Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3) Page 22

by Posey Parks

  I walked into the room.

  “Knock it off! I will take the blindfold off and remove the gag only if you will behave. Shake your head if you will comply.”

  She nodded. I removed the blindfold and gag.

  “Where am I?”

  “Somewhere safe.”

  "Where's Jacob?" Samantha’s lips trembled.

  “Jacob is fine. I’m going to speak to you candidly. Jacob’s family put a hit out on you last night. We kept you safe. If it wasn’t for us, you would be sleeping with the fishes right about now.”

  “You see, the Latters’ don’t want you creating mixed babies and mixing their pure Anglo-Saxon blood line.”

  Her eyebrows wrinkled. “Jacob has acted weird for a month. Now I know why. Who do you work for?”

  “That’s a minor thing.” I folded my big arms. “Don’t worry about that. Just focus on getting out of here. When this is over, you will never have to go through this again. We will take care of his Grandfather and his Dad. If I were you, I would think twice about marrying into a family that would try to kill you.” I smirked.

  “I'm going to untie you but if you decide you want to fight, Kirk in the other room will chloroform you again. Capisce?”

  "Yes, I understand.”

  “I will take you into the other room so you can freshen up. You will be locked in for now.”

  A week later, I allowed Samantha to roam the cabin. Samantha has a tough exterior but is a total sweetheart. I stood in the kitchen doorway, watching Samantha eat a turkey sandwich.

  “Samantha, if you ever need anything, remember to give me a call. You’re like a little sister to us.”

  She smiled. “I won’t ever forget you guys.”

  The next day, I reunited Jacob and Samantha.

  I hadn’t enjoyed that much action since I worked for my family. We beat the shit out of Jacob’s father and grandfather. They had that shit coming. Jacob didn’t want to kill them, just scare them half to death. We had his grandfather on tape demanding Samantha be killed. If he ever comes near Samantha, Jacob will release the tape to the police and his grandfather will go to prison.


  First, Jacob hired me for a private job. Then Samantha hired me to assist her with a private job. These two were a piece of work. They deserved each other.

  I sat on the steps outside the cabin staring at the lush green trees. Samantha exited the house where she left the woman she tortured, who wouldn’t leave Jacob alone. She sat at my side.

  “Tony, I would like you to work for me and Jacob full time.”

  I ran my hand over my hair. “I don’t know Samantha. I enjoy what I do for Mr. Silverman.”

  She smiled. “Think about it. You don’t have to answer right away. We will triple your salary. You would be our full-time body guard. Accompanying us out of town would be a must since we live between L.A. and Canada.” She rose to her feet. “I’m not in a hurry for the answer. You will work for us. I can see it in your eyes. Jacob and I have gotten under your skin in a good way.” She chuckled walking back into the cabin.

  Samantha was right. I enjoyed working with those two. They are crazy as hell. Jacob and Samantha soon learned they were once assassins. Their fathers hypnotized them when they were younger, sending them on dangerous missions. After catching Jacob and Samantha tangled in the sheets, it was only a matter of time before their father’s shut down the operation. They were brought out of hypnosis and sent back to their normal lives.

  Jacob locked eyes with Samantha at a charity event. Samantha believes Jacob’s memory was triggered when their eyes met. They’ve since recovered those missing memories. They’ve agreed to help their fathers from time to time to carry out missions under their code names Hunter and Skyler.

  I did take the body guard position which turned out to be so much more. I too assist on missions, helping them save the world. I am finally happy. Killing for the greater good is rewarding.



  Jacob’s cousin, Brandon Asher II, needed help to resolve a certain kind of problem that only we could handle.

  Brandon’s fiancée, Zoey, was the victim of a hit and run. Brandon had an idea who might have been behind the plot to kill his woman but he needed to be sure. I persuaded the owner of the home to leave the premises so I could check for a gas leak. Dressed in a National Grid uniform, I entered the home, then planted bugs throughout.

  After collecting the evidence, we needed, Zoey, Samantha, and I set our plan in motion. I never met a woman more twisted than Samantha. I take that back I have, Nadine. My woman was vicious. She also got off on killing motherfuckers who deserved their final fate. She would fit right into our group of crazies. I wish Nadine was by my side on the dangerous missions.

  Back to Zoey’s night of revenge. Samantha and Zoey tortured the three women while I planted explosive on a yacht in the middle of Hawaii’s Kahului Bay. We sped off on a speedboat, watching the yacht explode in the distance. It was Zoey’s first kill and one of many for Samantha and I.

  My brother and sister love California. They still work for Mr. Silverman. He is pleased with how they run his business.

  I flew to Florida to assist Samantha and her cousin Sydney with a job. Sydney’s job was to pump Colt Felder for information. He was working with a terrorist in Russia who needed to be stopped. Turns out Sydney’s boyfriend, Sebastian, needed to obtain the information from Colt as well. After the mission was complete, Samantha asked me to keep an eye on Sydney. Sitting down the street in the black Suburban, I watched Sydney and Sebastian. Glaring through the binoculars, I noticed Sydney’s nostrils flared. Whatever Sebastian said sent her flying out of her chair, swiftly walking down the dark street. Sebastian grabbed her a few times trying to get her to listen. They stopped under the street lamp. Tears slid down her brown cheeks. That was my queue to rescue Sydney.

  My cell rang.

  Tony, Sydney just called. She needs your help.

  I’m already on it.


  I disconnected the call.

  Sydney and Sebastian sat on the curb behind a parked car. He clutched her in his arms.

  Slamming my foot on the brake brought the truck to a screeching halt. Traffic bustled around the double-parked vehicle as I climbed out the truck and into Sydney’s view.

  She smiled when she realized it was me.

  “Tony!” she shouted, jumping into my arms.

  “It’s all right Sydney. You’re safe now. We would never leave you alone,” I whispered.

  She exhaled. Her body quacked in my arms. I placed Sydney on her feet.

  Sebastian charged toward me.

  “Who are you? And where the fuck are you taking her!” Sebastian shouted.

  “None of your fucking business!” I yelled.

  I opened the rear passenger truck door. Sydney climbed inside.

  Sebastian banged on the truck door trying to gain her attention. “Sydney!”

  I moved closer. “Step the fuck back!” I yelled, poking Sebastian in the chest.

  “Keep it up, your brains will be all over the fucking streets,” I warned, standing toe to toe with Sebastian.

  Sebastian looked defeated and devastated. He better take it down a notch or I will drop his ass right here.

  Sydney rolled down the window. “Sebastian, I’ll be fine. Please let me go.”

  I stepped away.

  Sebastian stretched his hands out in front of him.

  “Just one thing Sydney. I would never put you in danger. Remember that please!” he cried.

  “Ok,” she sniffled, rolling up the window.

  I peeled off. Sydney’s body went limp against the seat. She cried profusely.

  “Sydney, it will be all right. Take the two sedatives with the bottled water sitting in the armrest. That will calm you down.”

  She did as she was told. Her eyes lids closed, then she conked out across the seat.

  Over time, I witnessed Sydney and Sebasti
an’s relationship teeter up and down.

  Jacob, Samantha, and I paid Sebastian a visit. He and Sydney were on the outs again. Sebastian is one of the best hackers in the world. Samantha needed him to find Sydney. Samantha chose that night to tell Sebastian all of our secrets. It was a risky move, but Samantha trusted him and divulged the information. After Jacob and Samantha admitted they were assassins, I waited a minute for that bit of information to sink in.

  Sebastian’s eyes shot over to me. “Tony, what is your story?”

  “I was in the mob.” I spread my hands out wide. “But I’m dead. Anyone who knows about the mob knows the only way you can leave the mob is by death. My real name is Anthony Magarelli.”

  Sebastian coughed. “Are you all right, Sebastian?” Samantha asked.

  “Yes, it’s just a lot to take in.” Sebastian gulped down half his beer.


  “I work for Mr. Silverman from time to time. He’s a powerful businessman in Hollywood. I also work with Jacob and Samantha.” I pointed toward them. “They are like family. They don’t judge my past life. We protect each other. That day on the street in Orlando, I was about to knock your teeth down your throat if you didn’t back down. I’m beginning to understand you a little better and may show leniency on you in the future but if you tell anyone about this,” I approached the counter.

  “I will fucking kill you.”


  “Capisce!” he stated glaring back.

  I returned to my corner.

  Samantha explained to Sebastian the reason we paid him a visit. When he learned Sydney was missing, he was beside himself. Samantha told him she felt he was the best man to find her. Sebastian told Samantha he would find Sydney.

  He was in a state of shook after everything we told him. Sebastian and Jacob left the room to discuss the information he found out about Sydney’s disappearance.

  I sat at the kitchen counter nursing a whiskey.

  Sebastian leaned against the kitchen door way. “Tony, can I speak to you a minute?” Sebastian asked.


  I followed Sebastian into his office.

  “I know you can’t stand me,” Sebastian stated, leaning against his desk.

  “Yeah, so what about it?”

  “Turns out, we are related. You’re my cousin. My mother is Catriona Violet Johansen. Her real last name is Magarelli.”

  I rubbed my brow, dropping in the nearby chair. All the color drained from my face as I clenched my fist. My knuckles whitened.

  I cleared my throat before speaking. “She’s the Don’s daughter. Well, her brother, your uncle is the new Don.”

  “Because we have another sensitive matter to handle, I was hoping we could discuss this later in secret.”

  I nodded. “Andrà bene.” I said that would be fine.




  I haven’t physically been in Dillon’s presence in five years. I knocked on the door of the lonely trailer sitting on the construction lot. I glanced behind me at the building under construction in the distance.

  “Hello, may I help you?” the woman asked, holding the door open. She grinned from ear to ear as her eyes roamed my muscled body. I think she is flirting with me.

  I smiled under my low baseball cap. “Hello, I am here to talk to Jeff Westbrook. He and I go way back.”

  “Come in.”

  I stepped past her. She stepped closer, clasping her hands in front of her.

  “Mr. Westbrook is doing a walk through. He will be back soon. You are welcome to have a seat at his desk.” She walked toward his desk, stretching her hand out toward the seat in front of my cousin’s desk.

  “Thank you,” I replied taking a seat.

  “May I get you anything to drink?”

  “No thank you.”

  “Let me know if you change your mind.” She walked back to her desk.

  I told Jacob and Samantha I needed to check on my cousin. They insisted I take their jet. I’m here to deliver Dillon some unsettling news.

  I glanced around the small trailer. I smiled. I’m proud of Dillon. He is doing well for himself. He has bust his ass to get everything he has now. I’m happy he divorced the money hungry, prima donna, winch he was married to. She didn’t deserve my cousin. He needs a strong woman willing to stand by his side through the mayhem if it at all should rear its ugly head.

  Nadine rode with me no matter what. We were young. Even though I urged her to keep her head on straight, a part of me wishes I would have allowed her to disappear with me that day. Happiness is what I longed for with Nadine. But would she have grown to hate me over time for allowing her to give up her dream of being a doctor? Shit, I couldn’t go through with that fantasy life. I know I made the right decision. She is a successful Pediatrics doctor who runs her own practice. A smile curled my lips at the thought.

  I realize I was kidding myself, to think I could have ever married Nadine. She has always been too good for me. Nadine told me I should have gone to college. I took her advice. Over the last four years I did something for myself. I obtained my bachelor’s degree online in Forensic Science. Some of what I have learned can come in handy on the missions with Samantha and Jacob. If a target is ever killed before we’re able to carryout the job, I could carry out my investigation. My findings would allow us to find the person who carried out the job. If school was completed at the time of Samantha’s disappearance, maybe I could have found her when she went missing in Russia.

  The sound of the trailer door opening and closing behind me jarred me from my thoughts.

  “May I help you?!” he roared.

  His defensive tone told me he was concerned.

  “Sorry boss. The guy said he knows you.”

  I kept my composure. I sat silently looking straight ahead.

  “It’s fine, Eva. Take an early lunch.”

  “All right.” A few seconds later, I heard the door open and close.

  The floor squeaked beneath his heavy boots as he walked toward me.

  Plopping in his chair, he sighed.

  “Jesus Christ Tony! What the fuck? You scared the shit out of me.”

  We stood at the same time. Dillon stepped over pulling me into a hug.

  “Long time, no see!”

  “You don’t ever see me. But I see you, Dillon. It’s my job to watch over you from a distance.”

  “How have you been, Tony?”

  “Great! I love Cali! How bouts you?”

  “Everything is good. The kids are growing like weeds.”

  I nodded. “I love it.”

  He sat back down behind his desk. I sat on the edge of the chair. My smile diminished. “Dillon, they found Uncle Mickey.”

  His face dropped as he slouched in his chair.

  “Word on the street, Sergio will not rest until he has someone’s head on a stick for his brother’s murder.”

  He glanced over at me. “How do you know?”

  “Kirk hired a couple of guys to keep their ears to the street for us. Some kids went camping around Draper Lookout. It rained heavily. The girl and her boyfriend decided to leave. The guy said he backed his car closer to their campsite so they could load the car easier. His rear wheels got stuck as he tried to drive off. He used a shovel to dig himself out. Low and behold he said he saw part of a leather jacket. He forgot about the car and kept digging. He found a man’s skeletal remains. Coroner examined the teeth learning it was Uncle Mickey.”

  Dillon ran his hands over his hair. “Shit! When I heard Filippo and Leech mention Draper Lookout, I thought they would have handled it differently.”

  “Yeah, when Sergio finds out who murdered Mick, there won’t be no stopping a war from breaking out.”

  Dillon pounded his fist against the desk. “That is what we went underground to prevent.”

  I ran my hand along the back of my neck. “I understand Dillon. All we can do now is watch it play o
ut from a distance.”

  “Or I can go there and take care of Filippo once and for all. Take him out, bury him with the fishes,” he whispered.

  I grimaced. “Dillon, don’t be rash! I will be in and out of town for a while. I want to make sure everything stays the way it is.”

  “Do you think my mother will break?”

  My eyes widened. “What and tell your father what really happened to us? No, she won’t.”


  Dillon’s elbow rested on the desk. His hand clutched his mouth. He stared into the distance.

  “Dillon, I’ll let you get back to work.” I rose pulling my baseball cap down close to my eyes.

  “I’ll see you again soon.”

  His eyes met mine. “Bye Tony.”

  The upsetting news of Mick’s body surfacing rattled Dillon’s cage. Driving back to the airport, I wondered if all the digging Sergio was doing might bring us back from the dead. Filippo is a gutter rat. Never should have been trusted. Sergio should have given me the word to take that fucker out of the game. He’s poison to the business. Now look what the fuck he has done. He can’t even dispose of a dead body correctly. Then it hit me. He wanted Mick to be found. Not right away but in time. I’m sure Filippo is getting off on Sergio foaming at the mouth, trying to flush out the killer. I can’t stop thinking about the worried look on Dillon’s face. I will have to keep a closer eye on my cousin. This is the first time in fourteen years our past may come back to bite us in the ass.


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