Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3) Page 9

by Posey Parks

  I laughed hysterically.

  “My mom helped me wrap their arms and legs in bandages. I’m sure it wasn’t cheap purchasing all the supplies, but my parents did it for me. They loved fueling my dreams.”

  “Tony, what’s the real reason you didn’t go to college?”

  I exhaled. “My father sat me down and explained one day I would have to fill his position.”

  Nadine’s hands flew over her mouth. “Are you serious? Your dad held the same profession?”

  “Yes.” I filled my mouth with shrimp fried rice.

  “If my father was still alive, and I expressed interest in college, he would have continued the job until I graduated. Going to college wouldn’t have stopped my destiny of being an enforcer.”

  Nadine ran her soft hand along my cheek. “What was your sister and brother like?”

  “My brother was a trouble maker for a long time. He grew out of it. But he loved pranking me and my sister. One day I tied him down to the bed and beat his little ass. I told him enough was enough.” I laughed.

  “My sister joined in pounding her little fist into his stomach. It was hilarious.” I grabbed my stomach laughing.

  Nadine bent over in laughter. “Sounds like you all were close.”

  “Yeah, we were. Now not so much.”

  Nadine’s smile faded. She dropped her head against my chest running her hand along my shoulder. We sat in silence staring at the red and orange flames.

  “I’ll be back. I’m going to put the food away.” She disappeared into the kitchen.

  I sat deep in thought.

  Nadine returned, pushing me until my back was flush against the bear skin rug. She laid across my chest.

  “This is heaven, Tony.”

  I don’t think I will ever forget her words. It was heaven holding her. I wish life could remain like this peaceful and still.



  Tuesday afternoon, Nadine and I sat in the waiting room at the doctor’s office. Dr. Galinski Sr. and Jr. have been the Magarelli family doctors for years. Dr. Galinski was good friends with my dad. His father was friends with my grandfather. Now that his father has passed away, Dr. Galinski Jr. runs the family practice. I explained to the nurse over the phone why my friend and I were coming into the office. She reassured me, my friend and I would be in and out.

  The door opened. The nurse stepped out. “Mr. Magarelli, come on back.”

  Intertwining my fingers with Nadine’s, I greeted the nurse as we entered.

  “If you both would follow me. We will run some test.”

  Nadine flashed a half smile. We followed the nurse.

  After our office visit, Nadine and I walked into my favorite Italian restaurant. We were greeted by the owner.

  “Tony, it’s good to see!”

  I shook his hand. “It’s good to see you too, Elwood. I would like to introduce you to my friend Nadine.”

  “Nice to meet you,” she replied.

  “Elwood, seat us in a corner booth.”

  “Right this way.”

  I scoured the restaurant. Checking my surroundings is what I do. My eyes landed on Mannie’s. I stopped.

  “Elwood, please seat Nadine.”

  “Sure thing, Tony.

  I glanced at Nadine. “I will be right over.”

  She smiled, then followed Elwood.

  “How’s it going, Mannie?”

  He sat back in his chair, peeking around me glancing at Nadine. “Good.”

  I didn’t like the way his eyes followed my woman.

  “Never seen you out with a woman during daylight.”

  We laughed.

  “First time for everything.”

  “Is she your girlfriend?”

  “No, she’s a friend.” I placed my hand in my pants pocket.

  “Friend with benefits?” He nudged my arm.

  I grimaced. “Hey. I said a friend.”

  He raised his hands, surrendering. “Relax. I didn’t know she meant so much to you.”

  I was seeing red. My poker face never changed though.

  Mannie Tessanelli is an enforcer too. Only difference is he’s a contract killer. I’m not outsourced. I strictly work for my family. He’s worked jobs for various families. I get the sense he’s always looking to be accepted into one of the families. Probably wants that comradery. Mannie is from Italy. He is the only person from his family living in the U.S. He’s about the same height as me 6’3”. When I see him in the club he’s posted with two or three broads. At least one is running her fingers through his curly brown hair or over his chest. Whatever gets him off, I guess. Maybe it helps him feel like a big man. He’s a woman magnet so I guess you can say he’s attractive.

  “I see you’re still eating alone.” I joked.

  Not sure why he eats alone. Maybe he’s always working a job. I never asked.

  His smile disappeared. “Why you busting my balls?”

  “Hey now we are even.” I smiled. “What are you drinking, scotch?”


  I patted his shoulder. “I’ll send over another and your lunch is on me. Be sure to come to the club, Friday night. Hang out with me and Gio.”

  His smile was wide. “Thanks, Tony. I’m looking forward to it.”

  This will allow me to keep my eye on him.

  Walking toward Nadine, I noticed the somberness in her gaze. She tore her eyes away from me, returning her attention to the menu.

  I unbuttoned my navy suit jacket before scooting in next to her. Nadine moved to the other side of the booth. I would not press the issue. I needed Mannie to think Nadine, and I were friends. It’s none of his business who Nadine is to me. I understand I’m often told I’m untouchable, but unfortunately everyone has a price, especially a contract killer.

  My eyes circled the menu twice. “Do you know what you want to order?”

  “No!” she huffed.

  A patted the seat next to me. “Come here.”

  “No,” she grimaced.

  “Nadine, now,” I growled in a low voice.

  She smacked her lips as she slid over.

  “Bring your menu.”

  She grabbed her menu, staring a hole in the center.

  “Keep your eyes on the menu. Whatever you do, don’t look up, right away.”

  Her eyes bulked. “Nadine, I need you to relax and smile.”

  “Ok,” she smiled.

  I glanced down at the menu again. “The guy, Mannie, I stopped to talk to is in the same line of work as me.”

  Mannie sat at a small table straight across the restaurant from us.

  “Once the server arrives, then look at him. Nadine, everybody doesn’t need to know we are together as a couple. Sometimes, it’s safer everyone doesn’t know.”

  I watched her visibly swallow. I placed my hand on her knee. “Baby, relax. You’re safe.”

  The server arrived, greeting us. I ordered for Nadine and I and informed the server I was paying for Mannie’s lunch and to send over a glass of top shelf scotch. Nadine glanced at Mannie’s table. It was important, she remembers what he looked like in case she saw him again.

  Nadine placed her hand over mine under the table. The server returned with two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine. Peeking up over the rim of my glass, I observed Mannie leaving. Nadine exhaled, sitting back against the booth, downing the glass of wine.

  I glared at her. “Take it easy. Tonight, when you are done studying, we’ll eat dinner. Then I’ll run a nice hot bath for two.”

  Nadine blushed. “That sounds so good.”

  I needed to do something to relax my woman. I didn’t want her spending too much time thinking about fucking Mannie. I’ll do the worrying for the both of us.


  Glock resting in my gloved hands, I sat in a darkened motel room, waiting for Wendel. My cell vibrated.

  I read the text message:

  He’s on his way up.

  Wendell entered the room, f
lipping on the light.

  “Hey, there, Wendel,” I snickered, pointing the Glock toward him.

  “Tone. What the fuck?!” Wendel ran his hand along the back of his chunky neck.

  “What the fuck is right. Sit.” I waved him over to the bed with the gun.

  “Not sure why you would cut a deal with some other lowlifes, steal our product and sell it to someone else.” I stepped forward. My eyes narrowed. “How the fuck do you sleep with yourself at night?”

  “Tony, I swear it wasn’t like that.”

  “Enlighten me.”

  “I owed a lot of money to the Romano’s.”

  My laugh was dark. “I don’t even need to tell you how stupid it was to not only steal from us, but pay back another family with our money. Do the Romano’s know the money came from us?”

  His red eyes widened. “No Tone, they have no idea.”

  “Don’t call me Tone! Only my friends call me Tone.” I pressed the muzzle to the center of his forehead. The short man pleaded for his life.

  “My girlfriend is waiting for us downstairs. Let’s not make her wait any longer. To your feet.” I gut punched him. “Stand up! If you think about running, my girlfriend will cap your ass so fast. She’s a perfect shot,” I laughed. “I trained her.”

  Closely, I walked behind Wendel down the dingy motel steps. My woman stood outside the car waiting for me. She was adorable dressed in black from head to toe. We were dressed identical. His and her murder outfits. I chuckled inside. Nadine was double parked in the quiet dark parking lot. “Kitten, climb behind the wheel.”

  She smiled. “Tony, don’t call me kitten when we are working. You’re making me hot.” She winked.

  “That’s the whole point, baby. I want you good and ready later.”

  Opening the rear passenger door of the gray Oldsmobile, I pushed Wendel inside. Climbing in next to him, I jabbed him in the ribs with my Glock. Nadine turned out the parking lot into the light traffic. She and I discussed our plan in great detail, beforehand. My baby was ready.

  Wendel had diarrhea of the mouth. He wouldn’t shut the fuck up.

  My nostrils flared. I turned glaring at him. “Wendel, I don’t care to hear it. My uncles are pissed! I would think you dumb shits wouldn’t need a warning not to steal from the Magarelli’s, but apparently, I was wrong. I’m passing out warnings to the gamblers and to the men we trusted with our business. If I have to make an example out of some poor fuck in the back room of the club, then I will!” I growled. “I’m tired of killing stupid people.”

  Nadine turned off the lights as she came to a halt at the gate of one of our construction sites. Nadine turned toward us pointing the Glock at Wendel. I exited the car, unlocking the fence. Nadine drove inside. I locked the gates behind us. I snatched Wendel out of the back seat. “I’m happy you were smart enough not to lay a hand on my woman, because I would have cut your limbs off while you were still breathing.” The dark smile took my face.

  I didn’t bother tying Wendel’s hands. If he would have run I could have easily caught him.



  A large cement container sat in the perfect position. The three of us rode the rickety metal elevator to the second floor of the framed metal building. A nearby grated light hung from the ceiling. I plugged the extension cord into the long cord running to the first floor. The portable light lit up the second floor. Wendel continued to plead for his life.

  “Enough, Wendel!” I roared, slamming him against a nearby concrete wall. I grabbed the front of his T-shirt. “You sat in my presence plenty of nights like you were trustworthy. You deserve what is coming to you.”

  Wendel became a bucket of tears. “I’m sorry,” he cried.

  I backed up, stopping at Nadine’s side.

  Nadine’s eyes were cold and emotionless. “The Magarelli’s bid you your farewell.” She pointed the Glock toward his head. “Nessuna pieta. No mercy.”

  The bullet released from the chamber, silently flying through the muzzle, landing point blank in the center of his dome. Wendel’s brains splattered all over the concrete wall. His short body fell to the ground. Wendel’s eyes stared at Nadine. I grabbed Nadine’s arms, staring into her eyes. “Baby, are you all right?”

  “Yes.” Nadine slipped her Glock into her shoulder holster.

  She leaned down, next to Wendel, placing her hand over his eyes, closing them. I removed the thick plastic sheet that was meticulously folded in my pocket. Kneeling next to Wendel’s body, I unfolded the plastic, rolling his body inside. I tossed him over my shoulder, walking to the edge of the building, staring into the churning cement. Nadine stood at my side. I dropped Wendel into the cement. We watched as his body submerged. Nadine glanced up at me. “Would you like me to grab the supplies?”

  “No. I’ll be right back.”

  I knew the more Nadine became caught up in my world, it would make it impossible for her to leave. Was that my plan all along? Tonight, we became our own version of Bonnie and Clyde.

  I returned with the supplies. Nadine sat on her knees next to me stuffing her leather gloves into her pockets, then slipping on the blue surgical gloves. Removing the lid from the blood removing chemical, I poured the contents onto a large sponge. Nadine dove into action, scrubbing the blood stain on the ground. “I’ll be back, I’m heading downstairs to fill half the first floor with the concrete.”

  “You’re a construction worker, too?”

  “Yes, my grandfather taught all of his grandchildren the family business.”

  “I want to watch. Then we can come back and clean.”

  “Yeah, sure.”


  Nadine watched as I poured the concrete into the large deep hole. Wendall’s body flowed with the mixture landing at the bottom. I pushed the concrete placer around the floor until the concrete was smooth. “Nadine, turn off the mixer.”

  The night became still. We returned upstairs to clean the scene of the crime. After our clean up job, Nadine waited in the car, while I discarded the chemical water in a deep hole I dug in the back of the building.

  Opening the trunk, I dumped the supplies inside, then hopped behind the wheel.

  Twenty minutes later, we arrived at the vacant lot where I parked my truck. I parked the Oldsmobile far across the lot. Nadine didn’t make eye contact while we wiped down the car. I wondered what was on her mind. I soaked the car in gasoline.

  “Nadine, jump into the truck.”

  Slowly, she backed away. I tossed the match, watching the car go up in flames. Quickly, the red, orange, and blue flames, engulfed the car. I ran over to my truck, climbing behind the steering wheel. Tossing my gloves into the back seat, I noticed Nadine kicking off her black boots. She slid out of her black khakis.

  My thick black eyebrows rustled together. “Nadine, what are you doing?”

  “I want you, now.”

  “Baby, I smell awful. I need to shower.”

  Nadine ignored my words, removing her black cotton panties. She climbed into my lap. “Tony, recline the seat.” Her fingers worked fast unleashing my long fat cock from the constraints of my black khakis. Nadine positioned herself on the head of my dick. I palmed her fat ass. Her soft fingers melted along the back of my neck.

  Her pussy felt good against the tip of my cock. I hissed. She rotated her wet pussy, then slid down my cock slow, sliding to the top, teasing the head of my dick. My eyes became heavy with desire for my woman.

  The sensation was spectacular. “Fuck. Nadine, you are driving me insane.”

  I shoved her shirt and bra over her breasts. My greedy mouth sucked her gorgeous nipples like a baby getting milk. My large hands gripped her back as she rode my cock to ecstasy. Nadine turned my face to the flames, holding her face against the side of mine.

  “Look what we did together, baby. I’m not your fucking friend. If you tell another person, I’m just your friend, I’ll walk away. I want to be your woman,” she demanded.

  Nadine cir
cled her hips, now staring into my blue eyes. I tossed my hat into the backseat and devoured her soft sexy red lips. I could tell she wanted to say more, but her orgasm snuck up on her.

  “Oh, shit, Tony!”

  Her cum face was fucking beautiful.

  “You don’t tell me you’re leaving me. That shit ain’t happening.” I circled my cock intensifying her orgasm. My teeth clinched and my eyes turned dark. I wrapped my hands around her neck. Her angry, sex filled eyes stared back at me.

  “You are mine. I mean that shit,” I growled, slamming into her good pussy.

  Nadine screamed. I squeezed her neck tighter as I came. I released her. Nadine fell against my shoulder our chests rose and fell rapidly. Our hearts beat as one. Nadine slipped off my dick into the passenger seat, pulling on her panties.

  I placed my dick back in its constraints. “When we get to the house, wait for me in the shower.”

  She never answered. Nadine pulled her feet under her, leaning against the window staring into the dark of night. She sat in only her panties and T-shirt. I slipped my leather jacket over the lower half of her body. Cranking the heat, I exited the parking lot.

  I thumbed her cheek. “You should feel the heat soon.”

  My baby didn’t move. I hated seeing her like this.

  Nadine tried to work her pussy magic to get her way. The only way she can get me to talk is to liquor me up. I only get drunk around those I trust. I must remember to keep my drinks at a minimum around her.


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