Pure: A Paranormal Romance
Page 5
He opened his mouth to reply, but the door burst open before he could say anything.
The door banged against the wall with a loud boom!
In waltzed the cockiest guy I had ever seen. How could I say this? Well, he didn't make it hard for me to call him that with the lazy smirk he wore. He walked in like he owned the place. Although, he wasn't bad to look at with his dark eyes, buzzed cut hair, and neatly shaved face. He was about the same height as Seb, but Seb was slightly bigger, although, not by much.
He walked right up to me and slowly raked his eyes up and down my body. The way they traveled throughout my body made me feel very exposed in this thin gown.
“Excuse me? Can I help you?” I asked, irritated by his eye-banging.
“Oh, I can think of a few ways you can help me,” he said, still staring at my fake body.
At this moment though, this body I was in felt very real to me.
“Talon. Enough,” Seb said with a blank expression.
Talon slowly turned from me to face Seb instead.
“Watch your mouth, human.” Talon spat venomously.
This dream was getting stranger by the moment. Did this guy believe in vampires, too? Oh gosh! He probably did. Leave it to me to dream up two equally crazy sexy guys.
The two men faced off, waiting for the other to make a move. I could tell they were both strong, but something about Talon put me on edge.
“I'm starting to think I'm in a coma. This is too much for a normal dream.” I said out loud, more to myself than anyone. Somehow, it cut the tension. Both men separated and turned to me.
Great, all eyes were on me.
Talon gave me a questioning gaze before looking at Seb expectantly.
Seb shook his head. “She thinks this is all a dream and vamps aren't real. Apparently, her final memories haven't surfaced yet.”
Talon turned back to me with an amused smile on his face before he burst out laughing. Both Seb and I watched him laugh like a mad man. Did I miss something here? Ugh, I hoped I woke up soon before this got any weirder.
“That. Is. Perfect. Marcos is going to love breaking the news.” His tone still hinted at laughter as he walked back to the door. He got to the entrance before looking over his shoulder at me.
“Well, come on, he's expecting you,” he said, giving me his back before disappearing through the door. I looked to Seb but he just nodded his head to the door for me to follow that Talon guy. This was the worst dream ever.
I angrily stomped from the room.
The hall was enormous. The walls were decorated with various old paintings of people and sceneries, and the floor was carpeted in a deep red color. I saw Talon at the bottom of the staircase. Watching me, he tapped an invisible watch on his hand. Man, this guy was an ass. How did I dream up something so bizarre? I almost wanted to ignore him and wander the mansion, but I was curious as to what would happen next. Would I meet another hot crazy guy, or would Kim show up and try to kill me? Anything was possible at this point. I began my descent down the stairs. I felt Seb behind me, matching my slow pace. We reached the bottom, and Talon led us into a big office.
The desk was split in half, but other than that, everything looked perfectly in order and a bit old-fashioned. The desk, chairs, and bookshelves were all made of wood. Deer heads hanged on the wall, along with tacky self-portraits. The office was unusual, and the shades were drawn, so I had no clue if it was day or night outside. Like it mattered.
We stood in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes. Talon had that smirk on his face again as he leaned against the far wall of the office. It was really starting to piss me off. He looked like he knew something that I didn't. He had three seconds to wipe that smug look off his arrogant face before I did it for him. My emotions seemed so heightened in this dream. Literally, it seemed as if I was on edge, and the smallest of things set me off; first, my instant desire for Seb when I smelled him, and now, my simmering anger towards Talon. He continued to stare at me, and I narrowed my eyes to glare harder. Three…two …one… Times up, pretty boy.
I took a step towards his direction when the office doors opened wide behind me. Damn, he got lucky this time. I gave him a promise with my eyes that this wasn't over and the a-hole blew me a kiss.
A cold chill crept down my spine. I stiffened, knowing it was caused by the presence at the door behind me. For the first time since this dream began, I felt true fear. A part of me didn't want to turn because the moment I did, everything would change. A bigger part wanted to know what was happening.
Slowly, I turned on my heel, and came face to face with a menacing-looking man. His long dark hair reached his shoulders, and his all-black attire triggered something in my memory. I got a mental image of something, but it was too blurry. A sharp pain shot through my head. I grabbed it to steady myself, closing my eyes with deep calming breaths. Something about this man seemed familiar. It was like my mind wanted me to know something but I was not opening up. I raised my head to look at the man again. He was staring directly at me with a frightening smile on his face. Deja vu hit me like a ton of bricks. This had happened before, but when?
I shook my head to clear the jumbled thoughts when he spoke, “Hello again, fat one.” His voice froze the air in my lungs.
The roaring in my ears was deafening.
That voice. I knew that voice.
Suddenly, a collage of images attacked my mind. The suddenness of it all brought me to my knees. I opened my eyes, but I was no longer in the office. My mind had taken me somewhere else.
I see flashes of an old house…
A girl….
Blood… there was blood on her….
Eyes… black eyes were watching me while white fangs sunk into her neck.
I screamed in horror. Please stop!!!
The scene changed again. I was on my back. The black-eyed man was saying something then he disappeared…
A wave of fire engulfed my body…
I screamed in agony as loud as my lungs would allow.
Five minutes earlier
I waited impatiently for Marcos to arrive. It was already several minutes since we had been summoned to his office. I stood on the right side of the room, wanting to be on the opposite side of where Talon stood. I casually looked at Ana in the middle of the room. I almost laughed out loud at the death glare she was giving Talon.
Guess she wasn't too fond of him. Imagine that! A girl not falling all over the infamous Talon. I enjoyed the ironic moment even more when she took a calculating step in Talon’s direction.
Wow! Was she going to hit him?
Considering the look she was giving Talon, I was sure that was the goal. Unfortunately, the show was cut short as Marcos finally decided to arrive.
I noticed instantly that her body stiffened when she caught his scent. Her eyes closed in concentration as if she were battling something intensely. We all watched curiously as she slowly turned around to face Marcos. Marcos’ lips instantly curled up in a crude smile; most likely from the fear and recognition in her eyes.
“Hello again, fat one.” Marcos greeted in his usual cold voice.
Ana, out of nowhere, dropped to her knees and mumbled words that couldn't be understood. Talon pushed himself off the wall and approached her.
“Guess its working.” Talon stated as we continued to watch her. She opened her eyes, but they had a faraway look to them like she was no longer in the room with us but was lost in time instead.
“What’s working?” I wanted to know what they were talking about.
She screamed and fell on her back, panting hard.
“What’s happening?!” I asked, more demanding this time. Talon raised an eyebrow at me.
“Marcos was her trigger. She's remembering her change. Sad, really. Her mind is probably tricking her into feeling it too,” Talon said, looking unbothered at her withering form.
cos had left the room to take a call, and when he came back, he had a few more guards carrying tranquilizer guns with him.
“Her screaming is annoying me. Take her out.” Marcos ordered.
I hesitated for a second, debating if Ishould interfere. On one hand, I didn't want to show I cared, and on the other, I didn't want her to be knocked out. We didn't know how that would affect her with her being so unusual. She let out another scream, and one of the guards stepped forward and aimed the gun right at her chest
“Stop,” I said before I could contemplate on the consequences of his actions. “I'll take care of it.”
I kneeled down and gathered her shaking body in my arms.
“Ana, snap out of it. It's not real anymore,” I said, tapping her cheeks lightly. I was aware that all eyes were on the two of us, but I couldn't allow myself to get distracted. She needed my help, and that was all that mattered.
“It’s burning! Please make it stop!” She pleaded with everything she had.
It ached to hear her so broken and in pain, but I needed her to realize that it was just a memory. Doing the only thing I could think of, I clutched her tightly against me.
She tried to wiggle loose, but I needed her to feel my warmth against hers; to feel something real. My heartbeat perked up at our closeness. I kept speaking in her ear; telling her that it was alright, and the pain was over.
“Ana come back.” I whispered, low enough for her to hear. With a room full of vampires, I wasn't certain if she was the only who heard.
Ana began responding to mycoos. Her breathing slowed to a normal pace, and her body stilled in my arms. She relaxed into me, snuggling even closer. I cursed myself because I enjoyed holding her like this. I was aware of our audience, so I began to coach her awake. Moments later, those beautiful bright eyes met mine.
I couldn't look away. It was like they held me in a trance. For the first time in twenty years, I desired something other than freedom. The realization snapped me out from my spell. I hardened my gaze.
Her face fell a little by my sudden change of his expression, but she masked her disappointment quickly.
“Well, looks like you made yourself useful, Seb,” Marcos said in a condescending tone.
Ana’s eyes snapped up when he spoke. When she saw Marcos, her orbs were drained of their blues; replaced instead with fiery red.
“You!” She yelled, pointing at Marcos.
I didn't get the chance to grab her because, in the blink of an eye, she leapt from my arms and tackled an unsuspecting Marcos to the ground.
Chapter 7
First Feed
Ana pelted Marcos with punches for a few glorious seconds before he finally reacted by gripping her throat and throwing her across the room. She hit the wall hard, but that barely slowed her. She reacted fast; jumping gracefully to her feet with fangs erupting the charged towards Marcos again. This time, the guards interfered. Four men slammed her down midway and pinned her. She managed to throw two off quickly but four more replaced them. Marcos snatched a gun from one of the guards and angrily strode to her. She was still pinned down, trying to break loose to no avail.
Seb wanted to help her, but this was beyond him. Marcos was pissed. If Seb got in his way, he would punish him, or worse, his sister. With a clenched jaw, Seb stood by and watched Marcos kick Ana in the face while she was held down. Her nose cracked, and blood gushed from the resulting wound. A second later, it stopped and completely healed itself. That was fast even for a vampire, and that pissed Marcos off more. He kicked her again then aimed the gun directly at her head.
“Stop attacking, or I'll put enough of these rounds in your head to kill you!” His voice left no room for arguing. Ana stopped thrashing, but her red eyes still blazed with fury.
“You did this to me, you bastard!” She spat
“No, my dear, you did this when you stole my blood.” Marcos countered.
Seb thought about that piece of information. She took his blood? Marcos never mentioned that. How interesting.
“You filthy blood-sucking maniac!” She yelled.
Marcos laughed without humor. “I rule here. You’re my new prisoner, and if you keep disrespecting me, you'll be a dead one. Understand?”
He talked to her as if she was a child. She didn’t respond; just shot daggers at him with her eyes.
Disobedience was Marcos’ biggest irritation. His jaw ticked the longer she stared at him without responding. Marcos finally had enough and kicked her again; this time in the face and gut. Seb admired her courage in not showing weakness even if it was a tad foolish of her.
Marcos, however, didn’t. He aimed the gun at her head and fired.
She was fast enough to dodge the face shot, but the bullet still grazed her neck. She howled in pure agony. The liquid platinum spread from the entry point to the surrounding skin like metallic veins. The muscles in her neck bulged as she tried to contain the pain.
Marcos smiled down triumphantly, ordering the guards to take her to her room and chain her to the bed. Seb could only watch as the guards took her shivering body away.
“Well that was quite a show!” Talon said, rubbing his hands together excitedly. Violence always seemed to make the ruthless man giddy.
“Damn that girl has some fight in her.” He added, and that earned him a growl from Marcos.
“Seb, you will watch over the girl. Talon, you and I are going on a quest for some answers about our new guest.” Marcos ordered. He began rummaging through the drawers of his broken desk. When he found the paper he was looking for, he placed it on the inside pocket of his black suit jacket.
“Seb, keep an eye out for any signs of abilities. I'll call in a day’s time for an update,” said Marcos.
Seb bowed respectfully as Marcos turned to leave the room.
Talon started to follow, but he stopped before the exit. “Oh, and try not to fall in love there, soldier. Remember, she is still one of us.”
He grinned with a mock salute as he walked backwards out of the office.
Seb balled his fist so tightly, his knuckles turned white. He was pissed off because Talon had already caught on to his slight reactions to Ana.
That couldn't happen!
Talon was right about one thing; she was a vampire. He just had to keep reminding himself that. From here on out, Seb promised he would be her guard and nothing more. A smaller part of him felt uneasy about the decision but he chose to ignore that.
Seb left the office, heading back up the stairs to her room. Two guards stood outside the door; one human, one vampire. He still didn't fully understand Marcos’ need for so many guards, both human and vampire. He also didn't know much about Marcos’ previous life when he lived with the royals. Before, he never bothered, but now the information might prove useful.
He nodded at the guards, and they stepped aside to allow him in. Seb was the only human with a high rank amongst the guards. Although it didn't mean much, it allowed him some privileges, as Marcos called it.
Ana was in the same bed he just awakened her from only a short time ago. He shut the door softly behind him then, with steady strides, he walked to her. The covers were thrown off, and she laid shivering in the center. He could see the silver tendrils covering her sweating body from the platinum in her. Her eyes opened slowly. They were still just as bright and beautiful as ever. She gave him a soft smile that fluttered his heart.
“Fancy meeting you here,” she said weakly.
Seb could feel the corner of his lip hitch up in response, even in this state.
“You’re weak. You should rest to allow your body time to recover from the platinum,” he told her seriously.
She nodded. Seb went to turn away, but she called out to him.
“Wait,” she bit her pale lip, debating what to say. “Sorry for calling you crazy about the-the vampire stuff.”
Seb was baffled. Never had a vampire apologized about anything they did. He didn't know what to make of it or of her.
Before he cou
ld respond, another set of tremors rocked her body. He could tell Ana was in a lot of pain. Where the initial change burned her, the bullet she was shot with was freezing her. Her body broke out in a cold sweat, and she fought to stay warm. Seb just stared blankly at her since her apology unnerved him. He just didn't know what to say, so he blurted out the first word he could form. “Why?”
She frowned for a second then understanding lit her eyes.
“Well, I was wrong to call you crazy. You were telling the truth, and I couldn't accept it. I still don't want to, but look at me,” she said, gesturing to herself. “I’m proof that the world isn't what it see-seems.”
Seb was taken aback by the sincerity in her words. He didn't even realize he had already sat down until he felt her cold hand lay gently on his leg. Even through his jeans, he could feel it. The need to protect her hit him again hard. He battled his feelings, but as he watched her tremble, he eventually made the decision to do the one thing he had never done. Seb rolled up the sleeve of his shirt and put his wrist up to her mouth.
“Drink.” He ordered.
She looked at him, completely confused.
“You’ll heal if you feed,” he said.
From the look on her face, she wasn't getting it. “Then get me a burger or something. Why are you holding out your wrist?”
“You. Need. Blood.” Seb slowly enunciated every word to get the point to her.
Ana's once confused face contorted to a look of horror. She pushed his wrist away, trying to scurry to the other side of the bed. Her weakened state slowed her movements.
“I-I can't do that Seb! I saw what he did to that poor girl. I never want to hurt anyone like that, especially you…” She trailed off at the end as she stared at her pale shaking hands.
Seb raked his hands through his hair. What was he going to do with her? The more she talked, the more he wanted her to keep talking. It was like her humanity was fully intact. The change only distorted her appearance, not her personality.
She inhaled sharply when another wave of pain hit her; the sound snapping Seb from his thoughts. It would take her weeks to recover from a shot like that without feeding. Even if she didn't understand it, Seb knew that the beast within her would. Deciding he had no other choice, he pulled out the small blade that he always carried in his pocket.