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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

Page 19

by Posey Parks

  Her eyes widened. “You’re leaking!”

  My mother’s wide eyes fell on me.

  I scurried through the Saturday, busy, lunch traffic, around the corner into the bathroom. Snatching paper towel out of the dispenser, I reached under my shirt patting my breasts dry. Checking the damage to my shirt in the mirror, my eyes met my sisters and my mothers.

  “Spill!” Candace demanded.

  I ignored her. Grabbing my hand, she pulled me into a corner, lifting my shirt. My mother stepped to her side, eyes roaming my breasts and stomach.

  Her mouth dropped open. My mother ran her hand across the fabric of the material binding down my stomach.

  “You have on a maternity bra and you’ve tied down your stomach, Skye! Where’s the baby?” My mother asked.

  My eyes slammed shut.

  “Nadine Skye Barlow, tell me what is going on.” Tears spilled down my mother’s cheeks. Tears soaked my face.

  “I will tell you, but not here.”


  The car was silent on our way back to my parents. The second the door closed behind me. Everyone sat on the sofas staring at me.

  “I gave birth to my son last month. Anthony Carlos Barlow. I named him after his father.”

  My father fell back against the sofa. “Did Tony know you were carrying his baby?”


  “Why would you do this?” my mother asked.

  “Everyone worried about me failing or dropping out because I was in a relationship with Tony. I was afraid if you all found out I was pregnant you would tell me I messed up my life. I was determined to do well in school.”

  Candace stood pulling me into a hug. “I’m sorry you felt this way, Nadine.”

  “Can we see the baby?” Sheree asked.


  Everyone gasped.

  “Why not?!” my father asked.

  “No one knows my baby exist. Listen, the least you know the better.”

  My father’s eyes widened. He shot to his feet. “You knew those people are mobsters!” He pointed toward me.

  I didn’t answer.

  “Nadine, how could you ruin your life?!” The look of disappointment in his eyes hurt my heart.

  “See there it is! I didn’t ruin my life. My education is paid for. I have everything I want and need in life.” I placed my hands on my head.

  “Please don’t ever tell anyone about my child. Forget, I came here today.” I ran out of the house.

  My family darted out of the house behind me.

  Cruz drove down the street whipping up into the driveway. He hopped out opening the rear passenger door. I slipped inside.

  My father tried pushing past Cruz. “Sir, please back up.”

  “Nadine!” my father called out face twisted.

  “It’s ok, Cruz.”

  My father stepped closer. “We love you no matter what. Don’t shut us out, Nadine. Tell us what you need from us and I promise we will help.” I wrapped my arms around my daddy’s neck.

  “If you will do things my way. I will bring Anthony by next week.”

  He stepped back ushering over my mother and sisters.

  “We love you, Skye. We are here for you.”

  “I love you all so much.” I kissed their cheeks.

  “I will arrive next Saturday. Cruz will park in the backyard. We will enter the house through the back door for now. Ok.”

  They nodded. “Of course.”

  My mother’s eyes brightened. “I will call you tomorrow. I want to hear his little cries.”

  I laughed. “Sure Mom.”

  My father closed the truck door.

  Cruz drove down the tree-lined street out of the subdivision. “I take it things went left.”

  “For a moment, yes.”

  “Looks like they are on board.”

  I smiled. “Yes.”



  Medical school was kicking my butt. Anthony loves waking up in the middle of the night to spend time with me. I need him to switch back to his normal schedule.

  Thank God the weekend is here. I hope to get my little man back on schedule.

  After a quick shower, I tossed my hair into a messy bun on top of my head, then ran downstairs to the kitchen. I need coffee, like yesterday.

  The doorbell sounded.

  My bare feet carried me through the living room toward the front door. I swung the door open, smiling. “Francine!” We hugged.

  I glanced at the black Suburban. Fran’s dark haired, tall bodyguard smiled. I waved. Normally, there were two Suburban’s carrying three bodyguards in her detail. Why was she two bodyguards light? If I learned nothing else from Tony, it’s to always be aware of your surroundings and patterns. He said patterns are important. If someone’s pattern drastically changes, something isn’t right.

  “Come in.”

  “You are looking good Nadine.” She held an assorted tray of Danishes in one hand.

  “So are you,” I replied closing the door behind her.

  “I smell my favorite Danish, cream cheese.” I rubbed my hands together walking behind her toward the kitchen.

  She smiled, placing the tray on the counter.

  “Yes, I thought you could use a treat.”

  “You know me too well,” I stated, biting into the sweet pastry.

  “This is the last tray you’ll bring over here. I’m back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I don’t want to pack on the pounds again.”

  Her pink cheeks warmed as she ran her fingers through her long brunette hair.

  “Ok,” she laughed.

  “How is the family?”

  “Adjusting,” Fran stated sitting at the white kitchen counter.

  “I miss Dillon, so much,” she cried.

  Dropping the pastry on the tray, I wrapped my arms around her neck. “I know.”

  I sat in the chair next to her. I caught a glimpse of a black sedan sitting in front of the Suburban that wasn’t there when Fran arrived. I returned my attention to Fran. “How is Dominic doing?”

  She smirked. “Pretty good.”

  I stepped to the window, peaking out the white curtain. Fran’s bodyguard disappeared. I grabbed my cell off the counter, calling Cruz.

  Hey, Fran bodyguard disappeared. I believe we have visitors on the premises.

  All right, I’m on it. He disconnected the call.

  “Fran, why is the Mayor's wife only traveling with one detail?”

  I pressed a button under the counter. What appeared to be a fake drawer opened. I retrieved two Glocks, checking the clips, then closed the drawer. I placed one Glock before her.

  She turned a deep shade of red. “Juko told me they were handling other business.” Fran grabbed the Glock.

  “Where is Sergio?”

  “At home, I’m calling him now.”

  I nodded.

  Sergio, Nadine and I are in trouble. I need you to get here now! She rattled off the address before disconnecting the call.

  “It’s a good thing I gave you a refresher course in self-defense.”

  “It sure is.”

  Fran already knew how to fire a weapon and defend herself. But I needed to enhance her technique in case of an emergency. Tony was an enforcer for the mafia. I couldn’t be naïve and think no one would ever come for me even if Tony is dead. Could this be someone trying to test the Magarelli’s strength now that Tony is dead?

  I believe they are trying to use Fran to send a message to Sergio.

  Tony mentioned the last hit he performed didn’t sit well with him. He hoped there wouldn’t be blow back. He wondered would the brother of a guy he murdered seek retaliation. His brother was in the wrong. He was stealing business from the Magarelli’s territory, trying to make a name for himself. The four families that operate in New Jersey under the Magarelli’s is all there will be. Tony said, now that Sergio is the Mayor, hungry men seeking power and their territory would rise. Tony planned to be ready to take them do
wn. Not to worry, I’m ready for their ass.

  “Fran, get down low. I’ll be right back.”

  She nodded.

  I ran upstairs to the nursery.

  Chloe turned, then her eyes widened. “Why do you have a gun?”

  “I need you to trust me.” I leaned over, pulling back the rug, pressing the button. The wardrobe and the wall swung open. “Chloe, grab Anthony and get inside. Now!”

  She snatched up the baby and his bottle, then ran inside. Her chest rose and fell. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

  My eyes darted toward the door way. I had to keep checking my surroundings. I didn’t know if anyone made it inside the house.

  “There is food, weapons, and a cell phone inside, if I don’t return soon. Do not exit this room for twenty-four hours.”

  She held Anthony close, visibly shaking, nodding her head.

  Tapping the button again, I watched the wall close. I ran down the hall to my special room, stepping into the walk-in closet. Opening a secret door, I retrieved two bullet-proof vests. I pulled one over my head. I grabbed ammo, and as many weapons as I could sling over my back. Exiting the closet, I inched toward the doorway with an AR-15 close. Running past the three bedrooms toward the end of the hall, I peeked out the window. Two men were down. I didn’t see Cruz.

  Shit, I needed to get back to Fran. I eased down the stairs, halting at the wall close to the kitchen. “Fran,” I called out.

  “I’m fine.”

  I tossed a bullet-proof vest across the room.

  “Did you get it, Fran?”


  “Nadine.” I swung my head to my left, peeking around the corner. I saw Cruz approaching.

  “How are we looking?” I threw him an assault rifle and two magazine clips.

  “Four men hopped out of an SUV just a second ago.”

  “Fran is ok.” I pointed toward the kitchen.

  “Sergio is on his way.”

  His eyes widened.

  “Don’t worry security is all wrapped up.”

  He exhaled. “Ok.”

  Cruz knew about the panic room. He showed Chloe how to get in and out of the room, so she would be ready for times like this.

  The sound of glass breaking on the garage door alarmed Cruz and I. Cruz waited at the door for the assailant to enter. I dipped into the living room outside the kitchen, taking cover behind the wall.

  Faint sounds were heard from the muzzle of Cruz’s rifle. I glanced around the corner as the man fell to the ground. Cruz left the kitchen door open. “Cover me.”

  Riffle pointing outward, I waited for the next fucker to walk through the door. Cruz dragged the dead body into the dining room.

  The muzzle of a gun pointed through the broken garage door. I ducked as the bullets flew through the air.

  “Stay down!” I shouted.

  Dropping to the floor, I fired several rounds shattering my new truck windows and the side door.

  The door swung open, rapid fire followed.

  “Nadine, Sergio is here. I need to cover him.”


  I crawled backwards toward Fran as I fired shots through the garage. A man darted his head around the corner taking a shot into the house.

  “It’s best you surrender now Nadine.”

  “No fucking chance! Who the fuck are you?”

  He chuckled. “Not friends of Tony or the other fucking Magarelli’s. I take comfort in knowing I will kill you and Francine. Your fucking boyfriend killed my brother. Now, I will kill you.”

  I peeked around the corner. A man darted inside the kitchen. I aimed, shooting the man in the head.

  “Nice shot. Looks like your boyfriend taught you some techniques before he died.”

  “You have no fucking idea. Show your fucking face. I want to see the man I’m about to shoot between the eyes.”

  “Aren’t you a cocky little bitch,” he laughed.

  “I wish I could have been there to kill your brother myself, you piece of shit.”

  “Don’t make me come in there and get you, bitch!”

  “I damn sure ain’t coming to you.”

  “Raffaele, you are being rude. Enter,” Sergio stated calmly, relieving him of his weapon.

  Glaring around the corner, I watched Sergio push Raffaele inside.

  “Fuck you Sergio.”

  Sergio clocked Raffaele’s head with the Glock. “I’m thrilled my wife called. Baby, are you ok?”

  “Yes, Sergio.”

  “Good. Stay put sweetheart. Cruz and Gio are cleaning up outside,” he chuckled.

  “Nadine, cover me. I will grab our friend a chair.”

  I stood, aiming my rifle at Raffaele’s head.

  “Did you think I wouldn’t be ready for someone like you? My man was the best enforcer.”

  His gray eyes darkened. “It’s a good thing Tony died in that accident. I was planning to kill him.”

  A sinister laugh released from within. “You would have had to go through us both.”

  Sergio shoved the chair into the back of his knee caps, forcing him to sit.

  I slapped Raffaele across his pretty face with the side of my Glock. “Revenge can be so bitter sweet.” I smiled.

  Sergio’s green eyes glared into mine. “We are about to have a little fun.”

  Gio stepped into the room walking toward Sergio.

  “Sergio, the premises are secure.”

  My face warmed. “Hello, Gio.”

  “Good to see you Nadine.”

  “Gio, grab a chair.”

  Gio disappeared returning shortly with a chair.

  Sergio placed the chair in front of Raffaele. “Gio, get my wife out of here. This is a side of me she should never see,” he snarled.

  Gio helped Fran to her feet. She walked into view, pointing the Glock at Raffaele.

  “You came here to kill me, you piece of shit!” A bullet released from her Glock into Raffaele’s shoulder.

  “Ah!” he shouted, grabbing his shoulder.

  “Move your fucking hand!” Fran pushed his hand aside with the Glock. “I’m sure I will never see you again.” She twisted and turned the muzzle of the Glock into the bullet hole.

  “Goodbye bitch.”

  She turned to Sergio, kissing his lips. “I’ll be outside in the truck.”

  “I’ll be right there, sweetheart.”

  Gio walked Fran out the front door.

  “Nadine do you have any tools?”

  My lips curled devilishly. “I sure do.”

  I disappeared, returning shortly with supplies.

  I placed a sledge hammer in Sergio’s grasp. He stood. His tall, stalky stature towered over Raffaele. Sergio was dressed casually. You could tell he was lounging around the house before he arrived.

  “You came here intending to kill my fucking family?! Nadine might not have the Magarelli last name, but she is one of us all the way. She is under our protection. To think you would be stupid enough to try to kill my wife. The wrath is about to rain down on you is unlike anything you have ever witnessed! I would normally torture you for days, but my wife awaits. So, I will stick to the basics.”

  Sergio pulled the sledgehammer over his shoulder. “You should have never fucked with the Magarelli’s. Nessuna pieta! No mercy!”

  Sergio slammed the Sledge hammer down with all his might, onto Raffaele’s knee cap.

  “Ahhh!” he shrilled.

  Tears flowed down Raffaele’s face. His knee cap was shattered.

  I stepped around Sergio with my electric saw. “Like Sergio said, you are getting off easy, Raffaele.” The teeth of my saw rested against his navy suit jacket sleeve. I slid the saw through the skin underneath his shoulder.

  “Ah! Ah!” he shrilled and shivered through my vicious, tortuous, attack. Blood splattered all over my face as I cut his arm off.

  “I had no idea how ruthless you were Nadine,” Sergio smiled.

  “Nadine, step back.”

hood eyes remained low and his body shivered.

  “Light’s out Raffaele.” Sergio pulled the sledge hammer back like he was waiting to hit a home run. The sledge hammer cut through the air slamming into Raffaele’s heart. Blood splattered all over Sergio. Raffaele’s eyes widened and blood gurgled in his throat. Raffaele’s eyes shut for the final time.

  Sergio’s chest rose and fell. His lips curled upward. He dropped the sledgehammer to the floor. There was a crazed, dazed look of satisfaction in his eyes as he stared at Raffaele’s lifeless body.

  “Nadine, you will need to gather all of your belongings and leave now. This house will burn, tonight. I will find out if there are any threats coming our way. For the time being, you need to stay in a safe house.”


  “Tony prepared a safe house for me in Philly. Can you leave Fran’s Truck?” I glanced out the door at my truck.

  “Mine is busted.”

  We laughed. “No problem. Anything you need. Gio will call you in the next hour. He and Cruz will watch over you until I know this is over.”


  I’d rather Gio be the person I have to tell about Tony’s baby. Hopefully, he won’t tell Sergio.

  An hour later, I loaded all of my weapons, sentimental items, and enough clothes for me and the baby for a week. Chloe and Cruz brought what they could fit into the trunk of the truck. Cruz strapped Anthony into his car seat against the seat in the trunk of the Suburban. Sergio’s guys entered the house after we drove out the driveway. I glanced back at the house that has been home for the last six months as we rode down the street.


  Cruz surveyed the grounds of the large property before allowing Chloe, me and the baby inside the house. I remembered the safe house had a panic room, only Tony, and I knew about. If trouble found us again, Chloe and Anthony would be protected.


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