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Oh, Holy Knight

Page 4

by Amelia Hutchins

  “Bullshit,” I muttered.

  “You didn’t look at the wards above the bed very well, did you, Erie? Those weren’t just fertility wards, they were druid wards. I promise you, you’re mine. Last night wasn’t just about getting you into my bed, it was about claiming you. Yes, you are fully mine in every way possible. No, I don’t fucking care if you like it. I made sure you were safe from the others. I’d do it again in a fucking heartbeat to keep you safe.”

  “Like you did with Arthur? Am I safe from him as well?” I countered and watched his eyes narrow even further. “I must look like the biggest idiot right now,” I laughed as I shoved against his chest. He didn’t budge. Instead, he placed his hands flat against the wall, entrapping my body between them as he lowered his mouth to hover over mine.

  “I never said I played fair. I did what I had to do to protect you,” he uttered before his mouth brushed against mine. “I’m not sorry for last night. You are everything I imagined and more.”

  “Kiss me,” I whispered, waiting for him to do just that. The moment his lips touched mine, he howled. I smiled against the look of shock as pain registered. His body went straight as a board as the wards rushed through him. My tongue pushed past the stiffness of his lips, delving and running against his. “I am unlike anything you and yours have encountered, Paladin. You think I owe you and your people something? I owe you nothing,” I hissed as I pushed him and watched him fall to the ground.

  An electrical current rushed through his body, leaving him helpless against anything I wanted to do to him. I knelt beside him as I ripped his shirt open, smirking as I watched his angry glare following my movement. My tongue darted out as I lowered my lips to his ripped body, licking the pierced nipple before I nipped it between my teeth. “You play dirty, but guess what? So can I, and I sure as fuck won’t play by your rules. Your people and the druids did nothing but treat me like a freak, like I wasn’t even a person. Like I was some fucking animal that needed to be whipped into shape. Do you know what the druids did to me?” I asked through tears that slid down my cheeks to splash on his golden flesh. “They tattooed me in ink, strapping a helpless child to a chair as they branded me. They made sure I wasn’t wanted by any man so that I was bound to jump at the invitation to be used by the Knights. I killed them, Callaghan. I followed the ones who branded me, and I ripped them apart; don’t think I won’t do it to you too.”

  “Release me,” he gritted out.

  “Release yourself,” I mumbled as I lifted to my knees, intending to leave him in pain, on my floor. “When you have managed to do so, leave. You and your kind are not welcome in my life. The next time any of you tries to force me into anything, I won’t leave you in pain, I will start hunting Paladins one by one. You may not die, but you can be cut into small pieces and eaten,” I warned.

  I started to lift my body up only for his hand to grasp my hair and pull me back down to him. He chuckled as he held my struggling form against his. Impossible! He should be immobile, and yet he was literally holding me with the strength of ten men by my hair.

  He rolled us on the floor, trapping me beneath his burdensome weight as he watched me struggle. “I told you I like it rough,” he warned. “Give me an excuse to fuck you like a beast, any excuse to take you without control. I fucking dare you,” he shot out.

  His hips rolled, and I gasped as heat shot through my core. I growled with frustration as I fought to get from beneath him. Why wasn’t he screaming in pain? The wards were good, great in fact, and yet he was fighting them, but how?

  “You want me,” he laughed coldly. “Your wards only work if you don’t want me.”

  “I don’t want you!” I seethed, hatred dripping from my lips.

  “Liar,” he chuckled. “I know it, and you know it. Your wards are good, I’ll give you that much, but I’m better than most at being able to break through anything you can throw at me. Even now, you want me buried deep inside that tight, welcoming heat. I can smell it, your anticipation, the way your body weeps for me. You are so fucked, Erie. I’ve never craved anything as much as I crave the need to destroy you.”

  “I hate you,” I cried as his forehead pressed against mine as his eyes bored into me with carnal knowledge.

  “You don’t have to like me to fuck me, Erie. I was gentle last night, but this I promise you: next time you won’t walk away so easily. You’ll crawl; you’ll beg me for more. Hell, I’ll even oblige you and maybe even let you suck my dick for a little while between pounding that sweet, tight pussy you are trying so hard to protect.”

  “You’re a bastard,” I screeched as I pulled power to me and sent it sailing into him. Blood splattered on my face as I shoved what little was left of him off of me. “Asshole.” I wiped his flesh from my face as I sat up, smiling at his mangled corpse.

  He had no idea what he was fucking with. None at all.

  Chapter 6

  Two days before Christmas, and the druids just kept handing out mission after mission while everyone else prepared for the holiday season. Callaghan had yet to regenerate, which was a testament to my magical skills. He may have been one of the strongest Knights ever born into the Order, but even he had to regrow from injuries.

  I watched the Fae coming and going from their notorious nightclub that seemed to draw the dangerous and unwanted creatures of nightmares into their doors. Vlad was known for enforcing laws and rules by wards, and my prey was about to enter his domain. That meant I was about to walk inside and break his laws, but hey, a girl had to eat, right?

  Druids only paid when you finished a mission, and I’d been hunting these creatures down for weeks. They fed on children or innocent women and were notorious for leaving them in disarray, or on display with pieces cut off of them. The last one I’d found had her tongue removed, and branches in her arm sockets. They’d used a rope to string her up by her neck, leaving her to stand on her tiptoes or hang to death. They’d known she’d die, she’d have had a fighting chance with arms, but without, she faced certain death.

  That had been two days ago and since then; I’d not slept or eaten while I hunted them down. I stared at the doors of the club as I studied the wards, biding my time as I waited for the creature and his cronies to show. This was where they’d picked the last three victims up, and since they were Fae, it only made sense that they were creatures of habit.

  The issue with it being at this club was the Guild castaways were inside of it. They were oblivious to what those inside did while they pretended the world was right when everything was wrong. I got it; they had been through hell, and no matter what anyone did, you couldn’t close the holes that stretched daily, letting everything imaginable slither through.

  Well, they couldn’t, but I could. Not that I wanted to, not with enjoying killing those who prayed on weaker species. I reveled in it. It let me test my boundaries without harming innocents. The druids had rules which I was forced to follow, and the Order had even more rules than they did. I had no limits other than being able to be killed, which sucked, but I only ended up dead if I failed. I wasn’t about to fail and end up pushing up daisies.

  My prey strode up to the doors of the club, hooting and hollering as they strutted with the joy of hunting their victims. Remaining in the shadows, I lingered as the doors opened, revealing some of what was inside. It included Callaghan, who sat at the bar talking to Vlad, King of Vampires. Great!

  I swallowed hard, considering my next move. To get to my prey, I had to drop my glamour to hold focus while fighting the wards and them. He’d see my true self, which no one ever did, but the Fae were masters of wards too. They had strong magic which had been used to create the wards used to keep the peace inside the nightclub.

  Would he recoil from me as everyone else had done? Would he stare in horror once he saw what I looked like? Probably. I let the glamour drop, pulling the hood over my unruly mess of crimson curls. Stepping away from the building, I
hunted the monsters that preyed upon those who couldn’t defend against them.

  The doors of the club sparked as I pulled them open, ignoring the curious stares as I entered. Maybe I’d been wrong, and it hadn’t been Vlad I’d seen through the doors. My eyes scanned the bar, and my hope sank as I took in the silver-eyed male who was pouring Scotch into Callaghan’s glass.

  I pushed the heavy cloak off as the wards felt my presence. The moment they did, I sent a jolt of power pushing back at them. My other arm threw the entire crowd against the walls of the club, all except Callaghan and a blonde female who stood over babies, who luckily seemed immune to my magic. Who the fuck had babies inside a nightclub? Pausing, I added wards between me, my prey, and her. I stared at her before my gaze lowered to the babes who had been warded away from her, which she wasn’t happy about.

  “Erie, stop this now,” Callaghan warned, and I lifted my gaze to his, watching as he flinched. Ah, there it was. The repulsion at seeing what he’d begged to when he’d had me at his mercy. I threw my arm at the blond again, watching with unease as she didn’t budge from where she stood, pulling power to her as she watched me back. “Stop this.”

  “No,” I uttered as I started lacing wards around the little ones as the blonde moved towards me. I moved my fingers, adding even more wards until set after set of magical barriers stood between us. No matter what she was, she wasn’t getting through them. I finished protecting the children and then blinked in wonder as the little girl walked right out of it. “Back inside,” I urged. “It’s for your protection,” I explained, and she smirked and tilted her chubby face to the side as if she was considering my words. One minute I was alone, and the next she was in my arms. I held still, uncertain of what the fuck was happening. Her small hand touched my cheek, and she smiled. She vanished from my arms, and I watched as she nodded platinum curls and moved back into the safety of the stronger wards I’d placed.

  I exhaled my relief and turned towards my prey. The leather I wore covered my breasts, my waist, and barely covered my ass, but it was the outfit I’d worn since I had been a mere child. It was what the Pict women wore to battle. Every tattoo was laid bared to see, everything I was exposed. Usually, no one lived to tell what I looked like, but this time, everyone including Callaghan would live to tell the world my shame. I called forth my swords, listening as the others spoke.

  “If she attacks, she will die, Callaghan,” Vlad growled.

  “What the fuck is she?” a male asked.

  “Impossible, the druids birthed no females,” another muttered as he struggled to get off the wall.

  I closed myself off to their words, rounding on the monsters that stood motionless, frozen by the magic I’d cast. I released them from it and watched as the biggest one moved into swift action, rushing right for me. I let him come right at me until I jumped, flipping into the air to take his head with my blade. I threw a smirk at Vlad and wiggled my brows for him. His wards were good, but mine were better.

  The second guy sent out a burst of power, calling forth multiple versions of himself. I twirled my blades and started forward, slicing through the clones one by one until nothing but bloody pulp remained. He called more to him, and I rolled my eyes, dropping my blades as I brought my fingers together, snapping them. The room emitted in raw, uncut power as the clones exploded into pink mist as if a bomb had exploded.

  The last male watched me, his sunken eyes slowly trailing over my ruined body. Scar after ugly scar covered it, and that which wasn’t covered in nicks or abrasions was covered in ink. I called my power to me as I cracked my neck, stepping closer to him.

  “It is forbidden to harm us here!”

  “And yet you hunt those weaker than you right inside this very room? The last victim was left to teeter on her tiptoes with a rope around her neck. Her tongue had been removed, and you’d replaced the arms you had ripped out with tree branches. Is this not true?” I called back angrily.

  “She was human,” he spat out as if it was vile to even slither over his tongue.

  “She was. She’s no longer of this world because of you. She died on that leash you tied her to, and now here I am, hunting you. The Guild may have fallen to rubble, but they’re not the only ones who enforce the laws in this world. You will die screaming,” I informed before I rushed at him, whispering a spell that made my hand sharper than any creature’s claws could hope to be.

  My hand slipped through his throat carefully as I grasped his tongue and pulled it before I flipped over his shoulder, wrapping it around his neck before I kicked him to the floor. There, I lay beside him, braced on my elbow as I stared at him. He screamed, but no words escaped, only muffled cries.

  “You see, I enjoy slaughtering monsters that hurt weaker species. I don’t know…” I sat up, turning my head a bit as I peered at him. His tongue was longer than I’d thought it would be. His eyes were wide with pain, and blood oozed out of his wound and mouth as he continued to screech in pain. “I think it’s an improvement from how you looked before. Don’t you?” I asked before I straddled him and smiled down at him. “I think so. What was that?” I asked, moving my ear closer to his mouth. The only noise escaping sounded as if he was encouraging my trip the hell. “No. No, I won’t because this is where you die,” I chuckled as I sat back, tossing a curious gaze at the female who had been unaffected by my magic. Whatever the fuck she was, she was strong. I could feel her power rippling against the wards as she worked with Callaghan to undo them.

  Ocean blue eyes held mine as I brought my dagger down into the creature’s skull, ending his suffering. I stood up slowly, letting him see every detail of my body before I stood nose to nose with him, with only the ward between us.

  His hand pushed through before I had a chance to react, and wrapped around my throat. I winced and then laughed. “Do it, end it,” I uttered through the crushing hand that held me.

  “Drop the fucking wards, Erie, now. Those children are sacred,” he growled.

  “Those children are protected by me at the moment,” I replied through a whispered breath. “I only hurt those who hurt others. The Fae dropped the fucking ball this time. They allowed monsters to use this club to become a hunting ground. They become fair game when they do stupid shit.” I punched him in the crotch and watched as he dropped to his knees.

  I moved to a sign that said ‘Last Work Accident 999 Days Ago’ and winced as I erased it and replaced it with a zero. Pushing to the bar, I leaned over it and grabbed a bottle of tequila, using my teeth to remove the cap. I tipped it back, chugging from it in an unladylike way as I tried to wash the image of Callaghan’s disgust from my brain.

  “Are you done yet?” the female asked.

  I lifted a dark brow at her question and then followed her gaze to where the bloody corpses covered the floor. I flicked my wrist, sending their bodies to the trash bins outside. I dismissed her as I let the room move back to normal, releasing everyone as I expected a blade to pierce my heart in retaliation. I welcomed it.

  It didn’t come.

  “Erie,” Callaghan growled against my neck before he kissed the soft column.

  “Touch me and die, Paladin,” I warned as I spun around with the bottle still in my hand, my legs spread to house his wide frame with my elbows resting on the bar behind me in a relaxed pose.

  The Fae stood with weapons out, the children in the arms of a winged creature who watched me with a lethal look.

  “You flirt with death, female,” the winged creature snapped.

  “I did my job,” I replied nonchalantly. “Three humans in two days,” I explained as I wrapped my legs around Callaghan, forcing him to get closer as he ignored the ugly bits of me by staring into my eyes. “One was thirteen, which, if I’m not mistaken is illegal to be inside this club and yet she was. She died from puncture wounds they placed by knives. She survived until they inserted one into her…”

  “There ar
e children present,” the blonde hissed.

  “She was a child,” I threw back.

  “A lot is happening around here, and that isn’t an excuse,” Vlad injected. “It’s a fact, some have slipped into the club unwelcomed by us, we will be more careful with what we allow into our sanctuary.”

  “You could start by closing the fucking gaping hole in your world,” I laughed. “Just a thought,” I offered before bringing the bottle to my lips and downing some.

  “You think we haven’t tried? Anything that touches it makes it grow larger.” Her foot tapped the floor angrily, as she watched my movements with careful purplish-blue eyes.

  “Ward it,” I suggested.

  “Well shit, why didn’t we think of that?” she hissed as she threw her arms out wide. “Oh wait, we did. It cannot be done.”

  “You can’t do it,” I laughed as I watched her, sizing her up as I tried to figure out what the fuck she was.

  “But you can?” she laughed.

  “She can,” Callaghan muttered. “If she can ward her pussy against me, she can ward anything.”

  The blonde’s eyes went wide as she looked between us. “She’s yours?” she asked.

  “He wishes, well, probably not now that he’s seen me,” I laughed soundlessly, staring anywhere but at him. “He just wants my womb.”

  “To save our races, Erie,” he snapped.

  “I don’t have a race!” I screamed as I came off the chair and shoved him away from me. “Don’t you get it? Look at me! Your people didn’t want me and threw me away like fucking garbage, and the druids made damn sure I knew that I was nothing more than a monster. They tortured me until there was nothing left, and when I thought I’d finally be free of them and die, they spelled me from it. They took pieces of me to figure out how to recreate what I was, and your people were no different. I am their fucking science experiment; nothing more, nothing less. The only purpose I serve is to kill and be your incubator, Callaghan. You tell me: why would I care if both races die out when they’ve done nothing but hurt me?”


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