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All Hail the King (Celestra Forever After Book 6)

Page 40

by Addison Moore

  “What in the hell?” a high-pitched, decidedly female voice calls out from behind and I cringe. Skyla pops up like an apparition. “I called for you to wait, but you didn’t hear me. My mom agreed to watch the boys for a couple of hours,” she pants, holding her belly. “Did you just—?”

  “No.” I’m quick to deny it. “Dudley and I were talking about the war.” I slap him hard on the shoulder. “Now what were you saying?” I shoot him a look that dares him to go in the wrong direction. I’ll tell Skyla the truth at some later date when her hormones aren’t ripe for a murderous spree.

  “The war.” He smacks his lips with disdain. “Yes. I was about to explain the fact Ezrina’s trials are underway with the humans. Twelve Spectators have had their own makers covered and the holding pattern is four months strong now.” He looks to Skyla. “With the aid of your generous donation, she was able to maintain stasis. There’s no telling how long this will last, but the progress is phenomenal.”

  “Whoa.” Skyla sways on her feet and I wrap my arm around her waist. “It looks as if I’ll have to puke on the regular just to keep my people safe. It’s a small price to pay, I guess.” She turns green at the mention of it.

  “Not true.” Dudley bows her way. “This has very little to do with ordinary stomach acids. It’s your hormone levels. They’re elevated.”

  She sucks in a quick breath. “Do not tell me I’ll have to spend the rest of my life knocked up.” She looks to the ceiling. “So not funny, Mother.”

  Dudley chuckles at the sight. “Heavens no. The afterbirth should be sufficient for many years to come.” He growls my way, “Right up until we have our child, Skyla. And that will be the end all of well, everything.” He gives a sly wink my way before ducking into a lab on the right.

  “Our child?” I wince at Skyla. “Say it ain’t so.”

  “Shh.” Skyla collapses her lips to mine. “I heard you correctly, didn’t I? Logan, I don’t want to think of you dying before we ever truly get to live our lives together. Please don’t talk about this. I cannot bear to think about it.” Her features crumble as if she were mourning me already.

  “Come here.” I pull her in tight and land a kiss to her ear. “We won’t bring it up ever again.” I close my thoughts off to her as I wrap my arms around her as if it were my job to keep her on her feet. It’s not. In fact, it feels quite the opposite these days. I can’t leave Skyla again. I flat-out won’t. Skyla deserves a love that lasts the entirety of her time on this planet and I plan on being the one to give it to her.

  “Look at the lovebirds,” a voice chirps from behind and we turn to find Candace striding our way. For once it feels like a relief to see her. “What’s this I hear? You need sunshine on your wedding day?” She winks at the two of us. “I think we’ve already covered this. Consider it done.”

  Skyla flies to her mother and offers a spontaneous embrace. “I never thought I could be this happy again.” She pats her hand over her stomach. “I can’t wait until I’m as big as a house. Every moment of this pregnancy will be bliss.” Her phone buzzes and Skyla makes a face at the screen. “Ezrina needs me stat.”

  “Go on.” Candace flicks a finger to the lab Dudley stepped into. “They’re right there. Logan and I will be there in a minute.”

  Skyla pushes a kiss to my lips before taking off.

  Candace lifts her head a notch. “I believe you have something to ask.”

  “That must mean you know, and if you know, I’m positive you agree. Candace”—my voice expires in a whisper—“Skyla and I belong to one another. Gift me Marshall’s years, too.”

  Her brows hike a notch. “And Sector Marshall has agreed to this?”

  “Not quite. But I’m not looking for his approval. I’m looking for yours.” I take up her hand, my eyes never leaving hers. “Candace. You asked something remarkable of me, many, many years ago, and now I’m asking something remarkable of you. Don’t do this for me, or even for Skyla. Do this for that precious baby we’ve been gifted.”

  “My dear love”—her palm cradles my cheek—“you’re not even out the gate and already you’re—”

  “Being preemptive. I want to give Skyla the news on our wedding night. A lasting union, no more grief. It’s the ultimate gift.”

  Her expression turns cold, and her hand floats down to her side. “Yes, well. I have made promises.”

  “Promises were made to be broken.”

  “Sector Marshall needs—”

  “A child,” I growl. “I know. And you need Skyla to be the mother of that child.” My affection for Candace is quickly souring. “I can see why people turn to darkness. The light can slice you to ribbons.” I turn toward the lab and Candace spins me back around.

  “Get me that victory, Logan, and get it for me now. And then we will talk,” she says the words through clenched teeth, her disdain for me just as palpable.

  Every cell in my body is celebrating. “You will get your victory, and I will get more time with Skyla.”

  Candace lifts her chin as if to say we’ll see about that. “Let’s join the party in the laboratory. Shall we?” She holds out an arm and I thread mine through it.

  We enter the lab and I freeze. Skyla stands there with Ezrina, Nev, and Dudley—all three of them transfixed on the strange sight before us. It’s as if a piece of the darkest part of the universe has made its way into the labyrinth of this underground lair. A fog, a sky black as night, miniature stars sprayed throughout the odd sight expanding hundreds of feet in every direction. But that’s not the oddest sight in the room. Suspended within the peculiar matter float enormous pink bulbs, something that resembles large, overgrown embryonic sacs, and in each one there is a body—a rather large body.

  “They’re Spectators, Logan,” Skyla says without looking to affirm my presence. “It’s happening. Ezrina is turning this ship around.”

  “And so will you.” Dudley looks her way. “I want retribution for the slaughter at my estate last October. We can gather the enemy once again at my residence at the one-year mark. This time, Skyla, you will have the upper hand.”

  “I’m not slaughtering the Barricade.” She comes over and takes up my hand.

  “No.” Dudley makes his way to the two of us. “You won’t kill a soul. The government will.”

  Skyla takes a breath and holds it. “Is that the course of action you suggest?”

  “Consider it.” He rocks back on his heels while Ezrina and Nev remain staunchly quiet.

  Skyla presses those crystal eyes into mine and we consider it from all angles without saying a word.

  “It’s brilliant,” she whispers. “But we do it my way. No public slaughter. We hand-feed them to the feds. A select group, my choosing. Think on it. We still have time to solidify a plan. Something that screams it’s time to panic to the Factions. They’ll need us—our serum.”

  Nevermore nods. “You’ll waste no time in asking the others to defect. We’ll have our numbers up once again.”

  Skyla’s chest is palpitating as if she just ran a marathon. “What do I need to do to dethrone Gage?” She looks to her mother. “Whatever it is, I’ll do it.”

  “It’s not that easy,” Candace admits. “The king would sooner slaughter everyone on this planet than allow you to rule again.”

  Skyla grows dangerously pale as if she were asking the impossible, and she is.

  She takes a deep breath as she looks to her mother.

  “I accept the fact there will be casualties. But Celestra must rule. Already there is too much wickedness covering the planet. Gage has no intention on improving Faction relations. He’s fear mongered every last one of them into siding with him. What do I have to do to get my rightful place in the heavenlies, Mother? Tell me and I will do this.”

  “Dear Skyla”—she lands a soft kiss to her daughter’s forehead—“when the time comes, you will know exactly what you must do. But first, we must protect your people.” She nods to Ezrina’s science project on acid. “And that’s exac
tly what you will do.”

  Skyla and I contemplate everything that happened this afternoon long after we head home to the Landon house. I pull out a box of old army men and the boys and I have a mock war over the bed until Skyla says they need to go to sleep. The twin mattresses are right back in this tiny room, just giving us enough space to maneuver around, but the boys love it. Skyla loves it, too. And I don’t mind it one bit. Skyla and I head up to the butterfly room the old-fashioned way, crawling on in.

  “I bet you’re missing that dude you knew who could teleport.”

  She rolls her eyes as she takes off her sweatshirt and kicks off her sweats.

  “I think we both miss him. Too bad he’s been zapped out of existence.” She pulls me under the comforter with her and we nestle in the jumble of blankets we’ve dragged up. “But I don’t want to talk about that dude. I’m far more interested in this one.” She pulls me over her and I straddle her with my elbows.

  “I’m glad to hear it because this dude is pretty interested in you, too.”

  “Logan”—she whispers my name like a secret—“find out what it is we need to do to disable the enemy. I want my proverbial crown back. And I have never been good at sharing.”

  My hand slips between her thighs. “Anything for you, my queen.”

  And indeed, I give her everything.



  Who knew living up top, along with the rest of the plebs and wrecks of society that life has to offer, could bring me so much joy? Of course, with Laken, no matter where I am, underground, under a rock, it is pure, unadulterated joy.

  “What do you think?” I ask as I bounce Charlie in my arms.

  “I think it’s ridiculously amazing,” Laken bubbles with a laugh as she presses a kiss to my cheek. She’s holding baby Eli in her arms and we watch as Tobie runs wild on the newly laid front lawn of our estate. Living next door to the Harrisons hasn’t been nearly as regrettable as I thought it would be. Ellis and his powerhouse stoner parties only occur a few handful of times throughout the year, and as Laken has reminded me, we will most likely be guests.

  “I think the sod and white picket fence are a nice touch.” Sod and a white picket fence that’s made of plastic no less have run me close to twelve grand. I swear, once a contractor of any kind hears you live behind the gates, they pull out a special pricing sheet just for you. And I had to bend over and take it because that’s the way it goes when people assume you have an endless supply of money.

  “Of course, it is. I thought of it, remember?” she teases as her head rests on my chest a moment. “Did you ever think we’d be this deliriously happy? Three kids—and yes, Wes, I do consider Tobie and Eli my own—and another on the way?”

  “That’s right.” I wrap an arm around her and Charlie and Eli squirm between us. Charlie’s hair is almost white blonde, her eyes pale denim like her mother’s, but there is an undeniable look-alike factor to Cooper Flanders and it makes my stomach turn each time I see it. Every day she morphs more into his likeness, and I question how much longer until this little genetic jig is up.

  Thank God that baby in Laken’s belly is mine. Laken is mine. That’s all that matters. Ezrina confirmed Charlie’s paternity to Laken shortly after her birth, but it was under heavy swaying—some might say threats—by me. But that’s all water under the genetic bridge, or at least I’m hoping. God, I’m praying.

  Eli, however, is my exact representation. Kresley is in love with him and so are Laken and me.

  In a strange twist of events, I think Kresley has finally found someone to love more than me and it’s our beautiful son. Having her across the street has made life a hell of a lot easier. She doesn’t seem to mind living with the Olivers and Emma treats her like a second daughter. Some might even say she treats her better than she does Giselle.

  “Hey, neighbor,” a chipper male voice shouts from behind and we turn to find Gage and Coop headed this way. And even though Gage lives across the street, it was Coop’s mocking voice who shouted the greeting. Figures.

  I glare at my brother a moment. It’s obvious that little love tap via text didn’t mean shit to him.

  Coop tosses a football into the air. “You up for a little fun? We heard you had a brand new lawn to break in.”

  Laken laughs as if he were speaking right to her, and knowing Coop he probably was.

  “You know I want in on that,” she chimes.

  “How’s Fletch?” Cooper comes in close and Laken goes straight to him. Cooper knows exactly how to steal Laken’s attention. He’s an expert, a mastermind one might say. And certainly, mentioning Laken’s brother is one way to cut to the quick. Fletch is in New York on business, but has threatened to come out later this summer when the baby is due. Fletch and I were tighter than brothers at one point and now, just like everybody else in my life, he feels like a virtual stranger.

  Gage smirks my way. “What’s with the long face, sweetheart? Your jeans too tight? Afraid your stomach is starting to show?” He takes Charlie from me and she shouts, “no,” with the best of them and reaches right back for me. Both Charlie and Eli are seven months now. Charlie seems a little more advanced, for sure, far more articulate, or vocal as it were.

  “Dada,” she purrs as she lands right back in my arms.

  “That’s what I like to hear.” I reward her by dotting her face with kisses.

  Gage pumps a dry laugh. “And that’s what you’re gonna hear, twice over in August.”

  I pull Gage over a few feet as Tobie careens past us, her arms stretched out as she does her best impression of an airplane.

  “Would you keep it down?” I growl at my brother. “Don’t ever say that again.”

  “I’m just saying, five kids, Wes. You’re virile. There’s no arguing that.”

  “One of them is yours.”

  Gage hikes a brow. “And one of them is Coop’s.” He tries to brush a finger over Charlie’s nose and I spin her out of his reach.

  “All right. You’re a comedian today. I get it. You’re cooped up all day with that shrew of a wife of yours, and she’s making you certifiably insane. I’m speaking from experience. I should know. I’m sorry the Chloe curse has befallen you. But you need to lighten up. Accept your lot in life.” I take a deep breath as I glance to Coop edging his way closer to Laken.

  “Is that what you’re doing?” He nods to Laken and Coop. “Accepting your lot? You can’t get rid of him, Wes. I’m sorry, man. I don’t know how to help you out in that department.”

  “I’ll give you a tip. Drop him like the brick of shit he is. He’s not your buddy, Gage. He’s only using you to get to Laken.”

  His dimples dig in and out, not a smile in sight.

  “He doesn’t need me to get to Laken,” he says. “He doesn’t need you to get to Laken. Laken herself has given him an all-access pass. She remembers their marriage. She remembers who they were. And she still likes the guy. She’s nice. Even if she wanted to get rid of him, she wouldn’t have the heart. If you really want to bump Coop out of the picture, the best thing you can do is tell Laken to cut him off. Whatever the hell you do, do not kill the guy. I don’t care how masterfully you plan out that little accident to pan out, it will blow up in your face like a powder keg. And Laken and the kids will be the casualties right along with him. She’ll pin you with it before you can fake the fact you heard the news.”

  He’s right. I take a deep breath as Laken hands me Eli. I watch Laken and Coop head to the lawn and toss the ball for the better part of a half hour before Gage gets in and it’s a three-way.

  By evening, the entire neighborhood is out. Eli is with Kresley again. Laken is feeding Charlie and sitting on a folding chair with Chloe by her side. It’s just the boys out on the lawn now.

  Flag football.

  Gage, Brody, and I against Logan, Coop, and Ellis.

  I go easy on them. I’m downright soft. I let the game go on for over an hour before I make my move. And when the time is right, I charge
that piece of shit and nail Flanders to the grass, making sure my elbow pins him in the neck.

  He grunts and groans as I do my best to crush him with the weight of my body.

  “Sorry about that, Coop,” I say it a little too loud, stepping on his ankle as I stagger to my feet.

  “Geez,” he barks it out with all the drama he can afford. Ah hell, he’s not faking it. I made sure it hurt. And how I would love to hurt him just a little bit more.

  I help him up, just to sand the edges off any anger I might have invoked in Laken, and I catch her pressing her hand to her chest with relief.

  I’m still holding Coop’s hand, a love story in the making, when I notice a bright red spot just above his wrist.

  “What’s this?” I yank his sleeve up and note his arm is sprinkled with dots. “This start on your stomach or your limbs?”

  “Limbs.” He yanks his arm back and pulls down his sleeve.

  “Then it’s most likely a reaction to something you ate.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Edinger. But I already saw Ezrina. Believe me, I would not be around your kids if I thought I had something contagious. They can’t catch what I’ve got.”

  He tries to step around me, but I block his path. “So, what do you think you ate?”

  “It wasn’t something I ate.”

  Logan and Gage run up, puffing like a couple of old men.

  “What’s the holdup?” Gage nods my way.

  “Coop needs to get his jammies on. The dude’s covered with a rash.”

  Coop quickly relays to them what he told me, showing off his spots just as Ellis jogs over.

  “Dude, you still got that?” Ellis bucks at the sight. “If I were you, I’d bow out of the next round.”

  Next round? Ezrina? I know exactly what’s chaffing Coop’s ass.

  I nod over at them. “So, you’re the guinea pigs, huh?”

  Brody steps in and closes his eyes as he hears me.

  “You, too, Brody?” I give a wistful shake of the head. “I’d watch out if I were you guys. Ezrina is going to be able to hide all the markers she wants once she puts you in the grave.” I pinch my eyes shut tight a moment as a rush of agony sails through me. I don’t really want that. I don’t want Brody, Ellis, Logan, or even Coop sailing six feet under. “I’ll talk to her.”


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