Book Read Free


Page 16

by Brown, Tara

  When I got inside Madame Esmeralda was sitting in her dark little house, propped up on pillows with her reading table in front of her. I washed my hands and sat across from her, as always. She twitched her head at the cleansed deck of tarot cards, giving me permission to touch them.

  I lifted the deck and began to shuffle absently.

  “I saw the news,” she said as she closed her eyes. “You’re still here, you must have listened.”

  “Death saved me, as you said he would.” I nodded, shuffling. “I was in the hallway, Mother was there. She was trying to lure me into fighting her, saying awful things. She had a gun, but she didn’t raise it, not right away. She’d lit the fire already, but I couldn’t smell it yet. Then death showed me a vision in the hallway, a painting with charred faces. He was warning me and I ran.”

  “Good girl,” she whispered, her voice changing a little.

  Movement caught my eye in the corner. One of her black-and-white pictures of some old ladies came to life, something I’d seen before here. The first time I nearly ran away screaming, but she explained the house was built on charmed land, and sometimes the veil could be thin here. One of the old ladies winked at me.

  I ignored her as I was instructed.

  “Why are you here today?” Madame Esmeralda asked, sounding completely relaxed. She held her hands out.

  I shuffled three more times and placed the cards in her palms. “I want to know if we’re going to live through this. Me and Laertes, my brother, and Lucas Jacobi.”

  “He’s still alive, is he?” she asked, her eyes remained closed. She wouldn’t open them now until she was done.

  “So far.”

  “Interesting.” She cut the deck three times and put it back together, taking a card from the top. “This is where you are.” She placed a card with a burning tower on the table. The card came to life, people screaming and falling from the tower. The smell of burning paper joined the scent of incense, candle wax, and old house. I caught a whiff of blood as the image froze, becoming nothing more than a card.

  As always, she was right.

  “This is where you’ll be next.” She placed a card down with a grim reaper holding out a white flower in his shadowy palm. I held my breath as he lifted the flower from the card, his hand reaching for me. “Don’t take the flower, my child,” she whispered. The reaper turned his head sharply, snarling at her and closing his fist. The flower disappeared and blood dripped from his knuckles. The card became that image. A trickster.

  Madame Esmeralda paused. She cut the deck again, something she’d never done before in this kind of reading. She pulled a card from the two halves. “Your path is split. A fork in the road presents itself to you.”

  She laid the two cards down, revealing only the face of the one on the left. “If you are loyal and true, this is the life that awaits you.” The card was a beautiful woman. She was riches and bounty. Fingers with jewels and a healthy glow to her face. The card came to life, lighting up the room with brightness, and she smiled brilliantly at me. I could smell vanilla musk and the plate of delicious-looking chocolates nearly distracted me.

  However, behind her, there were shadows, people moving about. Her eyes grew nervous as she realized I wasn’t staring at her. She glowed brighter, dazzling me. She was a show. Fake. A life of perfection and beauty and riches, but there was no joy.

  I sat back, ignoring the smell of cherry and vanilla. The card faded and became black-and-white. Exactly what it was.

  “If you are selfish, this is what awaits you.” She turned over the card and I grimaced. It was black-and-white, a lone woman staring through a stained window at a garden in the rain. The rain made it hard to see what she was looking at, but the solemn stare on her face made me sad. The card didn’t come to life. It held back its secrets and mysteries. “It’s undetermined whether it’s sad or happy, therefore it cannot animate itself for you,” Madame Esmeralda said.

  Her eyes opened, making me jump. They were white and filmy. “There is great treachery before you, my dearrrrrrrrrrrrrr,” she exhaled her words until her tone changed, becoming normal again. Her eyes cleared, and the whites receded. She scowled at me. “I will miss you,” she muttered. “You always have an interesting reading.” She rose and walked away without explaining what she had said. “Leave the money and go.”

  “But you didn’t answer anything,” I spoke up.

  “You have all the answers, I know you’ll choose wisely. You don’t need me. You never did.”

  She entered a room and the house stopped buzzing. The smell of incense and candles was gone, and with it the lights disappeared and pictures emptied. Nothing was left but old gray floorboards and dirty walls. I stared in shock, I’d never seen anything like it. It was as if the character of the house got up and followed her.

  Scrambling to stand, I tossed fifty dollars on the table and hurried out the front door. The guards eyed me suspiciously as I rushed to the SUV. I opened my own door and closed it quickly.

  “You okay?” the lead guard asked, lifting her eyebrow in a sharp arch.

  “Yeah, fine. Let’s go back to the hotel.”

  She turned around and drove us back to the right part of the city, the harbor. I rushed inside to my hotel room where Lucas Jacobi was waiting for me. Seeing him made my insides turn to jelly until my guard pulled her gun.

  “No!” I shouted, “Wait! He didn’t do it. I was there.”

  Her gun stayed focused. “He can’t be here. He’s wanted.”

  I gave her an apathetic look. “Really? This is the first time someone in my family has asked you to break the law?”

  “Fine.” Her eyes narrowed. “But I will kill you if anything happens to her.”

  “You won’t have to,” Lucas offered self-assuredly as she cleared the rest of the rooms.

  “How did you get in?” I asked.

  “Laertes gave me a key last night. Before the guards showed up. That’s why I left without saying goodbye. I didn’t want them to see me.” He stepped to me, lifting a hand to my cheek. “I’m so sorry for what happened to your dad. I know I haven’t been there for you these last couple of days—”

  “You don’t have to explain. You lost one of your best friends too.”

  The guard came back into the main area. “The suite is clear, I’ll be right outside the door.” She left but didn’t sound happy about it.

  “We’re running out of people to lose.” Lucas sighed and pulled me in, kissing the top of my head. I clung to him, holding on for dear life.

  “It’s just the three of us now. And your mom.”

  He nodded, his eyes darted around the room. He was uneasy. “I was there early this morning, I snuck in through the old passage one of my great-grandfathers built. I think only my dad knew about it. He showed it to me when I was a kid. Said it was our secret. It goes from the old well on the property to the cellar. But it’s hard to find.”

  “How is she?”

  “Not doing well.” He began to pace the living room. “She fucking believes Claudius that I’m behind it all. He has my own mother convinced I’m out to get the whole business, kill everyone.” Lucas closed his eyes, pausing. He trembled slightly, but what I saw as nervousness was rage. He was livid. “I don’t understand how anyone who knows me thinks I am behind any of this.”

  “I never doubted you for a second. You’re pretty lazy and spoiled, and you don’t have that entrepreneurial drive.”

  “Nice,” he said with a bitter laugh as he paced again. “To think how hard I worked at coming here to see you.”

  “You came just to see me?” I teased again, trying to calm him down.

  “Well, it’s hard out there as a wanted man.” He mellowed a little.

  “Can I ask how you ended up with the gun.” It was the one thing I needed to know.

  “It was on the stairs coming to the balcony. I thought one of the guards was disarmed so I picked it up, just in case.” He closed his eyes. “It was the dumbest thing I might ha
ve ever done. Putting my fingerprints on a murder weapon. I should have just confessed to killing everyone at this point, Claudius will have no trouble pinning it on me.

  “I knew it!” I pointed at him. “Laertes is wrong. Finally.”

  “You really never believed it was me?”

  “Absolutely not.” I needed to change the subject. “I’ll order some food now. I’m starving.” I walked to the phone and pulled the room service menu out.

  He paced to the window and stared outside, biting his lip so hard it appeared he might chomp through.

  “Actually, why don’t you order for us both since you’re good at it.” I decided he needed a distraction.

  “I am good at it.” He took the bait and walked to me, plucking the menu from my fingers and lifting the phone. The moment he had to put the act back on, he was charming and funny.

  I tried not to worry about the weird reading from Madame Esmeralda, but it plagued me. This wasn’t the time for me to withdraw into my thoughts, not with him so emotional.

  “And done.” He put the phone back and strode to the sitting area. “What did you and Laertes discover today?”

  “Laertes has that cigar you were looking for. With the poison.” The sentence put a bad taste in my mouth.

  “Right.” He nodded as he sat across from me.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I have a plan, I swear.”

  “Whatever it is, I’m coming. Paige could help us,” I lied. I hadn’t told anyone about the dream.

  “She’s still here?”

  “She’s always going to be with me.” In my heart.

  “I haven’t seen my father since the day I checked myself in. It was like he had one shot at warning me and he took it.” He rested his face in his hands. “What a weird week. Have you been spending all your downtime wondering how I ended up here and where do I possibly go from this spot?”

  “All day long,” I smiled, sensing a shift. He was relaxing a tiny bit. “Why don’t you come sit over here,” I patted the seat next to me.

  “I’m wanted and my uncle wants to kill me.” He sat back, his stormy eyes meeting mine, finally. “Aren’t you asking yourself if this is really the guy you want to sit next to?”

  “I’d never think that. You’re way too hot,” I offered, fighting a grin as his face fell.

  “Wow.” He was offended. “Hot.”

  “You’re actually pretty.” I folded my arms.

  “And if I were not, you wouldn’t want to be with me?”

  “No way, too much drama.” I released the grin, crossing my legs and tilting my head, challenging him. “But pretty boys are allowed some drama.”

  “Pretty?” He scowled. “I knew you had shallow tendencies, but I certainly never imagined it was this bad.”

  “Shallow?” I tapped my lip. “I don’t remember that being in the list of traits you mentioned when you were gushing about how much you loved me.” I bravely joked.

  “Gushing? Maybe neither of us was at this conversation.” He laughed for real, a genuine chuckle. The sound of Lucas Jacobi happy was better than any in the world. He got up off the couch across from me and scooped me into his arms, sliding under me and kissing me fiercely, smiling when our lips met.

  I settled into his lap, cupping his face as we kissed faster. His hands started on my back but slid lower until he gripped the pockets of my capri pants. He ground my body into his, moving slightly to thrust up into me.

  I moaned as he kissed along my neck, trailing heat into my nape as he lifted my tee shirt and pulled down my bandeau. Taking one of my breasts in his hand, he licked me as if my nipple was an ice cream, making me inhale sharply.

  My fingers slid into his hair, gripping tightly as he flicked and sucked with his mouth while grinding himself between my thighs.

  My gasps were interrupted by a knock at the door. We paused before I jumped up, flushed and disheveled. He stood and went to the door, but I grabbed his hand, holding a finger to my lips and pointed at the bedroom. “Hide,” I whispered.

  He scowled until he recalled he was wanted. He made a face but I shoved him back. When he was in the bedroom, I opened the door. “Hi there.” I realized my lacy black bandeau was around my waist when the server’s eyes darted to it as I greeted him.

  “Hi.” He was nervous as he brought in the carts full.

  “Don’t bother unpacking the food. I’ll get it.” I handed him a tip. As he was leaving, my guard smirked at me and stepped back out of the server’s way.

  I grabbed a tray of food without looking at it and held it out. “Hungry?”

  “Always.” She took it. “I have the same bralette.” She winked as I walked back inside and closed the door.

  “You did not just give up the beef wellington, right?” Lucas asked as he rushed the trays, lifting the silver lids. “Oh man, you did.” He turned to the door, a desperate stare in his eyes. “You don’t think she’s eating already, do you?”

  “Stop.” I rolled my eyes. “You ordered enough for an army.”

  “I’m hungry.” He rubbed his abs and grabbed me with his other hand, pulling me back to him. “Should we eat or finish what we started?” He kissed me again, this time slower.

  I kissed back before I pushed him off me. “Eat.”

  “You sure?” He tried to put an arm around my waist.

  “Very.” I hurried to the food, lifting lids. I selected the chicken parmigiana with fresh linguini and a hearty marinara and grabbed a piece of garlic toast.

  He grabbed one of the bottles of red wine and uncorked it.

  The lock clicked. We both turned to it as Laertes walked in. He grinned wide, seeing the wine and food. “This is like when you go to the bathroom and come back, and your meal is there.”

  Lucas poured a glass of wine and handed it to him. “Welcome home.”

  “Thank you, dear.” Laertes took it and eyed my pasta. “We’re sharing that.”

  “Pick something I want then,” I said as I nestled in at the table and started swirling pasta.

  “Prime rib-stuffed Yorkies and smashed potatoes with au jus?” He held up a plate.

  “Deal,” I said through a mouthful as Lucas placed a glass of wine in front of me.

  Between the unspoken sexual tension, murderous month, and possible suspicions we all had, it was the weirdest meal I’d eaten.

  But I was so hungry, I didn’t care.

  Chapter 21

  Friday, August 2

  “What I want to know is—?” Lucas whispered in my ear as we lay in bed, wrapped in one another. It was late but Laertes was finally back from picking up the cigar and was sleeping, meaning it was safe for us to be together. “Why didn’t you run away from home sooner?”

  “Fear of being alone. Losing my entire family. Having no one. And as sad as this is to admit, the money. I didn’t—I don’t know how much life costs. I’ve never paid bills or provided for myself. I’ve never worked. I have no skills or a realistic grasp on what the world is or how to function in it.” The answer came too quickly. It wasn’t my first time offering it up. Paige and I had pondered my pitiful state many times.

  “But the horrors you have faced, a mother trying to make you kill yourself? Or have you diagnosed as insane? Surely, that can’t have been scarier than being poor?” He was caught up.

  “The devil you know.” I spun to face him, kissing the tip of his nose delicately.

  “You’re strong, Ophelia. Stronger than you can possibly fathom. To have not only survived that but also come out with your mental state intact.”

  I cracked a grin. “Let’s not call it intact.”

  “Right, I know you’re not perfect. We’ve already established that you’re shallow and can’t see what an amazing person I am.” He laughed softly and rolled onto his back. I curled up in the crook of his arm.

  “You’re pouting about the whole pretty thing, aren’t you? You shouldn’t downplay being pretty. And you’re also funny. You have always made me laug
h. Remember when you bought all those baby clothes, and we had a fashion show with your dogs?”

  He smiled wide. “That was Laertes’ idea. And not a bad one. Though Skipper was not impressed with our choices for him. Who knew a border collie could hate ballerina dresses that much? He ate that one tutu savagely.”

  “Oh, that’s right. Tore it from Laertes’ hands.” We laughed together quietly, remembering how he had screamed.

  “So I’m hot and funny, huh? I guess that’s not the worst things to be.”

  “I said pretty, and I guess you’re also brave. You never think of yourself or your own safety. Even today. You snuck to your mother’s house to check on her when you could have been shot.”

  “That’s probably a lack of common sense. But if you want to spin it as bravery, I guess I have to let you. Clearly, you’re the brains of this operation.” Lucas kissed my forehead.

  “And just so you’re aware, you’re not just pretty. You’re sexy in this weirdly reserved sort of way. Your eyes hint at painful or overwhelming feelings, but you don’t share your emotions with anyone. Your smile is always half there, half holding back.”

  “Why does this feel like I’m losing a point?” He scowled. “And for the record, I’ve shared my emotions with you—”

  “You got mad at me, that’s not the same thing,” I teased him.

  “The hell it’s not. You have been a bratty little sister for most of my life”—he paused— “in a very unsisterly or related kind of way.” He wrinkled his nose as he said it. “I meant none of that.”

  “Oh my God.” I covered my eyes. “Bratty little sister? We just had sex.”

  “No!” His voice rose but I shushed him with my hand, forcing him to speak through my fingers, “I mean, like a cousin I don’t really like.” He groaned panicking. “You know what I mean.” He rolled over, pinning me to the bed as I squirmed and giggled.


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