Jersey.”

  My father’s eyes widened. “And he drove here to see you last night?”

  I laughed. “No.”

  “He was in town. Besides, it’s not like its far, Dad.”

  My father groaned. “I saw the way he looked at you. He likes you, too much. Nadine, you are studying to become a doctor. You don’t have time for a boyfriend.”

  Sliding the knife and fork through the small stack of pancakes, I peaked at my dad. “Tony and I are dating. We’ve had the conversation. It’s nothing more.”

  My father slipped a forkful of eggs into his mouth. “Y’all keep telling yourselves that. Maybe you will both begin to believe it.”

  Candace smiled leaning into my ear. “I told you he liked you a lot.”

  I glanced between my mother and father. “I assure you both nothing will impede my studies.”

  As much as I like Tony my priority is my education.



  Last night was intense. Holding Nadine in my arms made me realize how much I didn’t want to be without her. Listening to her breathe against my chest every night would give me peace. Who am I kidding? I don’t deserve sweet Nadine. I’m a monster. But I can’t walk away. I’ve claimed every inch of her. There’s not a chance I will let another man get close to my woman. Any man who tries, I’ll bury him.

  I have so much dirt on my hands, I could never be clean. Here I am attempting to have a life. My family lives in Colorado, now. Our mansion feels lonely without them. I’m thankful to my uncles for making me feel welcome in their homes. A part of me wants my own family. Deep down, I want Nadine to bear my children, someday.

  Yeah, that’s a fantasy that won’t ever come to fruition. Sitting shirtless on my bed, I ran my fingers through my hair. I’m trying to figure out how I let this one woman into my heart. I’ve done so well keeping women at bay. I wasn’t looking for a woman. Nadine sort of fell into my lap. I look forward to our afternoon together.


  Nadine stared out the passenger window. “Tony, where are we?”

  “We have arrived at my personal gun range.”

  I bought a small piece of land a town over. It’s rural and peaceful. Whenever I want to think I come here and shoot.

  Nadine jumped down from the truck, meeting me at the trunk.

  “What would you like me to carry?”

  I smiled. “You can carry that thick ass toward the silver stand in the middle of the lot.”

  Her ponytail swayed side to side. “Tony!”

  I slapped her ass. “Get moving.”

  “Ouch!” she shrieked.

  After gathering the two duffel bags filled with weapons, I walked toward her. I love the seclusion out here. There isn’t another house for miles. I look forward to having my way with Nadine.

  Hand resting against her brow she walked around in a circle, combing the area.

  “What do you plan to do with all this land?”

  “I’m not sure yet. I bought it dirt cheap. It will be worth a pretty penny one day.” I laid a pair of safety glasses and ear protectors on the table.

  “Put those on.” I slipped mine over my eyes. Then pulled the ear protectors partially over my ears.

  “The sun won’t set until eight so we have about an hour of daylight.”

  “Tony, what was it like growing up with your father?” Her sweet eyes stared up at me.

  I smiled. I turned my gaze to the targets across from us. “It was great. My father always made time for us. At least four times a week we sat down together as a family and ate dinner. He taught me how to shoot a gun and a rifle.” My smile fell. “He always told me how much he loved me and how I would grow up to be a fine man.” I
cleared my throat.

  I changed the subject. “We will skip the baby weapons for now. You’ll start with the assault weapons.” I loaded a magazine into the weapon. Nadine wrapped her arms around my waist, squeezing me tight. “Thank you, for sharing your memories. I think I’m ready.” She stepped in front of the steel stand again pulling the ear protectors over her ears.

  I stood behind her, placing the AK-47 in her petite hands. “Widen your stance. This will keep you grounded. Which is your dominant hand?”

  “My right.”

  “Aim at the steel bulls-eye.” I held Nadine firm against me. “If you feel like you will fall, lean back into me.”

  She nodded. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” I positioned the AK against her shoulder.

  I placed my finger over hers pressing the trigger. Nadine shot several rounds.

  “Whoa!” she shouted, holding the weapon high above her head. “Tony, that felt good!” she gleamed.

  “Good. I will help you once more than we will shoot side by side.”

  “Oh, Tony, you are turning me on.”

  I laughed.

  Nadine was learning fast. It will take a few practices but she’ll be a great shooter by the time I’m done with her.

  “I have an important job to carry out next week. Do you want in?”

  Nadine grinned, pointing the Glock at the tin target. “I sure do.” She pressed the trigger, the bullets hurled into the body of the target.

  In turn, I released the bullets from the Glock.

  “You are an excellent shot! Straight through the head and the heart.”

  “Thanks, by the time I’m done with you. You will be a bad ass. I want you to know how to defend yourself.”

  Removing the clip, I placed the Glock on the stand. I snatched the ear protectors off, placing them next to the clip. I retrieved the sniper rifle from the duffel.

  “Nadine, do you see the oak tree straight ahead?”


  “Watch my stance and how I hold the rifle.” I peered through the scope. Pulling the trigger, I took the shot. The bullet slammed into the tree.

  I placed the weapon in her hands positioning it against her body. “Do you see the tree through the scope?”

  “Yes, it looks closer than it is.”

  “Good, aim at the center of the tree right above my bullet hole. Steady.”

  Nadine took the shot.

  “I did it!” she yelled.

  I grabbed the weapon, staring through the scope. “Good shot, baby.”

  Thirty minutes later, she was getting the hang of using various weapons.

  “Pick up your weapon.” I snatched the ear protectors off her ears, placing them on the stand.

  I stood behind Nadine, unsnapping her tight jeans, yanking them down half way, kissing her neck. “It's time for you to learn how to focus on hitting the target while I rub your wet clit.” I slid one of my hands up her shirt, massaging her left breast. “Aim the gun, baby.”

  “Shit, Tony, I-I can’t,” she panted.

  “Nadine, trust me, you can.” My finger rolled over her clit. I felt her body relax.

  “Focus or I will stop.”

  “Tony, please don’t stop.”

  “Fire,” I whispered in her ear, staring at the target.

  Nadine fired twice.

  “Good girl.” My lips melted into her dark chocolate skin. I swirled two fingers swiftly over her clit.

  “Tony, I-I can’t take much more.” Her words trailed off.

  “You’re doing good. My cock is hard as a rock. Kitten, I can’t wait to cum inside that tight little pussy. Do you want that?”

  “So bad, Tony,” she replied breathlessly.

  “How long have you been wet for me?”

  “Since we were together, Wednesday.”

  “Wrong answer. The correct answer is, I’m always wet for you, Tony.”

  “Oh, fuck! I’m always wet for you, Tony,” she breathed.

  “Take one more shot, then place your weapon on the stand.”

  Nadine fired a shot. The bullet flew through the center of the targets head. Quickly, she removed the clip from the Glock, placing it on the stand. Nadine tossed our glasses aside. She turned her head to the side, crushing her lips against mine. Her body shuddered as she came all over my fingers. I licked my fingers then snatched her panties and pants down around her ankles. “Grip the front of the stand. It won’t move.”

  Nadine held on tight. “I don’t know if I can take you like this. Please don’t hurt me.”

  “Nadine, I wouldn’t hurt you.” Unzipping my jeans, I released my fat cock. Slowly, I slid my large pink mushroom head within her wet folds. Nadine circled her pussy around the head of my dick. I pushed deep inside her. “Fuck!” I yelled, clutching her hips. “Give it to me, Nadine.”

  A cool breeze hit my back. The smell of the grass, the trees, and the fresh air filling my lungs, felt fucking good. I glared at my woman’s ass slamming against me. I loved watching my long cock slid in and out of her wet pussy. My thumb glided across her pretty brown ass. Nadine comes undone completely for me. No other woman can get the reaction she does. Despite the coolness in the air. Sweat dripped down my slender nose.

  “Oh shit, yeah. It feels good, Tony!” Her moans and screams were music to my ears. The beast in me came to life.

  I yanked her ponytail, drilling into her tight pussy. “You better not fuck another man.” I yanked her head back more. “Do you fucking hear me?” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Shit, yes,” she grunted.

  I continued slamming into her, faster. I was barely hanging on.

  “Tony! Tony!” Her pussy gripped my dick.

  “I love making you cum, Nadine.” I held her in my arms as her body went limp. “You belong to me. Do you hear me?” I pushed deep inside her, holding us together as my seed filled her womb. My lips fell against her back.

  “Are you ok?” I tried to catch my breath.

  “Yes, Tony.”

  I slid out of her, adjusting my cock inside my jeans. I slipped her panties and pants over her pretty ass. Snatching her up into my arms, I stared into her eyes. My eyes softened. “Did I hurt you?”

  Nadine pressed her hand against my cheek. “No.”

  I placed her in the passenger seat. “Give me a second to clean up.”



  I pressed the code into the key pad. The black wrought-iron gates opened.

  “Tony, where are we?”

  “My family’s estate. I’m the only person who lives here. My family moved to Colorado.” I parked in the circular drive.

  Nadine climbed out the truck. I grabbed the bags from the trunk. I unlocked the double doors. Nadine walked inside.

  “Wow! The mansion is beautiful. I love the silver accents throughout, the gorgeous chandelier, and wide spiral staircase. I’m dating a rich hit man. I can’t believe it.”

  My smile dropped. Nadine calling me a hit man made me remember why we couldn’t ever be a couple.

  Nadine’s eyes saddened. “What did I say wrong?”

  “Nothing. I need to put the weapons away. I’ll place your bag in my bedroom. Look around. My mother left the furniture. The home she bought in Colorado is smaller. Meet me in the kitchen when you are done.”


  Thirty minutes later, Nadine met me in the kitchen, wearing one of my light blue dress shirts folded at the elbows. She was drowning in the shirt, but she looked good enough to eat. I wish I could get used to her walking around my house looking sexy.

  Nadine hopped up on the gray marble counter. She pulled me between her legs. “I had to take a shower because cum was dripping down my legs.”

  I smirked.

  Nadine placed my hands around her waist. “Talk to me, Tony.”

  “You are the only woman who will ever come to my house. You reminded me why we can’t ever be more than this. I’m a hit man and you are studying to become a doc
tor.” My eyebrows ruffled together.

  “And don’t tell me how you don’t care. You don’t care right now because we are young and you’re not a doctor, yet. I can assure you the minute you become a doctor, you will realize I am right.”

  “Tony does the world know you’re a hit man?”

  I didn’t say a word. I stared at her.

  “You know the answer to that question. Of course not.”

  “It's not like you would visit me at the hospital and I would introduce you to my colleagues as a hit man.”

  “I would always know the truth,” I huffed.

  “Tony, I don’t want to talk about it anymore. You will not get rid of me that easily.”

  “There’s the crazy woman I’ve been waiting for to join the party.”

  She folded her arms, side eyeing me. “You can turn this into a joke that’s fine. Everyone could tell how much you care about me. I know how I feel when I’m with you, special. I don’t feel like a fuck of the week.”

  I could feel the anger burning inside. “You would never be that. I will break someone’s neck if they ever called you that.”

  She smiled. “See, you care. Like I said before, behind closed doors you belong to me. You are my man. This topic is closed. Help me down, please. I am about to order carryout. We will sit and talk about our lives up to this point.”

  I placed her on her feet. Nadine pulled me close. “Later tonight, you will eat my pussy until I cum. Tomorrow, you will drop me off at school bright and early.”

  “You can drive the Mercedes to school. When you are done with class come back here and study.”

  She shrieked, throwing her arms around my neck.


  Sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace, we at Chinese food.

  “When I was little, I would drag all my dolls into the living room and create my own hospital. My mother was the nurse. She smiled as I operated on my baby dolls. The babies had red marker all over their bellies, arms, and legs. I would say to my mother, Mommy they are all bleeding. I have to stop the bleeding.”


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