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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

Page 28

by Posey Parks

  “If Tony never forgives you for the secret you kept, then it’s his loss. You are a great mother.”

  I reached for Cruz’s hand. “Tony will be a great father to all three of his children.” I patted Cruz’s hand.

  A single tear rolled down my cheek. “Tony is finally my man. In a few more days our time together will come to an end. I’m going to move on. Really date other men this time. I hate we will never be together. I will still always love Tony.”

  Cruz placed a box of tissues in my lap. He pulled me into his arms. “Give him time to absorb the betrayal. You’re the only woman he’s ever trusted with his heart and his life. Allow him time to bond with Anthony. Hopefully, he will understand why you did what you did.”

  I fell back against the headboard. “Thanks, Cruz.”

  “I’ve always had your back.”

  I smiled. “Yeah, you have.”

  He stood to his feet running his fingers through his goldish brown locks. “I am going to relieve Franco. I will check on you later on.”

  I smiled.

  My heart raced in my chest. Nothing can prepare me for Tony’s wrath.



  Tony was elated to see me upon his return. He was exhausted when he arrived at the safe house. After a long shower, he climbed into bed, pulled me into his arms, then drifted off to sleep. The next morning, he whisked me off to a beautiful house tucked away in a rich suburb outside of Newark.

  Tony carried me into the house through the kitchen and into the spacious white living room. He sat me on the plush leather sofa, then removed my navy clogs and placed my feet on the coffee table.

  “I’ll be right back. I have to talk to Franco.”

  “I’ll be right here.” I needed to talk to Anthony.

  I glanced through the massive window into the backyard. I will have to dip outside and talk to my son.

  I heard the door close. “Nadine, would you like something to drink?”

  “Water please. Tony, I need to step outside. A patient is calling.”


  I paced back and forth in the hot heat waiting for the phone to ring staring into the sparkling blue swimming pool.

  Mom, when are you coming home?

  No hello straight to the point, huh?

  Mom, are you coming home today?

  No, I will be home tomorrow.

  Who is home with you?

  Auntie Sheree is here. She’s taking me bowling at 2.

  Sounds like fun! Tell her I said hello. Where is Cruz?

  Walking around the property like always.

  Ok when I return we will go shopping in New York!

  Mom, are you serious!

  Yes, I am.

  That’s great. I can’t wait!

  Alright, I have to go. I will talk to you later. Love you.

  Love you too Mom.

  I turned glancing through the window. Tony sat on the couch flipping channels. Turning my lips upward, I strolled into the house.

  “When do you return for duty?”

  I sat beside him on the sofa. “Tomorrow, if I can help it. My colleagues have assigned me to sick call duty. However, if one of my patients goes into labor, I will have to run to the hospital.”

  He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “So, this is what it’s like dating a doctor.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Again, I am very proud of you.” He kissed my lips.

  “Are you sure I can’t persuade you to attend Dillon’s party with me tonight?”

  “No. Sorry baby. Next time though.”

  “Yeah, I did spring it on you last night.”

  “But, I will be here tonight when you return.”

  “You better.” He leaned in taking my lips. His hand slipped around my neck. “I missed you so much.”

  “What happened over the two-week span?”

  He sunk into the sofa and sighed. “All the women stayed in a safe house together. Samantha was with us in the beginning, then Dillon sent her to the safe house to keep the ladies’ spirits up. Samantha can be a bit of a handful.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Samantha is your shero, huh?”

  He glanced at me. “No Nadine, you are. I turned you into a badass. She reminds me of you. The only difference is, I fight side by side with her often. You and I have always made a great team.”

  I smiled. “We do, don’t we?”

  “Darn straight.”


  “We killed all of their men on the route to New York where Filippo Jr. was held up. Technology is wonderful.” He grinned.

  Tony was a sexy lumberjack. He didn’t cut his thick beard for two weeks. His black locks brushed his shoulders.

  “Sebastian and Brandon maneuvered their drones through the streets following Jr. to a large house in a suburb of Staten Island.” He weaved his hand. A scowl took his face.

  “We staked out the house waiting for the perfect time to move. We were finally able to take the bastard down! As Jacob, Dillon, Dominic, Brandon, and I fled the scene, I hit the detonator. The force from the explosion pushed us to our knees.”

  My eyes widened.

  He shook his head and grinned. “It was the best rush!”

  “Where was Sebastian?”

  “Pulling strings with his computer. I failed to mention Sebastian Johansen is the best computer hacker in the world.”

  My mouth dropped open. “That’s your cousin? I had no idea.”

  I’m surprised Tony doesn’t know about Anthony already. Sebastian Johansen is a software tycoon. I’ve seen him all over the news.

  “Yeah, he is married to Samantha’s cousin Sydney who is also an assassin. We are a group of dangerous men who have badass women at our sides.”

  I nodded. “Damn straight baby!”

  “He and Sydney have been through a world of hurt. Samantha, Jacob, and I paid him a visit when we couldn’t find Sydney. They weren’t a couple at the time. Sebastian agreed to find Sydney. It took him a minute. To his surprise when he found her, she sported a large pregnant belly. Sydney lied to his face. Told him it wasn’t his child.”

  Tony rested his elbows on his knees running his fingers through his hair. “That man isn’t stupid. He knew she was carrying his child.”

  “Why did she lie?” he shook his head.

  “Sydney thought Sebastian moved on with his ex-girlfriend.” Tony turned to me. “It still doesn’t warrant lying to a man about his child.”

  I received that warning. Tony wasn’t going to forget about me keeping the twins a secret.

  “Sebastian swallowed the lie a lot better than I would have. I’m not sure which is worst, Sydney’s lie or Samantha’s. Jacob hands down puts up with more shit than any of the guys. Like I said before Samantha is a handful.” Tony sat back staring at the TV.

  “Samantha slipped a sedative into Jacob’s drink, then hopped on a plane in the middle of the night fleeing the country.”

  I leaned forward, staring into his face. “What?!”

  “Yeah. Jacob admitted to Samantha he beat the shit out of her abusive ex-boyfriend. Samantha panicked and ran. She said she didn’t want to get Jacob killed. I agree with her to some degree. Her ex was bat shit crazy.

  Jacob was a mess without Samantha. He hired a private investigator to find her. Once he found her they said hateful things to one another. Once he couldn’t take it anymore he stalked toward the door. She blurted out, “I’m pregnant!”

  “His heart was broken. She was going to keep his baby a secret. She somehow weaseled her way back into his heart in Venice. I think in the back of that man’s mind, it still fucks with him a little. Shit, it would bother me.”

  I massaged my stomach. Sounds like Tony is unforgiving. I stared at a spot on the light-colored hard wood floor.

  “Nadine, look at me.”

  Slowly, my eyes met his. “I’m trying to process you keeping our babies a secret. It’s hard. Maybe I’m as bad
as those guys, stupid in love.”

  I caressed his face. “Stupid, never. Loving, absolutely.”

  He smirked.

  I placed my hands in my lap.

  “Will I ever meet your new family? I heard you mention Brandon and Zoey a couple of times but I know nothing about them.”

  His smile rose and fell. “Zoey has been through a lot. She was molested by her stepfather. Zoey never thought she deserved to be loved.”

  My face softened. “That is so sad.”

  “It is.” He ran his hands together.

  “Brandon showed her she could be loved unconditionally. He loves that woman with all his heart. The women in his life tried to kill Zoey. Samantha and I helped Zoey get revenge.” Tony leaned over kissing my forehead.

  “I would love for you to meet them. Full disclosure. They are all crazy in their own way so be prepared.”

  I smiled. “I’m sure I can handle crazy.”

  Tony pulled me close, nuzzling my ear. “We haven’t had sex since April.”

  “Baby, may I remind you before January it had been fourteen years. I missed making love to you.” My fingers caressed his muscled back. “Your big strong hands rubbing my legs and breasts,” I moaned.

  “That’s all I’ve done to you?” Tony’s big hands slid under my dress, massaging my breasts through my satin orange lace bra.

  “Well, I thought of you every time I fucked Mr. Bigg.”

  “Oh really. You know I don’t play well with others.”

  His lips lowered sucking my neck. “You can retire Mr. Bigg. This is the only fat cock you will be fucking from here on out.”

  I pushed Tony back, resting my hands on his chest, staring into his half hooded sparkling blue eyes. “When did you know you really loved me after you left?”

  His eyes widened. “Why do you want to know that?”

  “Tony, you were so closed off. The only time you ever told me you loved me was after you had too much to drink.”

  He ran his hand along the back of his neck. “I’m not sure I understand why you want to hear the level of pain I was in.”

  My face twisted. “Don’t tell me, then. I’ll take it you are settling for me.”

  He pointed into his chest. “Me settling for a Doctor? Think about how that sounds. Aren’t you settling? I’m an ex hit man.”

  “Now assassin. Super fucking sexy.” I pressed my lips against his.

  “You would find that sexy.”

  I straddled his lap, pushing his back against the soft leather placing his hands above his head. “A man resting at the top of a snow-capped mountain setting up his sniper rifle, in position to kill his target. Yeah, damn sexy.”

  “Looks like the blood lover is back. I think I got rid of that stick up your ass.” We chuckled.

  I slammed my fist into his rock-solid chest. He didn’t flinch. “What can I say? You bring out the bad girl in me. Tony, stop stalling and tell me.”

  Tony released his hands from mine resting them on my now even bigger ass.

  His demeanor became serious. “I was in a bad place. I hit rock bottom. The moment I arrived in L.A., I damn near drank myself to death. I howled like a wounded animal almost every night. I professed my love for you to an empty room. I’d lay on the floor of a dingy motel room staring at your picture, downing the bottle of whiskey until I fell asleep every night…for a long time.”

  I caressed his bearded face.

  “Honestly, if I didn’t remember I was supposed to watch out for Dillon, I may not have made it. I had to pull myself together. I found a gym, worked out every day, then began working for Mr. Silverman. The first woman I was assigned to answered the door half naked. She couldn’t believe I turned down her advances. While surveying the premises, I had a panic attack. Yeah, I know, pretty pathetic.”

  I shook my head. “No, baby. I was the only woman you ever loved. You were love sick.”

  “I never forgot you. I told myself to only read your social media posts online a few times a week. I never let you go Nadine.”

  Closing my eyes, I pressed my lips against his. I caressed his face.



  I pulled back. “Cruz almost beat the door off the hinges that snowy day after you left. I sat down and listened as he told me you and Dillon died. My heart broke into tiny pieces again.

  All eyes were on me as my parents walked me to your casket. I could barely stand. I threw myself on your casket. I was an emotional wreck. All I could think about was never seeing your face again, never feeling your touch. I was never right again.

  Once I received the post card and read the words, ‘I love you Nadine’. I thought really, now. Why wouldn’t he tell me he loved me?” Tears spilled down my cheeks.

  “I wanted you to love me as much as I loved you.” I clenched my fists to my chest.

  “From the depths of my soul to the soles of my feet, I loved you and still love you.”

  I shook my head. “You wanted me to get married to a fellow doctor. I dated one doctor off and on. He fell in love with me. I told him not to. He didn’t listen. I told him I was a hollow shell.”

  I gripped Tony’s face. My eyes marveled in the face of the man who was fine when we were young and even finer today. “You are the only man I could ever love.” I fell into his arms.

  “You’ve always been the one Nadine. I was just too scared to admit how deep my love was for you.”

  I sat up pulling the loose-fitting dress over my head, revealing my satin bra orange and panties. Tony wasted no time tearing the bra away from my brown skin. His warm mouth sucked my large left breast. Tony’s huge hands caressed my waist. Hungrily, he devoured the other. Groans escaped his throat as his teeth clamped down on my nipple. A shuttering, tingling, tantalizing pain shot through my body.

  “Fuck!” I screamed tossing my head back.

  Tony circled his lips along my collarbone. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my existence.” He sucked the front of my neck. “And you’re mine.”

  “Yeah, I am.” I breathed.

  I pushed Tony back against the sofa, circling my pussy against his fat cock. “The first time I saw you in the club I was speechless. You were sexy.” I licked my lips.

  “I was shocked when you approached me.” I dropped my head.

  “My nose was open wide. I was in over my head.” I cocked my head, peeking up at him.

  “I knew you were. I should have walked away but I had to have you.”

  Tony scooped me up into his arms, carrying me upstairs.

  “I will try to take it easy on you.”

  “Not too easy Tony.”

  Stepping through the door, Tony laid my body against the cool pale blue bed sheets. Swiftly he slipped my panties from my skin, tossing them to the floor. Tony grabbed my ankles, holding them high, pulling them apart. “Yeah, look at that glistening pussy.” He grinned.

  “I will always savor how wet you get for me.”

  I blushed.

  Tony released my legs. I scrambled to my knees. “I’m only five months. The next four months are going to be hard.”

  He laughed. Tony pulled me close. “I love the way you look carrying my bambinos. I think I’ll tienile incinta.”

  He snickered.

  “What did you say?” My eyebrows scrounged together.

  “I think I’ll keep you pregnant.” His eyes glanced up at the ceiling, then back at me. “Yeah, I’m thinking over the next five years.”

  “Tony, we are not having all those kids.”

  “Yeah, we will see about that.”

  I slipped the red T-shirt over his head, flinging it aside.

  My fingers grazed his chest. My lips curled. “Tony, what is that on your chest?”

  He stared at me as my eyes bore into his chest. “Only my Kitten has the key to my heart.”

  The black letters circled a red rose. It was sexy I pressed my lips hard against his. I ran my fingers over the fresh tattoo.
“It’s beautiful. I feel so special.”

  “You should. You’re going to be my wife soon. You need to know how much you mean to me. I don’t want you to ever question my love for you again.”

  It wasn’t a proposal. More like, you’re my woman and that is final.

  A small part of my heart saddened. Tomorrow, I will let Tony meet his fourteen-year-old son. I dropped my head against his chest. All the beautiful things he’s said today will wash away in an instant after he learns I kept his first born a secret.

  He caressed my back. “What’s wrong baby?”

  His caring deep voice caused my eyes to glass over. “I can’t believe I have you back in my life.”

  Tony kissed my forehead.

  My fingers trailed across the other fresh tattoo above the cut on his stomach. ‘Warrior.’

  “You are a true warrior and my hero.”

  Tony’s lips crushed mine. My fingers worked quick unbuckling his belt. Tony kicked off his shoes. I held on to his neck, ferociously kissing his lips. Tony unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. He dropped his pants and boxers, stepping out of them. Tony crawled with me to the top of the king-sized bed. He peeled off his black socks. I massaged my breasts. Tony sat back on his knees stroking his long thick cock. My legs dropped open for him. Tony leaned over me, biting my ear, while massaging my pussy. His tongue slithered down my neck, between my breast, over my small belly, across my mound, plunging deep into my hole.

  “Oh yeah, baby.”

  “Rub your clit, Kitten.”

  I rubbed my clit while circling my pussy around his tongue.

  “Tony!” My face contorted each time he licked my goodness.

  His tongue wiggled within in my folds. I tugged his curly long black locks with my free hand. Tony manhandled my thighs, growling against my pussy. “This has always been my pussy. Ain’t that right Kitten?”


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