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Pure: A Paranormal Romance

Page 13

by D. L. McKinsey

  As I entered the office, I could understand why Marie was so scared.

  Marcos was in a rage.

  The older vampire was thrashing about the office, destroying everything in sight. Ana must have made it out. That was the only explanation for Marcos' current fit. I was so overjoyed on the inside, but I wouldn't dare show any of it. I could feel Talon’s cold stare from across the room.

  Marcos’ phone ringing stopped the chaos for moment.

  “Tell me you found her!” He said angrily. It was quiet for a second as Marcos listened to the response of the caller. I knew instantly the news wasn’t in Marcos' favor when the vampire’s eyes turned completely black and his fangs erupted.

  “What do you mean her scent disappeared in the city?!” Marcos growled into the phone. He barely gave the other person time to explain as he crushed the small cellular in his hand. The tiny shards hit the ground, barely making a sound.

  “Uh, master? Sorry to interrupt but what's going on?” I asked with mock confusion. Talon raised a brow at me but otherwise said nothing.

  “The girl escaped,” Marcos said, dashing to his newly broken desk, rummaging through papers scattered about. Those were the words I wanted to hear. Ana made it! I tried to keep my nonchalance intact, but with Talon eyeing me, it was getting harder.

  “The way she escaped would seem as if she had help,” Talon said as he pushed himself from the wall. I hardened my gaze on the man I longed to kill.

  “She probably did,” I said coolly. It wouldn't make sense to argue that fact.

  “Did you have a hand in that Seb? I know you two were close.” Talon accused.

  “No. Did you have a hand in that, Talon? I know how much you hated her.” I countered.

  Talon’s eyes drained deep black. He took slow movements towards my direction before stopping directly in my face.

  “Enough!” Marcos bellowed.

  We continued to stare each other down.

  “I have reasons why both of you would be involved in her escape. I will find the truth, but for now, we have some searching to do. Seb, gather the guards and meet me at the gates in one hour.” Marcos ordered. I nodded and did as was told. I knew Talon would be the first to accuse me. However, it works because I could simply accuse Talon back and keep Marcos off my back long enough to get Marie and me out of this place.

  I sent orders through the walkie to the other guards in the house. I made my way back into the dark room to get extra weapons. Marie was sitting on my bed, fidgeting with her fingers. She jumped up the moment I entered.

  “What happened? Did she make it?” Marie asked with fear in her voice.

  I was still amazed at the bond the two women formed.

  “Yes.” I answered her with a smile.

  Marie's tiny face lit up like a light bulb. Her happiness was infectious. I walked to my desk and began strapping various knives and guns to my body. Now, I just needed to focus on keeping Marcos off Ana’s trail and getting Marie out before he finds out the truth.

  After I was done, I sat on the bed and sighed. Everything was in motion, but it just felt off. Ever since Ana left, I had been uneasy. I was starting to think it had more to do with missing her than worrying for her.

  “Seb, what's wrong?” Marie asked tenderly.

  I looked at my small sister not knowing what to say. I didn't want to upset her, so I just nodded instead. I tried to stand but Marie stopped me by pushing me back down.

  “Don't lie to me. I know you. Now, tell me.” Marie demanded.

  This was another side effect of her relationship with Ana. Marie now has more of a backbone. This actually made me proud. Still, I wasn't sure if telling her about my last conversation with Ana would be helpful.

  Marie continued to stare at me with her doe brown eyes. I figured telling her the truth might make me feel better. After all, she would understand my decision better than anyone.

  “Uh, before Ana left, we, uh, talked…” I started to tell her but paused.

  “And....” Marie pushed.

  “Uh, well, uh, Ana she, uh, she told me she loves me...” I trailed off as I ran my fingers through my hair. Saying it out loud made the whole situation more real. I'd been trying to keep my mind occupied to keep me from thinking about those words. Too bad, it didn't work.

  “What did you do?” Marie asked, looking worried. I briefly wondered what she was worried about. I did the right thing after all.

  “I rejected her love. What other choice was there?”

  I was caught by surprise when my shy tiny sister’s small hand smacked the side of my face. I jerked up, startled by her actions. Marie would never lift a finger to anyone! Why did she do such a thing? I stared at the girl I’d been protecting all these years in confusion. Her eyes welled with tears, and she was trembling.

  “Why would you do that to her, Seb?!” Marie asked as she held her tears back.

  I honestly didn't know what to say. I thought I did the right thing and Marie would agree. Apparently, I was wrong about that one.

  “She's a vampire, Marie! I did what was best for all of us!” I explained, getting a little frustrated by my sister.

  “That's such bullshit and you know it!” she said with a tear dropping form her eye. Did she just curse? I could not understand what had gotten into her. She knew what happened to our family even if she didn't remember it.

  “Marie, you know vampires are dange…”

  Marie held up her small palm to stop me. “Don't give me that all-vampires-are-dangerous speech. You've only been telling me that my whole life,” she said.

  “Only because it’s true.” I told her sternly.

  “Yes, for most, but not Ana. She's not like the rest, Seb. She’s a good person who would never hurt anyone! She wouldn't even feed from a live vein unless the person volunteered and was well nourished. Remember the time she forced herself to drink animal blood and kept throwing up? We had to force her back into drinking human blood, and she would only drink from you!” Marie yelled and then collapsed on the bed.

  I paced the room. I knew Ana wasn't like the other vampires, but I also knew that could change at any moment. I thought by helping her escape, it would prolong that. Never did I consider that Ana wouldn't eventually turn into a vicious monster.

  “Marie, I know you care for her, but you don't know what she could become,” I said as I stared at her upset face.

  She jumped off the bed and shouldered past me.

  “Seb, wake up, and stop lying to yourself! This isn't about what Ana will or won't be. This isn't about our parents! This is about you not being able to face the fact that you love her too!” Marie yelled with full-blown tears.

  I was stunned by the accusation from my sister. Maybe I was nicer to Ana than I needed to be, but that didn’t mean I loved her. Did it? No, it couldn’t be true. Marie was just confused because she was so close to Ana. I was at a loss for words. I was so sure my sister would agree with my decision. This wasn’t at all what I expected

  “Marie, I don’t love her.”

  I didn’t know who I was trying to convince. Obviously, not Marie, seeing at how she laughed without humor at my declaration

  “You can lie with your mouth but not your eyes. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. At least, Ana had the courage to face her feelings which is more than I can say for my own brother.” Marie admonished and left the room.

  I stood in the semi-dark room, staring at the door my sister just walked through. There wasn’t a word to describe the level of shock I was in from our conversation. It was her final words that hit me the hardest. Maybe I was denying what I felt. If I really did love Ana, then I made the biggest mistake of my life.



  “You realize Seb was involved in her escape?” I said to Marcos as soon as Seb left the office.

  Marcos was shuffling about, gathering up papers he had thrown earlier.

  “Possibly,” Marcos stated offhandedly. He continued to furiousl
y scan the documents in his hands. I really didn’t care that bitch escaped. My scars on the chest from our ‘encounters’ never healed. I couldn't believe Marcos was being such a moron about this whole situation.

  I knew Marcos was desperate for revenge on the King, but I also knew Ana would never agree to thatunless Marcos threatened her in some way. I was still pissed at Marcos for sending me away to protect the little brat. It was okay, though, because I was able to do some research on the girl while I was gone. I wouldn't tell Marcos that I knew exactly where the girl have gone. I was able to find out the girl was a runaway from Mercy Falls. I was sure that was where she would go. It worked out perfectly for me, really.

  My plan was to assist Marcos in the search, and when the trail led to Ana, I would simply throw him off. Why would I do this? Because I wanted her dead. That was why! And if Marcos found her, that wouldn’t happen. But if I found her alone, I could finally finish what I started. The best part was Marcos would never know what happened. Marcos would just think she vanished. It was perfect!

  I tried to hide my glee as I followed a frantic Marcos outside. I saw Seb with the other guards at the front gates going over the strategies. I knew, without a doubt, the love stuck idiot helped her escape. What Seb didn't know was he only really helped put a nail in her coffin.



  Just walk in with your head high. These people couldn't hurt you anymore.

  I was currently pacing on the roof of my old high school, talking myself into entering. Last night, when I got to town, I got a hotel room to stay in. From there, I snuck into the school and registered myself for classes. The reason I did this was because I missed Simon like crazy. School was the only way I could be around him without him thinking I was some sort of stalker until he found out I was in all of his classes. Now, if I could only get the courage to go into the building then I might actually get close to him.

  I pat down my windblown hair and looked around for any witnesses before jumping off the building. Luckily, my stalling caused me to miss first period so everyone was still in class. As soon as I opened the main doors, the bell rang and the hallways flooded with students.

  Crap! Stay calm, Ana.

  The crowd parted as I made my way through. All the familiar faces of kids I grew up with looked at me without any hints of recognition in their eyes. I stood taller and added a smile to my lips. This was what I was hoping for. I began to listen to the whispers they didn't think I could hear.

  “Who is she?”

  “Is she new?”

  “Wow, she's hot!”

  “Her skin is flawless.”

  “I bet she's a bitch.”

  “I want her hair.”

  “I want her body!”

  “I want her!”

  By the time I reached the end of the hall, I was bursting with laughter from all the side remarks. That was funny. Most of those people didn't even speak to me the last time I was here, but now, all of a sudden, they wanted me! That was crazy! I felt…well, I guess it was exciting to come back as a new person, but I still had the day to get through.

  Walking into math class, I could tell I was early by the lack of students; all except one. Like usual, my best friend, Simon, was sitting in the back of the class, diligently talking notes he probably didn't need. My heart warmed at the sight of him. Two years had been good for Simon. His acne had cleared, and his hair had grown. It was all curly and ruffled now.

  My excitement got the best of me, and I accidentally used my vampire speed to dash into the seat next to him. Simon jumped from surprise, and I beamed at him.

  “Hi,” I said a little too loudly.

  Chill, Ana.

  “Uh, hi,” he said, looking back at me like I was a little crazy.

  A frown flashed in my face, but I quickly masked it. Okay, so he didn't recognize me. It had been two years, not to mention I was sort of not human anymore.

  “So, what are you writing?” I asked, desperate to talk to my bestfriend again. He turned to fully look at me. His eyes widened slightly.

  “Your eyes are really bright blue. They remind me…” Simon started to say, but he shook his head and went back to his diligent note-taking.

  “Simon, what’s wrong?” I gently asked. It hurt to see that look on his face. I’d do anything to take it away. Simon whipped his head immediately towards me and gave me a confused look.

  “How do you know my name?” He asked suspiciously.

  Oops! I couldn’t believe I slipped up so soon. If I kept this up, I’d blow my cover. Maybe I should tell Simon? But what if he freaked out about the whole vampire thing? Simon was logical; vampires didn’t fit into his views of the world. We stared at each other as he waited for my answer. I opened my mouth several times but nothing came out.

  “Alright, class, let’s get started.” The teacher’s interruption saved me. I was coming up empty-handed on how to answer his question. All I knew was that these types of slips should not happen when I run into she-devil herself, my sister. As I thought of her, I looked around the class. Of course, she wasn’t here. This was an advanced math class. There was no way Kim could have made it into this class.

  After class, my dear friend Simon gathered his books as fast as he could, so he could get away from me. Not likely. I easily caught up to him in the hall, ignoring all the stares from the other students.

  “Hey, where you headed next?” I asked with a chipper voice. It was hard to not be happy around him. I’d missed him so much.

  “Uh, P.E.. Why?” Simon responded as he sped up his pace.

  “Me too!” I said excitedly as if I didn’t already plan this.

  He turned the corner quickly, but it didin’t bother me. Simon had a hard time adjusting to new people. I had no problem forcing my friendship on him until he admitted defeat. Suddenly, he stopped in front of the gymnasium.

  “Look, I know you’re new, but I’m a loser here. People like you don’t talk to people like me. So, just back off, okay?” Simon gave me a stern look and entered the gym.

  It kind of hurt that he assumed I was like the popular kids; all because I looked like this. Well, I’d just have to prove to him that was not true.

  After talking with the PE instructor, she handed me really small blue shorts and a red tank. No wonder I used to skip gym when I was fat. This little outfit didn’t leave much to the imagination.

  The locker room was full of half-naked girls changing and gossiping. My ears instantly picked up on a certain monotone voice I hadn’t heard in two years. My legs moved without my knowledge, following the sound. Standing there in blue shorts and a black bra was no other than my nemesis: Kim. Her hair was back to its normal brown, but it was shorter. Her body wasn’t as great as it was. She had gained at least fifteen pounds judging by her little pot belly.

  “You must be the new girl everybody’s talking about?”

  I briefly tore my eyes away to look at one of the four girls around Kim who had spoken to me. It so happened to be my sister’ right-hand woman, Josie. An image of her dumping milk over my head on my last day here assaulted me. I had to physically fight myself not to rip her apart at this very moment. I could feel all the girls watching me.

  “Are you slow?” Josie asked, making the other girls laugh; all but Kim.

  Kim continued to watch me with mild curiosity. For a moment, I thought she recognized me.

  “Maybe she’s slow and a mute.” Another blonde girl added, causing more laughter.

  These comments didn’t bother me. What did was the fact that I couldn’t form any words. Seeing my sister a few feet away prompted so many things to go through my head. A small part of me was actually happy to see her alive and well. A bigger part wanted to smash her face into the nearest locker.

  The bell rang, ending the awkward stare down. The girls all shoved past me roughly. Kim was the last one to pass. When she bumped my shoulder, it was so hard, I stumbled a little. What the hell! I was a vampire! I didn’t stumble anymore. I
was so pissed at myself for letting her take me off my guard like that!

  I paced the empty locker room. Why couldn’t I speak? It must have been the shock. Well, that would not happen again. She made me run me away once. She won’t do it again. This was the new Ana! I hoped she wore her big girl panties today because I was about to give them hell. I hurriedly changed my clothes and rushed into the gym. They sent all the boys outside to play football, leaving the girls to play dodge ball inside. Perfect!

  “New girl! Team A.” The instructor yelled. I looked over to team A. It was Kim and her minions shooting daggers at me.

  “Uh, is it okay if I’m team B. Uh, B is my favorite letter,” I said shyly.

  It would be hard to explain why I was throwing balls at my teammates.

  The teacher sighed but waved her hand to team B.

  The girls from team B smiled hesitantly at me when I joined. Standing against the wall, I stared at the six red balls in the center of the room and the ten girls on the far wall behind it. Each of them had some role to play in my many years of being bullied; either by joining or ignoring. Even some of the girls on my own team were on that boat. However, none was worse than Kim and her four “besties”.

  I looked at the five girls closely. Come on, coach. Blow the damn whistle! I was so anxious to throw some balls! Finally, the whistle sounded. I tried to run at human speed, but I still got to the balls in the center before anyone else. I snatched two quickly. I quickly launched them at two of the girls from the opposite team. Another girl threw a ball at me, and I caught it with ease. Three down. My teammates took out a few but got taken out themselves. I saw Josie yanking a ball from her teammate’s hand then threw it at me. I caught it and ferociously threw it back. The ball smacked Josie in the face. She went down hard, and I laughed.

  “Hey! No hitting in the face!” The teacher yelled at me.

  I shrugged and mouthed a “sorry”. It was sarcastic, of course. Josie got to her feet and ran from the gym with her bleeding nose. Kim glared at me. So, I did the only logical thing and winked at her. I could see smoke coming out of her ears. We were the only two left playing. She grabbed a ball and angrily threw it at me. I dodged it easily. She tried again and I ducked. Kim screamed in frustration, tossing three more balls. All three missed. This was the most fun I’d ever had with my big sister. I was still holding one ball in my hand. I launched it hard. It smashed into her stomach. I could hear the whoosh of air leave her lips as she flew back. It felt so good to hit her—too good. I was not ready to stop. I picked up a ball at my feet and threw that one too. It cracked her on the side of the head. I grabbed another ball, and it bounced off her exposed thigh. Kim screamed on the ground.


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